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5845Medium25.11.2012Peter van LooShow weapon requirements20.12.2012No2 Task Description

It happened to me twice already that I bought a good weapon for tens of thousands of tria, to then find out I need a lot of stats to equip it. And not only can’t I equip it, I don’t know whether it’s worth training for it either because nothing tells me how many more levels I need.

The game shows the effects (damage, speed) and the stats increases/decreases can be looked up in a book in the museum by analyzing the name. Could a way be implemented to know what stats and skills you need to use an item before buying it too? Either as part of identification, as a new separate identification spell for requirements or through some book?

Without that I’m very reluctant to buy anything at all as I spent too much money already on things that are useless to me.

 5824 Medium29.10.2012Peter van Loo Character specific shortcuts 14.11.2013No3 Task Description

Many shortcuts are useful for all characters, but some are not. I for example have a shortcut to equip my weapon, but different characters use different weapons. My proposal is to keep shortcuts client bound but allow branches for different characters:

if (name == firstChar) {

  /equip righthand Battle Axe

else if (name == secondChar) {

  /equip righthand Steel Dagger


Other uses would be to create different standard groups, train your favorite skill which is different per character, etc.

 5796 Medium06.10.2012Peter van LooAnders Reggestad Unable to dismiss mount (Duplicate stuck PET) 20.11.2013No1 Task Description

I have a drifter that seems to be stuck halfway between existence and non-existence.
- When I try to dismiss him with “/pet dismiss”, it says my pet already returned to netherworld.
- When I use “/pet follow” it says I have no pet that I can command.

I can see, target, mount, ride and unmount it though. Even after logging out and staying offline for more than 12 hours, I simply find it where I last unmounted it when I log back in. A friend told me that while I’m offline, the drifter remains visible to everyone.

I can even summon a second drifter and then I’m able to dismiss either one but the remaining drifter stays around and can be used for half its features. Logging out and even killing myself does not get rid of my “permanent mount”. With my Rivnak I have no problem: I can only summon one, make that follow me and dismiss it without any problem.

This concerns the drifter of Cabehar Pietaker.

I believe the problem was caused by getting both the Rivnak and Drifter from Levrus without ending the conversation in between. As they spawn during the conversation, they were both present but only the last one can be controlled fully.

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