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5858Medium20.12.2012Gareth Schakeladd encapsulated "bookmark links" for the advisors31.12.2012No3 Task Description

while speaking with an advisor eariler today he had instructed my to come to the bugtracker here, but had made a typo in the link pointing me to “” which I had cought and corrected before coming here. As it stands, I’m very familiar with FlySpray from working on other projects so the typo was trivial for me, but other players might not be so keen. I think an easy way of “fixing” the issue of typos for common resources would be to allow Advisors to have encapsulated snippets containing the links. a few examples would be;

(fs) would be replaced with

(forums) would be replaced with

(guide) would be point to

Etc, Etc..

I don’t know exactly what languages the PlaneShift client/server uses, but if it uses Python this would be a fairly trivial addition.

 5857 Medium20.12.2012Gareth Schakel allow customization of NPC Dialouge speed 25.12.2014No2 Task Description

I would like to see a slider or other form of customization for the NPCs speech dialouges.. as it happens that not everyone reads at the same speed, I find myself waiting a few seconds for the next frame. while certainly other people might miss a frame and have to read with the NPC tab or the text box.

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