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6148Medium06.09.2013Kris EricksonHaving issues with drifter - unable to name and two in ...07.09.2013No1 Task Description

(I think the severity is low, but I was unable to change it.)

I have spent days trying to name my drifter with various names. I have confirmed I am using the correct command. /pet name [name] while having the drifter highlighted. I also tried various versions of this…
/pet name {name}
/pet 1, name [name]
/pet 1, name {name}
along with many, many different names. They all come back invalid.

Then, after several days of trying, I received the message, “You have no familiar to command.” So, I tried to dismiss my familiar and received the message, “Your pet has already returned to the netherworld.” I was standing there, in game, looking at the glider when I received all these messages. So I tried to summon the pet and another one popped up, so I had two in game at the same time, both named, Aszrai’s Familiar.

If nothing else, please remove the second (or both) familiar from the game. But it would be nice to find a way to name my familiar, but not a priority.

I have an image, which shows them both near the smithy in Hydlaa, but I was unable to figure out how to attach it here. I’m sure one drifter will stick around at the smithy for quite some time.

Thanks for your time and help!

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