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 6737 Medium29.12.2014LisaTuathanach enchanting armor book does not allow combining plate ma ...02.02.2023No Task Description

The Enchanting armor book describes making a plate mail helm (not to be confused with steel plate helm) but when you try to do the first step it does not allow you. you have to use the helms book to do the combining and then continue with the enchanting armor book

 6726 Medium27.12.2014Lisa new items can not go into storage 27.12.2014No Task Description

severed arm with ring and nefas dur crystal shard do not get listed as able to go into storage

 6685 Medium06.11.2014Lisa NPC crash in the arena when unable to reach the target 13.01.2016No2 Task Description

If you attack an NPC in the arena from a point that you are unreachable (balcony, upper balcony, the dividers) the NPC will try to get to you but it doesn't know the way to get to the balconies and the NPC server will crash. I wouldn't be surprised if this is causing the NPC server to crash in other instances when the NPC goes out of it's allowed range.

If it's due to map changes perhaps the NPC can be teleported with in the map as it hits the border.

 6618 Low28.09.2014LisaTuathanach add the drink mead 19.07.2015No Task Description

it's a medieval game, what kind of medieval game doesn't have the oldest alcoholic drink known to man (and best tasting)

6617Very Low28.09.2014LisaTuathanachPotions for skill boost03.10.2014No Task Description

We have potions that improve stats, we have potions that improve magic skill, how about potions that improve combat skills and job skills? make alchemists have a little more value :)

6616Low28.09.2014LisaJoe Lyonadditional sorting in storage28.09.2014No1 Task Description

Currently storage is sorted alphabetically which is fantastic.
if we had additional sorting by quality that would be even better, often i’m picking through my materials for the best or the worst of something when i’m crafting. if we had additional sorting by quality this would be so much easier.

6611Medium25.09.2014LisaStarting and stopping musical instruments in a group/ba...25.09.2014No Task Description

musicians trying to sync up to play as a band/group is difficult.
to fix this i suggest commands /groupplay and /groupstop be made
the musicians would form a group and each one would put the song they are to play in their left hand (that way one person can play a flute piece and another plays a lira piece, another drums, etc)
the group leader would issue the commands for starting and stopping
the system would broadcast the command to each client to start playing (like the way group chat is sent to the members of the group).
the piece would play at the default speed for the music score
if the group is disbanded while playing everyone would have to automatically stop playing
if a player leaves the group they would have to automatically stop playing too.

only difficulty I would see is if one of the players is unable to play the selected piece at the default speed, the system would either have to have that person not play with an error of not talented enough or play at the fastest they can play (which would sound bad but be realistic)

 6572 Medium21.08.2014LisaDavide Vescovini Stamina depletes and you can not move after recharge -  ...24.12.2014No1 Task Description

If you polymorph to a groffel and then run until your stamina is depleted you will not be able to move and you will have to relog even though your stamina has regenerated.

have also had this happen once without polymorphing, unknown what triggered that

6429Medium04.05.2014Lisaforward/back keys not working when focus on inventory04.05.2014No Task Description

when the focus is on the inventory (inventory is the active window) i can not make my character go forwards or backwards using the arrow keys. once focus is off of the inventory i can control movement. however left and right still work.

 6405 Medium15.04.2014Lisa NPC's go into berserk mode when their health gets down  ...24.12.2014No2 Task Description

When fighting with an NPC once you get somewhere under half to one third the NPC goes into berserk mode and instead of fleeing they increase their attacks. While this would be realistic with certain NPCs it doesn't make sense with others.

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