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 6873 Medium31.10.2016Aniroho Aimirrel problems with movement after polymorph on mounts 19.12.2016No Task Description

After performing the polymorph spell while mounting (doesn’t matter the type of the mount or the polymorph resulting form) the new movement speed while mounting is set to the predetermined value for the resulting form, for example if the player polymorphs itself into a groffel the mount speed will be set to the groffel movement speed (way slower being a smaller creature).

Very low severity problem imo as it can be avoided by casting the spell while not mounting or unmounting and mounting back after the polymorph.

6853Medium01.04.2016Aniroho Aimirrelnot facing target problems with ranged weapons17.07.2016No1 Task Description

During fight using ranged weapons if the player is attacking a mob but doesn’t face them the arrows are still used but no attack is led and the message about facing the target is shown.

Sometimes attacking with ranged weapons cause the showing of the facing target message and the attacks are not dealt even when the target is near and straight before the player (the arrows are consumed as well).

 6839 Low21.02.2016Aniroho AimirrelDavide Vescovini Venom Adaptation 19.12.2016No1 Task Description

Venom Adaptation (Blue Way spell) has its description stating that he's able to neutralize some poisons as well, but when casted it doesn't produce this effect.

 6838 Medium21.02.2016Aniroho AimirrelDavide Vescovini wood plane adding weight to wood pieces 31.01.2017No Task Description

During the bowmaking process, using a wood plane on a wooden piece (being it made by threestem wood or white oak wood indifferently) makes the resulting piece heavier.

 6837 Medium16.02.2016Aniroho AimirrelVenalan Not correct showing of Groffel's Toe (Board game) descr ...14.03.2016No Task Description

The description of the board game Groffel's Toe located in Brado's tavern shows only a part of the whole phrase.
"A game board for Groffel's Toe."
Instead of: "A game board for Groffel's Toe. Occupy the last two tiles of your opponent to win."

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