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 7770 High15.02.2023Volki Stationary lights cause unplayable darkness at night 09.03.2024No Task Description

Stationary lights are affected by the day/night cycle of the skylight. The only reliable lighting is movable lights (e.g. torches, campfires). I tested this throughout Hydlaa: the Arena, Kada El tavern, and Red Crystal Den (guildsimple). At night, the maps will become very dark, making the game unplayable without a torch.

All stationary lights I have so far come across are affected, including the sconce lights on either side of the Kada El tavern doors, which brighten intensely during the daytime. Some parts of the Arena are pitch black. Inside a guildsimple map, day time causes stationary lights to brighten the area as if it is an exterior.

Changing shadow options reveals more (tested in Arena):

- Shadows set to low allows skylight and fog lighting into interiors. (This makes the game somewhat playable at night.)

- Shadows set to medium allows fog lighting into interiors. Interiors barely navigable at night without torch.

- Shadows set to high or epic makes some interiors too dark regardless of day/night cycle, but at night they become so dark they are not navigable without a torch.

Additional info:

Day/light cycle change appears to sometimes be triggered by moving between interior and exterior locations.

Not sure if it is volumetric fog indirect lighting or atmospheric fog lighting that I’m seeing within interiors.

7760Low13.02.2023VolkiCharacter turns blue in a dark alley in Hydlaa13.02.2023No Task Description

Position: hydlaa_plaza 192446.88 -324823.94 11634.67

You turn blue.

Could be coming from blue sewer lights?

7759Low13.02.2023VolkiEmote messages make up first names for NPCs13.02.2023No Task Description

Emote messages in chatbox from or targeting NPCs displays their names as if they have a first name if there is a space in the name. The word before the space becomes the only part of the name displayed.

“>Sarras blows a kiss at Flayed.” (Flayed Velnishi)

“>Sarras grabs hold of Dlayo and begins to dance.” (Dlayo Gladiator)

“>Poison yells for Sarras to flee!” (Poison Carkarass)

7757Low13.02.2023VolkiSome GUI labels are named inconsistently13.02.2023No Task Description

Throughout the GUI, some options are referred to by multiple or misleading names, which can be confusing and make communicating about them difficult.

On the toolbar → ‘Others’ the shortcut bar is labeled “shortcuts”, but editing the shortcuts shows a widget labeled “Macro Editor”. To reach the shortcuts in Settings menu → Controls, you must scroll down to a section labeled “quickbar”. There are a list of 10 shortcuts below, but “quickbar” is not used as a label anywhere else in the game. It would not be evident to a new player that these are related.

Toolbar → ‘Others’ → ‘options’ opens Settings menu. This is less confusing but may confuse some players when trying to navigate GUI. (My suggestion would be to change “Settings” label to “Options” as we also say “settings” to refer to lore, quests, NPCs, etc.)

Toolbar → ‘Character’ → ‘character’ opens the inventory window.

7756Medium13.02.2023VolkiSome settings not saved after closing game23.12.2023No4 Task Description

Some options in settings are not being saved after closing the game. They revert to default or adopt other settings.

- Interface → Visible shortcut rows

- Controls → quickbar → shortcuts (Conflicts with “Others” menu → “shortcuts” bar?)

- Chat logs directory → time stamps (May not be functional?)

Issues with shortcuts / quickbar / “shortcut bar” / “macro editor” are the most noticeable and make assigning shortcuts a time-consuming task that requires restarting the game multiple times over.

 7729 Low10.02.2023Volki Combat mode allows self-selection 04.12.2023No Task Description

You can select yourself in combat mode if camera collides with wall or moves rapidly. This prevents you from attacking.

Steps to easily reproduce:

1) Place yourself between collidable wall and enemy

2) Enter combat mode

3) Click to attack. Keep attacking and moving around enemy with back to wall until you select yourself.

4): Receive message: “>You cannot attack yourself.”

Additional note:
Due to player collision box combined with over-the-shoulder camera, you can accidentally select yourself without hovering reticle over your player model.

7721Low04.02.2023VolkiCenter & hide cursor during camera movement04.02.2023No Task Description

In Legacy, moving the camera with the mouse centers the cursor and hides its visibility until the camera movement button is released.

In Unreal, moving the camera with the mouse allows the cursor to visibly move around the screen and stray off the PS window. Fullscreen is not capturing the mouse during non-combat camera movement, so moving camera too far can result in clicking on windows of other applications on another monitor.

Feature request:

Moving camera with mouse buttons to set position of cursor to center of PS window and toggle cursor invisible until mouse button is released.

 7717 Low02.02.2023Volki Interact key deselects target or interacts with last ta ...05.02.2023No Task Description

Interact key (E) deselects target (NPCs and items) but will work as expected if target is reselected.

Interacting with NPCs sometimes retargets and interacts with a previously selected NPC next to targeted NPC.

 7714 High02.02.2023Volki Using /challenge on NPCs crashes server 02.02.2023No Task Description

Using the “/challenge” command while targeting an NPC (enemies, creatures, pets, guards, etc.) causes the server to immediately crash.

 7712 Low01.02.2023Volki Equipped hand claws are backward 03.12.2023No Task Description

Equipped hand claws are rotated such that the blades are inside player character’s arms.

7711Low01.02.2023VolkiPlayer can climb other characters02.02.2023No1 Task Description

Player can jump or fall onto another character and enter climbing animation and briefly stand on top of another character. Player then falls due to no collision detected.

Both player characters and NPCs are climbable.

7710Very Low01.02.2023VolkiDragging glyph from sack into Spell Research slot tempo...01.02.2023No Task Description

Dragging a glyph from an inventory container (e.g. sack or glyph sack) into any slot in Spell Research window causes the glyph to disappear from the container until window is re-opened.


- Open Spell Research window from “spellbook”.

- Open glyph sack and drag glyph into any slot in Spell Research window. (Try to use Research or Way slots. Purify Glyph slot only reproducible if right hand has item equipped.)

- Glyph seems to have disappeared from container, but will reappear if window is refreshed.

Additional info:
Dragging glyph from glyph sack on the ground to Spell Research slots puts it into inventory.
Moving a glyph from inventory into Purify Glyph slot equips the glyph in right hand but does not begin purification.
(Not sure if these features are conflicting with spell research.)

 7683 Medium16.01.2023Volki Resizing GUI window to max does not end resize with mou ...29.01.2023No Task Description

If a window has a limited size and cursor extends beyond maximum size, the cursor is not released and resizing continues. Player no longer pressing mouse button does not stop resizing. The cursor can only be released by clicking the resize symbol.

If the player is stuck resizing window and clicks on part of the window allowing it to be repositioned, the window will be stuck to the player’s cursor. (Found on ‘pets’ and ‘activemagic’ window.)

Steps for ‘pets’ window bug:
- Click & drag resize button (as if resizing)
- Move cursor past maximum window size
- Stop pressing mouse button
- Check that window is still being resized by moving cursor
- Click & drag on window (not resize button) around border or “Current Experience:” - Check that window is stuck to cursor by moving it

A player would have to maneuver the window such that they can click the window resize button again; however, it takes about 3-4 clicks to stop the repositioning and resizing of the window.

A player might not be able to exit the game if stuck in this bug because the window can cover the options bar.

 7681 Low16.01.2023Volki Description UI allows copying other players', NPCs' des ...09.03.2024No Task Description

Description UI shows edit symbol on other characters’ descriptions and allows them to be edited in the UI. “Description”, “Out of Character Notes”, and “Character Background” can be edited. They are saved to the editing player character’s description. The target’s description is unchanged.

- ‘Look’ at other player character or NPC
- Edit the description
- Click ‘Save’ - Your description should now show as the other character’s description

 6858 Medium11.04.2016Volki Switching from windowed smaller resolution to fullscree ...03.06.2020No Task Description

From launcher, changing graphical settings to a much lower resolution (eg, 640×480 or 320×240) windowed, playing, then reverting to fullscreen (non-windowed) resolution of 1920×1080 resulted in non-GUI actions only being recognized in an area bound within the previous resolution. Meaning mouselook and selecting targets only work in the top left corner of the screen, the size of that area being determined by the previous smaller resolution.

Upon starting the game, all GUI is bound inside of the height and width of the smaller resolution, but can be moved outside of this area. The game is still unplayable.

The issue is that planeshift.cfg (in Appdata\Roaming\Planeshift) did not update properly with the chosen settings. Quick fix is to delete planeshift.cfg and play the game, which resets settings to default.

This is in version 0.6.5.

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