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 7353 Low01.03.2022Regina Musial Character Selection and Settings: Interface and Control ...03.02.2023No Task Description


by me the character selection, and in the settings: Interface and Controls do not fit well in 1440×900.

here are three screens where you can see it:




 7351 Critical12.02.2022Regina Musial Blue Screen on Character Selection 01.11.2022No2 Task Description


i just logged in to psu for linux. i went to the settings menu and lowered the graphic to low because my computer doesnt have a good graphiccard. after that i logged in and went to the character selection. there i see a blue screen instead of the nice background-picture. and when i start the game with fayrene then it freezes after the loading screen. i can repeat it!

here are the two screens i made:

Unreal Version: 0.7.18

Computer Specs from the Lenovo ThinkCentre All-in-One are:

System: Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon ←- changed due to a winsilly-10-crash!
CPU: Intel© Core™ i5-4670S CPU @ 3.10GHz × 4
HDD: 500 GB Graphic: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller

 7348 Medium03.02.2022Regina Musial rivnak and the northgate 13.06.2022No1 Task Description


i cant ride through the northgate with my rivnak. even the command “follow” isnt working well there! is she to big? XD

i use the version 0.7.17

 7344 Medium12.01.2022Regina Musial Achievments Hydlaa and Amdeneir 23.01.2022No Task Description


i am doing the screenshot task atm. but each time i get an achievment the game crashes.

it happened two times already, so it is repeatable:

  1. Hydlaa while walking in the guildhouse disctrict
  2. Amdeneir by walking in the centrum

the version i use is: psu 0.7.16.

 7326 High26.10.2021Regina MusialTalad Problem in the room after character creation 27.12.2021No1 Task Description

Hello Dev-Team,

here is a screen from what happened after i went through the character creation:


Problem is that i couldnt get down from the ptero, so i had to log off.

These happened in the new psu-client-version 0.7.14! It isnt in the “Reported Version” yet!

7325Medium26.10.2021Regina MusialRequest for Back-Button and Speaker-Update28.10.2021No1 Task Description

Hello, Dev-Team,

here are two requests for the character creation in psu:

1. The speaker speaks too quietly! I know its you, Talad, but the background music overwhelms your voice!

2. I miss a “Back”-Button because if i go into the chara creation but dont want to create a new character and want to go back to my character which already are there!

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