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IDSeverity[[state]]OpenedOpened byAssigned ToSummary  desc[[changedby]]Last EditedPrivate
 7812 Low13.03.2023KiFunStuS western pass, items all piled together 19.07.2023No1 Task Description

hydlaa_plaza 176931.78 -332442.16 12818.49

 7698 Low28.01.2023KiFunStuSTuathanach weird graphical glitch while moving 08.02.2023No3 Task Description

/pos hydlaa_plaza 203130.89 -323515.78 10564.44

Move around while looking at this location and you will see a weird graphical glitch

it kind of looks like 2 bars.

I guess an object error

 7561 Low23.11.2022KiFunStuS Weird error message for each strike in Combat with non- ...09.02.2023No Task Description

I was weilding a Priceless platinum steel battle hammer and a torch.

after each attack i get this output.

You hit %monster on the %bodypart for XXX.xx Damage
You can’t attack while casting spells.

And I am not attempting to cast spells, just attacking with the battle hammer

I also get the same weird message of cannot attack while casting spells while using a Platinum steel War Pick.

I am only clicking attack once and nothing else.

While using an enchanted weapon, “major platinum steel dagger of creation” the output is showing me weapon damage, then the message associated with the light damage from the enchantment.

This is working like normal with a magically enchanted weapon.

7654Low06.01.2023KiFunStuSWeather not synced06.01.2023No1 Task Description

when snowing for 1 player, it is not snowing for another

7562Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSWeapon enchantment should work only for the specific we...26.11.2022No1 Task Description

At the moment Weapon enchantment is being executed with any attack, also from another weapon.

I have a dagger “of Creation” that is triggering a blinding magical effect.

As soon as I have this item equipped, any attack I do, even with the other hand is triggering the blinding effect.

Note from Talad: at the moment the equip_script associated to the weapon, is attaching an “on attack” effect on the character. There is no way at the moment to know which weapon generated that. We could change ApsCharacter::AttachScript() to also store the information of which weapon had the effect, and then in ApsCharacter::InvokeAttackScripts() check if the current weapon used is the same that generated the effect.

7560Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSWeapon attack fail while holding a torch gives a confus...23.11.2022No Task Description

When attempting to attack with the hand a torch is equipped in.
the error message is “You have no weapons equipped!”

A more accurate Error message could be

You cannot attack with this item


You should not attack with this delicate item

— side note, nice to see meele working while holding a torch now.

7823Low06.04.2023KiFunStuSWater sounds being triggered where there is no water06.04.2023No4 Task Description

Walking bewtween

bdoorsout 105031.05 -749570.19 18103.3
bdoorsout 103880.74 -747535.50 17163.17

causes water sounds, does not always trigger,

1:50:30 on the stream is hopefully the right time

example caught on video Will update with a new time stamp after stream has finished if I hopefully rememeber

 7521 Low02.11.2022KiFunStuS using /die in death realm traps you in death realm 07.11.2022No Task Description

Goto the death realm.
use /die
goto end of death realm
get drakkus curse and spawn at the start of death realm

 7484 Low18.09.2022KiFunStuS unstickable hole 10.11.2022No1 Task Description

hydlaa plaza 197414.62 -314682.81 10718.65

this is behind harnquist.

from the other side of the wall you can see through the door.
so i was checking if could see both ways.

I assume i fell into a broken bit of map as it says moving back to a valid position in sector (null) sector…

 7588 Low04.12.2022KiFunStuSTuathanach Unable to walk up steps to gug tavern 30.01.2023No1 Task Description

gugrontid 65750.93 -444717.50 15553.95

 7619 Low06.12.2022KiFunStuS Unable to open Bookshelves in Jayose's library 06.01.2023No2 Task Description

Went to jayose’s library , tried opening book shelves on the first floor.

 7608 Low05.12.2022KiFunStuS Unable to move Progress bar 06.01.2023No1 Task Description

Would like to have the means to move the progress bar.

example progress bar while mining

 7646 Low05.01.2023KiFunStuS unable to leave final lava cave room 26.01.2023No Task Description

previously you could interact with crystals to leave the lava cave.

i tried everything i could, and found nothing to leave

 7366 Low25.03.2022KiFunStuS Turning with Right Mouse Button While Mounted Causes Ch ...04.09.2022No2 Task Description

When holding middle or right mouse button to turn while moving on a mount. the player spins in the opposite direction

 7482 Low18.09.2022KiFunStuS tria trade ghost values 07.10.2022No Task Description

Trade by giving Tria to a player.

Open trade again

Previous Tria Trade shows in the UI.

Recieve Tria from other player.

open trade again.

Both previous tria trades are showing in the trade window

 7464 Low25.08.2022KiFunStuS Torch has no shadow 29.09.2022No1 Task Description

When holding a torch your players shadow is an empty hand.
where it is holding a torch

7457Low25.08.2022KiFunStuSTorch has no combat value27.08.2022No1 Task Description


Add low base damage and fire damage to the torch.

Currently. you get an error message when trying to attack with the torch.

 7615 Low05.12.2022KiFunStuS Time of day sync 09.01.2023No1 Task Description

multiple players have different time of day.

during your dev stream, my time synced to yours when you set time of day.

not sure if this is an issue with people being able to set their own time of day.

or if we are all starting with a different time of day when we log in

7603Low05.12.2022KiFunStuSThunder clacker03.02.2023No3 Task Description

Uses ranged sound attack

spams NPC chat tab with Attacks me using normal stance
emits A loud thundering noise

Does not actually attack me

 7633 Low30.12.2022KiFunStuS the horrible bug still here 30.12.2022No Task Description

the bug you fixed is still happening.

it is not the same, it is like this now.

 7632 Low30.12.2022KiFunStuS testing layers 30.12.2022No1 Task Description

Released a Bug Fix.

 7624 Low12.12.2022KiFunStuS Stalg's place 02.02.2023No3 Task Description

Tefu keep raining from the sky

Stalg - the giant tefu is missing

the pots are all out of place. wrong angles and height.

gugrontid 73779.85 -489821.34 10714.60

7483Low18.09.2022KiFunStuSSkills appearing incorrectly25.09.2022No1 Task Description

Goto NPC , Pay for Drawing Lessons.

Skills Tab under Jobs shows previous Drawing +green temporary level.

when quitting game and reloading, it shows correct normal value of total drawing level.

 7468 Low25.08.2022KiFunStuS Short cuts now only showing 9 at a time 05.12.2022No1 Task Description

The short cuts no longer stretch when you rearrange the window. but can only show 9 max now.

 7676 Low14.01.2023KiFunStuS setting GM to player not working as intended 24.01.2023No Task Description

after using
/set me player

you are still able to attack other players and NPC’s

7719Low03.02.2023KiFunStuSSet Default Collection Bag03.02.2023No Task Description

It would be nice to bea able to make a bag in your inventory the default collection bag.

I think sorting things after that should be manual thou.

 7576 Low26.11.2022KiFunStuS Right click context menu for group window is missing 14.01.2023No Task Description

Things like leave group

current work around

7622Low11.12.2022KiFunStuSReduce effectiveness of mind drain18.10.2023No1 Task Description

currently the spell will drain well over 1000 mana points
normal max mana is 500

perhaps full duration of a cast at full power could drain 500

7567Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSRecreate Tab autocomplete for player names23.11.2022No Task Description

In legacy you could start typing a persons name in and press TAB to auto complete the name.

Currently in the Unreal chat box, pressing tab removes focus from the chat window.

 7477 Medium04.09.2022KiFunStuS Re mounting causes the mount to go slow 03.10.2022No Task Description

Summon pet, Mount it move.
get off pet
Do something
Mount pet.
Moves slow

 7600 Low05.12.2022KiFunStuS Rats 05.12.2022No1 Task Description

One eyed Rat
Diseased Rat

Both will follow me
both make 1 attack animation upon reaching me
I get no attack information in Main chat tab
They will still follow but no attack animations

tested in Laanx dungeon starting area

 7697 Low28.01.2023KiFunStuS rank 30 fishing info popup typo 02.02.2023No2 Task Description

you can inspect raw foshies

it should be

you can inspect raw fishies

7621Low09.12.2022KiFunStuSRace Based Equipment restrictions09.12.2022No Task Description

1. Avoid lore experts needing to tell people they are wearing something their race is not supposed too.
2. limit the level of power gaming

 7459 Low25.08.2022KiFunStuS PVP errors 24.11.2022No4 Task Description

NPC will keep trying to initiate combat with you that died while you are in a duel with someone.

when using /yield the players Database label is displayed for opponent and self

charging a spell in pvp using a shortcut key caused the error you cannot attack yourself.

After the PVP duel as finished I kept getting spamming Green text saying I have defeated %player

After Yield , the other player can still attack me. and they get spammed with defeated by %me

I was unable to cast heal on self or other until relogging after the duel

 7564 Low23.11.2022KiFunStuS PVP duel, multiple messages saying you defeated %player 14.01.2023No1 Task Description

Challenge a player to a duel.
Defeat them.
The system gives you green text saying you defeated your opponent 6-8 times.

Better than the previous iteration.

 7565 Low23.11.2022KiFunStuS PVP Duel state not released upon defeat/win or yield 09.12.2022No2 Task Description

When using /challenge to challenge someone to a duel and they accept.

when someone uses /yield or one person defeats another.

Both players are still flagged as being in a duel.

you cannot heal the other player. and you get the error message they are distracted by a duel if you invite them to a party.

You also cannot cast positive spells on yourself until you create enough distance between you and your duel partner.

7566Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSPVP casting errors14.01.2023No2 Task Description

I am not entirely sure on how this bug is best described.
as the duel system is not releasing the duel flag currently.

But I think while the main duel is active you cannot charge cast a spell using the hotkeys against your opponent while in the default navigation mode.

but you can cast charged spells using the hot keys after pressing TAB and entering combat mode.

I will retest this bug after the duel flag bug has been resolved.

 7609 Low05.12.2022KiFunStuS pressing G teleports you to hydlaa found and drags you  ...06.01.2023No2 Task Description

Pressing G anywhere it seems.
will teleport you to hydlaa fountain, then drag you along for a bit.
then return you to where you were

7571Low24.11.2022KiFunStuSPrayer14.01.2023No2 Task Description

when I casted Prayer.

it reapeats the following for each target affected
you sing a prayer,healing everyone who can hear you for 176 points

the spell blessed litany lists all the players affected
you sing a litany, healing %player for XX points and XX stamina

This happens also in Legacy.

7715Low02.02.2023KiFunStuSpots out of place by stalag02.02.2023No Task Description

the pots are all out of place. wrong angles and height.

gugrontid 73779.85 -489821.34 10714.60

Can be delayed until after migration..

 7454 Low25.08.2022KiFunStuS Player seeing error message on item interaction 03.09.2022No Task Description

When right clicking an item for context. player often receive .
“you do not have access to rotate all in your group Player”

I think this should be a hidden error message

7644Low05.01.2023KiFunStuSpets Window13.01.2023No1 Task Description

window resizing has no effect on the displayed information.

or that is as indented, and there should be no resize for it.

 7643 Low05.01.2023KiFunStuS Petition Window 30.01.2023No1 Task Description

text is being displayed far from the window

 7460 Low25.08.2022KiFunStuS Party Bugs 24.11.2022No1 Task Description

If someone makes a group then leaves the group.

the 1 remaining player is considered in a group. and can not join a new group.

7605Low05.12.2022KiFunStuSOnyx Dagger03.02.2023No2 Task Description

attack onyx dagger

NPC chat tab spammed with Stares coldy at me
attacks me with defensive stance

it did manage to cast a spall that that says
Onyx Dagger drains your mental abilities

it has a residual magic effect on the ground that remained after it died
and still on the ground after it respawned

 7365 Low25.03.2022KiFunStuSTuathanach Oja Shop Keepers need lighting 04.09.2022No4 Task Description

The characters are black

 7461 Low25.08.2022KiFunStuS NPCs respawn from the sky 25.09.2022No1 Task Description

When monsters respawn they fall from the sky

 7462 Low25.08.2022KiFunStuS NPC looting Bugs 24.11.2022No Task Description

There is no Roll all for Group looting.
there is loot selected and loot all

When another player allows you to loot something over their roll.
the error message says

Database Numbers for player :%you were allowed to loot by roll winner %player name

7824Low06.04.2023KiFunStuSNPC in the wall06.04.2023No Task Description

bdoorsout 98297.60 -753749.51 22772.97

I think its a thunder clakcer

 7367 Low25.03.2022KiFunStuS NPC health bar Indicator not changing when you heal the ...29.12.2022No1 Task Description

Friendly NPC was reduced health.
Casted heal on them, their health bar indicator did not change.

reselected NPC, health bar shows full

Showing tasks 1 - 50 of 139 Page 1 of 31 - 2 - 3 -

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