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 7792 Critical26.02.2023ferret torch in hand causes flashing light 03.03.2023No Task Description

when you have a torch in your hand, looking in some way with the torch in view, causes flashing lights that could cause epileptic seizures. this can be very dangerous for a player and in worst case scenario can cause a need for hospital treatment, or even death (if falling and banging head).

this is a serious medical issue and as such we either put a warning that some parts of the game can cause epileptic seizures, or it is fixed. i have placed this in the critical category as it can be that dangerous.

the effect is produced inside and outside dungeons. in daylight or night, and in any area of the game.

please sort this one way or another.

 7506 High10.10.2022ferret closing windows hard  20.11.2022No Task Description

within the selected windows, a number of them have the X used to close the windows covered enough to make closing the window difficult. happens in places like skills, and spell book most of all but all need checking and the close option made more visible (uncovered)

 7547 High13.11.2022ferret teleport on road 05.12.2022No1 Task Description

you get teleported if you walk down the road from here: -161678 -398169 -9725

this teleport is about 7 steps (walking) from pos -157735.83 -400697.09 -11093.93 the teleport sends you to pos .486818.84 -349078.47 1102856. it is situated on the road and walking or riding will port you from any direction accessed from

the end point is close to where the iron fortress of the dwarves will be when it is completed, and also has no road section close by. only way to get away from this point is to travel towards crystal lake, which is not that far awayall other directions are a dead end.

the noted pos of the start is on the road between gugrontid, and crystal lake, after the fork in the road that has hydlaa west on your left and large west on the right. i have screenshots of the area if needed.

 7620 High06.12.2022ferret bought maps, used, but not showing up in map tracker. 11.01.2023No1 Task Description

Monday 5th December .. I bought maps in homestead, and the guard house in hydlaa west. i then used the maps and saw that they were not just in place but working correctly. Tuesday 6th December .. i find both maps gone from the map tracker, and on purchasing a map of hydlaa from krestal, and then using, it appears that the map did not get added to the tracker at all. not only that but as i have sound active at the time, it did not show an achievement.

 7700 High29.01.2023ferretTuathanach oja path broken in a long stretch 09.02.2023No1 Task Description

from /pos514944.16 -366754.09 13795.46 to /pos 521075.41 -372715.62 13579.03, which is part of what is called ojapath, skirting the city to the left as facing the main entrance, is not just broken but looks to be utterly destroyed. Where there was a path, that at a later position, parted and became the road to raurim is no longer there between the /pos locations. Instead we have a huge upswell of ground that almost blocks access to further travel in that direction. One part of this path section has to be jumped up to, and the next, while navigable, has no road. There is a large wall at the second /pos location that forbids all access unless you walk round and flirt with the steep slope there.

also aded to this report is the next section from the blockage to the turn off to ruarim, which while not broken as such, would be classed as very rugged with dips and steep declines in a few places until you reach the turn off to raurim at /pos 539644.56 -381801.56 11838.34 where the start of the road to raurim is in fact broken, though not as badly as ojapath. while the path that continues to the ojaveda side entrance is navigable, it has some slopes that would make it hard for a cart to keep its load.

 7494 Medium08.10.2022ferret damage not showing correctly in battles 04.12.2022No1 Task Description

when attacking an enemy, regardless of damage caused, it does not show you can hit with a killing blow, the enemy will fall down, but still show full health. only way to get round this so far is to click off the enemy and then back on again to see how much damage is being lost, but this is a click on and off a few times, if damage is from a poison spell.

bug is connected to #7476

 7504 Medium10.10.2022ferret enemies, dead or alive, porting away during, and after  ...01.02.2023No Task Description

on commencing battle against an enemy, the enemy attempts to move then teleport. as you are attacking the enemy can disappear before you hit it, or the enemy disappears on death. thus leaving you with no body and no possible drops. continuing battle with other enemies, causes random porting from all enemies in that area, that you have already attacked, killed or cannot move towards you. once selected a ported enemy can not be attacked. the game simply removes your selection and you are left with trying to find it again, before trying to attack again

 7544 Medium07.11.2022ferretTuathanach broken road between gugrontid and large west 29.01.2023No Task Description

broken road all along between gugrontid at gugrontid 58343.48 -463660.47 10742.75 up to large west -30835.90 -422351.25 -9267.76

multiple sections of road need terraforming, including at 1 section that is impassible travelling towards gug on the road. mount (floater) will not jump high enough to get over the broken bit. another has a steep drop on one side that ingresses into the road and makes possible cart use impossible.

 7550 Medium18.11.2022ferretTuathanach invisible obstacle in amnadeir 29.01.2023No Task Description

on encountering Noora Wiedsiek, covering the grassy area in front of the benches next to her in an almost diagonal path (shallow) from about middle of road to the pillar at the end of the grassy area, is an invisible barrier that stops movement into that small can be passed on the right side of the road, but if you go past Noora, to the building and behind the bench, you are stopped from moving at the corner of the building. the obstacle is slanted in a way that means the character can walk to the pillar but can only walk round it on the outside.

first corner of said object is in the road at -352925.16 -586143.62 18683.56
second corner is at -352000.81 -585932.72 18730.51
third corner is at -352843.78 -586991.19 18730.15
fourth corner is at -352235.59 -587090.50 18728.80

corner 2 and 4 are against the wall. so could be a lot further into the building.

 7626 Medium12.12.2022ferret hole in amdeneir 09.01.2023No1 Task Description

/pos -341405.22 -598908.81 18814.32. access to it is as follows. from the petrosaur, take the path along infront of the tavern, travel along there to where njormic carpenter is stood on the right. take the left road opposite him that is at the side of the stables there and then first left. there are stairs there, and on the left as you climb is the hole on top of the wall. it leads to the large cavern under amdeneir.

7709Medium01.02.2023ferretdelver has some very strange lighting01.02.2023No1 Task Description

no task description

 7751 Medium12.02.2023ferretTuathanach flashing light effects 29.03.2023No2 Task Description

in hydlaa there is an area that has flashing lighting effects as you look around. standing at /pos 190550.62 -328274.00 11620.94, and looking around you get a flashing lighting effect all around you almost. this is a possible seizure issue for epileptics. it is not the worst it could be but still of medium concern.

 7495 Low08.10.2022ferret Entering Octarch residence and Niala's doors causes err ...29.01.2023No7 Task Description

referrencing  FS#7380  - Entering the Octarch’s Residence takes you to Dryken

trying to enter niala xanao’s house of power, sends you to the dryken plane. still the same with octarchs residence. not tried more yet will update this if needed later

7505Low10.10.2022ferretrandomised riding and walking abilities10.10.2022No1 Task Description

riding a mount can be strange. there is the usual sit on saddle look, standing on saddle with knees bent, standing sideways like on a surfdoard or skate board, and there is side saddle. not yet had the reversal of riding position this time, yet. if you sit side saddle, stand like surfing/skateboarding, you walk/run crablike.

 7548 Low15.11.2022ferret blockage in harnquist's building 09.01.2023No2 Task Description

there still looks to be a small table sized blockage in the smithy large room at coordinates 198074.83 -313870.50 10715.65

getting round it is fairly easy but it could do with being removed or placed where it should be. my feeling is that it is either a barrel or a leather working table, from the size of the blocked area.

 7549 Low15.11.2022ferret hole found in gugnorth  17.12.2022No1 Task Description

hole found that is not exitable without a gm port request.

hole coordinates are 117025.26 -620077.00 10015.61

 7578 Low28.11.2022ferret flying signpost on ojaroad2 10.12.2022No Task Description

there is a signpost, at the bottom of the road past the silver mine that is flying very high indeed.

/pos 440003.81 -346019.22 5172.30. porting to that /pos places you directly below the signpost, which points to hermits hill. screenshots can be made available if needed.

 7617 Low06.12.2022ferret stream bank not correct 13.01.2023No1 Task Description

in homestead, the stream, that you cross to enter the settlement, is not correctly bordered. at the end of the flow the bank is too. coordinates (of character) are -170765.11 -335724.44 2346.91

 7618 Low06.12.2022ferret broken road 09.01.2023No2 Task Description

no task description

 7634 Low31.12.2022ferret hole in bronzedoorsout 31.12.2022No Task Description

there is a very strange squared off hole with a curious shape. it looks deep enough to catch an unwary traveller, and then that traveller not be able to escape.

this is not on the normal beaten track but off to the left as you travel towards the eagle fortress. notable sights close are a number of squared off ridges, and a stalegmite in what looks to be a section of ground raised up in the form of a cross on the ground.

pos for close to side of hole is 79441.63, -678135.38, 13356.45

 7635 Low31.12.2022ferret hole in large stalegmite close to gugrontid 31.12.2022No1 Task Description

a major stalegmite close to gugrontid, has holes round the base of it that show the other side of it, a bit like a window but in multiple places round the base

pos is gugrontid 94255.54 -459583.31 10517.69

follow the base to the left for other holes in the structure

 7636 Low31.12.2022ferret tree misaligned. 31.12.2022No1 Task Description

there is a tree on the road to the compass sign of wings, that is not on solid ground. part of the trunk is in the air.

pos is large west -480445.38, -208041.94, 5638.29

 7637 Low31.12.2022ferret floating tree. 31.12.2022No1 Task Description

there is a floating tree not far from the tree in #7636. this one however is floating and right up against a rock cliff.

pos is large west -472599.03, -197125.80, 3053.57

 7638 Low31.12.2022ferret another tree not fully on the ground 31.12.2022No1 Task Description

following on from  FS#7637 , there is yet another tree not fully attached to the ground. this is similar to  FS#7636 , in that part of it is on the ground but not all of it.

pos is large west -464465.69, -183626.39, 3324.11

 7639 Low31.12.2022ferret multiple floating trees 31.12.2022No2 Task Description

this is an area with multiple floating trees. along the same stretch of road as the others already mentioned from  FS#7636 . the holes under the trees is clearly visible from the road. there could be more but i have not looked for more at this time.

pos is -436505.19, -157151.70, 5902.09

 7647 Low05.01.2023ferret attacking enemies with magic 24.01.2023No Task Description

attacking an using area affect spells, affects the caster as well as the enemy. I managed to kill myself whilst attacking a neoten consumer, using poison hailstorm. the same happens with ice shards. i attacked stalg, in his area, and i hit myself also with the shards.

 7653 Low06.01.2023ferretTuathanach invisible object that traps player, stopping movement 02.02.2023No Task Description

strange invisible object at pos gugrontid 60215.43 -449200.09 12287.25

i was looking at  FS#7648 , after falling into the hole and escaping. i found a spot that is close to a wall section that is not accessible easily. on moving away i found i got stuck in a hole at the exact coordinates listed above. the item is invisible but has a dish or box structure at the base, and 3 open sides. the 4th side facing the spire is closed. did a vision check for the extent, but also have found it is easily jumped out of. however it needs to be removed, whatever it is

7656Low07.01.2023ferretfloating book on ojaroad114.01.2023No Task Description

a floating book, that claims to be a dead bird, is floating and inaccessible as it has no collision and thus not allowed to be picked up. position of the book is found by going to /teleport me map hydlaa_plaza 337145.72 -345854.81 10980.61 on teleport you are directly where the book is situated and on a rivnak, a nolthrir has it head high.

 7657 Low07.01.2023ferret riding a rivnak has a double jump into the air 02.02.2023No2 Task Description

on attempting to gather all the floating plants in ojaroad1 i found that by accident, i could make my rivnak jump into the air and then again almost immediately. this raised the level i was at, as it affectively doubled the jump of the mount. this meant i was able to collect all the floating plants that were too high to reach otherwise.

7658Low08.01.2023ferretnolthrir village, and farm in emerald lake08.01.2023No Task Description

now that we have the lake populated with plants and some fishes. i am making a proposal for a kelp bed, seaweed bed, the long bladderwrack that we have in small amounts dotted around, and an area that has algae floating on the surface, with a surround to keep it in the one place. the kelp, and bladderwrack, should be harvestable for nolthrir trading to places that cook, or even to traders (both wandering and in cities)

also i propose a village within the area of the central island, that is on land as well as within the water. the design of the village should look like either a coral reef or large shells. close to the island, there should also be a cave system which i am working on a quest for, and some new monsters for that particular cave system. the caves should really be extensive so that navigation is not easy.

 7659 Low08.01.2023ferretTuathanach hole in bdroad1 map in the ruins 04.02.2023No2 Task Description

i went looking for more floating plants and found a hole as i was attempting to check that all were colleted at the ruins, where there are a few different plants.

the hole is at bdroad1 pos at 138150.80 -465375.75 8919.17

the coordinates will place you in the hole. there is no way to get out other than with gm help

 7660 Low08.01.2023ferretTuathanach light missing at tunnel between bdroad1 and bdroad2 02.02.2023No Task Description

the tunnel between bdroad1, and bdroad2 is missing lighting. the tunnel is pitch black without the use of a torch.

position is bdroad1 166280.12 -505840.09 11811.97 without a torch it is pitchblack

7661Low09.01.2023ferretquest from krestal dhusho does not complete14.01.2023No1 Task Description

quest deliver a letter, from krestal dhusho does not complete. delivery to mr yasoj completes without words. but the letter to kora windstone is rejected. she does not accept the letter at all and krestal dhusho is unable to complete the quest without that delivery being accepted.

krestal is in hydlaa plaza . pos 207830.66 -335409.66 10595.37

mr yasoj is in fact benack yasoj . pos akk central 538320.75 -370447.25 15354.24

kora windstone is in the wilds of bronze doors 2 road

 7662 Low09.01.2023ferret hole in ojaveda wall 11.01.2023No Task Description

no task description

 7663 Low09.01.2023ferretTuathanach hole in ojaveda wall 02.02.2023No Task Description

there is a hole in a wall and ground in ojaveda. the hole is seen from the flat living area located at the listed position. the hole is not critical but you see through it. the ground needs to be terraformed to fill the gap.

pos 540178.50 -370278.38 15346.90

 7664 Low10.01.2023ferret teleport bug in lowest part of emerald lake 04.02.2023No3 Task Description

found a teleport in the lower part of emerald lake. talad knows where it is so no coordinates for it

 7665 Low11.01.2023ferretTuathanach broken river bank of emerald river 04.02.2023No Task Description

the river that i am told is emerald river (runs into emerald lake) has issues with the river bank at

pos -440095.06 -377605.12 -109.77

the broken river bank covers a longish section

 7666 Low11.01.2023ferretTuathanach big hole in the desert behind ojaveda 04.02.2023No2 Task Description

there is a large hole in the desert, just outside one of the closed access doors to the closed sections of ojaveda. my position in the hole is recorded here, it needs a ramp or steps to allow players to get out of the hole, without having to get a gm to teleport the player out.

pos 548191.81 -330364.75 2597.00

 7667 Low11.01.2023ferretTuathanach broken road at the side of ojaveda city 04.02.2023No1 Task Description

the road that goes round ojaveda city to then move north of the city, is broken in a few places, the worst place is seen at pos 543758.62 -382987.78 13102.20

 7668 Low11.01.2023ferretTuathanach broken road to raurim 04.02.2023No1 Task Description

road to raurim is broken at pos 543758.62 -382987.78 13102.20

 7669 Low11.01.2023ferretTuathanach bridge over chasm is dangerous 02.02.2023No1 Task Description

the path has a large chasm on both sides of it that if you fall in you cannot get out.

pos 531937.88 -435643.34 12022.42

 7670 Low11.01.2023ferretTuathanach hole in landscape just off the road to raurim 02.02.2023No1 Task Description

there is a hole not far off the road to raurim at pos 577572.56 -477761.38 6612.00

 7671 Low11.01.2023ferretTuathanach raurim road broken 04.02.2023No Task Description

raurim road is broken close to the bridges and the large tree.

pos 549047.69 -489461.88 10447.55

 7672 Low12.01.2023ferretTuathanach broken road in ylon donari sector 02.02.2023No Task Description

broken road is in ylon donari sector POS 453018.28 -548987.75 10582.58

 7673 Low12.01.2023ferret whole map sector empty of plants and trees 04.02.2023No2 Task Description

large west -280298.47 -110532.53 13609.47

from here a large area of land has no trees or plants

 7686 Low17.01.2023ferret shortcut to harvesting is broken 20.01.2023No Task Description

the shortcuts for harvesting, and chopping wood, do not seem to work at all. the game says command not recognised. if you then write the command in the chat box, it will commence with the action required. used both axe, and sycle in the attempt to both chop wood or harvest. neither commands work

 7688 Low22.01.2023ferret one-claw is missing 02.02.2023No3 Task Description

one-claw is a big mulbernaut, possibly a boss. he is usually positioned in bronze doors outside. however on teleporting to his position to check out a theory, i found him under the ground but stuck in place. if you teleport to him you are dropped under the map, and get ported to the entrance to the bronze doors cave mouth that leads to the eagle fortress.

i cannot give coordinates for his position as i never get enough time to get a /pos snap.

 7693 Low27.01.2023ferretTuathanach trasoks furnace is missing 04.02.2023No Task Description

the furnace that is supposed to be on the same side of the shop counter as trasok starhammer, is missing

trasok is situated in ojaveda and my pos in the shop is 532969.69 -365912.41 14484.17

 7694 Low27.01.2023ferretTuathanach hole found in ojaveda 09.02.2023No Task Description

there is a hole in the ground that a rogue has got stuck in. it is at /pos 530312.44 -353596.25 14145.22.

if you get stuck, calling a drifter and mounting, pulls you out of it. the fall puts your body into a strange position or you look to be flying talad style

 7716 Low02.02.2023ferretTuathanach large hole in the outer wall of ojaveda.  08.02.2023No Task Description

maybe the residents of ojaveda have a bigger rat problem than they think they have. there is a huge hole in a side wall that i managed to crawl into the city by. /pos is 549633.75 -382583.72 15338.46.

the pos/puts you in the wall of ojaveda along the same way that the broken road is situated :D

only one way access, in, no out access at all there

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