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 7795 Low28.02.2023Bohemia Crafting item is not available to be used while being r ...04.12.2023No3 Task Description


during my in-game questing, I got a quest “Learning to Cook” which I picked up in the Arena, from quest giver NPC named Archilaya.

Archilaya gave me a recipe to make, but the close-by cooking preparation crafting table can not be used - giving an error “You are not in range to use psItemActor_2147476191 - even when standing right next to it.
The player is then forced to run all over to Hydlaa’s tavern to use the cooking preparation crafting table there, to proceed with the quest.

As there are other cooking/baking quests in the arena, related to this preparation crafting table, it is quite annoying to not be able to use it.

See the attached picture in the link.

Thank you!

 7816 Low21.03.2023Bohemia Lockpicking particular door levels up a swimming skill. 30.10.2023No2 Task Description

Happy Tuesday PlaneShift.

In the city of Amdeneir, there is a building with the tag “Hall of Learning” with locked entrance doors. Lock-picking those particular doors is simple, and funny enough, a successful lock-picking attempt gives you progress points in swimming, instead of lock-picking skill. I managed to get my swimming skill up to level 3 with just a few quick clicks.

See the the in-game screenshot for reference.

Thank you.

7794Low28.02.2023BohemiaBook "The Derghir Menace" - minor code/display issue13.03.2023No1 Task Description


during my questing in the game, I found a book “The Derghir Menace”, located at Hydlaa’s library, which seems to have broken coding which causes the book’s text to appear together with the incorrect code tags.

See the picture in the link.


 7813 Low15.03.2023Bohemia Broken quest "A Sapling of Xiosia" 29.10.2023No1 Task Description

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

During my adventuring, I received a quest “A Sapling of Xiosia” from an NPC named Belcor Krakko - the innkeeper at the Gugrontid tavern. I was asked to find an NPC named Kora Windstone to proceed with that quest.

So I went on and found NPC Kora Windstone, but when mentioning “A Sapling of Xiosia” quest text to her, unfortunately, she did not recognise what I was saying to her and acted as if I would be speaking gibberish to her. I get “I don’t quite get what you mean” and “Can you rephrase that, please?” answers instead. I am thus unable to proceed and eventually finish this quest.

Perhaps, this quest is broken for now? Kora is located at “bdroad2 177034.15 -541130.79 12566.98, instance: 0.

See the in-game screenshots attached.

Thank you!

 7817 Low21.03.2023Bohemia Broken quest "Kaiman Jilatt Needs Plants Supplies" 09.03.2024No Task Description

Happy Tuesday, PlaneShift!

During my adventuring, I received a quest “Kaiman Jilatt Needs Plants Supplies” from an NPC named Kaiman Jilatt, who is located in Hydlaa Plaza. I was asked to find and deliver plant supplies to an NPC named Leann Grudaire to proceed with that quest.

Mind you, this is a repetitive quest where you are to deliver plants to a few different NPC all over the place, each time to a different NPC. This time, he sent me to find Leann Grudaire.

So I went on and found NPC Leann Grudaire, who is located in Amdeneir Tavern, on the very top floor. When speaking to her, mentioning “Kaiman Jilatt Needs Plants Supplies” quest text to her, unfortunately, she behaves as if there is no quest regarding Kaiman Jilatt plans at all. The reply I get from her is “There is nothing I need at the moment.” Thanks for asking. I am thus unable to proceed and eventually finish this quest.

Perhaps, this quest is broken for now?

Besides, Leann Grundaire NPC seems to have another quest to offer “Beer Tasting Event” but when clicking on the quest-related text “You brew ales and beers I see, and smell.” - nothing happens, I get only a blank stare. It feels that this “Beer Tasting Event” quest is broken too.

See the in-game screenshot attached.

Thank you!

 7821 Low29.03.2023Bohemia Hole in the ground  09.03.2024No Task Description

Evening, PlaneShifters!

Tonight, at the Bronze Doors area, I found a large hole in the land you can fall through and die.

The position is: bdoorsout 147935.38-743643.31 12953.81, instance: 0

See the pictures in the link for reference.

Thank you!

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