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IDSeverity[[state]]OpenedOpened byAssigned ToSummary[[changedby]]Last EditedPrivate
 5792 Medium30.09.2012Aiwendil Improved window handling (patch included) 20.07.2015No11 Task Description

Not that I think there is any chance this will get included but it might be useful for some people compiling their own clients.

enhances the /show command:
- “/show <windowname>” works as before
- “/show <windowname> show” always shows the window (Does nothing if the window is already visible)
- “/show <windowname> hide” always hides the window (Does nothing if the window is already hidden)

adds /setwindowpos command:
- “/setwindowpos <windowname> <x> <y>” positions the window at the given x and y coordinates
- works for visible and invisible windows

In general this allows creating keyboard shortcuts for specific window layouts (like a shortcut that enables the info, shortcuts and quickspell window but disables the chat window for combat) but also allows to define a default window layout in the autoexec that resests all changes made in the previous session.

Known issues:
- The window positions don’t take the window decoration into account. Not a big deal in my view and “fixing” it would probably needs some paws changes
- It is possible to set the coordinates of the windows outside the visible screen…making the windows inaccessable until repositioned again. (What actaully could be useful for some…like moving some windows off the screen that are never needed but pop up at times…group window comes to my mind there)
- Not my “issue” but still mentioning it as the patch changes the code in question slightly. pawscontrolwindow.cpp hardcodes the translation of window names. It’s pretty ugly and worse…if someone adds a new window this part of the code must be adjusted as well. But not my intention to fix that so I just resued that old code.

[This patch also includes the previous one from  bug 5645  as both change the same files. I was far too lazy to separate them again]

5566Medium13.04.2012AiwendilThe treeview of paws is bugged.13.04.2012No Task Description

It happens for me always again after “opening” and closing nodes. Sorry, haven’t found a way yet to reproduce it every time. Might add some more information here once I find out more ;)

It dispalys the newly opened node above a previously already opened one.

 5516 Medium22.01.2012Aiwendil Scrolling in pawsDocumentView doesn't work properly wit ...19.12.2016No Task Description

Images in pawsDocumentView are not scrolled properly as there is no real check where the image actually starts. This means even if only the last text-line covered by the image is visible still the complete image is drawn.


 5515 Medium22.01.2012Aiwendil GetNodeXML doesn't escape xml chars in node content 04.06.2020No Task Description

src/common/util/psxmlparser.cpp → GetNodeXML. Function should return the XML code of a node and the subnodes in a string…but forgets to escape special XML chars in node-content. This leads to these xml strings not being reusable is the content of one node contained stuff like &lt; and &gt;.

This is needed for example for PawsDocumentView in the help window.


 5450 Medium30.11.2011Aiwendil Change pawsMultiLineTextBox to pawsDocumentView for the ...18.12.2011No Task Description


Any questions left?


 5448 Medium29.11.2011Aiwendil Setting description via command (patch included) 05.06.2012No1 Task Description

I think it would be nice to be able to set the char desc with a /command. This would allow setting different descriptions in a Armor-equip shortcut or make it easier to change your description when cloaked.

So here is a patch for that:

/setdesc <new description> - Sets everything after the command as the new description for the char
/setoocdec <new description> - Sets everything after the command as the new OOC description for the char
/loaddesc <filename> - load a description from a file specified by filename. (looks for the file in “/planeshift/userdata/descriptions/”…so the directory descs also gets saved in)
/loadoocdesc <filename> - load a ooc description from a file specified by filename. (looks for the file in “/planeshift/userdata/descriptions/”…so the directory descs also gets saved in)

Edit: Using “\n” in setdesc and setoocdesc will produce a linefeed in the resulting description.

Edit2: Add a check in case there is a read-error with the file

Edit3: Yes weltall…messages can send themselves….

 5431 Medium11.11.2011AiwendilVenalan Hair shader on podium in inventory dialog doesn't work 10.03.2016No1 Task Description

See title

Hair should be red…works fine in game.

 5419 Medium08.11.2011AiwendilMordaanVenalan Inconsistencies in "start" quests 13.03.2016No8 Task Description

“For Harnquist: Good day sir. I have a firend’s letter which tells me you are the”

No..I don’t have that letter..I have an empty inventory.
And I really would like to know how the line ends ;) (okay, can solve that by resizing the windows…still it shouldn’t be necessary to do so)

Same for Durok Rrecrok:
“A friend of mine told me you are an expert of science and education.” No….nobody ever told this char anything!

While i can see it’s tempting to just go on from the tutorial, all those quests work only for ONE char of each account. And no…I’m not just nitpicking…I for example have never done the current tutorial at all, so I have no clue what the chars say there. And even if someone did it they could create a new char a year afterwards and hardly remember what was said there anymore.

Oh..and where is the “Version: SVN” gone?

 4922 Medium26.01.2011Aiwendil Spellchecker for chat window (patch included) 30.03.2014No25 Task Description

Needed a playground to try out hunspell so took some code I knew a bit about already. Ignore it, use it…I don’t care. Shouldn’t be a problem to include this for all versions as hunspell is available on all supported system (on macos 10.6 even part of the OS).


Also the data/gui/styles.xml file needs an adjustment…just can’t offer a patch as there are too many changes that have nothing to do with this in it.

	 <defaultstyle widget="pawsButton"           style="Simple Button"/>
         <defaultstyle widget="pawsTextBox"          style="Standard TextBox"/>
         <defaultstyle widget="pawsMultiLineTextBox" style="Standard MLB"/>
         <defaultstyle widget="pawsEditTextBox"      style="Standard EditTextBox"/>
+        <defaultstyle widget="pawsSpellCheckedEditBox"      style="Standard EditTextBox"/>
         <defaultstyle widget="pawsMessageTextBox"   style="Standard MsgText"/>
         <defaultstyle widget="pawsListBox"          style="Standard ListBox"/>
         <defaultstyle widget="pawsSimpleTree"       style="Left Side Tree"/>

- apply the patch
- make sure you have hunspell and the development packages installed
- rerun and ./configure
- compile PS
- get the en_US dictonary for hunspell (
- unzip the dictionary to planeshift/data/dict (spellchecker looks for planeshift/data/dict/en_US.dic and planeshift/data/dict/en_US.aff)
- only configuration option is in options/chat.xml

        <defaultlastchat value="0" />
        <spellChecker value="1" r="255" g="0" b="0" />
        <chatWidget value="chat.xml" />

“value” enables or disables the spellchecker, “r”, “g”, and “b” set the colour used for typos.
- Enjoy

Known issues:
- Only included hunspell detection in autoconf…so probably won’t work right from the start with MSVC
- Only removed a few chars that confuse the spellchecker…for sure I missed a lot there
- dictionary name is hardcoded
- I don’t have the slightest clue if the changes in data/gui/chat_basic.xml are necessary…or what it does it all

 4199 Medium03.03.2010Aiwendil Chat edit line turns unreadable if something else happe ...04.06.2020No7 Task Description

If the transparency of the chat window is set to a high value and if the mouse is not over it the text in the edit box is still shown as white even if the chat window fades out while writing. That’s pretty nice and I think how it should be…but now the problem. As soon as another line of another player appear in the chat window the edit line becomes unreadable (black font on black background). You can only read what you type again by moving the mouse back over the chat window to make it less transparent again. This behaviour is pretty annoying and not very nice for correcting errors…it means if I start a chat line by just pressing <enter> in a frequented place like Kada El’s that I will see what I type for only a few seconds then have to use to mouse before i can go on writing.

 4189 Medium01.03.2010Aiwendil Possibility to add miscellaneous words to the tab compl ...07.10.2010No3 Task Description

It would be nice if players could add their own words (like city names, often used NPC names or whatever) to the tab completion of the chat window. So I had a short look at the source code and found it not too difficult to add. Maybe someone finds this patch useful.


--- chatwindow.h        2010-03-01 14:37:27.000000000 +0100
+++ chatwindow.h.mod    2010-03-01 14:37:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
     csString chatWidget; ///< contains the widget to load, default being chat.xml. It's used during engine init and for changing settings.
     csArray<csString> badWords;
     csArray<csString> goodWords;
+    csArray<csString> completionItems;
     // chat type to subscription name binding
     csHash<csString, csString> bindings;
     csArray<csString> subNames;
@@ -257,6 +258,9 @@
     // Replay recent message history on load
     void ReplayMessages();

+    // add miscellaneous words to the tab completion
+    void ConfigTabCompletion();
     // Subscribed channel name to server channel ID reversible mapping
     csHashReversible<uint32_t, csString> channelIDs;
     // Hotkeys for server channel IDs


--- chatwindow.cpp      2010-03-01 14:52:14.000000000 +0100                                                       
+++ chatwindow.cpp.mod  2010-03-01 14:12:04.000000000 +0100                                                       
@@ -196,6 +196,9 @@                                                                                               
         return false;                                                                                            
+    ConfigTabCompletion();                                                                                       
     PawsManager::GetSingleton().Publish(CHAT_TYPES[CHAT_ADVISOR], "This channel is the HELP channel. "           
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@                                                                                               
     // XML parsing time!                                                                                         
     csRef<iDocument> doc, defaultDoc;                                                                            
-    csRef<iDocumentNode> root,defaultRoot, defaultChatNode, chatNode, colorNode, optionNode, bindingsNode, filtersNode, msgFiltersNode,                                                                                            
+    csRef<iDocumentNode> root,defaultRoot, defaultChatNode, chatNode, colorNode, optionNode, bindingsNode, filtersNode, tabCompletionNode, msgFiltersNode,                                                                         
                          mainTabNode, flashingNode, flashingOnCharNode;                                          
     csString option;                                                                                             
@@ -427,6 +430,25 @@                                                                                              
+    tabCompletionNode = chatNode->GetNode("tabcompletion");                                                      
+    if(!tabCompletionNode)                                                                                       
+        tabCompletionNode = defaultChatNode->GetNode("tabcompletion");                                           
+    if (tabCompletionNode != NULL)                                                                               
+    {                                                                                                            
+      csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> oNodes = tabCompletionNode->GetNodes();                                       
+      while(oNodes->HasNext())                                                                                   
+      {                                                                                                          
+        csRef<iDocumentNode> option = oNodes->Next();                                                            
+        if (option->GetType() == CS_NODE_ELEMENT && csString(option->GetValue()) == "completionitem")            
+        {                                                                                                        
+          csString completionItem = option->GetAttributeValue("value");                                          
+          if ( settings.completionItems.Find(completionItem)==csArrayItemNotFound )                              
+          {                                                                                                      
+            settings.completionItems.Push(completionItem);                                                       
+          }                                                                                                      
+        }                                                                                                        
+      }                                                                                                          
+    }                                                                                                            
     // Load message filters                                                                                      
@@ -843,6 +865,14 @@                                                                                              
         PawsManager::GetSingleton().Publish(CHAT_TYPES[CHAT_SAY], line.Pop(), settings.chatColor );              
+void pawsChatWindow::ConfigTabCompletion()                                                                       
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < settings.completionItems.GetSize(); i++)
+  {
+    AddAutoCompleteName(settings.completionItems[i]);
+  }
 void pawsChatWindow::LogMessage(enum E_CHAT_LOG channel, const char* message, int type)
     if (settings.logChannel[channel])
@@ -931,7 +961,7 @@

     csRef<iDocument> doc = docsys->CreateDocument();
     csRef<iDocumentNode> root,chatNode, colorNode, optionNode,looseNode,filtersNode,
-                         badWordsNode,badWordsTextNode,cNode, logNode, selectTabStyleNode,
+                         badWordsNode, badWordsTextNode, tabCompletionNode, completionItemNode, cNode, logNode, selectTabStyleNode,
                          echoScreenInSystemNode, mainBracketsNode, yourColorMixNode, joindefaultchannelNode,
                          defaultlastchatNode, chatWidgetNode, mainTabNode, flashingNode, flashingOnCharNode, node;

@@ -1023,6 +1053,16 @@

+    tabCompletionNode = chatNode->CreateNodeBefore(CS_NODE_ELEMENT,0);
+    tabCompletionNode->SetValue("tabcompletion");
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < settings.completionItems.GetSize(); i++)
+    {
+        completionItemNode = tabCompletionNode->CreateNodeBefore(CS_NODE_ELEMENT,0);
+        completionItemNode->SetValue("completionitem");
+        completionItemNode->SetAttribute("value", settings.completionItems[i]);
+    }
     // Now for the colors
     colorNode = chatNode->CreateNodeBefore(CS_NODE_ELEMENT,0);

This loads all words in a new section in the chat.cml file and adds them to the tab completion. The new section in chat.xml looks like this:

        <completionitem value="Hydlaa" />
        <completionitem value="Ojaveda" />
        <completionitem value="Gugrontid" />
        <systemtext r="0" g="255" b="0" />
        <playernametext r="157" g="187" b="255" />
        <auctiontext r="255" g="0" b="0" />  

To add new words it is just needed the add a new <completionitem value=”word” /> line.

 4165 Medium25.02.2010Aiwendil Typo (I think) in quest Fixing the broken. 25.02.2010No Task Description

(13:40:43) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Malco hit an ulbernaut.
(13:40:44) [NPC] Gardr Keck stumbles and looks at you quickly.
(13:40:46) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: An ulbernaut!
(13:40:49) [NPC] Gardr Keck expression shows great distress.
(13:40:51) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: Are you curious how I came to be the smith here?
(13:41:26) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Not that you mention it, yes I am.
(13:41:28) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: Because we are so close to the Bronze Doors region we are often attacked by creatures from that region.

I guess it should be “now” not “not”.

 4164 Medium25.02.2010Aiwendil It's possible to get Malco's hammer back twice from Gar ...25.02.2010No Task Description

Quest: Malco Broke Hammer

(13:23:15) [NPC] Aiwendil says: I told kra, and ended up seeing Gurgus. This is for you. (13:23:17) [NPC] Gardr Keck reads the note, nods, and tucks it away.
(13:23:19) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: I have Malco’s hammer ready for you.
(13:23:23) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: It was a fairly quick job: I have gotten quite good at it lately.
(13:23:28) [NPC] Gardr Keck gives you a stone-handled war hammer.
(13:23:42) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: Here you go, as good as new… (13:23:42) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: again.
(13:23:42) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Madam.
(13:23:57) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Aiwendil gives Gardr one hundred tria. (13:23:59) [NPC] Gardr Keck takes the coins, and puts them the pocket of kras apron.
(13:24:01) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: I was expecting a promissory note from the guards, same as last time, but it does not matter.
(13:24:08) [NPC] Gardr Keck gives you a stone-handled war hammer.
(13:24:10) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: Here you go, Malco’s hammer, as good as new… (13:24:14) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: again.
(13:24:17) [NPC] Gardr Keck says: It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Madam.

I think it’s shouldn’t be possible to get the hammer with the note and by giving 100 tria.

 4144 Medium23.02.2010Aiwendil "Lost Winch Shipment" quest bugged 23.02.2010No Task Description

(12:09:37) [NPC] Aiwendil says: I have a document for you from Edrich Sultov.
(12:09:38) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana opens the statement and stares in disbelief.
(12:09:41) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: This is no joke.
(12:09:43) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: It was truly stolen?
(12:09:46) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana begins to read, as he reads his eyes become wide.
(12:09:49) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: But how could this happen, and why, of all the caravans to rob, would they ro
b this one?
(12:09:55) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana continues to read, and begins to laugh, a little at first but continues until his e
yes begin to water, he is laughing so hard.
(12:10:00) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana manages to say a few words.
(12:10:02) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: Begging your pardon, but it all seems rather funny to me.
(12:10:25) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Would you read the note to me, please? I have become very curious.
(12:10:26) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: Ah dear Aiwendil, I would love to share this news with you.
(12:10:31) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: I hope you find it as entertaining as I do.
(12:10:35) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana begins to read directly from the statement.
(12:10:37) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: ‘I had snuck off to relieve myself in a clump of shrubs when the rogues attacked.
(12:10:43) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: I watched from afar as the rogues descended on the caravan.
(12:10:48) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: Knowing as I did what cargo sat in those crates, I had no desire to go and save it.
(12:10:54) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: The rogues tied the pack animals and tethered them to the trees, they then bound the remainder of those traveling with the caravan together, before unloading the crates.’ (12:11:05) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana stifles a chuckle.
(12:11:07) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: ‘They emptied the crates into sacks; it was rather dark and they did not stop to read the labels, or I am rather sure they would have run screaming.
(12:11:16) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: Well, one of the rogues thought he should open one to see what it was they had come in possession of.
(12:11:23) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: That rogue took one whiff and dropped the bottle rather quickly as the stench quickly wafted through the open air, and it seemed in a matter of minutes that every ulbernaut on the dome level was traveling post haste to find its mate.
(12:11:37) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: The rogues scurried to leave and in the process broke a few more bottles: they were covered.
(12:11:43) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: I don’t think that they will be trying anything anytime soon.
(12:11:48) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: Unfortunately, I did not go back to retrieve the wagon, nor did I go back to salvage what was left of the shipment as I got our crew and left before the ulbernauts came.’ (12:11:59) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana stops reading and looks at you with eyes full of tears.
(12:12:11) [NPC] Aiwendil says: I’m not getting the joke, it seems. (12:12:13) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: I didn’t catch your words, can you repeat?
(12:12:22) [NPC] Aiwendil says: I’m not getting the joke, it seems. (12:12:23) [NPC] Jirosh Mikana says: I didn’t catch your words, can you repeat?

CS Revision: 33701
PS Revision: 5627

 4134 Medium22.02.2010AiwendilJayAngelaRuaanAlison ColemankatuSemutara "Nyshyn's Sivler Signe"t quest and "A helping hand for  ...05.03.2010No8 Task Description

I went to Lori to give her the silver signet from Nyshyn. Also just took the “A helping hand for Kisatol” from Ukabnu. Seems both got mixed up a bit…

(15:14:53) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Nyshyn wished me to speak to you.
(15:14:55) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Oh, really?
(15:14:57) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn smiles and looks up from her work.
(15:14:59) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: A delivery, I’ll wager.
(15:15:02) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Let’s see it.
(15:15:14) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Why yes, she did indeed give me some things to pass on to you. (15:15:15) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Fantastic.
(15:15:18) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: It is always good to have a helping hand.
(15:15:22) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn smiles at you.
(15:15:23) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: There is a fellow in the Hydlaa city guard, his name is Bevon Damerr.
(15:15:28) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: He is a bit of a hedge-born bumpkin, but he has a good heart.
(15:15:33) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Tell him that Miss Tryllyn sent you, and ask him nicely about the new construction.
(15:17:56) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Hi. Ms. Tryllyn sent me over.
(15:17:57) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: Miss Tryllyn, ay?
(15:18:00) [NPC] Bevon Damerr smiles and looks a bit shy.
(15:18:02) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: Uh, what’s she needin’?
(15:18:06) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Could you tell me about the new construction?
(15:18:08) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: Yea, I met her t’other day and we was talkin’ ‘bout that.
(15:18:13) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: She’s, uh, she’s nice, don’t yuh think?
(15:18:17) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: Sometimes bein’ here in Hydlaa’s kinda neat, ‘cause I get to meet new people, an’ sometimes they’re friendly, and we can talk ‘bout stuff.
(15:18:25) [NPC] Bevon Damerr looks around.
(15:18:27) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: What was it we was talkin’ ‘bout?
(15:18:30) [NPC] Aiwendil says: We were talking about the new contruction.
(15:18:32) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: Oh, uh, yea.
(15:18:34) [NPC] Bevon Damerr chuckles and puts his hand on his helm for a moment.
(15:18:37) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: Miss Tryllyn, she said she’s studyin’ about buildin’ things and such.
(15:18:42) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: She’s interested in how the plans for the new guardhouse are lookin’.
(15:18:48) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: So I asked Sir Tungse t’try and make a copy for me.
(15:18:52) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: I bet it’s done by now.
(15:18:55) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: If you visit him in East Hydlaa and tell him Bevon sent you, I reckon he’ll give it to you.
(15:19:02) [NPC] Bevon Damerr says: And say howdy to Miss Tryllyn for me.
(15:20:58) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Bevon sent me for the copy of the plans. Are they ready?
(15:21:00) [NPC] Kilas Tungse says: Yes, I do have that copy for Bevon ready.
(15:21:04) [NPC] Kilas Tungse says: Let me see… (15:21:06) [NPC] Kilas Tungse slips his pack from his shoulder and looks through the rolled sheets.
(15:21:10) [NPC] Kilas Tungse says: Ah, this one.
(15:21:12) [NPC] Kilas Tungse says: It’s not the best drawing, but it is quite good enough for study purposes.
(15:21:18) [NPC] Kilas Tungse passes you a rolled-up sheet of vellum with a cord tied about it.
(15:21:21) [NPC] Kilas Tungse says: It is good to learn new things, I hope he enjoys it.
(15:21:59) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Why yes, she did indeed give me some things to pass on to you. (15:22:00) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Good, let’s have it here then.
(15:22:04) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn holds out her hand expectantly.
(15:22:15) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Here they are. I hope you know what to do with them, since I do not.
(15:22:16) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Ah, what a pretty little ring.
(15:22:20) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn inspects the ring closely, then breaks the embossed wax seal on the letter, puts on her glasses, and reads it. She clucks her tongue at a few parts, making a sympathetic face.
(15:22:26) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: The poor thing… (15:22:29) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn looks back at you.
(15:22:30) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: She’ll be wanting you to go straight back out there with a bit of proof that this was delivered.
(15:22:37) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Let me get you that, I will be right back.
(15:22:41) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn ducks down the aisle and goes to the back of the stacks, returning in a moment with a small leaf-green metal box.
(15:22:46) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Give this to her, she will know that it is from me.
(15:22:50) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn gives you the box.
(15:22:52) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Thank you for helping with these things, Madam.
(15:22:56) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: It is kind of you.
(15:23:05) [NPC] Aiwendil says: This should be what you need.
(15:23:07) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Oh, is that what it looks like?
(15:23:10) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn unties the cord and partially unrolls the sheet. Her face breaks into a big smile.
(15:23:14) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Fantastic!
(15:23:16) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn chuckles and re-rolls the plans.
(15:23:18) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: I have been lucky as well, for here is what you are after.
(15:23:23) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: ‘Tis quite rare- I’ll wager you have not seen their like before.
(15:23:28) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn shows you a small blue wooden box. She opens it slightly and you can see a greenish glow coming from two small crystals of some sort. Lori opens the box further and the glow and the crystals and the light vanish.
(15:23:36) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Interesting, are they not?
(15:23:39) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn smiles and reaches into the box and picks up an invisible crystal and drops it back into the box with a clunk.
(15:23:43) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: They are still there, but they seem to only be visible in the dark.
(15:23:49) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: A clever mind could have some interesting uses for such a thing, don’t you agree?
(15:23:55) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn closes the box and gives it to you.
(15:23:57) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Have fun with them, Madam, and may your purse never empty!
(15:24:13) [NPC] Aiwendil says: Bevon asked me to tell you ‘Howdy’ for him. (15:24:14) [NPC] Lori Tryllyn says: Hello, gentle reader. If you need any assistance just ask me, but feel free to browse the stacks.

At this point I never talks with Kisatol yet and haven’t deciphered the riddle for him. Also was not sent to get the rare crystals from Lori. After this conversation I still have two chat options with her that both don’t work:
- This should be what you need.
- Bevon asked me to tell you ‘Howdy’ for him

 4133 Medium22.02.2010AiwendilRlyDontKnow Factions show wrong value. 13.08.2010No4 Task Description

Sorry, can’t really tell how this happens, but I have seen it two times now..Once with Dark way, once with Crystal Way. My faction for both should be 5, but for dark way 50 was shown once and for Crystal way 65. After a relog the factions are back to 5. Only guess I can make is that it messes up after getting other factions for a quest..but as I said, no real idea.

PS Revision: 5608
CS Revision: 33686 (but witnessed this already once before, just now again.)

 4132 Medium22.02.2010AiwendilJayAngelaRuaanAlison ColemankatuRon WhitbySemutaradrJack Strange chat options in "The Missing equipment quest" 07.03.2010No3 Task Description

After getting the box from Tarmeen and going back to Baboraer you get three caht options. They all look the same. (”Give Babaraer the lockbox”). Problem ist that each options is for a different lockbox. Since you can’t tell which option is for which lockbox you have to try them out. I guess it would be best if only the options for the box in the inventory is displayed..and if that is not possible at lest the number of each box should be added to the options.

PS Revision: 5608
CS Revision: 33686

On a side’s not possible yet to select 0.5.2 in the version for the bug.

 4124 Medium20.02.2010Aiwendil Some factions have no description 21.05.2013No4 Task Description

When clicking the “Dark way” faction in the char window no description is shown..instead the description of the faction that was clicked last before “Dark Way” stays in the info part of the window.

List of factions with no desciption:

- Dark way
- Crystal way
- Red way
- Mining
- Alchemy

 4121 Medium20.02.2010Aiwendil The water wheels in the sewers don't always turn. 21.12.2013No2 Task Description

At times it happens that the waterwheels in the sewers don’t move at all. It is fixed after a relog, but annoying because you can’t jump over them anymore if they don’t turn and you can’t jump on the split pins at the side.

 4011 Medium31.01.2010Aiwendil Bug in Deelor is supicous quest that gives you an endle ...31.01.2010No Task Description

If you go back after talking to Canyt to Deelor and select the “No, I want to return them to there rightful owner” you get 5 more Greater Healing potions from him. And now you can talk again to him and select the same option over and over again…ending up with a lo of healing potions in the inventory. With the new item prices it could pay off doing this for some time.

 3985 Medium27.01.2010Aiwendil Deelor is suspicous quest doen't allow the second way o ...27.01.2010No Task Description

In the Deelor is supscious quest there used to be two ways to compelte the quest…Either go back to Deelor or hand the 5 potions to Tarmeen Alecheech. The second options is not possible anymore since no chat options are offered and just giving the Potions to Tarmeen doesn’t work. But Canyt still offers this as possiblity for the quest.

(03:44:11) [NPC] Canyt Klannarr says: You can return the potions to Deelor for little or no reward, or you can sea
rch for the original owner and return them, or you can simply keep the potions.

 3984 Medium27.01.2010Aiwendil Yanda's Delayed deliever quest broken. 27.01.2010No Task Description

When talking to Taemian Yangnk it is not possible to choose the options of helping him to get a wroking set of leads.

(20:54:42) [NPC] Adatiet says: Yonda wants to know when can she expect her normouwerii step shipment.
(20:54:44) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: I have her load of fungus stems right here and I’ve been trying to get it to her.
(20:54:50) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: But the leads for my goujah team have worn right through.
(20:54:55) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: So it looks like there are three options for her.
(20:54:59) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: You can carry it to her.
(20:55:02) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: You can help me get a working set of leads. (20:55:07) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: Or she can wait.
(20:55:09) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: Since you are asking for her, which answer will it be?
(20:55:19) [NPC] Adatiet says: I’ll help you fix your leads.
(20:55:20) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: Could you please be more clear? You can always ask people what they sell or what they train, if that helps.
(20:55:26) [NPC] Adatiet says: I’ll help you fix your leads.
(20:55:27) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: Could you please be more clear? You can always ask people what they sell or what they train, if that helps.
(20:55:37) [NPC] Adatiet says: I’ll carry it.
(20:55:39) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: This load of fungus weighs fifty kilograms.
(20:55:43) [NPC] Taemian Yangnk says: Can you carry that?

 3752 Medium18.12.2009Aiwendil Can't relog in to the same server 25.01.2010No3 Task Description

If I log in laanx, go to the character selection screen and hit “back” there I can’t relog to laanx from the login pag again. Each time I try I get a “Your client has disconnected. If you see this message a connection error has likely occurred”. I have the laanx server several times in my servers.xml for the different accounts and it doesn’t matter with which account I try to relog. But I can log in EZPC. If I log to EZPC once, hit “back” at the char selection screen there then log back in laanx it works again. But in this case I can’t relog a second time in EZPC. This behavior is new in 0.5. (linux, but others seems to have it on windows too).

 3738 Medium17.12.2009Aiwendil Word wrapping issue with own name when highlighted 05.03.2010No4 Task Description

If your own red name in the chat window is at the end of a line it gets split in two and part of it displayed on the previous line and part on the next line.

Sorry, no better picture, but it happens with more than one letter too.

 3736 Medium17.12.2009Aiwendil /shout /me doesn't work anymore. 20.12.2009No5 Task Description

Lines like “/shout /me smiles” doesn’t work anymore.

(00:16:44) Lhaa shouts: /me walks on.
(00:17:03) Aiwendil shouts: /me sighs

Quit a problem for us since the last tables can’t hear what is going on on the stage in the Red Crystal Den.

 3734 Medium17.12.2009Aiwendil Real bad lag in the Red Crystal Den 25.01.2010No8 Task Description

Sorry, I can’t say much about this at all. But the lag in the Red Crystal Den makes it impossible to play there at all and we couldn’t figure out a reason for it. Playing at the plaza at the same time shows no network lag at all but in the Den (maybe other guild house also, but I don’t know…could be also something with the items only present in the Den) characters “teleport from one place to the other” all the time, keep on running in walls and the chat takes several seconds (up to minutes) to reach the other players. And it seems to be only network lag, the graphic preformance is accaptable in the Den.

 3733 Medium17.12.2009Aiwendil Scrolling the chat window with page up/down 13.08.2010No3 Task Description

If i remember right scrolling in the chat window with page-up/page-down was possible in the old version and is now not possible in 0.5 anymore. Would be nice to have this feature again.

 3732 High17.12.2009Aiwendil Objects and Collision map not corretly loaded when ente ...25.01.2010No3 Task Description

When entering a guild house not all objects are loaded. Also to collision map of the objects doesn’t work correctly. (For example at times you can walk through the counter in the Rec Crystal Den or in the stage). This is even more strange as it seems that the collision map works sometimes for half of a table of which the stage is made off. Relogging inside the guild house solves the issue, but it appears again as soon as you leave the house once and enter again. (Windows and linux). It’s a issue obviously for all players but not the same for everyone. While Aiwendil maybe can walk through the counter Lhaa can’t but can walk though some tables Aiwendil can’t.

 3731 Medium17.12.2009Aiwendil Charaters invisible when leaving a guild house at about ...18.02.2010No4 Task Description

If two players leave a guild house at about the same time one player (I think the one who leaves a bit later) will not be visible to the other player. Relogging or enterting and leaving he house again fixes the issue. Waiting until the other player loaded the new map compeletely before leaving the house seems to work fine.

 3730 Medium17.12.2009Aiwendil Hall of Mirror item in guild simple 25.01.2010No3 Task Description


Visible on windows and linux clients.

 2582 Very Low09.12.2008Aiwendilpeeg Can't advice to open help sessions after turning off ad ...27.02.2021No7 Task Description

I advised someone in the help channel yesterday. I got a bit busy with group, tells and main chat and I though I answered all his questions, so I turned off the advisor mode. Fine so far. But it seems that player had another question. I guess because the advice session with the player was still open when I turned advisormode off I got the follow up questions of that player. Okay…stil fine so far. But I couldn’t answer to the player anymore. So I had to turn advisor mode on again, send the answer and then turn it off again. Not really a big deal, but maybe worth to look at it ;). I think the best solution would be to allow former advisors to still give help to open advice sessions even after they turned off advisor mode.

(23:32:16) [Help] You advise xxxx with this suggestion: Abelia? Leftclick her to select her. And then say “hi” in the NPC chat tab
(23:32:52) [Help] xxxx asks: wow, what a inovative idea…actualy talkikn to them
(23:33:05) [Help] xxxx asks: thanks, lol I’d never had found that out was looking for a commmand
(23:33:07) [Help] xxxx asks: thanks!
(23:33:36) [Help] You advise xxxx with this suggestion: You are welcome. Have fun. And listen to the NPCs…they tell you what to say next ;)
(23:34:34) >You have just laid down your advisor role.
(23:36:04) [Help] xxxx asks: awesome, are you a developer?
(23:36:22) >You need to be an advisor to use this command.
(23:36:31) >Your request to become an advisor has been granted.
(23:36:35) [Help] You advise xxxx with this suggestion: no…I’m just another player ;)
(23:40:54) >You have just laid down your advisor role.

 2362 Low10.10.2008Aiwendil Missing medium armor skill 08.05.2009No7 Task Description

Today someone on the help channel told me that medium armour is gone in his skill list. So I looked at my skills too, and really, there is no medium armour in it.

 2235 Low16.09.2008Aiwendil Bonus of rings are doubled 16.09.2008No Task Description

I use a Crystal Ring (Crystal way +1) and a Ring of Radiance (Azzure way +1). I noted today, that after a I login I had +2 for Crystal way and Azzure way. When I took off the rings I still had +1 in these both ways. When I take off all items and then logout and login again this issue is fixed. This could be related to, but I’m not sure, because it doesn’t involve two items of the same kind. But of course feel free to merge this two bugs or close this one as duplicate.

 1381 Low01.04.2008Aiwendil game crashes when doing a /list_advice_requests 01.04.2008No1 Task Description

Everytime I try to list the advice requests with /list_advice_requests the game crashes for me with a Segmentation fault. I have this issue with linux but it seems the problem is there for windows too. []

I thought someone told me, this is already in the bugtracker but I couldn’t find it. So please excuse me if I was just to stupid for the search ;-)

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