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IDSeverity[[state]]OpenedOpened byAssigned ToSummary[[changedby]]Last EditedPrivate
 162 Low28.08.2007CaarrieMike GistVille Rantapuska not able to load image 15.10.2007No9 Task Description

6702 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
6703 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/cleaver.png<
6704 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
6704 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/longsd.png<

spliting this from  bug 135  and marking new as it was reported already

neither myself nor Karyuu has any idea as to what these are or why they are there.

 159 Low28.08.2007CaarrieVille Rantapuska tutorial icon pixilated 31.10.2007No9 Task Description

it is called to be size

  <frame x="0" y="0" width="45" height="60" />

but the image is only 52x117 so it gets stretched out

either we could get a larger tutorial.png or the tutorial.xml can get edited to change the size of this image.

I think it would be better to get a new image and keep the size the same

this is at 1440x900 res but i dont think that matters in this case

[i tested on cvs so i am putting it there but i assume this is the same on laanx]

 147 Low25.08.2007Caarrie mouse wheel zoom 30.09.2007No4 Task Description

It would be nice to be able to change from first to third person and third person to first person view just by using the mouse wheel.

 146 Low25.08.2007CaarrieAndrew CraigCaarrieArianna setup option is missing 01.10.2007No3 Task Description

it would be nice to have an option to select setup in category just as we can updater as there could be some bugs in the setup application see  bug 145 

 145 Low25.08.2007CaarrieMike Gist pssetup and arial.tff 09.09.2007No7 Task Description

when loading the setup app using a cvs build and not copying over the /data/tff folder you see

Could not load font "/this/data/ttf/arial.ttf"

in console

for some reason in the official binary arial.ttf is included in /data/ttf

 140 Low24.08.2007CaarrieKeithRlyDontKnow casting time casting effect and spell effect timing 14.08.2010No10 Task Description

when you get a higher level in magic [any way] it decreases the time it takes to case the spell. But you also have a set time that it takes for the casting effect to be run, so you end up with the spell effect being cast when the casting effect is still shown. [tested with max 200 level to see how bad this can be]

would be nice to have the casting effect shortened depending on how high your level is so that the spell effect does not get cast when the casting effect is still present.

 138 Low24.08.2007CaarrieElina Eganova missing skin files in default skin 25.08.2007No2 Task Description

Mounting skin: /this/art/skins/

  2121 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2122 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/backdrop/config.png<
  2823 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2824 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/backdrop/options.png<
  2833 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2834 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/chatbox.png<
  2834 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2834 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/chatinput.png<
  3097 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3097 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/buttons/popup/popup_marry.png<
  3098 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3098 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/buttons/popup/popup_divorce.png<
  3114 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3114 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/chest.png<
  3433 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3433 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/buttons/stance/stopattack_active.png<

Mounting skin: /planeshift/art/skins/base/

  3753 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3753 Could not open image: >/paws/base/backdrop/popup17.png<
  3895 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3896 Could not open image: >/planeshift/dark_way/<
  3929 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3930 Could not open image: >/planeshift/books/<
  3978 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3980 Could not open image: >/planeshift/tools/<
  3980 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3981 Could not open image: >/planeshift/tools/<
  4073 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  4074 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/cleaver.png<
  4074 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  4075 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/longsd.png<
  4117 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  4117 Could not open image: >/planeshift/models/<
psEngine initialized.
 137 Low24.08.2007CaarrieElina Eganova missing skin files in stone skin 25.08.2007No2 Task Description

Mounting skin: /this/art/skins/

  1709 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  1713 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/backdrop/config.png<
  1767 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  1768 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/backdrop/options.png<
  1792 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  1793 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/chatbox.png<
  1793 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  1794 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/chatinput.png<
  1829 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  1830 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/highlightbar.png<
  1835 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  1835 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/chest.png<
  2036 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2037 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/buttons/stance/stopattack_active.png<

Mounting skin: /planeshift/art/skins/base/

  2538 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2539 Could not open image: >/paws/base/backdrop/popup17.png<
  2731 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2731 Could not open image: >/planeshift/dark_way/<
  2759 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2760 Could not open image: >/planeshift/books/<
  2807 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2807 Could not open image: >/planeshift/tools/<
  2808 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2808 Could not open image: >/planeshift/tools/<
  2988 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2989 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/cleaver.png<
  2990 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2990 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/longsd.png<
  3038 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3039 Could not open image: >/planeshift/models/<
psEngine initialized.
 135 Low24.08.2007CaarrieCaarrieElina Eganova  missing skin files for elves skin 28.08.2007No10 Task Description

When loading HEAD client i see this in console [i dont see this in my normal client]
Mounting skin: /this/art/skins/

  2175 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  2176 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/backdrop/config.png<
  3332 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3333 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/backdrop/options.png<
  3501 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3502 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/chatbox.png<
  3502 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3502 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/chatinput.png<
  3832 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3832 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/chest.png<
  3972 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  3973 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/buttons/stance/stopattack_active.png<

Mounting skin: /planeshift/art/skins/base/

  6512 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  6513 Could not open image: >/paws/base/backdrop/popup17.png<
  6584 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  6584 Could not open image: >/planeshift/dark_way/<
  6605 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  6605 Could not open image: >/planeshift/books/<
  6640 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  6640 Could not open image: >/planeshift/tools/<
  6641 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  6641 Could not open image: >/planeshift/tools/<
  6702 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  6703 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/cleaver.png<
  6704 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  6704 Could not open image: >/paws/real_skin/gui/longsd.png<
  6744 <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:56 PreparePixmap>
  6744 Could not open image: >/planeshift/models/<
psEngine initialized.
 122 Medium22.08.2007CaarrieAndrew CraigKenneth Graunke more flame burst bugs 22.04.2009No12 Task Description

1. the spell effect [flame] gets cast too soon. it is cast as the casting effect is still present

2. the flame no longer goes to the target and only affects the player and not npc or any target similar to for the meteor effect.

Original problems are covered elsewhere (1) or are fixed (2). New problems:
- message says ‘Flame burst affected 1 target’, as if it is an area spell. However, when no npc is targetted, it says the spell needs a target
- the spell has no effect on npc health, even at level 200.

 120 Low22.08.2007CaarrieTaladVille Rantapuska example effects 31.03.2009No7 Task Description

The example effects in (public) svn have NO matching art in (public) svn. It seems the /art/effects/examples folder is located in (private) svn [the official bin has this folder]. Either these effects should be removed from (public) svn or the art should be added to (public) svn.

 113 Low20.08.2007CaarrieTalad tutorial text not showing up correctly 22.08.2007No5 Task Description

As you can see in these screenshots the changes to the tutorial.xml file that Talad last made make it somewhat hard to read the text

here is my patched tutorial.xml file and the resulting screenshot with elves skin

 108 Very Low19.08.2007CaarrieCaarrie gust of wind spell 16.11.2007No22 Task Description

when casting "gust of wind" effect on cvs i get the following in console:

271868 <src/client/psclientchar.cpp:593 HandleEffect>
271868 Failed to render effect test

Valad effects on cvs are "effect_example" "spire_example" and "star_example" [sample effects from /data/effects/examples]

To see that effects work on cvs they should be set to have spell effects that work [or basic ones should be made if needed]

 90 Low17.08.2007CaarrieAndrew Craig duplicate all in operating system 18.08.2007No2 Task Description

assigning to arianna [i know i should not but i am] in the drop down box for operating system there is a duplicate “all” option that should be removed.

 28 Low09.05.2007Caarrie seems inventory is full when it is not 11.08.2007No4 Task Description

I went [after having ghost items disappear] and asked jayose for ink and paper to test for crashing. I got a system message that my inventory was full and the item would be dropped. I am not sure if the database sees these ghost items that i dont see in my inventory or not.

 27 Critical09.05.2007Caarrie adding item to inventory crashes the server 11.08.2007No3 Task Description

tested by trying to /item 6 clacker legs or any item in a stack. the server will crash. Maybe releated to  bug 26 .

 26 High09.05.2007Caarrie Unable to pick up items 11.08.2007No3 Task Description

I found a tefusang skin on the ground. I tried to pick it up with a pickup shortcut. I was able to target it. I then got a system message that "you cant hold anymore tefusang skin". I dont have a full inventory and i have no tefusang skins in my inventory. This might be releated to  bug 24  about picking up coins [that was fixed now we have this bug]. After the server crashes you see no item on the ground and it is not in your inventory

 23 Low08.05.2007Caarrie Unable to pick up coins 11.08.2007No1 Task Description

If you have more then 65 circles hexas octas or trias you can not pick up anymore anyway.

 20 High08.05.2007Caarrie Spell research does not work 02.04.2008No5 Task Description

Tested a few times and no glyph combo that should work or individial glyph can be used to research a spell. [tested with the glyph to make life infusion and glyph to make Flame spire no spell was able to be found.

 6 Medium07.05.2007CaarrieKenneth Graunke Unable to purify more then one of the same glyph 11.08.2007No2 Task Description

If you have a stack of more then one glyph and you want to purify all of them. You are not able as only one of them shows up in the glyph window. This means that you would have 2 stacks of these glyphs and never be able to stack them as you cant stack purified and non purified glyphs. [able to assign bug to dev if you can see the assign to box :S when making a bug]

 5 Medium07.05.2007Caarrie Not able to easily go from one zone to another 11.08.2007No7 Task Description

When using old maps on laanx [.019 client] I am not able to simply walk from one map to another. Instead of walking to the new zone i seem to walk into a wall and have to find a hole in it to keep going.

 3 Low23.04.2007CaarrieCaarrieKenneth GraunkeAnders Reggestad npc's that should walk on paths sneak instead of walk 22.11.2007No18 Task Description

many npcs that can walk are sneaking around the maps instead of walking. I have seen this with harnquist and the new miners.

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