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IDSeverity[[state]]OpenedOpened byAssigned ToSummary[[changedby]]Last EditedPrivate  desc
 2853 Critical02.04.2009LoyniMike Gist Client(trunk) hangs while loading on single core system ...05.04.2009No9 Task Description

The client hangs while loading on single core systems.
This seems to be a threading issue.
The loading thread seems to starve, since it’s low priority.

 1204 High07.03.2008LoyniRizin Quest "Lorytia Starhammer and the Clan reunion" - bugge ...10.03.2008No2 Task Description

There are problems with this quest. The first time I got it, I reached the point where I have to take Lorytia’s apology letter to Trasok (She also tolds me to take 1 iron and 1 gold ingot). The quest dissapeared from the list (and it’s not discard-able). Now I got the quest again. Went to trasok having Lorytia’s first letter. I told him ‘Lorytia sent me’ and he asked me the letter. When I gave it to him the letter he asked me what do I think of his 1st symbol. I answered “It’s nice” like I did the first time. No trigger, I’m stuck there.

 1336 High24.03.2008LoyniRoland SchulzBoite Middle click (inventory "take all stack") toggles Mouse ...09.08.2008No22 Task Description

I built PS rev 1265 and noticed that clicking on an item in invintory with Middle mouse (take all stack) TOGGLES MouseLook. I have MouseLook bound to Middle mouse, but still it shouldn’t behave like this.

 2552 High01.12.2008Loyni Build issue with PS r2573 stable and MSVC9 15.12.2008No2 Task Description

Multiple compiler errors:
\src\server\bulkobjects\psminigameboard.h(X) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int

psminigameboard.h needs to include psstdint.h

 2686 High17.01.2009Loyni Same character name on different servers results to cha ...14.11.2013No2 Task Description

Logs get mixed for same character name, but different server.
The same problem applies to:
Buddy list alias names - data/aliases_X.xml
Quest notes - data/questnotes_X.xml

I would also feature request a different directory per server for the screenshots.
e.g. screenshots_laanx, screenshots_ezpcusa etc…

 2426 Medium01.11.2008Loyni Cannot attack a GM withought challenge 21.11.2008No5 Task Description

I got the message “You cannot attack a GM.”, while Aiken was not invincible
and “Attack” was an option when I right clicked him (Tested this 5-6 times and after re-log).
I could only attack after I challenged him and he accepted.

 2481 Medium17.11.2008LoyniAndrew Dai NPC do not chase the player when attacked from far away ...14.05.2010No2 Task Description

Attacking an NPC from great distance (e.g. flying stones spell)
makes it rotate towards a specific spot and just stop there.
Even if the player moves close to the NPC it still faces that direction.
Attacking it again tho (being closer now) makes it start chasing the player normally…

 2507 Medium23.11.2008Loyni Crash trying to sell to NPC 23.11.2008No Task Description

I bougth 81 Blank books from Jayose (:O) but I only wanted … 80! (lol)
I tried to sell one of them and crashed as soon as I selected category “books”.

dropped the sacks where I kept 80 books and tried selling the one left in my inventory… all OK.

PS: I e-mailed a crash dump to Lanarel.

 2691 Medium18.01.2009Loyni Inventory cache becomes invalid when users do too many  ...12.08.2009No8 Task Description

When the player does inventory actions too fast (e.g. buy potions)
due to UDP latencies the cash may invalidate (older cache state arrives after the valid one).

 2708 Medium24.01.2009Loyni Show selected target's label. 18.12.2011No2 Task Description

It would be nice to show the selected target’s label,
so e.g. the player can see other players’ guild name without
losing time to point the cursor over them.
This would be useful in PvP mostly, since
the opponent’s guild plays an important role on the attack decision.

 2716 Medium28.01.2009Loyni fast casting spells makes casting window not disappear 22.02.2009No3 Task Description

fast casting spells makes the casting window not disappear

 2739 Medium04.02.2009LoyniTristan Cragnolini You're too far away to loot X, when the client shows yo ...14.07.2009No11 Task Description

When you kill NPCs with magic (I used flying stones), sometimes the server death-spot is different
than the client one. if you search around, you find the loot spot about 3 units away (that’s an estimation).
Direction of the client→server spot is not standard and seems to depend on the NPC rotation at the moment of death.

 2764 Medium18.02.2009LoyniMathias 3D Voices 28.06.2022No8 Task Description

NPC voices should be 3-dimensional and attached to the the talking NPC.

1135Low28.02.2008Loyniuse /tell with alias names05.07.2009No2 Task Description

It would be nice to use alias names from buddy list for /tell command.
e.g name: full_char_name, alias: Loyni.
/tell Loyni [text] could be translated itnernally to
/tell full_char_name [taxt].

 1417 Low13.04.2008LoyniTalad God 0 for Gugrontid zone. 18.04.2008No7 Task Description

Server reported “The nuisance known as [player] was struck down by 0!” for spam kill in Gugrontid area.

 2227 Low11.09.2008Loyni Invalid name allowed. 11.09.2008No Task Description

The name Guildchat is allowed.
The player can use /me to impersonate other guild members.
“/me from Loyni: Hey” displays
“Guildchat from Loyni: Hey”

the only difference from an authentic guild-chat message is the capital C in GuildChat.

P.S.: I have already taken the name ;)

 2296 Low27.09.2008Loyni Ability to move an item in use. 27.09.2008No Task Description

When repairing an item the player cannot move it to his inventory directly,
getting the message “You can’t move item in use”.
He can, tho, can _replace_ it with another one from his inventory,
Dragging the “new” item to the equipped item’s slot.
The first item (the one that was “in use”) is now in inventory, but you can’t move it,
getting the same message (”You can’t move item in use”). If the user doesn’t stop working,
the repair procedure continues, until it’s repaired.
*but* If he stops working, the item gets “locked” there and you need to re-log to move it again…

So, steps to reproduce:
1. Equip a repairable item to slot A.
2. Hit “/repair <slot>”.
3. Move another item to slot A.
4. Move the character to stop working.
Item in inventory is now locked O.o

 2402 Low23.10.2008Loyni Change command /assist so it can't be used to determine ...10.02.2009No5 Task Description

Command /assist can be used to determine enemy’s target.
I suggest /assist to be usable only on guild or group members,
except for PvP areas, where it should be freely used on other players (inside the PvP).

 2429 Low01.11.2008Loyni No effect for "Short Sword of Ways" 12.02.2009No1 Task Description

I don’t know if this is actually a bug. I have a “Short Sword of Ways” that has no effect, while “Polished Short Sword of Ways” has.

 2467 Low15.11.2008Loyni [Regression] Dead NPC Rotating 16.11.2008No3 Task Description

I found a way to re-produce the dead rotating NPC 90% of the times.
Seems that it happens when NPC-player distance is big, although it sometimes
happens when the distance is small…

It’s simple:
Kill the NPC while it’s far away (I was using BrW - Flying stones range) and make sure it’s
still rotating to face the player when death happens… (seems that its angular velocity doesn’t reset when it happens)

PS: Still can’t reproduce sliding one… Seems kind of random O.o

 2859 Low05.04.2009Loyni Server (trunk) crash on exit 22.07.2009No1 Task Description
psserver.exe!csRefCount::DecRef() Line 81 + 0×8 bytes C++
psserver.exe!csRefArrayElementHandler<psGuildInfo *>::Destroy(psGuildInfo * * address=0x026f5a98) Line 75 C++
psserver.exe!csArray<psGuildInfo *,csRefArrayElementHandler<psGuildInfo *>,CS::Memory::AllocatorMalloc,csArrayCapacityFixedGrow<16> >::DeleteAll() Line 965 + 0×12 bytes C++
psserver.exe!csArray<psGuildInfo *,csRefArrayElementHandler<psGuildInfo *>,CS::Memory::AllocatorMalloc,csArrayCapacityFixedGrow<16> >::~csArray<psGuildInfo *,csRefArrayElementHandler<psGuildInfo *>,CS::Memory::AllocatorMalloc,csArrayCapacityFixedGrow<16> >() Line 566 C++
psserver.exe!csRefArray<psGuildInfo,CS::Memory::AllocatorMalloc,csArrayCapacityFixedGrow<16> >::~csRefArray<psGuildInfo,CS::Memory::AllocatorMalloc,csArrayCapacityFixedGrow<16> >() + 0×14 bytes C++
psserver.exe!psGuildAlliance::~psGuildAlliance() + 0x3d bytes C++
psserver.exe!psGuildAlliance::`scalar deleting destructor’() + 0×14 bytes C++
psserver.exe!CacheManager::UnloadAll() Line 327 + 0×36 bytes C++
psserver.exe!CacheManager::~CacheManager() Line 142 C++
psserver.exe!CacheManager::`scalar deleting destructor’() + 0×14 bytes C++
psserver.exe!psServer::~psServer() Line 188 + 0x2e bytes C++
psserver.exe!psServer::`scalar deleting destructor’() + 0×14 bytes C++
psserver.exe!main(int argc=3, char * * argv=0x003c5500) Line 81 + 0x1e bytes C++
psserver.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 582 + 0×19 bytes C
psserver.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 399 C
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]
psserver.exe!BinaryRBNode<Faction>::~BinaryRBNode<Faction>() Line 110 + 0×36 bytes C++
 612 Very Low14.11.2007LoyniMike Gist You can talk to yourself with /tell. 14.01.2008No10 Task Description

Player can use /talk commant to talk to his self…

 2439 Very Low07.11.2008Loyni Weakness generates "It's already dead." 07.11.2008No Task Description

If you cast weakness, most times you get “It’s already dead.” system message followed by “(null)” system message.
I casted on rats and rogues in Oja using level 40 DW character and I could reproduce almost every time.

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