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IDSeverity[[state]]OpenedOpened byAssigned ToSummary[[changedby]]Last EditedPrivate
 8005 Very Low10.01.2024Daevaorn "Denglish" in Reffitia Thamals standard greeting 09.03.2024No1 Task Description

It seems a German native speaker created that bit of text that Reffitia utters regularly without prompt:

Good day to you, tabei. Do you have interest to buy some of my choice meals, or perhaps an apple?

There is a mistakenly literal translation in there and it should read correctly:

Good day to you, tabei. Are you interested in buying some of my choice meals[,] or, perhaps, an apple?

 8004 Low10.01.2024Daevaorn Numbers mixed up in Octarch's Delight recipe 04.05.2024No1 Task Description

Many recipes try to achieve one end product from one main ingredient and if crafting transformations yield several intermediary products they often are used collectively in the same amount to process further. That observation leads me to believe there was is a mistake in the recipe for Octarch’s Delight.

A fish is cleaned and cut into 2 Filleted fish

I would assume the final product therefore to make use of 2 Filleted Fish together with 1 each of the rest of the ingredients to combine into one Unmixed Octarch’s Delight.


I find only 1 Filleted Fish goes into the mix but 2 sauce items do. This does not make a lot of sense and so I am suspecting a mix up in the item quantities with this crafting step (Combine … into Unmixed Octarchs Delight).

8002Medium09.01.2024DaevaornAuto-prepare picking impossible container11.01.2024No Task Description

While preparing Terevan Berry Wine Saauce (as part of Octarch’s Delight) The “Prepare” button picks either mortar and pestle as the container to be used or the wooden bowl, depending on where my character is standing (in Reffitia’s Kitchen).

Both are too small to hold all items that are needed to combine “Unmixed Terevan Berry Wine Sauce”. Maybe container size should be a criterion more than distance.

8001Low09.01.2024DaevaornMy drifter is a heavy alcoholic11.03.2024No1 Task Description

My drifter just ate a stack of Terevan Wine Bottles that I planned to temporarily put on the ground in order to mount.

This seems inappropriate (not to mention a costly habit)!

 8000 Medium09.01.2024Daevaorn Purple Orchid Stems not harvestable (and others?) 11.03.2024No1 Task Description

On the Road to Ojaveda there used to be a spot for harvesting the herbal/alchemical ingredient Blackbus Stem, which is now called Purple Orchid Stem.

Immediately above the position at ojaroad1 340718.63 -353685.9 10483.5
there is a single such item hovering in the air, which is close to the place the old harvesting spot was located in. But neither can I harvest there, nor can I pick up the item (too far away).

Is it possible that the (only available) spot for harvesting this plant is thus broken?

Similarly and not too far off in the direction of the Derghir one used to be able to harvest Sicklepod Flowers. I can’t find them anymore.

7996Low07.01.2024DaevaornMixing "Terevan Wine Sauce" and "Mixed Pungent Tuber Ma...14.01.2024No2 Task Description

For a while I have been trying and failed ot make Octarch’s delight and Lionfish Souflee.

In both cases the mixing in a wooden bowl didn’t work.

The new crafting interface now shows that there is baking skill required in both cases which doesn’t make sense given the tool set or the recipe book involved

7995Low07.01.2024DaevaornNew crafting: Two stacks stay separate when added to co...07.01.2024No Task Description

The version affected is 0.7.40, unavailable as an option in the FlySpray configuration.

If you have the right amount of raw materials for a crafting process, but they are not in the same stack (for example because you almost used up one stack with other crafting before and you have another full one) the right amount of items gets transferred into the container, but in two separate stacks, the crafting process accordingly fails with the message that there isn’t the right amount of items and ultimately if you don’t notice the message you are wasting the correctly attributed raw material.

7993Medium07.01.2024DaevaornDialog option broken in "Repentance" / Keen Edge chain ...11.03.2024No1 Task Description

The quest option advised by Sharven (”[…] HE has decided […]”) is correctly presented by the interaction menu,

but on selection it is not recognised by Roniston (”[…] You could ask me to tell you about something, perhaps?”)

Quest progression is thereby blocked the Keen Edge chain broken again (after yesterday’s fix of “Slimy Doubt”).

7990Low02.01.2024DaevaornMissing/Wrongly displayed CHR buff on Shiny-enchanted j...05.01.2024No1 Task Description

The item description of a “Shiny Major Gold Diamond Necklace” states that the item has a (base-?) buff of +3 CHR.

It hasn’t when equipped.

Either the description of the buff effects need a fix.

7989Medium02.01.2024DaevaornExtremely unrealistic drop in crafting quality (Jewelry...02.01.2024No Task Description


- a skill level of 218 (i.e. 186 natively)7
- an unpolished speciment of Q300 to work on

I created a final result for an enchanted gold necklace of Q126

This is an extremly unrealistic random outcome.

7979Low27.12.2023DaevaornTuathanachGugrontid forge missing interaction buttons31.12.2023No1 Task Description

The forge at Gardr’s smithy does not offer the usual interaction button when opening the container window. There are simply no buttons.

7978High24.12.2023DaevaornPort /unstick as a means to solve critical bugs on play...24.12.2023No Task Description

It has happened to me a dozen times over since joining UR after it has replaced legacy, I relogged inside a guildhouse/law map and I am eternally falling for having spawned slightly beneath floor level.

In several instances I had to wait hours for a /tp back to the map, and so it is happening again today.

Please make a quick fix of this enabling players to teleport themselves back to the map in such a case. It’s a real downer to have to wait for a long time in such a case, particularly given the fact that you probably have to stay online for a GM to /tp and fix this. Huge waste of energy with the constant 3D animation.

This could also be of help if players are trapped in map geometry, inescapable pits, rifts and so on.

7977Low22.12.2023DaevaornOnyx Dagger members in the Hydlaa Sewers' column hall n...18.03.2024No Task Description

The four Onyx Dagger members who share the hall with two Grendols do not respawn once killed.

7976Low17.12.2023DaevaornNPC structures cannot be attacked magically.01.01.2024No1 Task Description

(16:59:00) [chat] >You cannot cast Fist of the Volcano on Eagle Gobble Hut. You can only cast it on living enemies.

If you can destroy the hut, it should also be possible to apply destructive magic. A living body should be the greater obstacle for magic to overcome when compared to inanimate objects.

7974Medium16.12.2023DaevaornRepeatable quest awarding faction points for the wrong ...16.12.2023No1 Task Description

Sat 02-Dec-2023

(17:38:51) [chat] Daevaorn: Here is the armour that you asked for. Plate mail pants and chain mail pants.
(17:38:51) [chat] >You gained 13600 experience points and 68 progression points!
(17:38:51) [chat] >You received 51 circle, 4 octa, 0 hexa and 8 tria.
(17:38:51) [chat] >Your Armor Making skill has increased by 1 point!
(17:38:51) [chat] >Your faction with Weavers Tree has worsened. (17:38:51) [chat] >You unlocked a new achievement: Achieve Velvet Glove in Weavers Tree
(17:38:51) [chat] >Quest Completed!
(17:38:51) [chat] >You have completed the A Measure of Protection quest!
(17:38:51) [chat] Kethzun Guthazik: You’re done already?
(17:38:51) [chat] >Trade complete

At first I was wondering about points being deducted until I got the information that this is regular procedure when hitting the cap value.

However I was surprised to see that
- a smith awards faction points for the Weavers’ Tree
- there are faction points awarded at all for one of the skill quests that can be done (at least theoretically) up to

 7965 Very Low05.12.2023Daevaorn Surplus blank in /me and /my 09.03.2024No1 Task Description

After the engine generated name or possessive printed in the chat on using /me or /my

there is an extra space character added before the parameter message is echoed.

7957Low03.12.2023DaevaornSome player characters do not display the standard summ...12.03.2024No6 Task Description

When inspecting player characters (via right-click and eye-icon) the paragraph at the end of the description tab that comes with the standard stats and weapons/mnagic skills estimate is missing for SOME characters.

An example being “Duergar Melayk”.

7956Medium02.12.2023DaevaornAmdeneir needs scaling up by 20-30%02.12.2023No Task Description

It might make sense that an Ynnwn has to crouch in order to get through a Klyros built door, but when Klyros are struggling to pass many doors in their own city, that doesn’t make any sense.

Many doors are too narrow for my Klyros character to pass through. Same holds for some of the decoration, like the kiosks in the market hall with an awning that is too low to look at the wares on the table.

I think 20-30% larger scale would be sufficient to remedy the major trouble spots.

 7946 Very Low20.11.2023Daevaorn Mistake in "of Stone" effect description 27.11.2023No2 Task Description

The description mentions endurance being increased by 10 and endurance [sic!] and will being reduced by 10%.

When wearing the item I get +10 STR instead and my INT and WIL levels are 390 instead of 400 which is -10 or -2,5%

I only had a closer look at the stats because of the double mentioning of END, plus and minus. There might be more items where the actual effect deviates from the descriptions.

7945Low19.11.2023DaevaornHard to leave the winch, portal too small to find12.03.2024No2 Task Description

If inside the Winch quarter in Hydlaa it is difficult to leave towards Plaza.

The right-clickable portal area on the gate encompasses only a small part of the door around knee height. This used to be as big as the entire door and should be again.

 7943 Low14.11.2023Daevaorn Tips/MotD database needs adaption to UR client 09.03.2024No6 Task Description

The hints being displayed at the bottom of the loadscreen need an overhaul in order to adapt them to the UR client.

Example: I just got the message to “Press <M> to change camera view.” which is legagy configuration-related.

Apart from that the loadscreen is seen much more rarely than before and on a quick machine like mine it is not displayed long enough to actually read the longer messages.

Maybe a doubling of the tips in the main chat on login would make sense.

7941Low14.11.2023DaevaornPlacing item onto stone block with basin in "guildlaw" ...14.11.2023No Task Description

I have been trying to place decoration and a book onto the stone block in the entrance area of the guildlaw map (our guildhouse instance of it)
A weapon as well as the book have disappeared inside the map geometry instead of on the surface.

Without command line support for targetting comparable to what we used to have in legacy (/target next item) I don’t see any way of retrieving an item lost this way.

7940Very Low14.11.2023DaevaornGrass patches floating between shelves in the library14.11.2023No Task Description

There’s a minor map glitch in Jayose library.
On the ground floor there’s a patch of grass blades floating between the shelves in mid air.

7939Critical14.11.2023DaevaornItems keep randomly disappearing form containers in gui...22.12.2023No6 Task Description

When I learned about the new transformation mode I took it upon myself to clean up our guildhouse.

In the process I removed many old items from the map and stored them in containers instead.

While I did this occasional crashes happened, which on returning seem to have deleted items stored in these containers.
I have lost roughly 70% of player generated/crafted items, some of historical value this way, as well as many player crafted weapons and armours of highest quality.

A very alarming issue.

If my asumption is correct the server automatically deletes any item that it suspects to be involved in crashes. While this maybe desired behaviour in terms of the technical side of things, in terms of a persistent game world this is REALLY, REALLY bad, if true.

 7938 Low13.11.2023Daevaorn Tutorial lacking game music after initial piece 12.03.2024No1 Task Description

As reported to me by a new player today, the new tutorial map only plays game music once for about two minutes.
After that it goes silent with only ambience sounds.

The player described the atmosphere as creepy and unnvering because of this.

Maybe we could add one or two upbeat pieces of our all time Yliakum favourites playlist and loop that?

7936High12.11.2023DaevaornCannot target players sitting on a mount04.12.2023No1 Task Description

A player that is mounted on a Rivnak or Drifter cannot be targeted, for actions such as trade, or even emotes.#

It doesn’t make a difference whether you click player geometry or the mount’s, you always end up selecting the mount over the player.

Even if one could argue for trading that it might be inteded (which I don’t think is overly realistic, since you can hand someone on a mount a loaf of bread), itt would be very strange to greet someone’s pet instead of the owner, when passing on the street, wouldn’t it?

(Selecting high priority since this seriously hampers RP supported with game-mechanics such as emotes)

7935High12.11.2023DaevaornTrapped in the Dwarven Fortress17.03.2024No1 Task Description

I am now trapped in the entrance area of the Dwarven Fortress for the second time in 24 hours. The door of the cell that gives access to the lower levels closed on its own while I was inside and there seems to be no way of opening it from the inside.

 7934 Medium10.11.2023Daevaorn Old plant name in "Kaiman Jilatt Needs Plant Supplies" 09.03.2024No3 Task Description

One branch of the above mentioned quest requires you to harvest Devil’s Claw which used to be the name for Nicinela. The latter is also accepted by the quest scripts as the required item.
Thus only the quest conversation needs fixing/adaption to the new name.

Players without access to the old naming have no chance solving this, (That’s why I chose medium severity.)

7933Low08.11.2023DaevaornDark Rogue hideout hard to access; broken door inside12.03.2024No2 Task Description

Entering the doorway to the Dark Rogue hideout in the Abandoned Mine is nigh impossible. I had to crouch-roll several times to go past the doorway. (The other direction, out, works smoothly)

The wooden door to the little chamber behind the hideout is no longer clickable. /ability detect secrets didn’t do anything obvious either.

7932Medium06.11.2023Daevaorn/takestackall stacking on item in hand of same quality06.11.2023No Task Description

If you remove one or more items with a given quality X from a container,
with the command /takestackall or the respective button
while holding another item of quality X in your hand,
the stacking occurs in your hand-slot, even while you are working on the item in that slot.
Thus work done is being interrupted.

7931Medium05.11.2023DaevaornMorphing spells no longer change PC's visual appearance05.11.2023No Task Description

Spells that are meant to visually change the player’s appearance (read mesh) don’t work anymore.
(i.e. Gorwealform, Polymorph)

 7930 Low05.11.2023Daevaorn Summon tree has RW icon 27.11.2023No1 Task Description

The spell Summon Tree has a Red Way Icon, showing a flaming sword.

 7929 Very Low05.11.2023Daevaorn Phanejor Mikana offering the same item twice 27.11.2023No2 Task Description

In Phanejor’s Buy>Containers list of offers there are two identical entries for

65× Wooden Crate – 300 Tria

7928High05.11.2023DaevaornPCs can get locked into the Ash Brotherhood Lair17.03.2024No Task Description

A server crash happened while I was inside the Ash Brotherhood Lair.

On restart the stone in the doorway had been reset in its closed position, and I was effectively trapped inside, without a way of triggering the mechanism to re-open the passageway.

There should be a second trigger/gear/switch on the iside.

 7927 Critical04.11.2023Daevaorn Trap detection crashes the server 24.12.2023No4 Task Description

Using the
/ability detect/remove traps
(as a chat command, not having focused an item, next to a previously triggered Necromantic trap, just outside the first/main chamber of the Ash Brotherhood lair)
crashes the server immediately.

7923Low02.11.2023DaevaornWar pick lacking icon09.03.2024No5 Task Description

There is no 2d art / icon to represent a “War Pick” in game.
Inventory cells containing one are not discernable from empty slots.

 7922 High01.11.2023Daevaorn Trying to cast an attack spell via keyboard shortcut no ...25.03.2024No2 Task Description

It is impossible to use keyboard shortcuts for magic attacks.

Steps to reproduce: Define a shortcut with an attack spell i.e. Stone Fist, assign a key to that shortcut, i.e. “Period” [.]

Trying to cast this way brings up a strange colourful, triangular progress bar, and the system returns “You cannot attack yourself” although an enemy has got a target focus.

7914High29.10.2023DaevaornDropping an item in an occupied container slot doesn't ...07.12.2023No7 Task Description

affected version: 0.7.38 (couldn’t be set yet as the version)

When trying to drop an item on an occupied container slot, the item remains “in limbo”, i.e. nothing happens.

This affects crafting severly:
Shift-clicking a stack placed into a container, you have always been able to “fan out” stacks of items in containers for crafting processes that would individually change quality (thereby averaging the random factor of the process).
This is no longer possible.

7907Very Low25.10.2023DaevaornEnchanting gems rendered as digging animation14.01.2024No1 Task Description

When using an enchanter my character is digging or lunging.

This should be the same animation as spell casting IMO.

 7906 Low23.10.2023Daevaorn Quest-triggered skill rank-up displyed as buff for clie ...31.10.2023No Task Description

If I rank up in a skill by completing a quest, the skills window displays the gained rank as a buff (green + number below the actual skill rank)

Only if I rank up in (any other) skill regularly (e.g. by crafting) after that the skills window is updated properly and previous quest rank-ups are incorporated correctly.
(A restart of the game client obviously has the same effect.)

 7905 Low22.10.2023Daevaorn Excessive Metal Chest spawning in Lava cave 27.10.2023No1 Task Description

There was a stack of 15 or 16 such chests when I got there today, and they were overlapping resulting in weird flickering graphics.

 7904 Very Low22.10.2023Daevaorn Ornate Small Battle Axe has wrong icon 29.10.2023No2 Task Description

The ornate battle axe has the icon of a falchion.

 7903 Low19.10.2023Daevaorn Spellweave item not providing max mana buff 29.10.2023No3 Task Description

My spellweave LS claims to add “max mana +100” in its description, but doesn’t.

 7902 Medium19.10.2023Daevaorn Active effects countdown reset with every additional ef ...29.10.2023No1 Task Description

I noticed a discrepancy between my Dakkru’s curse timer and the time elapsed. The effect disappeared as intended after 30 mins, but the countdown was still showing several hundred seconds when it was removed.

So I experimented a little with shorter effect durations (like Relaxing Sleep) and found that whenever an effect is added, the countdown display (in numbers on hover as well as growing “background bar”) of all the others is reset to their original duration.

 7901 Low18.10.2023Daevaorn Target health bar not updating with damage over time 29.10.2023No1 Task Description

When fighting an opponent with magic, the health bar does not reflect any damage over time effect, e.g. magic/poison damage, caused to the target.

In order to get a visual update on the target’s actual HP you need to unfocus and target them again.

7899Very Low17.10.2023DaevaornTrees in the riverbed near Raurim17.10.2023No Task Description

Similar but not identical to FS#7871

Four trees growing in the center of the riverbed at /pos
raurim_area 632871.68 -471483.83 9353.26

Although not impossible to have them grow in the water, it’s highly unlikely they’d grow at the center of the stream.

 7898 Medium17.10.2023Daevaorn Mixing in wooden bowl broken 23.10.2023No1 Task Description

I have failed to create two recipes at the same stage where I have an “Unmixed [sauce]” and need to “Mix Unmixed … using Wooden Bowl with a Wooden Spoon.”

The process starts normally but takes unusually long time and creates Slimy Goo in the end.

Steps to reproduce
1) Put either “Unmixed Terevan Berry Wine Sauce” or “Unmixed Pungent Tuber Sauce” into a wooden bowl.
2) Hold a wooden spoon and press the use-button.
3) Wait for the goo.

Since I encountered this in two different recipes with two different intermediary products, I’m assuming that it is a general problem with the mixing process / wooden bowl / wooden spoon.

7897Low17.10.2023DaevaornFeature request: NPC Interaction window/view severly la...17.10.2023No Task Description

The NPC interaction window can only be controlled via mouse clicks, which is extremely cumbersome – particularly giving the full screen scale – bordering the unintuitive for some parts,.

Going back and forth between the menu entries and the dialogue window to click the progression arrow is cumbersone as well as leaving the view (and here we are extremely unintuitive) with a mouse click in the corner, instead of supporting the Escape key.

My proposals (ranked by importance, most important first):

1) allow for exiting the view by assigning the ESC key to the leave button
2) allow for dialogue progression by hitting the space bar (having your character jump in this view is really an expendable “feature”) or at least have the arrow key right assigned to that right pointing arrow appearing under the lefthand dialogue section.
3) selecting conversation options on the right-hand side via numbers 1-9 (range should suffice for 99% of the present cases).

7896Low17.10.2023DaevaornAmdeneir tavern kitchen lacking a (hotspot for a) prepa...17.10.2023No Task Description

While the tavern’s kitchen in Amdeneir has all the smaller pieces of equipment, the tables and stove they are standing on don’t offer any interaction to open an oven, a grill or a preparation table respectively.

I’d expect there to be at least a preparation table accessible.

7895Low17.10.2023DaevaornNightvision ability not working inside dark buildings23.10.2023No1 Task Description

The nightvision effect (cool stuff BTW) does not actually improve sight when inside a very dark buildinig, e.g. the Amdeneir tavern.

(One can of course argue in terms of realism, that nightvision needs residual light to work, but I counter that with the fact that any publicly accessible building should have more than enough residual light. – It should have enough light not to require that ability in the first place!)

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