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 937 Medium13.01.2008Melissa Barton Shadows displaying when not supposed to 13.01.2008No Task Description

from the top of the Laanx temple when looking down upon Hydlaa with adaptave camera set at 28 I looked down and expected to see nothing, however I was able to see the ground in all its glory with all of the shadows for the trees and buildings that were out of my visual range. Perhaps this could be another link in the chain for the lag in hydlaa, potentially as then all of the shadows are being displayed whether they are out of visual range or not. Here are some screenshots from while I was up there, remember adaptave camera was at 28, however I tried again and at 5 it still showed the same. It was 3:00 AM in game time as that is why the pictures are darker, again should probably not be showing shadows.

Thanks for your time

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