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2521Low26.11.2008EricOption to allow assistance in PvE without grouping28.07.2009No2 Task Description

I know this is around for some reason, but I think an option to turn this on and off would be better, as it does more bad than good, especially for roleplay. I was talking with someone new in the dungeon, next to an aggressive rogue which I just killed. When the rogue respawned, he went after the new player, and began pummeling him. I tried to intervene and “save” him, but couldn’t attack the rogue because of some magical red letter barrier yelling “I must be grouped with the player to attack”. I eventually tried to heal him, but wasn’t fast enough and he died while I stood there watching helplessly. Next time I’ll start with healing them, instead of trying to attack, group and communicate with the player as they are being attacked.

I’m not sure how many people go out there and try to “steal” other people’s monsters, but this is seriously annoying and unrealistic in the grand scheme of things. This has happened many times and has been tough to try to “save” anyone, so I thought an option to turn on and off to allow players to hoard monsters for themselves or share if they get into trouble. I suggest as a default, it should be allowable for new players. Delete this if it is a repost, couldn’t find anything on it.


 2141 Low14.08.2008Eric Die going through map junction ojaroad1 to Hydlaa East  ...15.08.2008No Task Description

Coming from ojaroad1 entering the rocky tunnel road to the Hydlaa East Gate. At the terrain change, from the dirt road to the raised dirt/rock in the tunnel. I’ve died twice, definitely jumping the first time, I’m not positive I was jumping the second time. This may be fixed whenever the map junction bug is fixed, as this is an area that gets messed up a lot. It sometimes even teleports the player back to the ojaroad1 → ojaroad2 tunnel. I did witness another player dying as well going through the junction, did look like he was jumping, but not positive.

Ubuntu Hardy Heron 64 bit
Athlon X2 4600+ 64 bit
Unaltered PS client installed, 0.4.01
I don’t think the settings matter, but windowed and medium graphic settings, vertex buffer off.

Feel free to delete if it is related to the map issue.

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