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 7799 Low04.03.2023Dermathil Settings button on login screen does nothing 28.10.2023No1 Task Description

When you launch the game, you come to a screen where you can input your account address and password. At the bottom of the same screen, you have buttons labeled Quit, Settings, Credits and Login. Clicking on Settings should bring up a settings menu to adjust the game and yet does nothing.

 4273 Very Low21.03.2010DermathilTalad Hole in the Winch map 18.02.2020No1 Task Description

At the base of the wall that is separating Hydlaa from the winch, there is a hole at these coords: hydlaa_winch -10.84 0.13 -214.17 Instance: 0. It is not big enough for a player to fall through it, though (at least a Klyros can’t).

 1953 Low16.07.2008Dermathil uncapitalised letter "q" not showing anymore in the cha ...17.07.2008No1 Task Description

Up to very recently, the letter “q” don’t show up anymore in my chat window. The capitalized “Q” still show up, but not the uncapitalized “q”. I have checked in every other windows. that affects only my chat window. every tabs are affected, and even the place to type is affected by that. instead of showing “q”, it shows a big empty square.

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