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IDSeverity[[state]]OpenedOpened byAssigned ToSummary[[changedby]]Last EditedPrivate  desc
 7573 Low25.11.2022TrippedOnReality/EnarelTuathanach Map Gaps in the Winch 04.02.2023No7 Task Description

It looks like the vertical faces on the curbs are backwards here:
/pos hydlaa_winch 214789.80 -291289.25 8037.28

Gap here:
/pos hydlaa_winch 214282.73 -288482.78, 8021.86

Gap Here:
/pos hydlaa_winch 219056.44 -290555.06 8048.60

 4104 Medium15.02.2010TrippedOnReality/Enarel Oja Kitchen has no Iron Pan 16.03.2010No6 Task Description

The kitchen in Oja has no iron pan and it makes cooking difficult. This would be similar to a missing sharpening wheel at one of the smithing stations.

 5547 Medium19.02.2012TrippedOnReality/Enarel inconsistent steel ring weight 23.01.2014No6 Task Description

For chainmail armor, steel wire weighs 0.5 kgs, and after you cut it into 10 dozen open steel rings, each dozen steel ring also weighs 0.5 kgs. Basically you gain weight when making rings. 10 dozen open rings should weigh the same or slightly less than the wire it’s made from. closed steel rings, riveted open rings, and riveted closed rings all weigh 0.5 kgs.

6748Medium04.01.2015TrippedOnReality/EnarelFilter for storage window09.01.2015No5 Task Description

The ability to sort in the storage window is awesome. However, it would also be nice to be able to search your storage for a specific item within a category. I think this would mostly be useful in weapons categories, but I can see it being useful for other categories as well. For example, if I’m looking in category: weapons - axes and I want to find all of my blah blah blah of the hammer axes, it would be nice to be able to filter by “of the hammer”. Sorting is great, but if you’re looking for an item with a specific modifier, and it’s not a prefix, it’s hard to find.

 7735 Very Low11.02.2023TrippedOnReality/EnarelTuathanach Inescapable hole - large west 09.03.2024No5 Task Description

There’s a giant hole here: large_west -721841.50 -329071.12 11089.95

8011Very Low21.01.2024TrippedOnReality/EnarelAmdeneir gaps in map04.05.2024No5 Task Description

There are gaps along the road or at the base of buildings at these locations in Amdeneir:

Amdeneir -348976 -595451 18804

Amdeneir -347532 -596049 18814

Amdeneir -346446 -593819 18821

Amdeneir -346293 -592665 18807

 7779 High18.02.2023TrippedOnReality/Enarel Unable to Harvest many items that aren't wood 04.12.2023No4 Task Description

It’s currently not possible to harvest many items in the areas where they spawn (I checked several spots on Ojaroad2 [clackerweed, threestem fruit, kingsfoil, dandelion). You just get the message “you don’t see a good place to harvest”. I tried looking around outside the spawn areas, but couldn’t find anywhere to harvest. You can harvest wood in the correct locations, but non-wood items appear to be broken. I’m not sure if the spawn areas are just mismatched with harvest area or if the harvest areas just don’t exist.

Bug  FS#7773  is potentially related to the above issue.

 3533 Medium02.12.2009TrippedOnReality/Enarel Rats are too hard to kill 16.01.2010No4 Task Description

I was unable to kill any rats in Oja with level 1 or 2 sword skill using the steel falchions available from NPCs and low-medium stats. System messages were primarily “the rat has dodged your attack” with a few “you attacked the rat on the (bodypart), but were blocked”. I tried this with a new charcter and with a low level character that was migrated over. Stats for the migrated character are Agil 100, Char 65, End 110, Int 54, Str 135, Will 77. The rat description also indicates that the rat is significantly stronger than my character.

7589Medium04.12.2022TrippedOnReality/EnarelInterface option settings reset at relog17.10.2023No4 Task Description

In the interface tab of the options/settings menu, some options don’t seem to save at relog.

Items affected:
- menu bar size
- visible shortcut rows
- chat tabs
- time stamps
- max history

 2988 Medium13.06.2009TrippedOnReality/Enarel no practice points for metallurgy when smelting silver 15.06.2009No3 Task Description

When smelting silver, no practice points are received; only experience points. I’m level 20 metallurgy right now, but I was not receiving practice points from levels 10-20. I asked around last night to see if others were having the same problem and I found another person who was also having this problem. I searched bug tracker to see if this was already reported and did not find anything similar. I found one person on the forum that was experiencing the same problem ( ) but I don’t think the problem ever got reported on here.

 7493 Medium04.10.2022TrippedOnReality/EnarelTuathanach Multiple Crafting Books With Missing Crafting Info 02.12.2023No3 Task Description

When looking up recipes in a crafting book, several have an issue where the info “tree” does not return expected recipe when clicking on the item to be crafted. It seems to be related to an initial “ingredient” is not populated correctly, so anything that “depends” on that “ingredient” also does not populate correctly.


Making Chainmail Armor:

All “Kit” Small Chain Mail Piece
Small Chain Mail Part
Riveted Six in One Pattern
Riveted Four in One Pattern
Six in One Pattern
Dozen Closed Steel Rings
Dozen Open Steal Rings
Steel Coil
Steel Wire
Four in One Pattern

When clicking on the item in the crafting tree, none of the above items returns a recipe. All of them depend on “Steel Wire”.

I have a list of the affected craftable items for ~25 crafting books. I didn’t know if it made more sense to open one bug per book type/category or if it made more sense to lump them all together here.

7515Low23.10.2022TrippedOnReality/EnarelSnow/Rain inside Guild House21.01.2024No3 Task Description

Snow and rain happen inside guild houses. Lighting also appears be affected by day/night cycles. Not sure if this is related to FS#7424 - guild house: no collision detection inside guild house.

 7597 Low05.12.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Setting Gems into Armor Doesn't Work if Gem is in left  ...03.02.2023No3 Task Description

If the gem is in your left hand when you try to set it into a socketed armor set, the gem is not set and you just create the normal version of that armor. The gem is not consumed in the process, but you waste the socket that was added to the armor set. Would suggest checking to make sure the gem is in the correct hand, and if not, warn the user, or remove the handedness requirement (though make sure it doesn’t have the same issue as jewelry where the gem isn’t consumed if it’s in the wrong hand  FS#7579 ).

 4147 Medium23.02.2010TrippedOnReality/Enarel Cannot cast life infusion on other people 24.02.2010No2 Task Description

I’m not sure if this is a bug or not. But on 0.5.2 you can’t cast life infusion on other people. You receive an error messege saying “You cannot cast life infusion on <playername>. You can only cast life infusion on yourself or other living friends.” Being grouped with the person doesn’t seem to matter either. Before, you could cast life infusion on other people. I’m using windows vista, but my friends who both have macs also had the same problem.

 5124 Medium30.03.2011TrippedOnReality/EnarelDavide Vescovini Be able to cast stacks of ingots from stacks of moltens ...22.12.2016No2 Task Description

I’m not sure how difficult this would be to do, but it would be nice if you could cast stacks of ingots from stacks of molten/sludges if they aren’t in the approriate quantities as those required for stocks of that metal. For example: putting a stack of 30 molten iron in the casting tank would result in a stack of 30 iron ingots. This would be particularly nice for crafters so that less time is spent making the ingots and more time can be spent crafting. If that isn’t possible, a function that would let you stack items in your inventory would be another option since about half the time spent when making lots of stock or lots of ingots (or similarly when preparing ingredients for cooking) is restacking things in your inventory by hand. Could a /stack [quantity/any/all][item] function similar to the /drop function work if the first option isn’t reasonable?

 7265 Low01.08.2021TrippedOnReality/EnarelTuathanach Arena Forge, Furnace, Smith Table unusable 13.06.2022No2 Task Description

The furnace, forge, and smith tables in the arena currently cannot be targeted or used. This may be due to these crafting stations being a map element vs a placed object. Stock tank, quench tank, sharpening stone, anvil, and riveter all appear to function correctly.

 7269 Low01.08.2021TrippedOnReality/EnarelTuathanach Wrong quantity in multiple crafting books (says 0 when  ...25.03.2024No2 Task Description

Many items where the final amount after a process should be 1 are listed as 0. For example, the sabre kit currently says “Combine sabre blade, sword handle into 0 sabre kits”. This appears to be a global issue for most items where the total should be 1 (enchanting seems correct). This is true for all basic sword, knife, dagger, and axe kits. This is also true for all the basic kits in the shield books, all wooden shield cores, all basic armor kits including helms, bows, bracers and necklaces in jewelry making, and leathermaking. Numerous items in the cook books, brewing books, alchemy books, and herbal books also have this issue.

 7270 Low04.08.2021TrippedOnReality/Enarel Floating objects near Leather crafting area in Hydlaa 07.05.2023No2 Task Description

The leatherworking table in Hydlaa (and several other objects adjacent to the table) appears to be floating.

 7404 Low07.08.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Event/Quest list does not update correctly when switchi ...07.11.2022No2 Task Description

no task description

 7406 Low07.08.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Crafting Stations inside Harnquist's building are mispl ...07.11.2022No2 Task Description

no task description

7427Low10.08.2022TrippedOnReality/EnarelFloating plants ojaroad129.01.2023No2 Task Description

floating plants at: 274673.47, -364629.59, 10927.77

It’s spawned items, probably from a natural resource location.

 7492 Low04.10.2022TrippedOnReality/EnarelTuathanach Hole between stairs and upper level in Hydlaa plaza 12.11.2022No2 Task Description

when walking up the stairs, sometimes you can fall through the map due to a gap between the stairs and the upper level.

pos: hydlaa_plaza 214272.03, -324909.16, 10982.62

7551Low20.11.2022TrippedOnReality/EnarelMail GUI01.04.2023No2 Task Description

The mail window at the pterosaur fast travel npcs has item slots that extend outside the minimum extent of the mail window.

7572Low25.11.2022TrippedOnReality/EnarelMouse pointer overlaps hover tooltip when in windowed m...25.11.2022No2 Task Description

When playing in windowed mode, if you shrink the game window, everything scales smaller except the mouse pointer. This causes the tooltip to be hidden behind the mouse pointer if you shrink the window smaller making it unreadable. I’m not sure if it’s possible to either have the mouse pointer scale with everything else, if the tooltip can be further offset, or if the tooltip can be on top of the pointer.

This is the biggest problem on the toolbar with options, skills, character etc, spells/active magic toolbar, and on the shortcut toolbar. The inventory tooltips seem ~okay. They do overlap slightly, but the overlap is in a place without text.

 7959 Low04.12.2023TrippedOnReality/Enarel /loot command doesn't work 25.03.2024No2 Task Description

When trying to use /loot command the loot window doesn’t open. This doesn’t work if you manually type it in the chat bar or if you save it to a shortcut. System messages are still received if the NPC has no money or no items to be looted.

 8006 Low14.01.2024TrippedOnReality/Enarel Several Cooking Books with Broken Recipes 24.03.2024No2 Task Description

Related to bug FS#7996

This appears to affect all dishes in “Dishes with Fishes” that require a “mixing” or “bake” transform and a couple of other recipes in other cooking books.

I currently have level 30 in baking, and I’m still showing missing baking skills on several items that are below my skill level. I’ve trying to craft some of the items that show missing baking skills by manually following the steps, but it doesn’t work as intended.

List of potential issues:

Dishes with Fishes Book:

“Baked Roltok” - Baking: Missing 0
“Terevan Wine Sauce” [part of Octarchs Delight] - Baking: Missing 15
“Octarchs Delight” - Baking: Missing 15
“Baked Ide” [part of Ynnwn Fish Platter] - Baking: Missing 0
“Oven Baked Bream” - Baking: Missing 30
“Baked Orfe With Night Mushrooms” - Baking: Missing 40 [may be correct, is above my current baking skill level]
“Lionfish Souffle” - Baking: Missing 70 [may be correct, is above my current baking level]
“Uncooked Lionfish Souffle” [part of Lionfish Souffle] - Baking: Missing 20
“Mixed Pungent Tuber Mash” [part of Lionfish Souffle] - Baking: Missing 20
“Uncooked Crayfish and Kartoffel Soup [part of Crayfish and Kartoffel Soup] - Baking: Missing 10
“Thickening Sauce” [part of Crayfish and Kartoffel Soup] - Baking: Missing 10
“Spicy Pan-fried Coppernose” - Baking: Missing 0
“Eel Pie” - Baking: Missing 50 [may be correct, is above my current baking level]

The Pastry Chef Book: “Cram” - Baking: Missing 10

The Art of Baking Book: “Ball of Honey Nut Dough” [part of Honey Nut Bread & Frying Honey Nut Dough] - Baking: Missing 0

 5348 Very Low05.08.2011TrippedOnReality/EnarelDavide Vescovini Smith NPCs don't buy helm parts. 21.05.2013No2 Task Description

I checked all the obvious smiths, but none of them seems to buy helm parts. Several buy armor, armor parts, and helms, but are missing the helm part category. At the very least, the smithy NPCs that buy helms should probably buy helm parts too.

7962Very Low04.12.2023TrippedOnReality/EnarelFemale Stonehammer Fishing Animation and Fishing pole m...05.12.2023No2 Task Description

The fishing animation for the female stonehammer reels in the rod with the right hand, but the reel on the rod is for reeling with the left hand. This may affect other character models as well.

 8019 High24.03.2024TrippedOnReality/Enarel Using "E" to loot Rogues Crashes the Server 24.03.2024No1 Task Description

Using “E” to loot rogues causes the server to crash. It does not seem to have the same issue with kikiri/tefus/trepor/ulbers/gobbles.

 4568 Medium24.06.2010TrippedOnReality/Enarel Magic/Stats placed in the wrong category after casting  ...31.07.2010No1 Task Description

As stated, when casting magic with the stat/skill window open, the sword skill gets replaced with the magic way skill. For example, if life infusion is cast with the skill window open, sword becomes crystal way. If the spell cast is a buff such as strength or crystal aura, the affected stat replaces the sword skill. I took a few screen shots to show what i mean. It appears to only be affected if you receive practice for the magic skill. For example, i got the same results with casting relaxing sleep, until i ranked up and was no longer getting practice, then sword was unaffected. I suspect it may also be limited to those with maxed sword, but I am unsure about this. I’ve also noticed some of my skills progress bars not updating after ranking up (mostly with magic) if I have the skills window open. Instead of turning blue and yellow, the bar stays green. not sure if this is related or not. Both problems are resolved if the stat/skill window is closed and reopenned. Relogging did not seem to help.

Other particulars
Server: Slylab
OS: Windows Vista SP2 32-bit before casting after casting life infusion after casting strength

 4876 Medium23.12.2010TrippedOnReality/Enarel Weather makes some objects invisible 26.12.2010No1 Task Description

I’m using the 64-bit windows version of PS. When ever there is a weather event it seems to make some objects invisible. I had a portal post disappear during snow, the furnace and stock tank disappear during yellow fog, and a stack of ores I dropped disappear during rain. As soon as the weather event stops, the objects reappear.

 6195 Medium20.10.2013TrippedOnReality/EnarelDavide Vescovini No practice awarded for making Quicksilver 20.11.2013No1 Task Description

Not sure if this is intended or not, but you don’t get any practice for creating quicksilver since there is no casting step, which is where you get all your practice in metallurgy for all other metals. Seems to me you should get practice in metallurgy or alchemy for making quicksilver, but probably metallurgy since that’s the book you use to make quicksilver.

 7268 Medium01.08.2021TrippedOnReality/EnarelTuathanach Sword handle recipe missing Book of Blades 02.02.2023No1 Task Description

Sabre, shortsword, longsword, and claymore are missing the instructions for creating a sword handle and combining it into a kit in Book of Blades. Sword handle is also missing from falchion in both Superior Sword Parchment and Superior Platinum Steal Blades (I don’t remember if this was included in the original, it might not have been). It is still possible to craft a handle and combine into a kit if you know the recipe.

 7405 Medium07.08.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Cannot buy items from NPCs 03.09.2022No1 Task Description

When trying to buy an item from an NPC, you cannot buy the item unless you switch to the sell tab first and then go back to buy, then you can buy the item. This bug does not seem to affect buying an item if the exact same item is already in your inventory. Tested with Toda and Trasok.

 7856 Medium04.06.2023TrippedOnReality/Enarel Strength Buffs - can still move when overburdened 08.06.2023No1 Task Description

With any buffs that affect strength, if the buff is removed (either spell expired or weapon/armor/jewelry item with buff is removed) the player can still move around. Previous game would force the player to sit until they were no longer overburdened. Logging out and then logging back in does not seem to fix the issue and the player is still able to move around despite being overburdened. Other activities are prohibited if the player is overburdened, so the server knows the player is overburdened.

Additionally, the inventory window does not update your weight carrying capacity after casting strength related spells or when strength related spells wear off until an item is moved in inventory to force a server update (works as expected with buff items that are equipped/dequipped).

First reported by Maui, and I was able to confirm.

7954Medium02.12.2023TrippedOnReality/EnarelWorking with Stock and Working with Rare Stock Books Mi...04.12.2023No1 Task Description

Working with Stock and Working with Rare Stock books are missing the recipes for heating ingots/stocks in the forge in 0.7.39.

 6849 Low27.03.2016TrippedOnReality/EnarelDavide Vescovini Alchemy: Air essence weight gain during transformation 28.09.2016No1 Task Description

In alchemy, when making mix of kikiri feathers for air essences you gain weight.

Nitric spirit (1.25) + incinerated kikiri feather (0.001) = mix of kikiri feather (1.5) Results in weight gain of 0.249 per item.

You also gain weight when making mix of tloke drone wing.

Nitric spirit (1.25) + incinerated tloke drone wing (0.002) = mix of tloke drone wing (1.5) Results in weight gain of 0.248 per item.

 7267 Low01.08.2021TrippedOnReality/EnarelTalad Default hand for hammer is left hand, but animation is  ...21.08.2021No1 Task Description

If you drop an hammer on your character in the inventory window with nothing in either hand, it defaults to the character’s left hand, but the animation for hammering at an anvil is for the right hand. Wooden mallet also defaults to left hand (I don’t know if there is an animation associated with this).

 7417 Low09.08.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Shortcut Icons Reset after Logout 04.12.2022No1 Task Description

After adding an icon to a shortcut, when logging out and logging back in, the icon is reset to the default/first icon in the category. If you go to change the icon of a shortcut that is already set after logging back in, the category will say whatever category the icon is in, but if you click through the icons, they will be from the UI category until you select a different category and then reselect the previous category.

7426Low10.08.2022TrippedOnReality/EnarelEagle gobble huts inside hill/underwater ojaroad2 39684...24.01.2023No1 Task Description

no task description

 7428 Low10.08.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Storage sometimes throws a warning message when trying  ...03.09.2022No1 Task Description

When trying to store an item, if you don’t already have the item in storage, there is a warning message “Storage does not have [quantity] [item]”. If you switch to the withdraw tab and then back to store, then you are able to store the item(s).

May be related to bugs 7405, 7404, and maybe part of 7417 as all seem to have similar behavior where you have to switch to a different tab to trigger an update.

 7436 Low13.08.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Repair - Hover quality doesn't update unless item is de ...20.11.2022No1 Task Description

When hovering over an item equipped on your character with a mouse, the quality isn’t updated after repairing it until it’s dequipped (affects armor and weapons). Quality also doesn’t update on hover if you close and then re-open the inventory window without dequipping. Quality on hover does update upon logout/login. Quality is correct in the right click context menu.

 7517 Low23.10.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Invisible Wall in Akk-Central 07.11.2022No1 Task Description

There’s an invisible wall at /pos Akk-Central 533753.19, -355057.06, 14691.44

 7590 Low04.12.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Sent to Dryken Plane after attacking/being attacked by  ...09.01.2023No1 Task Description

I attacked a Blackroot on BDroad1 with an Energy Arrow 1 time and the Blackroot attacked back with normal stance 1 time and I was sent to Dryken Plane.

 7595 Low05.12.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Shortcut Macros Missing letters 06.01.2023No1 Task Description

If a shortcut macro was previously saved and you edit it, the first two letters are removed from the macro ex. “/cast energy arrow” becomes “ast energy arrow”. the first shortcut slot on each page will lose 2 additional letters at the beginning if other shortcuts are edited and then you return to edit the first short cut on a page.

Spells/abilities will sometimes work with the shortcut even with the macro cut off at the beginning, but /loot all doesn’t. instead you say “oot all” in main.

 7596 Low05.12.2022TrippedOnReality/Enarel Casting with hotkeys automatically targets yourself 25.03.2024No1 Task Description

When using a hotkey to cast a spell on your shortcut bar, it automatically targets the player casting rather than the target.

Steps to reproduce:
1) set an attack spell to a shortcut (should be automatically set to number keys)
2) select an attackable npc
3) charge spell by holding down key
4) cast spell

result: system message of “you cannot attack yourself”

If you try to heal a friendly, the healing spell automatically targets you instead as well.

expected results: cast spell on the selected target.

Casting from the spellbook works, but you cannot charge the spell from there. Casting from the shortcut by clicking it also works, but you cannot charge/set spell power there either.

 7702 Low29.01.2023TrippedOnReality/Enarel Kikiri in Oja are not attackable 08.01.2024No1 Task Description

You can’t currently attack the Kikiri in Oja, but in legacy you can attack them. Some Kikiri loot items are needed for crafting.

 7704 Low29.01.2023TrippedOnReality/Enarel Plants don't appear to respawn 12.02.2023No1 Task Description

Plants don’t appear to respawn. I checked in a few locations (night mushrooms at the magic shop, charm flowers at the ruins).

7722Low05.02.2023TrippedOnReality/EnarelCutthroats Oja Road 2 - Not attacking back, Teleporting...10.02.2023No1 Task Description

Cutthroats on Oja Road 2 pathing seems problematic. They do not attack back when attacked and repeatedly teleport to this location even while standing here and do not appear to be able to move from this location: ojaroad2 469297.69 -333307.041 5554.62

 7734 Low11.02.2023TrippedOnReality/EnarelTuathanach Floor missing texture in gugrontid 29.03.2023No1 Task Description

The floor appears to be missing the texture here: gugrontid 58910.77 -444298.91 16518.14

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