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 4982 Medium24.02.2011YanndrJack "Gardr trust" Gardr Keck 07.11.2011No13 Task Description

I have tried to do this quest, as it was proposed but Gardr ask me for some tip from Trasok and I don’t know where I could learn that. I have tried to go to Ojaveda and I have no proposal from Trasok about this Quest. So perhaps it was open for me too early, I don’t know.

 4981 Medium24.02.2011YanndrJack "Working with rare metals" Gardr Keck 08.12.2011No2 Task Description

This new quest doesn’t disappear when you have done it. So you can do it again and again, and even with new choices, it stays at the end. I have been able to do it 4 or 5 times, getting each time a copy of the book, PP, trias and Faction bonus.

 3108 Medium18.08.2009Yann Occupation tag 03.10.2022No4 Task Description

I think it would be useful for Gameplay to have the possibility to have some sort of a short tag describing what a character is currently doing if he is busy for a while.
ie: A character is currently repairing an axe, standing in front of an anvil. It would be nice to be able to have a tag/tab, like speaking ones (perhaps with a special color and specific tab in GUI speaking panels), where we could write for surrounding people or approaching ones “/me is fixing the handle of an old rusty axe” It could help to have an idea to get in contact with people who are currently doing crafts or depicting themselves doing some special RP, or having to stay doing nothing else for a while. To be really efficient, this tag would appear for people closing by, even after you wrote it.

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