
Task TypeIDPrivateCategorySeverityStatusOpened byAssigned ToSummaryLast Edited[[changedby]]  desc
Bug Report7945NoBugtrackerLowReady to testDaevaornHard to leave the winch, portal too small to find12.03.20242 Task Description

If inside the Winch quarter in Hydlaa it is difficult to leave towards Plaza.

The right-clickable portal area on the gate encompasses only a small part of the door around knee height. This used to be as big as the entire door and should be again.

Bug Report7962NoCharacters AnimationVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelFemale Stonehammer Fishing Animation and Fishing pole m...05.12.20232 Task Description

The fishing animation for the female stonehammer reels in the rod with the right hand, but the reel on the rod is for reeling with the left hand. This may affect other character models as well.

Bug Report7996NoCrafting TransformationsLowUnconfirmedDaevaornMixing "Terevan Wine Sauce" and "Mixed Pungent Tuber Ma...14.01.20242 Task Description

For a while I have been trying and failed ot make Octarch’s delight and Lionfish Souflee.

In both cases the mixing in a wooden bowl didn’t work.

The new crafting interface now shows that there is baking skill required in both cases which doesn’t make sense given the tool set or the recipe book involved

Feature Request1135NoUser InterfaceLowNewLoyniuse /tell with alias names05.07.20092 Task Description

It would be nice to use alias names from buddy list for /tell command.
e.g name: full_char_name, alias: Loyni.
/tell Loyni [text] could be translated itnernally to
/tell full_char_name [taxt].

Feature Request1590NoInventory/ItemsLowNewElectricsheepTrade between players should be visible to all in sight...24.01.201021 Task Description

How about making it visible in Main if Players exchange items?
A system message appears to the ones trading anyways at this moment.
the message to others should however have some less precision, like:

 "<PlayerA> gave <PlayerB> Weapons and some coinage in exchange for raw materials"
 for someone trading a crafted longsword, a dagger, 2 hexa and a tria against 45 platinum ore and a silver ingot.

this in order to keep realism (can all see how many circles and tria he pushed into the other persons hand?)
the message could use the item_category, and eliminate doubles, so it could be done without giant changes to the database.

the advantages I would see in this:

 1.) there will be visible interaction between players. no more pure tell-based sales that (imho) are pretty ooc.
     Noone IRL (and especially not in the middle ages) would go into a shop and whisper in the cashiers ear what he whishes to sell or buy.
     Instead people going into a shop (not a supermarket) usually say good day followed by a statement on what they seek to buy (maybe even some smalltalk).
     Neither would such item exchange go unnoticed by other people in the shop or near the exchange.
     So I think it would add to realism. Unless the character you play would be blind.
 2.) Stealthy and sneaky exchanges of goods would have to take place in dark alleys, like sneaky things should be done.
 3.) Hopefully the messages in main would encurage Players to take the general and casual trade-talk into main as well,
     instead of hiding it in tells in order to not 'disturb' other players. 
     If IRL there are others talking near you, you step away a little to give and have more privacy as well.
 4.) It also would surely add some spying capabilities into the game, as it then could indeed be seen to all around who trades with who.
     This will make it possible to IC-ly spy on others trade behaviours. This without the need of having to be telling or grouping with the ones spied on. 


 1.) Anyone could see who would trade with who, people who use quest runners would have to find a reason why they would get items for free.. 
     (or take the trade to a dark alley).
 2.) Someone could 'spam' the main-channel with trade messages. (but that's easier by sitting and standing up, or by dropping items and pick them up)
 3.) some things I probably didn't thik about yet. feel free to add..

Overall I think it would rather add to RP then desturb it.
For slipping items to others unnoticed, there could/should be a ‘/givesecret’ option that would use the numbers behind the pickpocket/sneaking skills.

Feature Request1804NoLowNewQia FaskUse of containers holding liquids is unrealistic (mugs,...06.07.201322 Task Description

Mugs are a staple of RP for many people, but their use is currently quite unrealistic – you “drink” away a solid glass object.

What I proprose to fix this may not be purely realistic, but at least makes sense.

When an object is consumed, it should leave behind an “empty” (mug, potion bottle, jar, etc.) which will appear in the inventory. The cost of items which come in containers should be increased, as “deposit” or sorts, like when people buy pop or beer in real life. People would be able to sell the empty back to reclaim their deposit.

In the case of mugs of alcohol, they could be strewn about on the table as the drinking goes on, so people know who’s been drinking too much. There wouldn’t be any worry about “littering”, as there would always be someone willing to pick up after and return them to Allelia or Brado for the deposit money.

If this is implemented, it would also allow for future features like being able to return to Allelia or Brado for a “refill” without needing to pay the deposit. Same for potions and other items that are sold in containers.

Also the possibility of putting other liquids into the containers. It would be neat for example to be able to stop by the secret garden and fill up a bottle, mug or bucket with fresh water from the pool (it could be done by the usual right-click method on an object).

I feel these sorts of things would help improve the RP and realism a great deal.

Feature Request2189NoLowNewweltall[pawsillumination] zoom support when looking at sketche...01.09.200821 Task Description

It would be nice if it was possible to zoom sketches when looking at them. This would also be useful when you get a sketch/map which is too big for your screen and allows you to have the entire image on screen by reducing zoom.

The included patch allows the user to zoom from 1/10 to 10x the map increasing the size of every element on screen.
The buttons used for this are > and < if someone has a better suggestion about them or thinks that having the increase/decrease zoom on screen would be useful i could add them.

Feature Request2319NoLowNewAuto-Create Key For Lockable Container01.10.20082 Task Description

When using /item to create a lockable container, also create a key automatically and place it in the container.

At the every least, just create the (master?) key and put it in the new container.

More complex would be to alter the dialog to allow input of how many keys (in addition to master?) to auto-create.

Feature Request2521NoLowProspect TaskEricOption to allow assistance in PvE without grouping28.07.20092 Task Description

I know this is around for some reason, but I think an option to turn this on and off would be better, as it does more bad than good, especially for roleplay. I was talking with someone new in the dungeon, next to an aggressive rogue which I just killed. When the rogue respawned, he went after the new player, and began pummeling him. I tried to intervene and “save” him, but couldn’t attack the rogue because of some magical red letter barrier yelling “I must be grouped with the player to attack”. I eventually tried to heal him, but wasn’t fast enough and he died while I stood there watching helplessly. Next time I’ll start with healing them, instead of trying to attack, group and communicate with the player as they are being attacked.

I’m not sure how many people go out there and try to “steal” other people’s monsters, but this is seriously annoying and unrealistic in the grand scheme of things. This has happened many times and has been tough to try to “save” anyone, so I thought an option to turn on and off to allow players to hoard monsters for themselves or share if they get into trouble. I suggest as a default, it should be allowable for new players. Delete this if it is a repost, couldn’t find anything on it.


Feature Request2532NoLowProspect TaskORead, unread, and updated books26.12.200921 Task Description

I don’t spend my life in Jayose’s library. However, once in a while, I would go there and spend a couple of hours reading, looking for new books, sometimes refreshing my memory with older ones.

It would be nice if there was a way to quickly spot a book that one has already read. Maybe a (read) or (unread) mark after the title, or just a different colour for the title font, anything as see fit. A “read” flag would be set as soon as the book is open, to keep it simple, and of course it is the player’s responsibility to read the content. Ok, so far, you can tell me that it’s up to me to remember if I read something or not; even when hundreds of volumes will be available; yes, but…

It gets useful when a book is updated. If I do remember that I read a specific book, well, I’ll probably won’t read it again. Meanwhile, words may have been changed inside, following the inconsistencies hunt, world development, whatever… So, if all statuses are set back to “unread” for all players after a change (or from “read” to “updated” if you want to be more precise), we’ll know that we’d better read it again.

It can be a bit heavy on the database (flagging each book for each player), but at least it’s technically simple. Not to mention other uses you could come up with (quest requisites, statistics for the setting team, etc.)

Also, as Tontow suggested, the info can be stored on the client side instead of a database. To not lose the functionality of the “updated” flag, which is set on the server side, a last updated timestamp for each book is all that is needed on the server. Client side, the log starts empty (no book read). When opening a book, the log is updated (each time) with the book id (its name, I suppose) and the opening timestamp (server time, easier than GMT). When examining a shelf, books are marked according to the log info; thus, if the latest opening date is earlier than the book’s server timestamp, it appears as “updated”.

(Wish list reference:

Feature Request2658NoInventory/ItemsMediumNewgiveitem command for players26.03.20092 Task Description

Syntax: /giveitem [PlayerName] [Qty|All] <ItemName> [Any]

  • Playername is optional, otherwise default to selected target, fail if none selected
  • Quantity is optional, default to 1, All gives all in inventory/equipped
  • ItemName required, quotes needed for multi-word item names as in “Platinum Ore”
  • Any is optional, allows items in containers to be given. Omitting this protects containered items from being given accidentally, allowing players to put things in sacks or other containers that they want to keep safe, same as the Drop command.

Similar to GM giveitem, but with the following restrictions:

  • player and target must be in touch range
  • player and target may be sitting or standing
  • player and target must not be otherwise busy (fighting/crafting/repairing/etc.)
  • no restriction for target being overburdened (available slot/stack/capacity limits still apply, see Caveats below)
  • similar to PVP, players should have persistent selectable option for receiving given item(s): Always Accept / Prompt to Accept (default) / Never Accept

Along with the command, make Give an option to context menu, which opens a slot window same or similar to that which one gets when giving to an NPC.


  • Smoother and faster RP (P1 gives P2 a beer)
  • Merchant assistant holding extra inventory gives things to merchant for a sale


  • Makes using mules a little easier, as in an unattended mule with Always Accept can become a dump bucket for loot or Ore, however current trade rules allow this already, the only difference is that the mule must be attended to complete the trade, while not for receiving a Give. Eventual random spawns of monsters will mitigate this for loot, and miners still have to move all the collected ore to wherever it is to be processed or sold. IMHO the benefits to RP outweigh this issue, since miners have already worked around unattended trading to some degree, either by mAlting or dropping stacks while guarding in proximity.

Extending the idea, add a die-roll chance for target and near proximity observers to be made aware of the exchange. Giver’s Int. and Agility should apply, and Target’s Int. and Observer’s Int. should apply but I’ll leave it to devs to work out how to implement. Any exchange that is more than 1 single item should incrementally raise the chance of being observed. One might still have a good chance of slipping a couple daggers into someone’s pack, but a stack of 20 Ore would be nearly impossible not to notice. Sleeping target might also factor in.

A further extension might be an optional Sneak parameter whereby the Giver attempts to be especially discrete in the exchange, thus lowering the chance to be observed by the target or near proximity observers, but this should be mitigated by quantity as above.

Feature Request2867NoGUILowAssignedFiribanJoe LyonDisplay tabs only when neccessary22.09.20142 Task Description

to make the interface less confusing, please let the chat window have the “Guild” and “Group” tabs only when the character is in a guild or group. Or at least make hiding these tabs an optional feature.

This would also make it possible to add an alliance chat tab to the chat window without bloating it for the people who are not in an alliance. see my FR #2688 for this.

Feature Request3553NoEngineMediumNewPascal DetraitIdea proposition for Drawing skill16.02.20102 Task Description


the Drawing skill is not yet available.
I propose the following idea for developpers :

   Each save could rise the skill experience
   Each new created sketch could rise the skill experience, significatively more than the save function
   Each rank could rise the number of allowed element in the sketch
   Each "special" rank (defined by developpers) reached could allow new elements (ie. curves defined by 3 points, new icons, symbols, legend, several pages in the same map ...)

Best regards

Pascal Detrait

Feature Request5216NoNPCMediumUnconfirmedmickraVisual indication of available quests20.05.20112 Task Description

When a player character is within the interaction range of an NPC, a mark (label) of some sort should appear above that NPC if they are offering some new or repeatable quests (! not some information for those already running !) for that particular character at that particular moment.

Should be optional as a turn-off or turn-on, depending on the default chosen by designers. In any case, and as with any other label, players should retain the option of not seeing it, if it spoils their fun or ruins their immersion somehow.

The reason for this request: drastically increased amount of questing chains ingame, and the absolutely unhealthy and immersion-breaking amount of mouse-clicking on the same NPCs the game now requires.

Noticing a sign above someone's head is OOC, of course, but clicking a mouse button on someone's model, or getting an aggressive red "…has no quest information for you" line floating in mid-air is equally OOC'ish.
On the other hand, seeing no mark above someone's head would cause neither irritation nor disappointment (while futile mouse-targeting and mouse-clicking, when done repeatedly, invariably produces both of those negative effects).
The marks would also provoke reasonable curiousity about available quests, hopefully enticing new players into doing more of them.

I know this request is somewhat of a long shot, but assuming that the engine is going to be considerably revisited this summer, I decided to submit it anyway.

[Edited for clarity, and also to separate it more from PS#4798. That older one would 'make the game easier' indeed, while what I suggest would only eliminate excessive mouse actions.]

Feature Request5325NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedEnio ArdaBuyback option for last sold item(s) to NPC15.07.201124 Task Description

I would like to have the option to buy back item(s) i sold to a npc as precaution for accidental sales.
Its a common feature in other games and would fit PS very well too.

Questions for implementation:
- Should the list be global or npc specific? (buyback only where you sold it)
I tend to make it npc specific as it makes sense and would prevent abuse (e.g. for transportation).

- Add a timer how long the buyback of a sold item is aviable? Its probably easier to add and lighter on ressources to keep a fixed global item amount then adding a timer.

- How many items should be stored to be aviable to buy back? In my opinion a global maximum of 10.

- Should there be an additional fee for buying an already sold item back? I’d say it would make sense. The NPC-buy price of the particular item could be used, since the calculation is already implemented.

- How does it fit into the UI? It could be added in the BUY-from-npc list of the particular NPC. It would only show up when there is something aviable to buy back, similar to how the SELL-to-npc list handles it now.

Any thoughts or ideas?

Feature Request5425NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedZeonixa AlruvisFPS is too high. Improve the graphics.18.11.20112 Task Description

I have a 6950, running the game at absolute max(custom) settings(minus fullscreen, it crashes), and the framerate is ~130fps(see corner, I had limiter on). I think the game has room for some graphics bumps on the “highest” settings. It would also be a good idea to future proof this game. The 6990 is about twice as good as mine or so, and who knows what year 2014 will have in store? At max settings, I think it should run on the fastest graphics card at about ~12-24 fps.

Now I know some people will be like: “How much did you spend on that computer?” and the answer is: $950.
So yes, normal people could use better graphics. I’m not some crazy uber geek with a $6000 computer(just a normal geek).

Possible additions:
Bump mapping. Cheap way to make things appear more 3d.
Super AA (draw at double resolution, scale down, future proof)
Voxel models/textures.
Another lightmap model: make a second screen, this one is an additive screen, each object reflects light to the second drawing board according to the laws of color (additive, then multiply) so for example, a candle would be yellow on the emitter lightmap, but a chair pitch black. Then after being lit by the candle you preform additive to the chair’s lightmap, and multiply it by the texture of the chair. A third map could be added for reflectivity, but I don’t know if that would be easy since I don’t program graphics.
Better textures.

Feature Request5551NoWebtoolsMediumUnconfirmedFrantaVersion info in server status page28.02.20122 Task Description

Could it be possible to add server version info (and possibly aso recommended/required minimal client version) to the server status page, i.e. to for zeroping server? It could help to determine easily whether the update is required/recommended without need to start pslaunch when you don't use it to load the client.

Feature Request5845NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedPeter van LooShow weapon requirements20.12.201225 Task Description

It happened to me twice already that I bought a good weapon for tens of thousands of tria, to then find out I need a lot of stats to equip it. And not only can’t I equip it, I don’t know whether it’s worth training for it either because nothing tells me how many more levels I need.

The game shows the effects (damage, speed) and the stats increases/decreases can be looked up in a book in the museum by analyzing the name. Could a way be implemented to know what stats and skills you need to use an item before buying it too? Either as part of identification, as a new separate identification spell for requirements or through some book?

Without that I’m very reluctant to buy anything at all as I spent too much money already on things that are useless to me.

Feature Request5994NoGame BalanceVery LowNewMario RohkrämerTuathanachDifferent fishes should have different attributes02.02.202321 Task Description

Different fishes will probably have a rather wide range of weights and sizes: e.g. Carp may become as heavy as several kg, few even more than 30 kg; Manta ray even more with a possible length of 5 m; Dace (mud carp), Ide and Orfe (quite the same) or Perch instead usually less than 1 kg; Coppernose (a tropical barbel) will probably be only few inches long.

But all fishes in PS have the same size and weight of 1.

I don’t expect a variable weight and size per catch, but at least different average weights and sizes.

Feature Request6027NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedHirene PenifurDisplaying Quality of the stored items in storage windo...14.06.20132 Task Description

I think it would be nice to see the actual quality of the stored items too in the storage.

Now, you can see the amount, the price and the name of the item.
Sometimes with lot of similar items but with different qualities, it could help you to chose what you need.
At the moment, you need to click on each same named item stacks to see what you need.

I know it would reduce the maximum number of the storable items per category, but considering the long names of looted items, I think this 8 bytes wouldn’t make big difference.

Feature Request6029NoCraftingLowNewHirene PenifurNew skill: creating magical scrolls19.08.202226 Task Description

I think it would be nice if mages would be able to make magic scrolls, on the same patterns as you can enchant gems, you could enchant a paper by spells.

Then anyone could use that scroll to cast magic without magical knowledge, so a crafter or fighter character could use identifing, healing or other type of spells.
The power of the spell and the duration would depend on the quality of the scroll, and that on the way level of the mage who created it.

Scroll would be crafted from papers on the same way as you make enchanted crystals from gems.
It could use an ‘intermediate object’ or multiple glyph enchanting on a single paper would do it too.
For example, if a spell is a 3 glyph combination then the crafter would need to use those 3 glyphs (in the right order?) to apply the spell on the scroll.

Using the scrolls would work through the /use command.
/use Scroll of Healing Flash
/use Scroll of Analyze Dweomer
/use Scroll of Fist of the Volcano

The script should consider what is targeted, if an item is targeted, you could use identifing, if a mob or player has been targeted you could use the spell on the target too for attacking or buffing.
You also would be able to cast spells on other players that are only allowed now to cast on yourself like Dome of Perfection.

I already discussed it with weltall, who doesn’t see technical limitations in implementation yet.

Feature Request6037NoRulesLowAssignedDaevaornDavide VescoviniInconsistency - Harvesting apples29.07.20132 Task Description

After showing a newbie how to mine and harvest, they approached me the other day saying that they tried to harvest apples around the smithy but failed to apply what I taught them the day before.

It's probably for the fact that apples and their location are far older than the harvesting system s a whole, that I never thought about that before. And that apparently no one else has thought of including apples when setting up the harvesting areas?

I think one should be able to harvest apples just as all the other plants and fruits. If only for matters of consistency.

(I hope the area "Rules" is about right, please re-tag if inappropriate)

Feature Request6043NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedJThompsonEditing books- hitting OK closes the book07.07.201322 Task Description

When you are editing a book and you hit OK to indicate you are finished it closes the book altogether, so you have to reopen the book to see the changes. Since formatting can take quite a bit of trial and error, it quickly becomes annoying to constantly have to reopen the book. With music and maps, when you finish editing you simply click the Edit icon again and it exits Edit mode, leaving the music/map open. It would be nice if books worked the same way.

Feature Request6081NoSpell FormulasLowUnconfirmedDavide VescoviniDavide VescoviniTuathanachList of Spell feature requests01.04.20142 Task Description

This task collects the spell feature requests.

Feature Request6182NoTraining & SkillsMediumUnconfirmedAdamStats And Skills Menu (Skills Not Yet Implemented Color...11.10.20132 Task Description

Many Skills are NOT yet implemented, which is perfectly understandable.

Please kindly HIGHLIGHT with another color (representing NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) which skills have NOT been worked on yet.

This will greatly help ALL players know which ones are full completed and which ones are not, especially NEW PLAYERS who won't waste time trying to figure out what has not been worked on yet.

Recommended Color: Bright Purple (easy to see and readable)

Feature Request6222NoMagic SystemMediumUnconfirmedErodare LenizusDial Down Magic Power18.11.20132 Task Description

Objective: Let mages dial down the power to suit their needs of the moment, and accordingly the mana cost, time to cast, improved success chance.

The /cast command should accept power values from -99 to +99

The power slider should center at zero and sliding left should dial down to -99 and sliding right should dial up to +99

Perhaps -50 to +50 would work better?

Perhaps practice and experience should be dialed down accordingly as well?

Feature Request6377NoCharactersMediumUnconfirmedAdamCharacter Creation: Yilan Female Model04.04.20142 Task Description

Curious when the Yilan attractive, skinny feminine model of the Yilan class will be coming out?

I have decided that I will start a NEW character permanently when it comes put.
I would like to take the 4 years of learned game time and efficiently develop this new character.

If you can base the model to look something like the combo:
1.) Feminine female Northrir
2.) Feminine looking male Lemur

…………. I would be greatly pleased. Perhaps a little bit more swagger in the hips or a little bit more bounce (if you know what I mean).

Question: Who actually is working on these models?

Feature Request6399NoCrafting TransformationsMediumUnconfirmedxolamore potions22.10.201422 Task Description

I need potions : curse ,diseases,paralyzation, and poison for completion as well stupidity potions that lower magic way skill for shoort duration

Feature Request6543NoEngineMediumUnconfirmednobody specialobscure location information for blackflame area.25.07.20142 Task Description

The guild window, who’s online tool, clearly lists blackflame area when you are in the temple. It would be better if it indicated one of the sewer maps instead or some random map.
given the secrecy surrounding this status you don’t want joe guildmate to have this info even out-of-contextly.

Feature Request6573NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedmike loevenStore Quest Notes in the Books Database06.09.201421 Task Description

I would like to request that saved quest notes be moved from client side into the book database. currently the quest notes are saved locally and are very vulnerable frequently getting deleted during client repair or re installs. additionally for players who have more than one computer these notes do not properly persist between clients.

considering that players are already allowed to write books and that text data takes up very little space there is really no reason NOT to move this feature server side.

another major issue with the current implementation is that the quest’s description is missing a lot of key information provided by the npc conversation such as names and locations.

a perfect example is the quest Masked Mistress where the description tells you the summary however does not include her brothers name which is given in the npc dialogue.

the lost of quest notes can easily render a quest impossible to complete without asking a person for spoilers or searching through game logs for the missing conversation.

Feature Request7118NoGUILowUnconfirmedYorlakActive effects icons for potions show as diamond crysta...22.11.20222 Task Description

all potions I tested results in a diamond crystal icon in the active effects bar.

Feature Request7631NoGUILowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSBag Lockers30.12.20222 Task Description

Having a limited number of storage locations for sacks would be a really nice feature.

It would make it much easier for people to sort out their equipment without having to carry it everywhere.

Feature Request7814NoUser InterfaceLowUnconfirmedRykiaRequesting where we type in the chat window scales with...07.05.202321 Task Description

Requesting where we type in the chat window scales with the rest of the window.

We can select a larger font, but where we type in the chat window does not change, only the rest of the chat window.

Note: There is a huge difference between font size 4 and 5. Suggest to have something in between if at all possible.

Bug Report4236NoGuilds/GroupsMediumNewRlyDontKnowdr updates sent for group members without actors14.02.201411 Task Description

the server send DR updates to all group members even if the actor causing it is not in range and therefore the target client doesn’t have an actor associated with it.
this results in a “Stat request failed because CelClient not ready for EID:xxxxx” for each movement of the group member that is out of range.

Bug Report4369NoSoundMediumAssignedMathiasSound Bugs Effects/Spells/Etc14.08.20101 Task Description

List of all bugs regarding sound to be fixed for next release.

Bug Report4505NoEngineMediumNewCXDamianbuddy command - toggle behavior12.06.20101 Task Description

friends list does not display all friends after using command line without add/remove(onoff), may remove other entries.

starting with no friends:

‘/buddy abcdef’ = ‘abcdef is already on your buddy list’ (refresh friends window, abcdef was added)

‘/buddy abcdefgh’ = ‘abcdefgh is not on your buddy list’ (refresh friends window, abcdef is no longer listed, abcdefgh is not listed)

‘/buddy abcdef add’ = sometimes added, sometimes not

Bug Report4809NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedmike loevencannot defend yourself if another player engages the mo...01.01.20131 Task Description

i ran into a bug that nearly got me killed today. i was fighting gobbles and i ran low on health and had to run away. as i was running another player cast flame burst on the gobble chasing me.

the gobble chasing me did not stop chasing me but i was no longer able to attack it because it said i must be grouped with X mean while the gobble was still damaging me.

this can be fixed one of 2 ways. the targeted player always has kill rights on the monster or the monster changes it’s target when a new playr engages it.

but as it stands it is rather scary when your being attacked and cannot defend yourself due to a bug in the kill stealing prevention system.

Bug Report4854NoMap TexturesLowNewaurelyntSky texture not correctly mapped to skydomes18.12.20101 Task Description

The skybox texture doesn’t seem to be correctly scaled to the skyboxes. Its borders are cropped and this results in very sharp and somewhat odd skylines:


PS 0.5.5

Bug Report5099NoModels and MapsVery LowNewMario RohkrämerTaladguildlaw: Paragraph symbols are mirrored19.03.20111 Task Description

The paragraphs ‘§’ on the walls of the guild house map “guildlaw” are mirrored. For years already (just always forgot to report it).

Bug Report5204NoBugtrackerMediumUnconfirmedShinobu MaeharaWhen receiving a bugtracker account, a non-existing ver...02.12.20211 Task Description

When I received the account confirmation message in my inbox, and then clicked on the link, it asked for a verification code.
But there was no textbox to enter the code, and it wasn’t in the message sent. Fortunately the login turned out to work just the same - all mention of verification codes should be scrapped.

Bug Report5271NoMovementMediumUnconfirmedVakachehkAmdeneir Tavern bed's Canopy too low to use09.07.20111 Task Description

The bed’s canopys in Amdeneir tavern are too low for anyone/race to use the beds.

dl.dropbox.comu25106032shot93.jpg Picture depicting Vakachehk being to tall to get under the bed canopy

You might be able to use them if we could some how have a lying down command and be able to scoot over. Or right click the bed and click ‘Use’ and our character’s automatically lay on the beds. However they’re unusable at the moment.

Bug Report5324NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedR.GuppyOutside guildhouse door icons missing27.07.20111 Task Description

Both guildhouses Call of Destiny and The Jumping Groffels, show no door icons from outside.

Bug Report5398NoCharactersLowNewMario RohkrämerKlyros model: Right hand looks strange15.04.20121 Task Description

The right hand of the Klyros looks like their claws poke through their fist.

Bug Report5535NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedJeremy Listcannot unguard items in dropped containers05.02.20121 Task Description

to replicate: find a container object somewhere (such as one of the wooden crates near Harnquist’s). Put an item in the crate, and try to unguard it. There doesn’t seem to be any way of doing this, or of unguarding an item before placing it.

Bug Report5659NoCrafting TransformationsMediumUnconfirmedMario RohkrämerRed Mangrove and Sinaflar: Grinding pulp to paste excee...30.05.20201 Task Description

Grinding Kingsfoil or Wyn Pulp to Paste works in a reasonable time.

But trying the same with Red Mangrove or Sinaflar takes much more time than my Mental Stamina (669) offers. The result is a "Pile of Dust". Did someone move a decimal position?

Bug Report5684NoEngineMediumUnconfirmednobody specialProducts of enchantment should not be rated for rarity12.07.20121 Task Description

lesser piles of dust (seem to be from emeralds) get assigned a number that is negative. As these are not loot they should not be going through the function that assigns a value. Crafted weapons do not get a value.

Bug Report5708NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedTrygve WastvedtQuests only appear after reopening the window24.07.20121 Task Description

If I get a new quest while the quest & event notebook window is open, the quest doesn’t appear in the list until I close and reopen the window. Can getting a new quest cause a refresh of the list of uncompleted quests?

Bug Report5719NoItems CharacteristicsMediumUnconfirmedMario RohkrämerWeapon Identification: Weapon History Scroll descr. is ...01.08.20121 Task Description

I would enjoy reading a bit of the Greataxe Nyshyn identified. But the scroll is empty.

Bug Report5816NoRendering IssuesMediumUnconfirmedRoman YagodinHydlaa lights become wrong after moving between locatio...11.08.201411 Task Description

This can be fixed with brightness increse / decrease, but still wierd.

Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 on AMD A10-4600M with latest Catalyst 12.8

Report data:

51.0737 2.32624 -133.063
0.416704 -0 0.909042
-0.184466 0.979195 0.084559
-0.890129 -0.202923 0.408035

Bug Report5991NoItems CharacteristicsMediumUnconfirmedDan Johnsonguard command bug18.05.20131 Task Description

Over numerous days my character has left items on the Gug altar. After un-guarding them with /guard they are checked and seen not to be guarded by the character anymore. Upon return on a subsequent login they are found to be guarded by the character again. The same items have been un-guarded several times with the same result.

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