
Task TypeIDPrivateCategorySeverityStatusOpened byAssigned ToSummaryLast Edited[[changedby]]  desc
Feature Request5957NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedLusserallSome Shortcut/Options window features LShift/RShift++03.04.20131 Task Description

Not all shortcuts from shortcuts window are in "Options→Controls→Shortcuts"
If you set/change a key in shortcuts window the key does not get set/changed in options window until you relog.

The following is not really a bug but more feature request
If you set a key you can set
LShift - RShift
LCtrl - RCtrl
LAlt - RAlt

But if you make key combos it will just turn to

Would it be possible to set

That will open up allot more possible key combinations.

Bug Report7985NoBugtrackerMediumUnconfirmedTutharelSome people are reporting that, after a server crash, t...01.01.202411 Task Description

After a server crash, if you don’t restart your game, your log will no longer be updated with what happens in game. This has been noticed by Gonger, Migg, and a few others.

Feature Request5914NoQuestsMediumUnconfirmedErodare LenizusSkill Requirements and Time Locks28.02.20131 Task Description

Most quests start with an intro and a confirmation for the player to accept the quest. For those that have skill requirements and/or time locks, instead of hiding the quest completely, perhaps it would be better to expose such quests when the character is otherwise qualified (e.g completed other quests in the chain) and do the skill / time check in the intro steps and have the NPC inform the character that they need to practice more before they can continue, or say something along the lines of "too busy right now, come back tomorrow". This way the player will know the quest is there, and get a hint of what they need to do. Going around and touching all the NPC's and finding nothing just feels like a bug when one knows there should be quests out there someplace.

Feature Request7063NoUser InterfaceLowPostponedYorlakShortcuts should be different for each character on acc...21.11.202211 Task Description

Log in with main char.
create shortcut
log out
log in with another char.
shortcut created with main character shows on all alternates.

Log in with separate account
shortcuts from main account are also transferred to here

Feature Request6303NoEngineLowAssignedJoe LyonJoe LyonShortcut Bar - make Drag-n-drop swap icons instead of o...23.02.201411 Task Description

Moving of a short cut overwrites the old one – likely to cause problems with people randomly deleting SCs they want. [FEAT]

(moved from defect # 6066)

Feature Request4398NoSoundHighNewMathiasSet all volume but npc speech to 20% when npc is talkin...19.04.201011 Task Description

When an npc talks the volume of the music ect makes it hard to hear them. Lets try setting all volume to 20% or so and see how that effects it.

Bug Report6425NoItems CharacteristicsMediumNewMario RohkrämerScale of White Oak Wood model is probably too large04.05.201421 Task Description

With a weight of 9 and a size of 9, the model of “White Oak Wood” appears to be way too large. Such a big heap of wood would weight more than 50 kg. In contrast, the icon is such a tiny poking stick…


Bug Report6262NoEngineMediumNewSimoneDavide VescoviniResurrecting MOBs26.01.201461 Task Description

When you try to kill some kind of MOBs, usually humanoids, with the ability to heal themselves, they keep resurrecting.
You can easily see this in Camp Banished. When the foe reachs a health threshold it starts casting healing flash several times. It seems that there is a sort of queue filled with the spells, and the foe keeps resurrecting until you kill him in a moment he is not casting the healing spell.
This is the opposite of the previous behaviour where the opponent was just dying several times.

Feature Request7814NoUser InterfaceLowUnconfirmedRykiaRequesting where we type in the chat window scales with...07.05.202321 Task Description

Requesting where we type in the chat window scales with the rest of the window.

We can select a larger font, but where we type in the chat window does not change, only the rest of the chat window.

Note: There is a huge difference between font size 4 and 5. Suggest to have something in between if at all possible.

Feature Request5881NoMiscLowUnconfirmedGongerReport command: add "reason"20.05.201311 Task Description

I had discussed this with Sarva who liked the idea and asked me to enter it into the Tracker.

Add a “reason” to the “report” command:
Usage: report [player name] [reason]

In case it takes a while to implement this, meanwhile at least add to the command description that the reporting player also files a petition because this makes it easier for the Game Masters to check what happened.

Thank you for listening (reading),


Feature Request2532NoLowProspect TaskORead, unread, and updated books26.12.200921 Task Description

I don’t spend my life in Jayose’s library. However, once in a while, I would go there and spend a couple of hours reading, looking for new books, sometimes refreshing my memory with older ones.

It would be nice if there was a way to quickly spot a book that one has already read. Maybe a (read) or (unread) mark after the title, or just a different colour for the title font, anything as see fit. A “read” flag would be set as soon as the book is open, to keep it simple, and of course it is the player’s responsibility to read the content. Ok, so far, you can tell me that it’s up to me to remember if I read something or not; even when hundreds of volumes will be available; yes, but…

It gets useful when a book is updated. If I do remember that I read a specific book, well, I’ll probably won’t read it again. Meanwhile, words may have been changed inside, following the inconsistencies hunt, world development, whatever… So, if all statuses are set back to “unread” for all players after a change (or from “read” to “updated” if you want to be more precise), we’ll know that we’d better read it again.

It can be a bit heavy on the database (flagging each book for each player), but at least it’s technically simple. Not to mention other uses you could come up with (quest requisites, statistics for the setting team, etc.)

Also, as Tontow suggested, the info can be stored on the client side instead of a database. To not lose the functionality of the “updated” flag, which is set on the server side, a last updated timestamp for each book is all that is needed on the server. Client side, the log starts empty (no book read). When opening a book, the log is updated (each time) with the book id (its name, I suppose) and the opening timestamp (server time, easier than GMT). When examining a shelf, books are marked according to the log info; thus, if the latest opening date is earlier than the book’s server timestamp, it appears as “updated”.

(Wish list reference:

Feature Request7621NoGame BalanceLowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSRace Based Equipment restrictions09.12.20221 Task Description

1. Avoid lore experts needing to tell people they are wearing something their race is not supposed too.
2. limit the level of power gaming

Feature Request7749NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedDamolaPterosaur look like in Crystalspace PlaneShift preferre...17.02.202331 Task Description

Damola looks at the Pterosaur at the Pterosaur handler in Amdeneir and feels sadness.

She thinks: “Oh, my where have those grand Pterosaur from the old days in Yliakum have gone?”

Roleplay aside: I really preferred the old look of the Pterosaur with spread out wings. The smaller PSUnreal pterosaur does not look like it can carry a large Kran.

Bug Report6017NoMiscMediumUnconfirmedThijmenproblem with registering at the forum31.05.202021 Task Description

when i try to register for the forum the last question is broken: what is the name of the underground version of the stalactite?
the answer should be stalagmite. (so far i tried several typos on both stalagmite and stalactite).

Feature Request6617NoRulesVery LowNewLisaTuathanachPotions for skill boost03.10.20141 Task Description

We have potions that improve stats, we have potions that improve magic skill, how about potions that improve combat skills and job skills? make alchemists have a little more value :)

Bug Report7978NoUser InterfaceHighUnconfirmedDaevaornPort /unstick as a means to solve critical bugs on play...24.12.20231 Task Description

It has happened to me a dozen times over since joining UR after it has replaced legacy, I relogged inside a guildhouse/law map and I am eternally falling for having spawned slightly beneath floor level.

In several instances I had to wait hours for a /tp back to the map, and so it is happening again today.

Please make a quick fix of this enabling players to teleport themselves back to the map in such a case. It’s a real downer to have to wait for a long time in such a case, particularly given the fact that you probably have to stay online for a GM to /tp and fix this. Huge waste of energy with the constant 3D animation.

This could also be of help if players are trapped in map geometry, inescapable pits, rifts and so on.

Feature Request2721NoUser InterfaceLowNewAndyPlayer shops - Trade functions for guarded items28.06.202211 Task Description

Function to set a guarded item as sellable, with price.

/sellitem name price

Confirmation for sale, confirming price to purchaser.
Confirmation text message/description in main when sale has occurred.

Would need at least a button visible in context menu to initiate sale.
Set item for sale and price could be command-line, that’d still work.

Bug Report7288NoMovementMediumUnconfirmedSunda KastanPlayer movement differs from Legacy/no 'turn' keybindin...13.09.202121 Task Description

In Legacy PlaneShift, the default movements are:
W = Walk forwards
S = Walk backwards
A = Turn to the left until keypress ends
D = Turn to the right until keypress ends

However in PSU, the movement is as follows:

W = Walk forwards
S = Turn 180 degrees and then walk forwards (towards the camera)
A = Turn 90 degrees left and then walk forwards (at 270 degrees from camera)
D = Turn 90 degrees right and then walk forwards (at 90 degrees from camera)

This is incongruent with legacy movements, but also complicated by the requirement to use the mouse for both UI interaction and movement concurrently.

It may be that this is a result of the absence of a ‘third-person follow’ camera, but behaviour should follow that of legacy.

Feature Request5255NoCraftingMediumUnconfirmednobody specialpersistent selector for pick up amounts20.06.202161 Task Description

I would find it extremely useful if I could select from 1, 5 and 10 amount when shift clicking a stack of raw materials. This would allow me to improve the efficiency of smelting by picking enough material to cast into stocks of the various types. I could then dump a stack of molten ore into the caster and shift click it to spread out the ores into castable portions. obviously the 5 and 10 amounts are for casting stocks from precious and non precious materials.

It would be useful for this to only apply to molten ores in the furnace as there is no need for ingot/stock to be smelted in these particular numbers.
It might be also useful in a forge or other crafting container to have the ability to set to an arbitrary amount when processing ingots or stock for weapon/shield/armor parts.

Perhaps instead of overloading the shift click in this way using the alt click instead would work but this might cause a problem for Apple type computers.

Changed task description to clarify request.

Feature Request5168NoUser InterfaceLowNewMrokiiOption for different label-colour for buddies20.04.201111 Task Description

It would be useful if the Option-Window also had an option to change the label-colour for people on ones' buddylist. This would especially be useful when there are a lot of players around, but it would make it easier to spot buddies in general as well.

Bug Report7977NoNPCLowReady to testDaevaornOnyx Dagger members in the Hydlaa Sewers' column hall n...18.03.20241 Task Description

The four Onyx Dagger members who share the hall with two Grendols do not respawn once killed.

Bug Report3685NoNPC DialogLowAssignedSeytraVenalanOK, OK, OK.... abbreviations everywhere21.12.201071 Task Description

In the NPC dialogs, there are several instances of modern-day abbreviations like "OK", "info" or "wow" (may be acceptable) being used. For example, in Fruntar's "Schaeminare soap" quest you can respond with "OK, where do I get this soap." (should be a question mark there, too). Also, in "A wife's dilemma", you can say to Tilavi "Ok, what kind of deal?". Maybe one could run a database search for "OK", "Ok", etc. on the NPC/quest responses to find all occurences?

Bug Report6472NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedRoman YagodinNPC dialog shows NPC's public phrases20.05.20141 Task Description

Often then I'm trying to speak with NPC using "new" NPC dialog, on activate it shows NPC's reply bubble with a common public phrase (instead of [private] quest choices).

Think that NPC speech bubble should be displayed only for NPC's replies on quest choices / answers. Rule is simple: no quest choices made in dialog session = no need to show NPC reply bubble. All other NPC talk should be directed to the chat.

Feature Request1760NoNPCLowNewEricJayNPC Consignment merchant16.03.201041 Task Description

The way it works now:

If I want to purchase a weapon that is better than those offered by NPCs (Trasok, Harnquist, etc) I must find someone who is capable of crafting the item I am looking for, which can be IC, but also find out when they are going to be online, which is OOC. I have spent more hours than I can count trying to find crafted items for sale in Hydlaa and Akkaio. It can be great for RP to have players sitting around doing nothing but selling their wares, but players are going to want to do something other than sit the entire time they are in-game, and there are not enough players to be available 24/7 or even a regular in-game 8-5.

The way it should work:

A specialized NPC character (class of characters) should be introduced that can do two things:

1. Hold items for sale.
2. Sell items that are held at a price specified by the original seller.

Desired Implementation example:

1. Crafter makes item and goes to merchant.
2. Crafter sets a price for item to be sold and removes it from his inventory.

 a. this could be done via a specialized trade window/action button.
 b. a seller should be able to remove an item that has not been sold (for a fee).
 c. the seller should be able to change the asking price (for a fee).

3. The item then becomes available for sale to other players to purchase.

 a. a action button and dialog would need to be created to search the merchants inventory.
 b. the items listed should allow a description to be viewed (similar to current buy/sell dialog.
 c. when an item is purchased it is removed from the merchants inventory.

4. The money would be taken from the buyer and either

 1. placed on the merchant to be claimed by the seller any time after the item was sold (minus commission)
 2. placed in a bank account (minus commission)

Design consideration should be made for if each NPC merchant is self-contained, or if the NPC merchants know about the inventory of other merchants and can offer those items for sale (for a additional delivery fee)


1. Players are not available 24/7.
2. All characters should not be crafters (not realistic for RP)
3. Economy would be much more realistic and less OOC as items would not be as difficult to buy/sell.
4. RP is not lost as a crafter can still sell their wares (with no fees) if they sell direct.

Steps to reproduce:


Feature Request6514NoRulesLowNewxolaNew item category for kran food01.04.201611 Task Description

food for kra shall have new item category -it mess with alchemy preparations while its toxic for others races

Bug Report8028NoModels and MapsLowUnconfirmedStalfosNew Dungeon Portal teleports me outside map14.05.202411 Task Description

After a long delay falling outside the map, I am teleported to Levrus or left permanently falling outside the map till I /die.

Feature Request5714NoItems CharacteristicsMediumUnconfirmedAndyNamed variety of crystals27.07.20121 Task Description

The random weapons naming system is one of the excellent features of PlaneShift, and crystals have always been iconic to PlaneShift. Different varieties of mineral crystals produced at the mine sites. Some descriptors that would indicate quality on the crystals, like: Smoky, cloudy, occulted, clear, milky, flecked, fractured, et cetera. Smoky sapphire, occulted Ruby, et cetera. These could indicate grades of quality. Perhaps there should be a chance to pull extremely unique crystals of magical quality with two or more modifiers. I would not be surprised if this was already thought of, but I wanted to put it up here while it was in my mind.

Feature Request5705NoWebtoolsMediumUnconfirmedAndyMyPlane HTTPS22.07.20121 Task Description

Any way to get MyPlane running on HTTPS? I am thinking before someone has a problem. Not positive on the category on this one, thanks.

Bug Report5570NoSoundMediumNewMario RohkrämerMusic scores play at 1/4 of the previous speed now13.06.201231 Task Description

The measurement of note durations is completely wrong. “Beats Per Minute” are no more what they used to be.

Feature Request5985NoMiscMediumUnconfirmedJThompsonMusic - Numbered Measures, Ability to play part of a pi...16.04.20131 Task Description

It would be helpful if measures were numbered.
It would be extremely helpful for writing music to be able to just play the last measures added. It would be useful for RP purposes, too, since that is how one often practices a piece… working on one section at a time, or you might want to share part of something you had written.

Bug Report6323NoMagic SystemMediumUnconfirmedDaevaornMounted shape-shifting results in wrong speed13.01.20141 Task Description

When you use a shape-shifting spell like Gorwealform (assuming the same holds for Polymorph) while mounted, the speed is not set correctly and you can reach no more than walking speed afterwards.

Bug Report7768NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedMewshadMetallurgy is not leveled (at metallurgy level 2)20.02.202311 Task Description

So I was trying to smelt and cast iron but the metallurgy does not level up. Same with zink. The book “working with stock” only tell me how to smelt quicksilver, which does not even work at my level. Currently on metallurgy level 2.

Bug Report6378No2D ArtMediumUnconfirmedJonMap shows Irifon River between Gugrontid and Bronze Doo...04.04.20141 Task Description

The map that shows up when you take a pterosaur flight shows a river identified as the Irifon River between Gugrontid and the Bronze Doors. However, there’s no river there and the Irifon is actually located between Hydlaa and Ojaveda.

Feature Request6567NoNPC DialogMediumNewmike loevenMake Npc's aware of nearby quest characters and attempt...22.08.201411 Task Description

I would like to see npc’s function as locators for quest characters so that players can “ask around town” if they cannot locate the desired npc.

until now due to the gm’s policy about spoilers and the fact that most NPC’s are pretty much brain dead except for a few very basic responses it is sometimes next to impossible to locate a specific NPC without relying on another player or a wiki website as the information is not available ingame.

essentially I want NPC’s to respond to commands such as “do you know where I can find ‘name’” they should be able to check a database of nearby NPS’s and if they are in range they can point you in the direction or if not in range point you towards an NPC that does.

sample response. “yes i have heard of this ‘name’ you can find him over by “description of location pulled from database”.

sample responce out of range.

“I have not heard that name before perhaps you should try asking ‘NPC near desired character’ in ‘city near desired NPC’

but essentially make NPC’s able to give directions or information about other NPC’s or directions to nearby areas

right now it is nearly impossible to get any information about quests without relying on other players. Npc’s should respond to questions of this nature.

Feature Request5259NoCraftingMediumUnconfirmednobody specialMake Crafting more like combat03.07.201111 Task Description

I would like it very much if crafting were to be redesigned more like combat. Instead of one action that takes many seconds to complete and generates only one practice or experience reward make it so that each hammer blow is considered and eligible for a reward. For example at level 10 it takes me about two minutes to turn 12 heated ore into 4 shield handles and I get one practice point and some experience at the end of that time. Under my proposed change it might take just as long but each hammer blow on the ingots would receive a success chance roll that would increment the percentage done. A series of low rolls would result in a failure, either junk metal or very low quality handles and a series of high rolls would result in faster time and/or higher quality handles. This would be analogous to hitting a mob until one of you is dead.

I believe this would be more fair in the long run and if it would seem to make great quality items too available the chance to succeed could be reduced.

Feature Request6735NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedDaevaornMake /ignore target music output as well as chat28.12.20141 Task Description

I would like to have a specific means of muting certain people’s “music”. It’s a shame if you have to turn off all musical instruments to be rid of the “Listen to me practise my same song for any amount of hours if you want to craft here” people.

So it would be very nice if /ignore commands would also affect audio output triggered by the ignored person. Not sure how feasible that is technically, though.

Bug Report6878NoCraftingMediumUnconfirmedKanubyTuathanachMace Making practice points inconsistent with other cra...19.11.201731 Task Description

The Mace Making Practice Points seem to be inconsistent with other crafting. With a skill level of less than 20, everything only takes 5 seconds to make regardless of the complexity of the item being crafted.
Wondering if a higher blacksmith skill is weighted more. Only getting 5 pp per item crafted will extend leveling ability time dramatically.

Bug Report8027NoBugtrackerHighUnconfirmedThosorLoss of mouse in combat13.05.202411 Task Description

Coming soon…

Feature Request7532NoInventory/ItemsLowUnconfirmedDamolaLoad and save book contents into a file04.11.20221 Task Description

Would be nice to be able to save the contents of an editable book into a local file on the client computer like it was possible in Crystalspace based PSUnreal.

Low priority as it is also possible to cut&paste contents. However for longer books it would still be nice to be able to edit them in a local text editor and then load them again into PSUnreal.

Feature Request1985NoGM SystemLowAssignedCaarrieAresilek BesolezList of all GM feature requests [or dev lvl requests]15.07.200941 Task Description

this bug has a list of all gm feature requests attached to make it easier to find them

Bug Report6387NoUpdater/PSLaunchMediumNewMario RohkrämerLauncher never finishes after an update24.12.201441 Task Description

After updating itself, and then updating the PS client and data (Win64) to version 0.6.1, the launcher tried a third time, displayed “Using mirror … for updaterinfo.xml | updateservers.xml” — and then, nothing. The button “OK” never appeared.

The button “Cancel” was available. But how shall I know if I interrupt something important if I click it?

Bug Report5421NoNPC DialogLowNewMario RohkrämerKilas Tungse - schizo reply about dungeon22.12.201121 Task Description

Quest: Kilas wants his abacus back

[NPC] Kilas Tungse says: Do you think you can help me with a quick errand?
[NPC] $player says: I love to learn!
[NPC] Kilas Tungse says: Thanks.
[NPC] Kilas Tungse says: I lent my abacus to Crosh Dunehammer, the guardian of the dungeons.


[NPC] $player says: about dungeon
[NPC] Kilas Tungse says: What dungeon? Are you sure you heard right? If there was a dungeon anywhere nearby, I'm sure the city would've had it sealed off by now.

This "There is no dungeon" conspiracy makes consistent quests hard where inhabitants of the dungeon are involved.

Bug Report7728NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedDamolaJumping when on mount is delayed09.02.20231 Task Description

When mounted after pressing the space bar it takes about half an second or so before the jump actually happens.

When not mounted the jump is immediate.

Bug Report7889NoGUILowCould not VerifyStalfosItems sometimes dropped instead of moved into container07.01.202471 Task Description

When moving items into bags or around within a container it can instead be dropped onto the floor or wall where the mouse cursor landed.

Bug Report7939NoCrashesCriticalCould not VerifyDaevaornItems keep randomly disappearing form containers in gui...22.12.202361 Task Description

When I learned about the new transformation mode I took it upon myself to clean up our guildhouse.

In the process I removed many old items from the map and stored them in containers instead.

While I did this occasional crashes happened, which on returning seem to have deleted items stored in these containers.
I have lost roughly 70% of player generated/crafted items, some of historical value this way, as well as many player crafted weapons and armours of highest quality.

A very alarming issue.

If my asumption is correct the server automatically deletes any item that it suspects to be involved in crashes. While this maybe desired behaviour in terms of the technical side of things, in terms of a persistent game world this is REALLY, REALLY bad, if true.

Bug Report7589NoUser InterfaceMediumNewTrippedOnReality/EnarelInterface option settings reset at relog17.10.202341 Task Description

In the interface tab of the options/settings menu, some options don’t seem to save at relog.

Items affected:
- menu bar size
- visible shortcut rows
- chat tabs
- time stamps
- max history

Bug Report6664NoSoundMediumUnconfirmedJoshuaInstrument White Noise (Lute & Lira)06.11.201411 Task Description

Some of the musical notes, when using the Lute and Lira (drum seems okay), have an annoying white noise in the background. The audio is not clean, and this can be bothersome particularly to people with high-end headphones who may be able to hear it better. I am not sure if this is audible to all players, but it certainly should be to anyone with a good pair of headphones.

Some popping sounds can also be heard.

I am not too knowledgeable on music, so I can’t say which notes specifically have unclean sound, but I think since it can be heard plainly it should be easy to find out.

Bug Report6696NoSoundMediumUnconfirmedJoshuaInstrument Music Doesn't Stop22.11.20141 Task Description

When you are playing a song on an instrument, if you close out of the sheet rather than clicking the stop button, the music will continue to play. This seems to continue until you relog, and opening and using the sheet again doesn’t fix it, it will only make you play two songs at once.

I am not sure if other players hear this or just the player.

In my opinion, X’ing out of the music sheet should work just like the stop button.

Feature Request3511NoEngineMediumNewSeytraIdeas for inventory accessibility15.02.201011 Task Description

While sacks and other containers are good for bulk storage, they have the significant drawback of making the inventory harder to navigate, and sorting as well, especially since one can always only have exactly one container window open.

To fix this, one might consider the following ideas:

1) allow any number of container windows to be open, so one can simply put stuff from one container into another, instead of having to put it into the main inventory first.

2) instead, make the container window, once opened, refresh by what container you click on, instead of having to go the rightclick-select-open route

3) instead, make any containers append to the main inventory slot space, but replace the first slot with an image of the container, and clearly separate the appended areas from each other and from the main inventory space by a diferent frame style (could be different for each container type), or at least some additional space. Also, slot spaces that are not provided by a container should remain blank so that a container always starts at the first (second) slot of a fresh line.

When selecting a container, the appropriate window / slot area frame should flash or something so that one sees which container has which window.

4) Let container windows be resizable, and possibly more compact by default.


Having each mount have an own (player-accessible) inventory would allow:

1) armor / other enhancement slots for the mount
2) mules that actually are mules, not PCs
3) easier inventory handling

Maybe most of the extra inventory (handling like above) should not come from the mount itself, but from the saddle or whatever one uses on it. Without saddle, there would maybe only be two inventory slots or something.

Feature Request6576NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedmike loevenIcon Editing System for Player Books06.09.201411 Task Description

The game possesses many unused book icons that are actually quite interesting but not accessible in any way outside of the shortcut window.

I would like to see a icon selector integrated into the book writing window that allows you to select any book icon for the item’s appearance similar to the way you can assign these icons to a shortcut hot button.

additionally with this implementation there is no longer a need for Jayose to stock a different books for different colors as well as allowing player written books to be more easily distinguished from each other

it would add a fun little cosmetic aspect to role play allowing your ancient tome to look like an ancient tome rather than a hot off the press notebook

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