
Task TypeIDPrivateCategorySeverityStatus  descOpened byAssigned ToSummaryLast Edited[[changedby]]
Feature Request7418NoGUIVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelMore Categories/Filter/Search for Shortcut Icons09.08.2022 Task Description

Add a better way to search for icons. clicking through each individual icon in a long list is fairly annoying for some of the larger categories, and there are several icons that are blank so it’s not always clear there are more icons after that. Being able to see more than one icon at a time/being able to filter by name or type (ways for magic, weapon types for weapons, tools, music, decorations etc.) or having more categories with shorter lists would also be helpful.

Bug Report7416NoGUILowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelCreative Books - Text misaligned09.08.2022 Task Description

On some player created books, the text is misaligned, particularly on higher page counts. Sometimes the text overlaps the page number at the bottom, and if “-” is use as a divider, it runs off the page to the right rather than wrapping like the rest of the text.

Bug Report7396NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedHaviland TenouriLauncher segfaults on exit04.03.20231 Task Description

The log ends with:

[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Engine (10)
[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CoreUObject (8)
[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SandboxFile (6)
[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PakFile (4)
[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module RSA (3)
Failed to find symbol file, expected location:
“/home/oliver/PS/psunreal/PSLauncher/Binaries/Linux/PSLauncher.sym” Assertion failed: GraphicsPSOLockedMap.Num() == 0 [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanPipeline.cpp] [Line: 1307]

[2022.06.12-06.20.45:788][774]LogCore: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: GraphicsPSOLockedMap.Num() == 0 [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanPipeline.cpp] [Line: 1307]

Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11

Critical error:

Unhandled Exception: SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to write memory at address 0×0000000000000003

[2022.06.12-06.20.45:797][774]LogCore: Assertion failed: GraphicsPSOLockedMap.Num() == 0 [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanPipeline.cpp] [Line: 1307]

0x00000000029b3bce PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x27b3bce)
0x0000000002ace60b PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x28ce60a)
0x0000000002a8dae4 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x288dae3)
0x0000000002a8d982 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x288d981)
0x00000000042129f0 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x40129ef)
0x0000000004211c82 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x4011c81)
0x00000000041ec845 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x3fec844)
0x000000000422e5ed PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x402e5ec)
0x00000000042df6b7 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x40df6b6)
0x00000000021fd088 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x1ffd087)
0x00000000021fd13c PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x1ffd13b)
0x00000000057bfc08 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x55bfc07)
0x00000000021f97c9 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x1ff97c8)

Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196744
Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=327928
Malloc Size=111987 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=439939
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Bug Report7370NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedStalfosIntroduction to Crafting doesn't update wallet12.06.20222 Task Description

The console says you received 4 circles, but the wallet won’t update until you complete another quest. Comnpleting Harnquist is Hungry for example says another 4 circles in console, and wallet updates to 8 circles.

Bug Report7361NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedHaviland TenouriLog enabled for NPC, but NPC talk is not logged11.03.2022 Task Description

NPC talk is not logged to chat logfile. The only things which gets logged is what I type into the free-form-box

Bug Report7358NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSKlyros legs missing from player model when wearing roba01.11.20221 Task Description

Need to fix the model to not being open at the bottom. (noted it missing in stream while working on magic light)

Bug Report7333NoGUIMediumUnconfirmedEdichoTraining UI needs to be more intuitive (and work)02.12.20231 Task Description

The old application clearly stated which skills can be trained by simply showing you them listed in the dialog.

Now you’re getting list of all skills and let’s take Percival Hawthorne for example:

What we see is:
- list of all skills
- some progress bar right under the skill
- some progress bar in the right part of the box
- if you try to hover on this, we can see it marked “tbd” which doesn’t make it any less defective.

What we should see:
- list of skills the NPC can actually train you (the current list needs to be filtered)
- the cost of the training both in tria and PP (the progress bar on the right should be simply replaced with a button

Feature Request7325NoCharacter CreationMediumUnconfirmedRegina MusialRequest for Back-Button and Speaker-Update28.10.20211 Task Description

Hello, Dev-Team,

here are two requests for the character creation in psu:

1. The speaker speaks too quietly! I know its you, Talad, but the background music overwhelms your voice!

2. I miss a “Back”-Button because if i go into the chara creation but dont want to create a new character and want to go back to my character which already are there!

Bug Report7324NoCharactersVery LowUnconfirmedAndrewBeard color of Ylian character created in legacy is dif...08.02.202211 Task Description

I could have sworn when I created my Ylian character in legacy it had a dark beard, it shows up with a dark beard in legacy; in unreal the character’s beard shows up as blonde. Seemed peculiar

Bug Report7319NoCombatLowUnconfirmedmarcelnew character attacks ulbernauts no one damages anyone24.10.20212 Task Description

I loaded up as a new Ylian and started with 0 tria, empty inventory…

chatted to a few npcs harnquist , apples… there were no apples(probably had to wait for spawn) , science guy…

then chatted to guards at gate and row over dagger, they gave me a dagger i cant equip…

went to find some ulbers to look at animation.

Bug:the Ulbernaut is attacking me but cant seem do anything to me..

also the pop up chat text pops up all the time in it’s face… ‘is attack, thinks ur weak’

messages all the time right in front of the face…

so now they chase me around and cant damage me…

when it cast stones… there is no effect or spell or animation(that one is prob for me to solve)

Bug Report7315NoCharacters AnimationVery LowUnconfirmedStalfosYlian Male Neat hairstlye - hair seems to deattach as i...24.09.2021 Task Description

While running parts of the hair seem to bob up and down without being attached to the rest of the hair, more noticeable while sprinting

Bug Report7311NoQuestsVery LowUnconfirmedStalfosGugrontid Legend quest - approaching Stalg does not fin...11.03.20222 Task Description

Approaching Stalg does nothing to the quest, can’t complete.

Bug Report7288NoMovementMediumUnconfirmedSunda KastanPlayer movement differs from Legacy/no 'turn' keybindin...13.09.202121 Task Description

In Legacy PlaneShift, the default movements are:
W = Walk forwards
S = Walk backwards
A = Turn to the left until keypress ends
D = Turn to the right until keypress ends

However in PSU, the movement is as follows:

W = Walk forwards
S = Turn 180 degrees and then walk forwards (towards the camera)
A = Turn 90 degrees left and then walk forwards (at 270 degrees from camera)
D = Turn 90 degrees right and then walk forwards (at 90 degrees from camera)

This is incongruent with legacy movements, but also complicated by the requirement to use the mouse for both UI interaction and movement concurrently.

It may be that this is a result of the absence of a ‘third-person follow’ camera, but behaviour should follow that of legacy.

Bug Report7258NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedHaviland Tenourisegmentation fault in hydlaa VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST24.11.20223 Task Description

Not sure what causes the client to crash. But it seems reproducible when I turn around.

System is Linux 5.8.0-59
Ubuntu bullseye
mesa 20.2.6-0
NVidia GeForce GTX 970
Driver Version: 460.91.03
CUDA Version: 11.2

[2021.07.31-21.33.40:344][840]LogRHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up on occlusion results. (0.5 s)
[2021.07.31-21.33.40:420][840]LogVulkanRHI: Error: Result failed, VkResult=-4
at /home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742
Fatal error: [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanUtil.cpp] [Line: 803]
Result failed, VkResult=-4
at /home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742
Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11

Critical error:

Unhandled Exception: SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to write memory at address 0×0000000000000003

[2021.07.31-21.33.40:480][840]LogCore: Fatal error: [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanUtil.cpp] [Line: 803]
Result failed, VkResult=-4
at /home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742
0x0000000004445d9b PSUnrealClient!VulkanRHI::VerifyVulkanResult(VkResult, char const*, char const*, unsigned int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanUtil.cpp:802]
0×0000000004422322 PSUnrealClient!VulkanRHI::FFenceManager::WaitForFence(VulkanRHI::FFence*, unsigned long long) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742]
0x00000000043fe84d PSUnrealClient!FVulkanCommandBufferManager::WaitForCmdBuffer(FVulkanCmdBuffer*, float) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanCommandBuffer.cpp:457]
0x000000000446288e PSUnrealClient!FVulkanViewport::WaitForFrameEventCompletion() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanViewport.cpp:296]
0x000000000444795c PSUnrealClient!FVulkanViewport::Present(FVulkanCommandListContext*, FVulkanCmdBuffer*, FVulkanQueue*, FVulkanQueue*, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanViewport.cpp:939]
0×0000000004447098 PSUnrealClient!FVulkanCommandListContext::RHIEndDrawingViewport(FRHIViewport*, bool, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanRHI.cpp:889]
0x000000000450fcd0 PSUnrealClient!FRHICommandListExecutor::ExecuteInner_DoExecute(FRHICommandListBase&) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/RHICommandList.cpp:373]
0x0000000004526d97 PSUnrealClient!FExecuteRHIThreadTask::DoTask(ENamedThreads::Type, TRefCountPtr<FGraphEvent> const&) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/RHICommandList.cpp:428]
0x0000000004526bb5 PSUnrealClient!TGraphTask<FExecuteRHIThreadTask>::ExecuteTask(TArray<FBaseGraphTask*, TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >&, ENamedThreads::Type) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Async/TaskGraphInterfaces.h:886]
0x0000000002e8b1f6 PSUnrealClient!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread(int, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Async/TaskGraph.cpp:709]
0x0000000002e8ad9e PSUnrealClient!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Async/TaskGraph.cpp:600]
0x0000000004552ab6 PSUnrealClient!FRHIThread::Run() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/RenderingThread.cpp:319]
0x0000000002ee0017 PSUnrealClient!FRunnableThreadPThread::Run() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/HAL/PThreadRunnableThread.cpp:25]
0x0000000002ec01fc PSUnrealClient!FRunnableThreadPThread::_ThreadProc(void*) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/HAL/PThreadRunnableThread.h:185]

0x0000000002ea96ee PSUnrealClient!FGenericPlatformMisc::RaiseException(unsigned int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/GenericPlatform/GenericPlatformMisc.cpp:472]
0x0000000002fccd9b PSUnrealClient!FOutputDevice::LogfImpl(char16_t const*, …) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Misc/OutputDevice.cpp:61]
0x0000000004445d9b PSUnrealClient!VulkanRHI::VerifyVulkanResult(VkResult, char const*, char const*, unsigned int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanUtil.cpp:802]
0×0000000004422322 PSUnrealClient!VulkanRHI::FFenceManager::WaitForFence(VulkanRHI::FFence*, unsigned long long) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742]
0x00000000043fe84d PSUnrealClient!FVulkanCommandBufferManager::WaitForCmdBuffer(FVulkanCmdBuffer*, float) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanCommandBuffer.cpp:457]
0x000000000446288e PSUnrealClient!FVulkanViewport::WaitForFrameEventCompletion() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanViewport.cpp:296]
0x000000000444795c PSUnrealClient!FVulkanViewport::Present(FVulkanCommandListContext*, FVulkanCmdBuffer*, FVulkanQueue*, FVulkanQueue*, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanViewport.cpp:939]
0×0000000004447098 PSUnrealClient!FVulkanCommandListContext::RHIEndDrawingViewport(FRHIViewport*, bool, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanRHI.cpp:889]
0x000000000450fcd0 PSUnrealClient!FRHICommandListExecutor::ExecuteInner_DoExecute(FRHICommandListBase&) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/RHICommandList.cpp:373]
0x0000000004526d97 PSUnrealClient!FExecuteRHIThreadTask::DoTask(ENamedThreads::Type, TRefCountPtr<FGraphEvent> const&) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/RHICommandList.cpp:428]
0x0000000004526bb5 PSUnrealClient!TGraphTask<FExecuteRHIThreadTask>::ExecuteTask(TArray<FBaseGraphTask*, TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >&, ENamedThreads::Type) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Async/TaskGraphInterfaces.h:886]
0x0000000002e8b1f6 PSUnrealClient!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread(int, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Async/TaskGraph.cpp:709]
0x0000000002e8ad9e PSUnrealClient!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Async/TaskGraph.cpp:600]
0x0000000004552ab6 PSUnrealClient!FRHIThread::Run() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/RenderingThread.cpp:319]
0x0000000002ee0017 PSUnrealClient!FRunnableThreadPThread::Run() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/HAL/PThreadRunnableThread.cpp:25]
0x0000000002ec01fc PSUnrealClient!FRunnableThreadPThread::_ThreadProc(void*) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/HAL/PThreadRunnableThread.h:185]

[2021.07.31-21.33.40:490][840]LogAudioMixer: Display: Audio Buffer Underrun (starvation) detected.
[2021.07.31-21.33.40:490][840]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196744
Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=327928
Malloc Size=259466 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=587418
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Bug Report7245NoInventory/ItemsLowUnconfirmedYorlakSelecting 1 item from a stack from container on ground ...19.09.20211 Task Description

to recreate;
1. place container on ground (sack, crate…)
2. right-click container → Look
3. Place stacked items in container (tested with daggers, arrows, potions, rings)
4. From container, Select (1) item from stack, place on ground
Entire stack is removed from container (same effect for all items tested)
This does not happen when container is in inventory

Bug Report7226NoUser InterfaceLowUnconfirmedschluopening small inventory window from the furnace window ...07.03.20233 Task Description

Select furnace, click on “look” icon. In opened window none of the icons open your personal inventory… Some of these Icons also got the wrong description when hoovering them

Bug Report7215NoGUIVery LowUnconfirmedStalfosFailed equips from containers, make items invisible16.05.2021 Task Description

If you try to equip an item from a container into an invalid slot, the item becomes invisible till you reopen the container.

Bug Report7210NoQuestsMediumUnconfirmedUadjetVenalanQuests in need of Quest Notes for clarity04.06.2021 Task Description

Noriko has been doing a lot of quest testing lately, and has found a number of quests where quest notes should be added so that returning players (or those who don’t use their logs) can pick up where they left off. I’ll pass along what she’s put in the petitions to this report.

*Road to Master Cook Chapter One
*Road to Master Cook Chapter Two
*Road to Master Cook Chapter Three
*Road to Master Cook Chapter Four

In each case, the quests notes are very good except when Mirra first gives the quest. The notes only include a generic line about helping Mirra be a better cook, and fail to mention where she’s sent you or what she wants.

*Helping Mirra

No useful quest notes at all.

*Where the Courier Went

Once the player gets the name Shian Sulkin it should probably be added to the quest notes, in case logs aren’t available.

I’ll add more as they’re reported.

Bug Report7125NoQuestsLowUnconfirmedYorlakno option to discard quest13.02.2021 Task Description

legacy allowed to discard repeatable quests

Bug Report7124NoItems CharacteristicsLowUnconfirmedYorlakAlchemist fire/freezer not considered weapons18.02.20211 Task Description

with alchemist fire/freezer equipped → attack npc
chat responds ‘You have no weapons equipped’

Bug Report7122NoCraftingLowUnconfirmedElhorienDRINK OF THE DOME27.10.20231 Task Description





Feature Request7118NoGUILowUnconfirmedYorlakActive effects icons for potions show as diamond crysta...22.11.20222 Task Description

all potions I tested results in a diamond crystal icon in the active effects bar.

Feature Request7102NoMiscLowUnconfirmedMauiSigns24.11.20224 Task Description

Names of signs appear at the bottom.

Bug Report7089NoGUILowUnconfirmedMauiSkill window - scrollbar not always visible22.11.20223 Task Description

at the job bar tab is no scrollbar available,for some its there only if they max out the size of the window

Bug Report7081NoGame BalanceMediumUnconfirmedMichael LoevenRelax spellcasting restrictionsfor sitting / overencumb...27.12.2020 Task Description

Due to the number of enemies with de buffs to strength the problem arises when one of these de buffs occurs in combat and causes a player to become over encumbered. this will almost always result in a 100% chance of death due to the speed at which combat occurs and there being no mechanisms to quickly drop inventory in an emergency situation. The primary counter to this would be spells that either clear the de buff or counter it such as strength. Currently you cannot cast spells while over encumbered and I consider this a unfair and illegitimate restriction that actively prevents players from using the abilities required to counter the de buff and unfairly rendering them unable to defend themselves when this occurs during combat. I would argue the you cant cast spells while sitting and while over encumbered shroud be relaxed or removed because they only serve to ensure a players death due to a combat de buff and serve no reasonable or legitimate game play purpose

Feature Request7080NoCombatMediumUnconfirmedMichael LoevenArrow Tracking and Recovery25.12.2020 Task Description

Quality of life improvement. Please implement arrow tracking and recovery. NPC’s should should have a counter to track how many arrows they have been hit with. When the creature is looted there will be a dice roll to to determine the percentage of arrows that survived intact these arrows will be added to the creatures loot allowing the bowman to recover unbroken arrows from the corpse.

Bug Report7079NoBugtrackerMediumUnconfirmedMichael LoevenLocked Chests Deleted When Consumed26.11.20212 Task Description

If the player attempts to open a locked chest by dragging it to their equipment panel. The game displays a message that the chest is locked but consumes the item anyway providing now loot. Expected behavior is that the game places the locked chest back into the players inventory or prevents them from consuming it if it is locked

Bug Report7062NoCombatLowUnconfirmedMichael LoevenCombat Spellcasting seems to allow enemy damage to bypa...13.12.20201 Task Description

There seems to be a problem with how incoming damage is being handled when casting spells in combat. The primary issue appears to be a glitch when casting a offensive spell where the player will loose their combat stance and be treated as out of combat which this seems to have the (hopefully)unintended effect of allowing incoming damage to bypass the players defenses completely any skills / abilities to reduce the damage and even seeming to nullify the effects of the players armor allowing creatures to directly deal massive hits directly to the players hp similar to if they were completely unarmed and unarmored. The result can a normally harmless enemy suddenly dealing critical damage and causing instantaneous death depending on the situation.

Expected behavior would be to not allow melee attacks during spell casting however the player should remain in the selected combat stance to ensure that armor and evasion occurs properly and melee attacks may be automatically resumed after the casting completes.

Feature Request7060NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedMichael LoevenAdd a /Sheath /Draw commands for weapons 13.12.2020 Task Description

Just a Quality of life improvement due to the current setting conflict between weapons that must be equipped to provide a stat bonus and the IC issue with holding weapons in a city. The implementation of this should be a command of /Sheath and /Draw on execution of /Sheath any weapons carried by the player will be re positioned to the characters back or belt and appear to be sheathed. When sheathed the weapons will still be present in the players equipment slots and continue to provide any stat bonuses or other magical effects however the city guards will no longer react to characters as though they have weapons drawn.

/Draw returns all sheathed weapons to the players hand

being attacked or entering combat stance will automatically Draw any sheathed weapons

Feature Request7051NoMovementLowUnconfirmedeletiyWhen you jump near an NPC your character tries to climb...21.11.20224 Task Description

When I jump near an NPC my character tries to climb on top of it and then falls thru the NPC. I’m guessing it should not be possible to climb on NPCs.. although it would be fun :D

Feature Request6935NoTraining & SkillsMediumUnconfirmedStalfosJomed's Meat Medley: Optional task needs cooking 5005.11.2019 Task Description

There is an optional arm of the quest, that requires cooking skill to be at 50, when the quest itself only requires 10 skill in cooking to claim.

If you choose to go for the optional part of the quest, you delay getting the next book after Meat and Stew Recipes, so training those 40 ranks to make Cheesy Succulent stew takes ages.

Bug Report6934NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedStalfosChests sometimes give 0 ingots -and say they gave some11.03.20201 Task Description

When opening a chest, sometimes it will say “you find some ingot”, but give you none.

Seen it on Reinforced chest, sure I saw it on a different chest before as well.

Bug Report6932NoGame BalanceMediumUnconfirmedStalfosBlue Cohosh Root area barely big enough to harvest twic...15.04.20202 Task Description

The are for harvesting Blue Cohosh Root is so small that you need absolute precision to harvest a second time, without “You cannot harvest in the same place twice in a row”.

It’s possible but takes longer to find the right spot, the area needs to be bigger.

Feature Request6931NoCharacter Loyal Fan Achievements should be Account Wid...22.09.2019 Task Description

PlaneShift Loyal Fan achievements regarding previous versions from “Played Atomic Blue” to “Played Arcane Chrysalis” I reckon should be account wide.

I created my account during Crystal Blue, but felt like playing a different character later meaning my main has none of these achievements.

It’s like a veteran status, but only applies if you kept your first character.

Bug Report6930NoSpell FormulasMediumUnconfirmedStalfosMagic Staves always blocked23.10.20221 Task Description

Magic Staves, like the Staff of Empathy/Aurora are always blocked unless they miss.

I’m not sure which weapon skill they use, but they are even blocked by dummies

Bug Report6929NoCharacter CreationMediumUnconfirmedLariliThe CC decription tab of ones own character says "Xiosa...23.10.20221 Task Description

In the CC tab it says “Xiosa talks to you through nature,” Xiosa should be Xiosia.

Bug Report6928NoQuests DynamicsMediumUnconfirmedStalfosNalri Looks Radiant Inconsistency01.02.2019 Task Description

When showing Levrus the Bronze Bands you can ask him to remove the magic, but when you return them to Nalri there are only options to say “You must see Levrus, he will remove the magic” Or “If you stay away from the objects, it will go away”

Bug Report6924NoCraftingMediumUnconfirmedStalfosCooking with Minerals Conflict14.01.20191 Task Description

The book shows

Powdered [Raw Material]
Grind [Raw Material] into Powdered [Raw Material] using Alchemist Table with Wooden Mallet
Hammer [Raw Material] into 3 Big Chunks of [Raw Material] using Alchemist Table with Wooden Mallet

Both using Alchemist Table with Wooden Mallet
When only the 3 big chunks is correct

Bug Report6920NoQuestsMediumUnconfirmedStalfosA Sapling of Xiosia - Does not complete when completing...11.03.20223 Task Description

I’ve completed the child quest that looks for the Boss around Gugrontid, but Sapling of Xiosia hasn’t completed as well.

Bug Report6903NoItems CharacteristicsMediumUnconfirmedEmalineVenalanBanded Mail Armor wrong desc09.11.20171 Task Description

Banded Mail Armor stores in MA category, trains MA but the description reads HeavyArmor under the weight/size/quality. So can we get it changed to read MA please.

Bug Report6893NoCraftingMediumUnconfirmedLariliMaking Barberry extract sometimes gives a special prope...29.05.2017 Task Description

I made barberry extract and ended up making batch of valuable barberry extract. Seeing as barberry extract is not a finished product but an ingredient it should not receive any special properties from crafting.

Bug Report6890NoCraftingMediumUnconfirmedKenTuathanachCrafting Axe Kits gives Mace making skill.14.08.20171 Task Description

This is actually for version 0.6.5.

When I craft Small Battle Axes I find that all skill gains are in Blades, Blacksmithing, and Mace making. I feel that somehow the skill gains for Axe making have been replaced by Mace making. That makes it harder to build up axe skill to turn the kits into a finished axe.

Axe handles need changed to blades making

Bug Report6884NoWebtoolsMediumUnconfirmedEmalineEdit Roleplaying guide on main site.18.01.2017 Task Description

Last paragraph: kra has no gender therefore the he’s should be changed to kra’s.

The kran looks at the written page, tilting his head a bit and scratching the top with his left hand. - “Well, I never been a novelist, but that should do it, I guess.” He stands up from the giant crystal table, picks a thick cloak and looks outside the window of his sculptured stone house. He concentrates a bit and thanks to his magic vision, he reaches the Hydlaa plaza. - “mmmm… there is still much more to do, but things are surely getting better. Time for some magic!”

The kran looks at the written page, tilting kra’s head a bit and scratching the top with kra’s left hand. - “Well, I never been a novelist, but that should do it, I guess.” kra stands up from the giant crystal table, picks a thick cloak and looks outside the window of kra’s sculptured stone house. kra concentrates a bit and thanks to his magic vision, kra reaches the Hydlaa plaza. - “mmmm… there is still much more to do, but things are surely getting better. Time for some magic!”

Bug Report6878NoCraftingMediumUnconfirmedKanubyTuathanachMace Making practice points inconsistent with other cra...19.11.201731 Task Description

The Mace Making Practice Points seem to be inconsistent with other crafting. With a skill level of less than 20, everything only takes 5 seconds to make regardless of the complexity of the item being crafted.
Wondering if a higher blacksmith skill is weighted more. Only getting 5 pp per item crafted will extend leveling ability time dramatically.

Bug Report6872NoWebtoolsMediumUnconfirmedEmalineCalendar Dev meeting Desc typo18.01.2017 Task Description

Just an FYI but the info being posted on the calendar for the dev meetings has a typo. Under Content, second sentence the Word developers is typed Devevelopers.

Bug Report6867NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedQuentinequip/dequip items through shortcuts bug02.06.20161 Task Description

I recently wanted to create a shortcut to summon my Rivnak, but it doesn’t work exactly like it should…Here are the commands of my shortcut :

/dequip leftfinger
/equip Ring of Summon Familiar
/pet summon Bigadin
/dequip leftfinger
/equip Crystal Ring

Of course, using the commands one by one in the chat works perfectly. But here is the chat log after using the shortcut :

Usage: /equip [stack count] [slot] [item name]
You feel a connection to your familiar.
You’ve gained 1 Practice points in Empathy.

Weirdly, it seems that when the last line is executed, my ring is still considered equipped, and so it cannot be equipped. I thought that with another item which exist in several copies, it would work through equipping another copy, but even that do not work. I tried using it with 2 Silver Rings in my inventory (so the line /equip Crystal Ring become /equip Silver Ring), and both when the quality is the same and when it is not (and so it doesn’t stack) :

You feel a connection to your familiar.
You’ve gained 1 Practice points in Empathy.
This item cannot be equipped.

I hope the informations are sufficient to allow you to understand and solve the problem.

Bug Report6853NoCombatMediumUnconfirmedAniroho Aimirrelnot facing target problems with ranged weapons17.07.20161 Task Description

During fight using ranged weapons if the player is attacking a mob but doesn’t face them the arrows are still used but no attack is led and the message about facing the target is shown.

Sometimes attacking with ranged weapons cause the showing of the facing target message and the attacks are not dealt even when the target is near and straight before the player (the arrows are consumed as well).

Feature Request6823NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedVonor[Engine/Settings] Add Regexp and wordlists to NPC Speec...24.11.201511 Task Description

While the quest system has greatly improved in the years I’ve been gone, there are still things one needs to type to an NPC.

Currently NPCs are still dumb as bricks when it comes to understand what players “write” to them.

As the “writing” is supposed to be “speaking” one would assume that an a person would understand a word even if it’s spelled incorrectly.

For example - in a certain quest you have to tell a certain NPC the words “diamond and opal”.

If you spell the words wrong (e.g. opale) the npc refuses to help and you have no chance of repeating that step and thus are forced to finish the quest in another way.

With regexp in the engine the settings department could make the answer look like this: (?i).*diamond.*opal.*

This would match case insensitive on “it are diamonds and opals” as well as “diamondsopals” or “diamond opale” as well as many other possible phrases that include the words “diamond” and “opal”.

With wordlists settings could define a couple of spellings of certain words to match on in-word typos even. for example: (?i).*$quest_stepX_wordlist1.*$quest_stepX_wordlist2.*
In the wordlist the settings dept could then, for example, define spellings like diamond, daimond, diamant and the like. That’s just an example though, I’m sure there are many more examples in game currently where a npc refuses to answer or you break a step in a quest only because you cnat type :-)

As for the regexp, the PCRE library from Apache could be used, maybe.

Feature Request6817NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedRichgarUnintuitive Placement Order of Picked Up Items28.07.20153 Task Description

Items that are picked up should go into the upper-left most container in our inventory that it can fit into. This will allow players to choose the order they want their inventory to fill up. When my main inventory is full, items start going into my glyph sack instead of the four empty small cloth sacks available. Thank you for your time :)

Feature Request6814NoSettingMediumUnconfirmedRoman YagodinBring gods in the game03.04.201711 Task Description

From game chat:

/tell Laanx Hi, Laanx!
> Laanx is not found online.

Current /pray command is a shortcut for /emote pray, but it could be interesting to have separate command to pray gods (or specific god) for miracles or even ask them about something.

“Miracles” should be protective / healing spells, casted on character or group, or offensive spells, casted on enemies.
Spell set could vary by god. Rate of success of appeal & spell power could be determined by character race, faction points, number of previous appeals (in the game day), sacrifices and also (maybe) current location, weather and time of the day.

If god name not specified, any god in the mood could answer to the prayer.
Also, appeling to the more ancient gods (Laanx, Talad) should have lesser rate of success, but greater miracles or revelations.

Any character (even have no magical abilities and choose to be atheist) could use this command.

Gods could be implemented as (invisible) NPCs.

Example command formats:

Pray: /pray [godname]
Ask: /tell [godname] [question]
Sacrifice: /give [godname] [itemname]

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