
Task TypeIDPrivateCategorySeverityStatusOpened byAssigned ToSummaryLast Edited[[changedby]]  desc
Bug Report7931NoMagic SystemMediumUnconfirmedDaevaornMorphing spells no longer change PC's visual appearance05.11.2023 Task Description

Spells that are meant to visually change the player’s appearance (read mesh) don’t work anymore.
(i.e. Gorwealform, Polymorph)

Feature Request5191NoModels and MapsMediumNewVikenMore sewers would be nice...21.05.20113 Task Description

I really like the sewers in Hydlaa, and I think it’d be cool if the other cities (Ojaveda and Amdeneir, mainly) had something like that. I also think it’d be cool if the Hydlaa sewers had a couple more openings, and maybe some intentional service entrances instead of just cave-ins with ladders… And maybe an entrance/exit in the East? Then my Rogue-like character could travel by sewers more, which would be totally awesome.

Are you guys planning to add some more sewers eventually?

Feature Request705NoLowNewCaarriemore options with /morph03.03.20096 Task Description

feature request to have more options to morph to. GMs are not able to change face when they morph or any other option in character creation.


Feature Request7418NoGUIVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelMore Categories/Filter/Search for Shortcut Icons09.08.2022 Task Description

Add a better way to search for icons. clicking through each individual icon in a long list is fairly annoying for some of the larger categories, and there are several icons that are blank so it’s not always clear there are more icons after that. Being able to see more than one icon at a time/being able to filter by name or type (ways for magic, weapon types for weapons, tools, music, decorations etc.) or having more categories with shorter lists would also be helpful.

Bug Report7996NoCrafting TransformationsLowUnconfirmedDaevaornMixing "Terevan Wine Sauce" and "Mixed Pungent Tuber Ma...14.01.20242 Task Description

For a while I have been trying and failed ot make Octarch’s delight and Lionfish Souflee.

In both cases the mixing in a wooden bowl didn’t work.

The new crafting interface now shows that there is baking skill required in both cases which doesn’t make sense given the tool set or the recipe book involved

Bug Report7990NoInventory/ItemsLowNewDaevaornMissing/Wrongly displayed CHR buff on Shiny-enchanted j...05.01.20241 Task Description

The item description of a “Shiny Major Gold Diamond Necklace” states that the item has a (base-?) buff of +3 CHR.

It hasn’t when equipped.

Either the description of the buff effects need a fix.

Bug Report7738NoModels and MapsLowPostponedTrippedOnReality/EnarelTuathanachMissing textures25.02.2023 Task Description

There appear to be some missing textures (or they are backwards as there appear to be some invisible walls around the entire structure) here:
large_west -58518.71 -312790.81 16869.62

Bug Report4221NoToolsHighAssignedRlyDontKnowTaladAngelamissing Terms of Service05.08.20103 Task Description

there aren’t any terms of service on the website and consistently the user doesn’t have to agree to them at any point.

this is a big issue in my opinion as the user isn’t strictly bound to such terms and therefore cannot be accordingly punished in case he’s causing really bad issues.

Feature Request7753NoBugtrackerMediumUnconfirmedRykiaMissing character armor/weapons/jewelry identification ...12.02.2023 Task Description

Missing slot identification text in inventory window when mousing over the icons surrounding character avatars. Some icons cannot be seen well enough to know what can be slotted.

Bug Report7536NoNPCLowUnconfirmedMauiMercenaries08.11.2022 Task Description

when you kill merceneries some seems to stand up and dont despawn from some times so the new respawn stand into the standing corpse.
on attack the corpse is shown with some health so when they moce the bodies you switch kinda targets whatever model you target.
Also it can happen that on respawn the merc. will get invisible.

Feature Request6108NoRulesMediumUnconfirmedHirene PenifurDavide VescoviniMelee skill has too low damage14.08.20137 Task Description

I think melee skill has too low damage compared to weapon skills.
It takes to level up the same efforts, costs and time as any other combat skill, and for that you get very low damage.

I measured MELEE on the Training Dummies, got the following:

Normal stance:
min: 46
max: 77
avr: 62.7

Bloody stance:
min: 53
max: 91
avr: 74.8

I used a Q50 ShortSWORD and got these results (and who does use a Q50 weapon nowadays at all?)

Normal stance:
min: 91
max: 153
avr: 126.4

Bloody stance:
min: 107
max: 180
avr: 145.3

And a Q50 Normal BOW:

Normal stance:
min: 99
max: 167
avr: 137.6

Bloody stance:
min: 116
max: 199
avr: 164.8

If I was using a Q300 Shortsword or Bow, these results would be higher by times 1.7x.
If I was using a Platinum Steel Longswords, the sword results would be higher by times 2.1x.

Melee skill makes about only 50% damage compared to Q50 Sword and 45% damage to Q50 bow.
And please notice, that I compared the skill to Q50 items only.
In case of melee you have no chance to craft a better weapon, you have no chance to loot weapon with good modifier.

I suggest to raise the damage of melee skill by at least 260%, because it takes to level melee up the same efforts, costs and time as any other combat skills. Otherwise melee is just a good RP skill :)
(Raising the damage by times 2.6x would be similar as you would use your hands as a Q300 Shortsword, taking the delay into account too (equalized damage per second values). Melee has 1.5 delay, Shortsword has 2.0 delay.)

Raising the damage by times 2.6x would cause:

Normal stance:
min: 119
max: 200
avr: 163.1

Bloody stance:
min: 137
max: 236
avr: 195.5

Feature Request6356NoTraining & SkillsMediumUnconfirmednobody specialmax tempo default play28.02.20141 Task Description

Scores whose given tempo (beats per minute) is greater than the performers skill level would allow should play at the maximum tempo available to him unless it is specifically set lower than the max.
resetting the tempo with every repetition of the piece is counter-productive.

Bug Report7992NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedTutharelMax stamina decreases when I run around the map02.01.2024 Task Description

when I run around the world, my max stamina decreases as the same rate as my actual stamina. It really isn’t a crazy issue as everything works normally but when looking at my stamina as it decreases, it seems to be full the entire time until it finally just disappears and I’m suddenly unable to move.

When crafting, the stamina bar works as intended with the max stamina never changing and only my actual stamina decreasing.

Bug Report5173NoQuestsVery LowPostponedResildrendrJackMaster in the Circle Way quests22.12.20133 Task Description

Upon completion of the without a way quests ( In my case Crystal Way ) govell sends me to Levrus log:

[NPC] Govell Mihdren says: This will prove the mastery you gained in the Crystal Way.
(06:14:52) [NPC] Govell Mihdren says: Make a good use of it, Resildren.
(06:14:55) [NPC] Govell Mihdren says: And take this.
(06:14:58) [NPC] Govell Mihdren hands you an amulet.
(06:15:00) [NPC] Govell Mihdren says: Bring it to Levrus, one final lesson awaits you there.

but Levrus will not accept it, to make sure I completed my leveling (200) and returned, and he will still not accept it?

I’ve talked to other masters of the other ways and this seems to be a global problem, is this just not implemented yet, or is it a bug?

Bug Report5989NoModels and MapsMediumUnconfirmedKaerli StronwylleMap leak in bdoorsin leads to "unleak" and subsequent c...03.04.2016 Task Description

/pos: bdoorsin -180.54 19.71 -864.52

How to reproduce: Run into the area between the large boulder and the cliff face there.

What should happen: Your char should, at worst, have to /unstick out of it, or be respawned due to the map leak.

What does happen:

  1. Your char (sometimes) gets ‘leaked’ off the map and starts to fall through it
  2. As your char falls, they get put back in the normal map area because of the concavity of the cliff face below the path there.
  3. Result: a DR trip, because your character goes “splat” at the bottom of the Bronze Doors canyon.
Feature Request5221NoEngineMediumAssignedVikenVenalanMaking Metal Stock in Ojaveda18.09.20141 Task Description

I just did this quest, and it turned out to basically be “Give Trasok 100 tria so he can explain what you should already know if you have the book.” It has no reward other than a few Crafting Association points, which is pretty much worthless. Could you guys either remove this quest or make it give some real rewards? Thanks…

Bug Report6893NoCraftingMediumUnconfirmedLariliMaking Barberry extract sometimes gives a special prope...29.05.2017 Task Description

I made barberry extract and ended up making batch of valuable barberry extract. Seeing as barberry extract is not a finished product but an ingredient it should not receive any special properties from crafting.

Feature Request6891NoGame BalanceMediumPostponedDaevaornDavide VescoviniMake progression points useful beyond stats training15.04.2020 Task Description

Once you’ve maxed your stats, currently there’s no more use for progression points/XP. It’s just an endless counter going up and up and up.

How about:

  • adding PP prices to the money you have to pay in special attack quests? (”Sorry, but you don’t have enough experience to learn this, come back later and I’ll show you how it’s done.”)
  • having to pay in PP more than in Tria for the temporary knowledge bonuses?
  • consuming progression points if you craft something with a special modifier (and in turn only allowing you to do so if you have some to spare)?
  • add more temporary buffs (for example for stats or more directly as bonus HP/MP, increased HP/MP regeneration) that are paid for only in PP or with much lower tria costs.

I am aware that it probably requires quite some additions to the quest scripting and other places and is by no means a trivial change, but I thought it may add to the medium- to long-term development deliberations. To me progression points feel like a loose end, now that they lost their purpose in skill training.

Feature Request7559NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSMake it so we can move the progress bar indicator23.11.2022 Task Description

Currently when doing a task that requires a time duration, a status bar appears on the left of the view screen that we are unable to move or resize

Bug Report7551NoGUILowAssignedTrippedOnReality/EnarelMail GUI01.04.20232 Task Description

The mail window at the pterosaur fast travel npcs has item slots that extend outside the minimum extent of the mail window.

Bug Report5923NoSpell FormulasMediumNewRalph CampbellDavide Vescovinimagical protection spells ineffective30.05.20205 Task Description

My character was attacking a Rogue in fully defensive mode with the following spells active and the damage was not noticeably reduced.

Animate Vegetation
Armoured Skin
Defensive Wind
Dome of Perfection
Lesser Future Sight
Rock Armor
Water Barrier

This is ridiculous.
One of these spells should have some protective effect and all of them active at the same time should have some additive effect.
Character was wearing no armor at the time.

Bug Report7692NoMagic SystemLowNewKiFunStuSMagic XP perception11.02.20231 Task Description

While casting spells in ways that i do not have max level in.

i receive no information about experience gained in the way

Bug Report6930NoSpell FormulasMediumUnconfirmedStalfosMagic Staves always blocked23.10.20221 Task Description

Magic Staves, like the Staff of Empathy/Aurora are always blocked unless they miss.

I’m not sure which weapon skill they use, but they are even blocked by dummies

Bug Report7725NoEffect SystemHighNewKiFunStuSMagic light is giving no light with low graphic setting...09.02.2023 Task Description

Magic light is giving no additional light in game after casting it.

on lowest graphics settings no light
on medium no light
on high there is light
epic graphics settings it is showing light

Bug Report7851NoQuestsHighUnconfirmedThosorloss/restart of of completed or in process quest when q...29.10.20233 Task Description

Scenario: You have several in process quests, You go to NPC, look for list of quests. You pick, a quest offered by say Levrus, “more coal”. To you, it sounds like a new quest, so you click on it to see what it is. It then starts you over on that quest from the beginning. You completed and forgot that quest long ago, but it then gets deleted from your completed or in process quest list.

   Unless you check all your completed or in process quests, you are doomed to repeat the entire quest.

If you have many quests done, you may think this is a new quest due to user memory loss, or similar titles of quests. In addition, quest notes are saved locally to a machine, so if you have several machines, or installing new OSs your notes don’t follow.

   As an experienced player, I kept trying to please the guards for a pet for a long time before realizing this situation.
Bug Report8026NoBugtrackerHighUnconfirmedThosorLoss of mouse control during combat13.05.2024 Task Description

When shooting at live target, tab, get red reticle, seems fine. When target dies, or you miss, you get split white circle.

   You cannot click anywhere on screen, quit or chat. If you are windowed, or alt/tab to another window, you can X out the window. This was proven during the 240511 event with other players, me on Linux, another user on Mac.

I have had this problem since PSU, thought it was me, and previously on another Windows machine.

   Could not reproduce on dummies in arena, It did happen on dummies in event.
   This is new draft, will complete soon.
Bug Report7967NoBugtrackerLowCould not VerifyThosorlose ability to click anywhere during combat01.01.20241 Task Description

When shooting rogue with bow and arrow, suddenly rogue is dead, although standing and his health still 50%.
Right click after tabbing out of combat to loot. loot icons and others show up, but then nothing is clickable.
KB works, can call inventory, etc. Pointer shows and moves. no ability to click anywhere.

Bug Report7988NoBugtrackerLowReady to testArireareLori's Little Delivery missing information08.01.20241 Task Description

in the quest Lori’s Little Delivery you are sent to the plaza to get a number on the fountain, there is nothing on the fountain to inspect to get the number for Lori

Bug Report7707NoMiscLowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelLoot window empty if standing too far away to loot02.02.2023 Task Description

When looting a monster, it’s possible to stand close enough to open the loot window but too far away to actually loot the monster. If you open the loot window while standing too far away, it will appear empty even if there are items there. If you move close enough to loot the monster and click “loot all”, you are able to loot the items even though they do not appear in the loot window. If you close the loot window, move closer, and reopen the loot window, the items appear.

Talad’s Note: move the open window from win_interactUI to the PlayerController receiveloot message, so it opens only if there is loot.

Bug Report6742NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedMario RohkrämerLogin with less than full health02.01.20151 Task Description

Logging out after a longer time of idling, one would expect to login with full health later. But I noticed that my health is a little lower and starts regenerating after I logged in. This is especially obvious for characters with not yet maxed stats, appears to be a relative impact.

I wonder if this is caused by buffing armor parts, e.g. Ulbernaut Bracers (+8 Strength, boosting HP too, indirectly). I could imagine that the max. HP are calculated without buffs, and the current health gets limited to this lower maximum (lower than while logging out previously); then the engine loads armor parts after logging in and has to update the HP maximum, which is now higher with buffs, and the current HP get a headroom to fill up.

Bug Report7689NoMiscLowNewHaviland TenouriLogfile opened under the name of my pet05.02.2023 Task Description

Sometimes PSU logs to the wrong logfile, taking my pets name for the logfile instead the name of my character. If I’m not mistaken, the logfile is opened when the first line to log is to be written. If I happen to sit on my pet at the time, the name of my pet is taken instead of the name of my character.

Bug Report7361NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedHaviland TenouriLog enabled for NPC, but NPC talk is not logged11.03.2022 Task Description

NPC talk is not logged to chat logfile. The only things which gets logged is what I type into the free-form-box

Bug Report5389NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedKostas MichailidisLocked inside.25.09.20115 Task Description

I can only quit the Hydlaa’s Museum when I quit and log in again.The first time I try 90% of everything located inside the museum vanishes.The following message pops up every time I try to quit:You are not in the range to do this.

Bug Report7079NoBugtrackerMediumUnconfirmedMichael LoevenLocked Chests Deleted When Consumed26.11.20212 Task Description

If the player attempts to open a locked chest by dragging it to their equipment panel. The game displays a message that the chest is locked but consumes the item anyway providing now loot. Expected behavior is that the game places the locked chest back into the players inventory or prevents them from consuming it if it is locked

Feature Request6081NoSpell FormulasLowUnconfirmedDavide VescoviniDavide VescoviniTuathanachList of Spell feature requests01.04.20142 Task Description

This task collects the spell feature requests.

Feature Request6080NoRulesLowUnconfirmedDavide VescoviniDavide VescoviniTuathanachList of crafting feature requests01.04.2014 Task Description

This task collects the crafting feature requests.

Bug Report2656NoCrafting TransformationsLowAssignedCaarrieDavide VescoviniTuathanachlist of crafting bugs08.08.20143 Task Description

this bug will include any bug related to crafting.

Bug Report6792NoRulesMediumNewDavide VescoviniDavide VescoviniList of Combat Bugs05.04.20151 Task Description

This is a collection of Combat System bugs

Bug Report7691NoGraphical GlitchLowNewKiFunStuSlighting issue in character selection14.02.20231 Task Description

the light source for the character lighting area is going in and out of focus

Feature Request7973NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedMalunga LeebooLet's add a drop confirmation dialog.15.12.20231 Task Description

After dropping several valuable items through world geometry without a chance to get it back I’ve got an idea to add a confirmation dialog for drop action.

Bug Report7745NoGraphical GlitchVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelLeaves on tree not affected by water filter11.02.2023 Task Description

When swimming underwater and looking through the water to things above water, everything has a water blur effect except for the leaves on the tree located here: ojaroad1 322214.06 -357065.16 15257.09

Bug Report7396NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedHaviland TenouriLauncher segfaults on exit04.03.20231 Task Description

The log ends with:

[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Engine (10)
[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CoreUObject (8)
[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SandboxFile (6)
[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PakFile (4)
[2022.06.12-06.20.45:782][774]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module RSA (3)
Failed to find symbol file, expected location:
“/home/oliver/PS/psunreal/PSLauncher/Binaries/Linux/PSLauncher.sym” Assertion failed: GraphicsPSOLockedMap.Num() == 0 [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanPipeline.cpp] [Line: 1307]

[2022.06.12-06.20.45:788][774]LogCore: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: GraphicsPSOLockedMap.Num() == 0 [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanPipeline.cpp] [Line: 1307]

Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11

Critical error:

Unhandled Exception: SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to write memory at address 0×0000000000000003

[2022.06.12-06.20.45:797][774]LogCore: Assertion failed: GraphicsPSOLockedMap.Num() == 0 [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanPipeline.cpp] [Line: 1307]

0x00000000029b3bce PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x27b3bce)
0x0000000002ace60b PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x28ce60a)
0x0000000002a8dae4 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x288dae3)
0x0000000002a8d982 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x288d981)
0x00000000042129f0 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x40129ef)
0x0000000004211c82 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x4011c81)
0x00000000041ec845 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x3fec844)
0x000000000422e5ed PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x402e5ec)
0x00000000042df6b7 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x40df6b6)
0x00000000021fd088 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x1ffd087)
0x00000000021fd13c PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x1ffd13b)
0x00000000057bfc08 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x55bfc07)
0x00000000021f97c9 PSLauncher!UnknownFunction(0x1ff97c8)

Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196744
Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=327928
Malloc Size=111987 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=439939
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Bug Report7607NoModels and MapsLowAssignedKiFunStuSTuathanachLadders you have to jump to go up02.02.20235 Task Description

186500.38 -336082.84 -1019.9

and the ladder above it

work around * just keep jumping and mantling

Bug Report6808NoCharacters AnimationMediumUnconfirmedCan-ned FoodKran Walking Animation needs improvement08.06.2015 Task Description

Kran Walking is slightly asymmetrical, as though they were afflicted with scoliosis and weren’t treated completely.

Ignore, of course, if new models lack this trait.

Bug Report6706NoSpell FormulasLowNewJoshuaDavide VescoviniKran Eating Non-Kran Food21.12.20141 Task Description

My Kran can eat certain non-Kran food, such as fish, bread, and possibly other kinds of food without getting indigestion.

Since plenty of other non-Kran foods give indigestion, I’m sure this isn’t normal.

Bug Report7808NoModels and MapsLowUnconfirmedJokoKran are too big to enter some places27.10.20231 Task Description

Kran are too big to enter some places - kra can’t enter Menitas tent or the dark rogue hideout. Double alt to roll through is a workaround but it is still annoying

Bug Report5398NoCharactersLowNewMario RohkrämerKlyros model: Right hand looks strange15.04.20121 Task Description

The right hand of the Klyros looks like their claws poke through their fist.

Bug Report8023NoGraphical GlitchLowUnconfirmedJokoKlyros male back transparent when riding11.05.2024 Task Description

When riding on a Rivnak the left back of male Klyros model becomes transparent.

Bug Report7358NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSKlyros legs missing from player model when wearing roba01.11.20221 Task Description

Need to fix the model to not being open at the bottom. (noted it missing in stream while working on magic light)

Bug Report5359NoRendering IssuesMediumNewPhenha PhayethorKlyros colour change13.11.20112 Task Description

I play a Grey Klyros male and after I got my robes I noticed that if I put them on and took them back off, my arms became blue.
This is an easy bug to recreate, all it requires is a grey klyros and a robe.

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