
Task TypeIDPrivateCategorySeverityStatusOpened by  ascAssigned ToSummaryLast Edited[[changedby]]
Bug Report 95 NoCriticalClosedAndrew Craig Item spawning exploit 17.08.20074 Task Description

A missing security level check allows a patched client to send a message requesting the server to spawn items into the players inventory.
This way, and client, even one without gm security level could spawn any item he wants.

Bug Report 121 NoCriticalClosedCaarrieKenneth Graunke Petition view is broken 26.08.200712 Task Description

The fix for item spawn broke petition view.
Since petition list request is also routed through AdminManager::HandleMessage() , And the listing player isn’t a GM, He gets a “You’re not a GM!” message…

Bug Report 534 NoCriticalClosed Items are pickupable in some furnaces 09.11.2007171 Task Description

The new range check that decides pickupability of items in public containers checks for range between the guarding char and the container.
The check is broken for AL objects (like furnace) since the actual container item is far below the map. So the guarding char is always far away from the container - Allowing anyone to take items out of it.

Bug Report 3280 NoCrashesCriticalClosedMike Gist Changing zones in x64 windows crashes PS 25.11.20098 Task Description

Happens in static and typical, changing from hyplaza to arena may happen in other zones as well →>

psclient_static_plugins-0.5-vc9-x64.dll!CS::Plugin::bgLoader::BgLoader::CleanSector() + 0x38e bytes
psclient_static_plugins-0.5-vc9-x64.dll!CS::Plugin::bgLoader::BgLoader::LoadZones() + 0x3d4 bytes
> psclient_static.exe!ZoneHandler::LoadZone(csVector3 * pos=0x000000002a3c3df0, const char * sector=0x0000000010ca3650) Line 198 + 0×17 bytes C++
psclient_static.exe!ZoneHandler::HandleMessage(MsgEntry * me=0x0000000010ca3650) Line 170 + 0x4b bytes C++
psclient_static.exe!MsgHandler::Publish(MsgEntry * me=0x0000000010ca4e58) Line 65 C++
psclient_static.exe!psClientDR::CheckSectorCrossing(GEMClientActor * actor=0x0000000019b5f3b8) Line 161 C++
psclient_static.exe!psEngine::UpdatePerFrame() Line 1162 C++
psclient_static.exe!psEngine::ProcessLogic(iEvent & ev={…}) Line 848 C++
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for crystalspace-1.9-vc9-x64.dll]
psclient_static.exe!main(int argc=0, char * * argv=0×0000000000000000) Line 1888 C++
psclient_static.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 574 + 0×25 bytes C

Bug Report 3960 NoEngineCriticalClosed base_mana_max for new characters 07.02.201031 Task Description

Recently created charactes seem to have base_mana_max set to some value, should be zero.
Please check character generation to see if something in there is setting this value inappropriately.

Bug Report 4248 NoEngineCriticalClosedRlyDontKnow CRASH: Sliding or teleporting an NPC 16.03.20102 Task Description

As the title says…sliding or teleporting an NPC crashes the server.
100% reproducable on all servers.

Bug Report 4249 NoEffectsCriticalClosedLanarelpeegEricaurelyntCXDamian Spell Effect Lag 19.12.201618 Task Description

Anytime I’m anywhere near a spell caster the effects lag me to nearly zero fps.

This is new issue since 0.5. Never had any such problem in 0.4.x

ATI X600

Bug Report 4258 NoEngineCriticalClosed teleport and slide doesn't notify npcclient 26.03.20102 Task Description

I searched hard for a bug like this because I thought there was one, but couldn’t find it.

Sliding or teleporting an NPC doesn’t notify npcclient of the new position, so when you start to fight with it npcclient forces it back to the previous location known to npcclient.

Server is notified correctly, just npcclient is not.

Bug Report 4322 NoEngineCriticalClosedweltall spellcasting leaks ram 02.08.20106 Task Description

Whenever you cast a spell you will see the ram increasing, however it will never decrease. May be from effects or the spell casting itself.

Bug Report 392 NoHighClosedAnonymous SubmitterTom Furnace allowed me to take someone else's molten ores. 22.11.200716 Task Description

I’m not sure if this is exactly the same issue as the original report (which we were not able to verify), but this is probably the reason, I think.


Ownership is not checked when taking items out of containers. Affected items:

At Trasok’s: the furnace and forge, but not the stock caster, quench tank or smith table.
At Harnquist’s: the furnace, stock caster and quench tank, other items not tested.

(Old) Description:

Location: Ojaveda, upstairs at Trasok’s Furnace.

I had silver ores in the furnace, I lost connection with the server but was able to logon again immediately after a client restart.

The first thing I did was recover my silver ores from the furnace.

I took all ores that had the number ‘1’ beside them but it turned out that I had taken someone eles’s iron ores or stock as well.

Test case:

- Put ores in the furnace and let them become molten.

- Get someone else to do the same so both peoples’ metal ores are in the furnace at the same time.

- Lose connection with the server. This could be done by removing a network cable or more drastically, disconnect from the internet.

- Reconnet to the PlaneShift server and examine the contents of the Furnace.


The furnace allowed me to take all ores including those belonging to another person.
The other molten ores were still labeled, showing their owner’s name.

Expected results:

Should only be able to retrieve items that belong to me.


Name: PlaneShift
Version: 3.0.19 x86
OS: (xubuntu 7.04) Linux 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 19:50:39 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

Bug Report 2424 NoHighClosedweltall Outgoing Advice Messages Not Filtered 31.10.20084 Task Description

If I type “/advice player yw” it isn’t filtered to “you’re welcome” by my client. This is contrary to expected behavior, since all other tabs convert it properly.

Bug Report 2878 NoNPCHighClosedLanarel Wrong sector for npc pos when wandering 02.01.20108 Task Description

To see this with SVN data (stable or trunk) go to NPCroom near the corridor and /killnpc MoveMaster4 reload. Take repeated /pos on him by name or pid, not by target, as he goes through NPCroom1 and NPCroom2 ending up in NPCroom3. You will get the correct x y z but wrong sector (NPCroom) and this is why he disappears from view during the trip (this is not a height map difference issue). When his estimated move time expires, his location is updated correctly by SuperClient to the right sector and x y z, which makes him appear in the other room. When SuperClient solves for a <wander> operation, it estimates the time to travel the route, and when time is up, it forces the NPC to the destination location, which is what fixes it at the end.

Wander works great within a single sector, but this bug is a show stopper for any path that crosses a sector boundary. Examples: in/out of tavern, within the arena (6 sectors in that map), Hydlaa Plaza to/from East Hydlaa, In/Out of magic shop and the forest paths, between Akk-Central and Akk-East, connecting tunnels between all road maps, in/out of Gugrontid.

This is beleived to be an engine bug not correctly updating sector as NPC moves. This is not a client issue for certain. I don’t think this is an npcclient issue either, because server does correctly report the x y z and angle as movement happens, it’s just not keeping the sector updated. It retains the sector of the starting point of the wander throughout the operation, regardless of how many waypoints the NPC hits, or paths used to get from place to place. If you independently walk the same route and /pos yourself, you’ll find the x y z and angle match up with those of the NPC but in correct sectors.

Bug Report 3278 NoMSVCHighClosedMike Gist windows static build error 10.01.20102 Task Description

Static CS with static PS, also error’s in debug » Easier to read:

1>—— Build started: Project: libpsserver_static_plugins, Configuration: Release (with DLLs) x64 —— 1>Linking… 2>—— Build started: Project: appccheck_static, Configuration: Release (with DLLs) x64 —— 2>Linking… 1> Creating library ..\..\out\release9-x64\libs\libpsserver_static_plugins.lib and object ..\..\out\release9-x64\libs\libpsserver_static_plugins.exp
1>apppsserver_static_staticuse.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public: cdecl csStaticPluginInit::dbmysql::dbmysql(void)” (??0dbmysql@csStaticPluginInit@@QEAA@XZ)
1>apppsserver_static_staticuse.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public:
cdecl csStaticPluginInit::bgloader::bgloader(void)” (??0bgloader@csStaticPluginInit@@QEAA@XZ)
1>..\..\psserver_static_plugins-0.5-vc9-x64.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
1>Build Time 0:00
1>Build log was saved at “file://c:\development\PlaneShift\out\release9-x64\build\libpsserver_static_plugins\BuildLog.htm” 1>libpsserver_static_plugins - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)
3>—— Build started: Project: apppsclient_static, Configuration: Release (with DLLs) x64 —— 2>ccheck.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public: bool cdecl FileUtil::CopyFileA(class csString,class csString,bool,bool,bool)” (?CopyFileA@FileUtil@@QEAA_NVcsString@@0_N11@Z)
2>ccheck.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public:
cdecl FileUtil::~FileUtil(void)” (??1FileUtil@@QEAA@XZ)
2>ccheck.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “public: cdecl FileUtil::FileUtil(class csRef<struct iVFS>)” (??0FileUtil@@QEAA@V?$csRef@UiVFS@@@@@Z)
2>..\..\ccheck_static.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals
2>Build Time 0:00
2>Build log was saved at “file://c:\development\PlaneShift\out\release9-x64\build\appccheck_static\BuildLog.htm” 2>appccheck_static - 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
4>—— Build started: Project: apppsserver_static, Configuration: Release (with DLLs) x64 —— 3>Linking… 4>Linking… 4>Generating code
3>src_client_win32_mdump.cpp.obj : error LNK2005: “private: static enum PS_CRASHACTION_TYPE MiniDumper::CrashAction” (?CrashAction@MiniDumper@@0W4PS_CRASHACTION_TYPE@@A) already defined in mdump.obj
3>src_client_win32_mdump.cpp.obj : error LNK2005: “private: static int MiniDumper::DumpType” (?DumpType@MiniDumper@@0HA) already defined in mdump.obj
3>src_client_win32_mdump.cpp.obj : error LNK2005: “private: static long
cdecl MiniDumper::TopLevelFilter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)” (?TopLevelFilter@MiniDumper@@CAJPEAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@Z) already defined in mdump.obj
3>src_client_win32_mdump.cpp.obj : error LNK2005: “public: char const * cdecl MiniDumper::GetDumpTypeString(void)” (?GetDumpTypeString@MiniDumper@@QEAAPEBDXZ) already defined in mdump.obj
3>src_client_win32_mdump.cpp.obj : error LNK2005: “public: enum PS_CRASHACTION_TYPE
cdecl MiniDumper::GetCrashAction(void)” (?GetCrashAction@MiniDumper@@QEAA?AW4PS_CRASHACTION_TYPE@@XZ) already defined in mdump.obj
3>src_client_win32_mdump.cpp.obj : error LNK2005: “public: void cdecl MiniDumper::SetCrashAction(enum PS_CRASHACTION_TYPE)” (?SetCrashAction@MiniDumper@@QEAAXW4PS_CRASHACTION_TYPE@@@Z) already defined in mdump.obj
3>src_client_win32_mdump.cpp.obj : error LNK2005: “public: enum _PS_MINIDUMP_TYPE
cdecl MiniDumper::GetDumpType(void)” (?GetDumpType@MiniDumper@@QEAA?AW4_PS_MINIDUMP_TYPE@@XZ) already defined in mdump.obj
3>src_client_win32_mdump.cpp.obj : error LNK2005: “public: void cdecl MiniDumper::SetDumpType(enum _PS_MINIDUMP_TYPE)” (?SetDumpType@MiniDumper@@QEAAXW4_PS_MINIDUMP_TYPE@@@Z) already defined in mdump.obj
3>src_client_win32_mdump.cpp.obj : error LNK2005: “public:
cdecl MiniDumper::MiniDumper(void)” (??0MiniDumper@@QEAA@XZ) already defined in mdump.obj
3> Creating library ..\..\psclient_static.lib and object ..\..\psclient_static.exp
3>..\..\psclient_static.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found
3>Build Time 0:05
3>Build log was saved at “file://c:\development\PlaneShift\out\release9-x64\build\apppsclient_static\BuildLog.htm” 3>apppsclient_static - 10 error(s), 0 warning(s)
4>Finished generating code
4>Embedding manifest… 4>Performing Post-Build Event… 4> 1 file(s) copied.
4>Build Time 0:33
4>Build log was saved at “file://c:\development\PlaneShift\out\release9-x64\build\apppsserver_static\BuildLog.htm” 4>apppsserver_static - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Build: 1 succeeded, 3 failed, 38 up-to-date, 0 skipped

Bug Report 3484 NoEngineHighClosedTimothy Chen Dropped Items Stacked and Averaged on Ground 10.12.20097 Task Description

Release Blocker beacause anyone trying to setup a scene or set out items as a merchant will find it impossible to put similar things near each other, and the value destruction of quality averaging will be very bad for crafted products.

If you drop two like items near each other, they will stack on the ground and qualities will get averaged.

Commands to reproduce…empty your inventory of daggers first:
/item dagger 100
/item dagger 300
* verify 2 separate daggers @ Q100 and Q300 respectively

/drop dagger
/slide me r .5
/drop dagger

* observe there are not two separate daggers on the ground
* examine the stack of daggers on ground: pair of Q200 daggers after quality averaging.

This also happens with click-drop if you put the 2nd within 0.5 meter of the first

Feature Request4398NoSoundHighNewMathiasSet all volume but npc speech to 20% when npc is talkin...19.04.201011 Task Description

When an npc talks the volume of the music ect makes it hard to hear them. Lets try setting all volume to 20% or so and see how that effects it.

Feature Request 4703 NoInventory/ItemsHighClosed Lock down items in Guild house 22.12.201619 Task Description

Currently players if they leave there door unlocked they can be completely looted, there needs to be some way that they can protect their items inside their guild house to prevent theft.

Bug Report 43 NoMediumClosedKenneth Graunke Containers disappearing when picking up with full inv 11.08.200718 Task Description

When picking up containers when there are no free slots in the inventory, the container will disappear.
Steps to recreate:
1. Spawn a sack and put something in it
2. Drop the sack
3. Fill all but one bulk slot in your inventory
4. Spawn a chest
5. Pick up the sack

The server says:

787111 <src/server/bulkobjects/pscharinventory.cpp:466 CheckSlotRequirements>
787111 Client requested transfer to destination slot 3421 but the parent container doesn't exist.
Bug Report 109 NoMediumClosedAnonymous Submitter Problems identified by Valgrind 30.09.20079 Task Description

==7397== 232 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 4,064 of 4,632
==7397== at 0x4A05D29: operator new[](unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:199)
==7397== by 0x6E057D: pawsListBox::Setup(iDocumentNode*) (pawslistbox.cpp:171)
==7397== by 0×702985: pawsWidget::Load(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:641)
==7397== by 0x706A2B: pawsWidget::LoadChildren(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:732)
==7397== by 0x7029F9: pawsWidget::Load(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:647)
==7397== by 0x6B25C7: PawsManager::LoadWidget(csRef<iDocumentNode>) (pawsmanager.cpp:735)
==7397== by 0x6B427D: PawsManager::LoadWidget(char const*) (pawsmanager.cpp:670)
==7397== by 0x44B2B7: psEngine::LoadPawsWidget(char const*, char const*) (psengine.cpp:1954)
==7397== by 0x453EB0: psEngine::LoadGame() (psengine.cpp:1235)
==7397== by 0x454DFB: psEngine::HandleEvent(iEvent&) (psengine.cpp:752)
==7397== by 0×464646: psEngine::EventHandler::HandleEvent(iEvent&) (psengine.h:219)
==7397== by 0x55AD1A: csEventTree::Dispatch(iEvent&) (cssubscription.cpp:576)


==7397== 456 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 4,137 of 4,632
==7397== at 0x4A05D29: operator new[](unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:199)
==7397== by 0x6E057D: pawsListBox::Setup(iDocumentNode*) (pawslistbox.cpp:171)
==7397== by 0×702985: pawsWidget::Load(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:641)
==7397== by 0x706A2B: pawsWidget::LoadChildren(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:732)
==7397== by 0x7029F9: pawsWidget::Load(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:647)
==7397== by 0x6B25C7: PawsManager::LoadWidget(csRef<iDocumentNode>) (pawsmanager.cpp:735)
==7397== by 0x6B427D: PawsManager::LoadWidget(char const*) (pawsmanager.cpp:670)
==7397== by 0x44B2B7: psEngine::LoadPawsWidget(char const*, char const*) (psengine.cpp:1954)
==7397== by 0x453CE2: psEngine::LoadGame() (psengine.cpp:1214)
==7397== by 0x454DFB: psEngine::HandleEvent(iEvent&) (psengine.cpp:752)
==7397== by 0×464646: psEngine::EventHandler::HandleEvent(iEvent&) (psengine.h:219)
==7397== by 0x55AD1A: csEventTree::Dispatch(iEvent&) (cssubscription.cpp:576)


==7397== 464 bytes in 2 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 4,141 of 4,632
==7397== at 0x4A05D29: operator new[](unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:199)
==7397== by 0x6E057D: pawsListBox::Setup(iDocumentNode*) (pawslistbox.cpp:171)
==7397== by 0×702985: pawsWidget::Load(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:641)
==7397== by 0x706A2B: pawsWidget::LoadChildren(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:732)
==7397== by 0x7029F9: pawsWidget::Load(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:647)
==7397== by 0x706A2B: pawsWidget::LoadChildren(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:732)
==7397== by 0x7029F9: pawsWidget::Load(iDocumentNode*) (pawswidget.cpp:647)
==7397== by 0x6B25C7: PawsManager::LoadWidget(csRef<iDocumentNode>) (pawsmanager.cpp:735)
==7397== by 0x6B427D: PawsManager::LoadWidget(char const*) (pawsmanager.cpp:670)
==7397== by 0x44B2B7: psEngine::LoadPawsWidget(char const*, char const*) (psengine.cpp:1954)
==7397== by 0x453CA0: psEngine::LoadGame() (psengine.cpp:1211)
==7397== by 0x454DFB: psEngine::HandleEvent(iEvent&) (psengine.cpp:752)

Bug Report 393 NoMediumClosedAnonymous SubmitterR.Guppy Metallurgy skill increased when training was incomplete 15.10.20077 Task Description


Location: Ojaveda, Trasok’s furnace.

I didn’t complete training level 21 for metallurgy, some yellow bar was still visible but after creating some silver ingots I found that my metallurgy had increased anyway.

Test case:

- Train a metallugy level but not completely so that some yellow bar is visible.

- Create some silver ingots.


My metallurgy increased beyond the yellow bar as if I was fully trained for that level.

Expected results:

Training levels will not increase for skills while their yellow training bars are visible.


Name: PlaneShift Client.
Version: 3.0.19 x86
OS: (xubuntu 7.04) Linux 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 19:50:39 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

Feature Request 1961 NoMediumClosed GM3 command /morph self 03.10.20086 Task Description

request for gms to have a command to morph self same as teleport me, this would allow gms to have the ablity at any lvl to only morph themselves for gm events and not others. they would also like /morph list to work with this

Bug Report 2071 NoMediumClosed PVP area too large and DR doesn't reset PVP 26.01.20094 Task Description

Borders of PVP pit are too large…they include the fence line of the spectators area above the PVP pit, and at least half of the wall tops on either side. Needs to be shrunk so that a player must be fully inside the PVP room to attack and be vulnerable to attack.

Also, PVP flags are not reset with a trip to DR. Once two players engage in PVP in the pit, they can fight over and over anywhere in the world, including DR, and passing through DR doesn’t stop it. Only logging off resets things to how they should be.

Bug Report 2099 NoModels and MapsMediumClosedTalad Misplaced House in Hydlaa 05.03.20129 Task Description

As you’ll see from the screenshots, the house is in the wrong place. It is collided into the walls at the corners. It is easy to fall behind it from the terrace above and become trapped (not stuck, just boxed in (man trap). Perhaps it belongs to the left in line with the rest of the row houses near the temple?

POS: map hydlaa_plaza -62.83 0.46 25.33

planeshift.clevertech.netscreenshotsshot27.jpg planeshift.clevertech.netscreenshotsshot28.jpg

Bug Report 2244 NoMediumClosed Sliding Things Deselects 24.03.20093 Task Description

When you ‘/slide target …’ yourself or a player or an NPC, the target remains selected but when the target is an object it gets deselected after the slide. This is maddening when trying to set up scenes and fine-adjust placement of things!

Can items please just stay selected?

Steps to reproduce:
Select yourself
Execute ‘/slide target f’ Observe you’re still selected
Drop something…anything, and select it
Execute ‘/slide target f’ Observe item is no longer selected

Note that direction and distance have no bearing on the behavior…same for all slides and with or without distance parameter

Bug Report 2336 NoMediumClosed Can't teleport to NPC by first name 05.10.20084 Task Description

Can’t teleport to NPC by first name. Must use “Trasok Starhammer” in quotes. We can teleport to PC’s by first name, so same for NPC’s if you please.

Feature Request 2337 NoMediumClosed Prevent /die and /sell when overburdened 04.10.20083 Task Description

Prevent /die and /sell when overburdened. Purpose is to prevent mules from being able to /die and /sell off their load to the Death Guardian.

Bug Report 2472 NoMediumClosed pssetup closed by DAC on startup 28.01.200951 Task Description

For some reason Vista thinks that pssetup.exe is a windows process that requires DAC, then DAC decides to promptly close the program. When you try and disable it for pssetup.exe it says that it requires dac =/

Bug Report 2474 NoItems CharacteristicsMediumClosedweltall Quality & Max Quality Incorrect 17.07.20099 Task Description

Master Crafter Hammer 1/1
Master Crafted Rock Pick 80/50

Bug Report 2490 NoMediumClosed Spam / Flood of Emote Commands 19.11.2008 Task Description

all of the emote commands such as /greet, /wave, /pounce, etc. are not governed by the flood warning.

Bug Report 2533 NoRulesMediumClosed Bugged item stats? 09.05.20094 Task Description

Found a Tin Perfect Short Sword of Peace… says i cant use when i have 200 int, orgonwukh tried as well.

Bug Report 2619 NoGM SystemMediumClosedAresilek Besolez giveitem destroys if recipient inventory full 27.02.20218 Task Description

Try to /giveitem something to a player with no available slots and no containers. You get a msg that their inventory is full, but the item is gone…not on ground, not in either inventory anywhere….just gone completely.

Feature Request2658NoInventory/ItemsMediumNewgiveitem command for players26.03.20092 Task Description

Syntax: /giveitem [PlayerName] [Qty|All] <ItemName> [Any]

  • Playername is optional, otherwise default to selected target, fail if none selected
  • Quantity is optional, default to 1, All gives all in inventory/equipped
  • ItemName required, quotes needed for multi-word item names as in “Platinum Ore”
  • Any is optional, allows items in containers to be given. Omitting this protects containered items from being given accidentally, allowing players to put things in sacks or other containers that they want to keep safe, same as the Drop command.

Similar to GM giveitem, but with the following restrictions:

  • player and target must be in touch range
  • player and target may be sitting or standing
  • player and target must not be otherwise busy (fighting/crafting/repairing/etc.)
  • no restriction for target being overburdened (available slot/stack/capacity limits still apply, see Caveats below)
  • similar to PVP, players should have persistent selectable option for receiving given item(s): Always Accept / Prompt to Accept (default) / Never Accept

Along with the command, make Give an option to context menu, which opens a slot window same or similar to that which one gets when giving to an NPC.


  • Smoother and faster RP (P1 gives P2 a beer)
  • Merchant assistant holding extra inventory gives things to merchant for a sale


  • Makes using mules a little easier, as in an unattended mule with Always Accept can become a dump bucket for loot or Ore, however current trade rules allow this already, the only difference is that the mule must be attended to complete the trade, while not for receiving a Give. Eventual random spawns of monsters will mitigate this for loot, and miners still have to move all the collected ore to wherever it is to be processed or sold. IMHO the benefits to RP outweigh this issue, since miners have already worked around unattended trading to some degree, either by mAlting or dropping stacks while guarding in proximity.

Extending the idea, add a die-roll chance for target and near proximity observers to be made aware of the exchange. Giver’s Int. and Agility should apply, and Target’s Int. and Observer’s Int. should apply but I’ll leave it to devs to work out how to implement. Any exchange that is more than 1 single item should incrementally raise the chance of being observed. One might still have a good chance of slipping a couple daggers into someone’s pack, but a stack of 20 Ore would be nearly impossible not to notice. Sleeping target might also factor in.

A further extension might be an optional Sneak parameter whereby the Giver attempts to be especially discrete in the exchange, thus lowering the chance to be observed by the target or near proximity observers, but this should be mitigated by quantity as above.

Bug Report 2665 NoGM SystemMediumClosed GMs can attack themselves 19.04.20093 Task Description

I was playing on laanx as a gm invincible invisible ect.

Feature Request 2679 NoGM SystemMediumClosed Area Targeting Refinements 19.12.20167 Task Description

Please change the name portion of area targeting to -not- be a wild card first letter search. Instead let the user put in a * if that’s what they want.

Also please add word ‘map’ as alternate values for the range limiting the results accordingly.

/pos area:npcs:1000:rogue
- should just get me a list of rogues, not rats or Refittia or anything else that starts with R
/pos area:npcs:map:rogue
- should just get all rogues in the current map

/pos area:npcs:map:*r*
- should get any npc with r in the full name

Feature Request 2680 NoGM SystemMediumClosed pos and info have differnet pos output 10.02.200911 Task Description

Please make the pos output in the /info command the same format as in the /pos command, and add PID to /pos so we can get something to target against.

(22:18:25) >NPC: <Tefusang, PID:9015567, EID:10080> is at position (-41.99, 0.00, -217.29) angle: 303 in sector: NPCroom, instance: 0, and has been active for 0.0 hours.

(22:18:31) >Tefusang’s current position is NPCroom -41.99 0.00 -217.29 0 angle: 303, region: npcroom1, range: 27.63

Bug Report 2696 NoUser InterfaceMediumClosedKeithVille Rantapuska Help Widget 01.04.20135 Task Description

A few issues with pawsHelp, used in the in-game help:

1) Branch names must be unique. If you have 2 branches with the same name, each with different child branches or topics, all the child elements get placed in the first branch of that name, leaving the 2nd branch with the same name empty.

2) Expansion is buggy, especially with large help.xlm files. Upon expansion, all the child nodes -sometimes- are stacked at the top of the widget in a blurred mess. Closing/reopening the help window doesn’t clean this up, although scrolling the widget a small bit and try again to expand tends to get it working.

3) Widget has a fixed size. Editing help.xml I can’t seem to change the size, nor can I make it scalable in size as in a resizable window.

Bug Report 2710 NoGM SystemMediumClosedAresilek Besolez killnpc w/ reload doesn't break pursuit 20.03.20105 Task Description

If a monster is in pursuit, and the ‘reload’ option is used with the killnpc command, the pursuit doesn’t break, which means the monster promptly tries to chase the same target again, and in doing so runs right off the map again, or get quickly trapped someplace again.

Killing by combat or without the reload option does break the pursuit correctly.

Feature Request 2763 NoEngineMediumClosed server up time 28.06.20225 Task Description

Add server up time to result of /ping command

Bug Report 2788 No2D ArtMediumClosedTalad Campfire missing icon 22.08.20105 Task Description

Campfire missing icon

Bug Report 2845 NoUser InterfaceMediumClosed pslauncher repair files list needs line breaks 27.03.2009 Task Description

Trunk MSCV9 on Win XP Pro

CS 32240
PS 3324

Click Repair and when it comes back with list of files that failed the check they are all run together, missing line breaks to form a proper list. If you have a bunch they don’t wrap, so you can only see the first few.

Feature Request 2879 NoGM SystemMediumClosed Add labels and light to points and paths 19.12.20161 Task Description

1) When using ‘/path show’ we get a wand for way points, and a quarterstaff for intermediate path points, but nothing visual to show the path itself. Please see if each point could show a light beam or some kind of line to the next point in the path. This will allow us to find duplicate and missing segments.

2) Each waypoint has a defined radius. When using ‘/path show’ please show a light circle like a spot light from above at same radius around the waypoint so we can visually see the size and area covered.

3) When using ‘/path show’, please render labels for the waypoint names.

Feature Request 2880 NoGM SystemMediumClosed Waypoint and Pathpoint targetting 19.12.20161 Task Description

Please provide the ability to selectively target a waypoint or pathpoint. The /path select is unreliable when there are several paths coming from same waypoint or when points are close together. Once targetted, would like to be able to use commands on it:

/path info <target|WayPointID|PathPointID>
/path slidepoint <target|WayPointID|PathPointID> <u|d|l|r|f|b> [distance]
/path removepoint <target|WayPointID|PathPointID>

  • should not allow remove WayPoint if it has a path associated with it…require path removal first

/path remove <PathID>

Separately, there is supposed to be a /path split command, but I’ve never gotten that to work, and honestly can’t think of a use case where it wouldn’t make more of a mess. If one needs to break a path into segments, it’s really easier to remove the path and lay a new one the way you want it.

Bug Report 2889 NoRulesMediumClosed All Issues Related to Weights and Measures 17.09.2012 Task Description

Please dependency chain all bugs and FR’s that relate to the following:

  • Weights
  • Sizes
  • Capacities

All such bugs should be assigned to Rules and to Bovek, please. If there are engine issues included, separation of those matters to new reports would be appreciated.

Note to all those whose issues are chained to this: it is my intention to globally review all items and containers collectively in the hope of getting them all relevant and sensible. Wish me luck :)


Bug Report 2894 NoCrafting TransformationsMediumClosedweltall Transform Matching 19.11.20094 Task Description

With no book in mind, place a molten iron in the forge and observe the following:

(17:06:28) >Checking single transforms for pattern id 0, target id 320, and target qty 1.
(17:06:28) >Found no transformations for item 320 and pattern 0.
(17:06:28) >Checking group transforms for pattern id 0, target id 320, and target qty 1.
(17:06:28) >Found no transformations for item 320 and pattern 0.
(17:06:28) >Checking patternless transforms for pattern id 0, target id 320, and target qty 1.
(17:06:28) >Found no transformations for item 320 and pattern 0.
(17:06:28) >Checking for any ingredient transforms for single pattern id 0 group pattern id 0, and target id 320.
(17:06:28) >No items for this pattern or group pattern.
(17:06:28) >Checking single any item transforms for pattern id 0, target id 0, and target qty 1.
(17:06:28) >Found 2 transformations.
(17:06:28) >Testing transformation id 1.
(17:06:28) >No match, transformation for wrong item candidate id=4800 workitem Id=4815.
(17:06:28) >Testing transformation id 15.
(17:06:28) >Good match for transformation id=15.
(17:06:28) >Scheduled to finish work on Molten Iron in 150.0 seconds.

Correct result except the first 6 lines show that the same exact thing was attempted 3 times.
Suggest put in an inital check for No Book In Mind and skip the first 2 and start with patternless.

With Working With Stock in mind, place a molten iron in the forge and observe the following:
(17:12:06) >Checking single transforms for pattern id 101, target id 320, and target qty 1.
(17:12:06) >Found 2 transformations.
(17:12:06) >Testing transformation id 1000.
(17:12:06) >No match, transformation for wrong item candidate id=321 workitem Id=4815.
(17:12:06) >Testing transformation id 1004.
(17:12:06) >No match, transformation for wrong item candidate id=321 workitem Id=4815.
(17:12:06) >Checking group transforms for pattern id 100, target id 320, and target qty 1.
(17:12:06) >Found no transformations for item 320 and pattern 100.
(17:12:06) >Checking patternless transforms for pattern id 0, target id 320, and target qty 1.
(17:12:06) >Found no transformations for item 320 and pattern 0.
(17:12:06) >Checking for any ingredient transforms for single pattern id 101 group pattern id 100, and target id 320.
(17:12:06) >No known transformations for this item.
(17:12:06) >Checking single any item transforms for pattern id 101, target id 0, and target qty 1.
(17:12:06) >Found no transformations for item 0 and pattern 101.
(17:12:06) >Checking group any item transforms for pattern id 100, target id 0, and target qty 1.
(17:12:06) >Found no transformations for item 0 and pattern 100.
(17:12:06) >You are not sure what to do with this.

What’s missing here from the previous example are the following:
* Checking for any ingredient transforms for single pattern id 0 group pattern id 0, and target id 320
* Checking single any item transforms for pattern id 0, target id 0, and target qty 1

Had the latter of these been checked, we’d have the same result as the example above.

The difference between these two are having a book in mind versus not, and that book being the wrong one for the task attempted.

Bug Report 2906 NoGM SystemMediumClosed setskill should reset training values 12.07.20092 Task Description

Most of the time we setskill ourselves to various levels for events and to check what tasks can be performed at various levels, and as far as that goes it’s fine, and how much or little practical or theoretical training you have doesn’t matter.

If however you’re trying to evaluate training levels and progression, it’s a problem that setskill doesn’t reset practical and theoretical values to zero as if you’d just ranked up. If you setskill to a higher level, and buy the theoretical at that level and then setskill lower, you’re in an overpaid state. Same for practice points, such that if you’ve acquired some amount of practice at a higher level and later setskill yourself down, you’re over-practiced at the lower levels and can’t reset yourself.

Conclusion: reset practice and theoretical values to zero when setskill is used to set a skill value.

This should not happen with setskill <something> -1 as this is just reporting back the current level of the target (it’d be nice if it would report the practical & theoretical values though)

Feature Request 2919 NoGM SystemMediumClosed item command extension 30.03.20143 Task Description

Please consider extending /item command.

/item [Quantity] “<item_name>” [Quality [Max_Quality]]

Quantity - Optional, default 1
Quality - Optional, default to item_stats value
Max_Quality - Optional only if Quality is supplied, default to item_stats value

Bug Report 2920 NoCraftingMediumClosed Crafting Books Incomplete 28.05.200911 Task Description

At any skill level, crafting books are missing some transforms and some combines. The data side of the issue has been verified, there is no more crossover between books now, or intrusion of strange garbled data, but there is some missing content.

Feature Request 2935 NoUser InterfaceMediumClosed Merchant Buy/Sell Categories Not Sorted 17.12.20095 Task Description

Merchant Buy/Sell Categories Not Sorted

Could we add an Order By clause to the bit that loads the merchant item categories, please?

Bug Report 2979 NoCraftingMediumClosedweltall garbage item has 0/0 quality 17.07.20093 Task Description

When a garbage item is generated it has quality 0/0.

It should have quality from item_stats table.

Filed per Weltall’s request.

Bug Report 3001 NoCrashesMediumClosed Loading Region Failed 25.06.2009 Task Description

Whenever i login to npcroom and walk to down the hall i get an error “Loading Region Failed” I can log back in and everything is fine.

Server: Laanx

Bug Report 3161 NoGM SystemMediumClosed You are already logged into the server as GM 10.09.2009 Task Description

i crashed on my GM character and got the cant login because you are already logged in message, honestly a GM should be able to login right away in case of GM events when time is an issue

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