
Task TypeIDPrivateCategorySeverityStatusOpened byAssigned To  ascSummaryLast Edited[[changedby]]
Bug Report7992NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedTutharelMax stamina decreases when I run around the map02.01.2024 Task Description

when I run around the world, my max stamina decreases as the same rate as my actual stamina. It really isn’t a crazy issue as everything works normally but when looking at my stamina as it decreases, it seems to be full the entire time until it finally just disappears and I’m suddenly unable to move.

When crafting, the stamina bar works as intended with the max stamina never changing and only my actual stamina decreasing.

Bug Report7995NoCraftingLowUnconfirmedDaevaornNew crafting: Two stacks stay separate when added to co...07.01.2024 Task Description

The version affected is 0.7.40, unavailable as an option in the FlySpray configuration.

If you have the right amount of raw materials for a crafting process, but they are not in the same stack (for example because you almost used up one stack with other crafting before and you have another full one) the right amount of items gets transferred into the container, but in two separate stacks, the crafting process accordingly fails with the message that there isn’t the right amount of items and ultimately if you don’t notice the message you are wasting the correctly attributed raw material.

Bug Report8002NoCraftingMediumReady to testDaevaornAuto-prepare picking impossible container11.01.2024 Task Description

While preparing Terevan Berry Wine Saauce (as part of Octarch’s Delight) The “Prepare” button picks either mortar and pestle as the container to be used or the wooden bowl, depending on where my character is standing (in Reffitia’s Kitchen).

Both are too small to hold all items that are needed to combine “Unmixed Terevan Berry Wine Sauce”. Maybe container size should be a criterion more than distance.

Bug Report8009NoCrafting TransformationsMediumUnconfirmedMalunga Leeboo"Prepare" button does not appear for an existing combin...04.05.2024 Task Description

Once you creating alchemy components which assume various combinations, like Air Essence (cerating Frost Arangma Essence Mix OR rectifying Mix of corroded Riverling Bones) AND you have a “Riverling” set of ingredients in your inventory, the “Check Prerequisites” button displays “Frost Arangma Essence Mix: Missing 1” and “Prepare” button does not appear. Because it is listed first and no further check is happening.
My suggestion is to add checkboxes or radio-buttons to recipes like these in order to help “Check Prerequisites” button detect existing set correctly.

Feature Request8020NoCraftingVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelHarvest/Fishing "cannot fish/harvest from the same plac...04.05.2024 Task Description

If you are in a location that has both fishing and harvesting available, if you successfully harvest an item and do not move, but switch to fishing you get a warning saying “You cannot fish in the same place twice” even though you have not fished at this location.

If you successfully catch a fish and do not move, but switch to harvesting you get a warning saying “You cannot harvest in the same place twice” even though you have not harvested at this location.

This is probably true of mining if there are area overlaps, but I have no idea if this actually exists anywhere.

example location for fishing/harvesting: /pos 109482 -757679 20767

Bug Report8022NoItems CharacteristicsLowReady to testJokoDisplay Error quality shown by mouse over is one lower ...12.05.2024 Task Description

The quality of items shown during mouse over is one lower then the actual quality shown in info box after right click.

Bug Report8023NoGraphical GlitchLowUnconfirmedJokoKlyros male back transparent when riding11.05.2024 Task Description

When riding on a Rivnak the left back of male Klyros model becomes transparent.

Bug Report8025NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedUadjetOrder of the Keen Edge faction not correctly imported11.05.2024 Task Description

Players who have done the Order of the Keen Edge quests do not seem to have their faction points calculated correctly. Players who have done the quests seem to have their faction listed as 0 (Ignored). I checked the quests, and no faction points are awarded by the quests, even though my logs show that faction points were given. Currently, the quests only give faction_level.

Bug Report8026NoBugtrackerHighUnconfirmedThosorLoss of mouse control during combat13.05.2024 Task Description

When shooting at live target, tab, get red reticle, seems fine. When target dies, or you miss, you get split white circle.

   You cannot click anywhere on screen, quit or chat. If you are windowed, or alt/tab to another window, you can X out the window. This was proven during the 240511 event with other players, me on Linux, another user on Mac.

I have had this problem since PSU, thought it was me, and previously on another Windows machine.

   Could not reproduce on dummies in arena, It did happen on dummies in event.
   This is new draft, will complete soon.
Feature Request2631NoMovementMediumNewElvors AmenorasRunning up slopes should be more taxing26.03.20091 Task Description

I consider it unrealistic how terrain is (not) interacting with movement.

As far as I know, in real life, every meter up is as taxing as ten meters across. (The factor of 10 is from a schoolbok, it might be a good idea to verify this from a professional source.)
Going downwards requires concentration to avoid slipping and falling, and a surprisingly large amount of strength to absorb the shock from “falling” the height would lose with every step. (Walk down 250 metres of a moderately steep slope with a backpack on your shoulders and you’ll know what I mean.)

In terms of game mechanics, this would mean:
* When running upwards, the speed should decrease and stamina loss should increase, and the cumulative effect of these two changes should be drastic. It’s possible to trade one change for the other: keeping the speed unchanged and massively increasing stamina loss would force players to rest, keeping the stamina loss constant would call for a massive speed reduction. However, I think it should be a little of both since that causes interesting effects (see below under “game experience”).
* When walking downwards, there should be no stamina loss (you can make the physics work for you), and you should be faster, but you lose mental stamina. The less your mental stamina is, the higher the probability of slipping and falling. If you fall on a too-steep slope, you continue skidding. Falling should do damage that’s proportional to the total weight (character + load), blunt damage (not much help from armor); skidding should do damage-over-time, armor protecting fully (essentially this is abrasive damage, which is similar to slash - but don’t give characters armor training from that).

In terms of game experience, this would mean:
* Getting up on a slope is a time-consuming experience, and almost never worth avoiding the walk around the hill. People will stay on the paths in the valleys. This will cause more interaction between normal travellers (and make Cutthroat Lane work better for the Cutthroads, too). It will also make people who leave the road more likely to remain undetected.
* The Settings team can make NPCs less accessible and less likely to be found by placing them on a hilltop, or in a valley behind mountain pass.
* Players with maxed stats have less issues with upward slopes than newbies, but they will still avoid slopes unless they have reason to.
* Hilltops will become a tactical advantage. An attacker will need far more time to reach a defender on the top, and expose himself to ranged combat for a longer time. (Take this into consideration when reducing the effectiveness of long-range combat spells; ideally, a mage would win against a fighter from a hilltop, and lose against a fighter on even ground.)
* Hilltops also become a bit of a trap. Defenders forced to flee from a hilltop risk falling and getting overwhelmed.
* Pursuing down a hilltop is problematic due to risk of falling. Defenders might want to hide a pursuit team in a nearby valley that’s near the height of the route of the attackers, though that would force them to split up forces. Decisions, decisions… which means tactical variation, which is a Good Thing when it comes to making the combat aspects of the game interesting :)
* Reaching the Eagle Bronze Doors takes a lot of time already, making them even less reachable will no doubt make many players very unhappy. An alchemist that sells stamina regeneration potions at the bottom of the path up would help with that.

Just my 5 cents :)
(and no, I don’t expect this to be implemented anytime soon :D )

Feature Request2667NoUser InterfaceLowNewTimmehAdd [Away] tags to /who list28.06.202213 Task Description

It would be convenient if you were to do a /who Timmothy and I had autoreply on it would return

Timmothy [Away] Guild

Currently, I find the /away command rather useless, as you’d have to /tell the person who’s away, not knowing for sure if they’re even away. But with it in the /who, you can find out if someone is away, then send a /tell to find out the reason/how long.

Related to FS#2436

Feature Request2721NoUser InterfaceLowNewAndyPlayer shops - Trade functions for guarded items28.06.202211 Task Description

Function to set a guarded item as sellable, with price.

/sellitem name price

Confirmation for sale, confirming price to purchaser.
Confirmation text message/description in main when sale has occurred.

Would need at least a button visible in context menu to initiate sale.
Set item for sale and price could be command-line, that’d still work.

Feature Request2767NoUser InterfaceMediumNewAndySaving throw commands for Roleplay20.02.20091 Task Description

Saving throw commands for Roleplay



ROLL =< AGI results in “[player] dodges.” ROLL > AGI results in “[player] does not dodge.”


ROLL =< AGI results in “[player] makes jump.” ROLL > AGI results in “[player] misses jump.”


ROLL =< CHA results in “[player] sings a lovely song.” ROLL > CHA results in “[player] lets out an awful screech!”

ROLL = random(200)

Might also be expressed like…

/saving agi dodge dodges|does not dodge
/saving agi jump makes jump|misses jump
/saving cha sing sings a lovely song|lets out an awful screech!

Variations on this are almost endless and could apply to any stat or skill. Saving throw commands are designed to be used by a single player, with the results shown in the channel originating the command.

Feature Request2778NoQuests DynamicsLowNewweltallGroup Quests01.04.20101 Task Description

This is an entirely new class of quests where the person or persons who originally get the quest are asked to form a group to solve some more complicated task or martial challenge. Once the quest is completed each member can then “turn it in” or go to the originating NPC for a reward. Unlike shared quests, it will be impossible to finish grouped quests without the aid of other players. This is intended to promote teamwork and to give a more deep and realistic experience to players.

Feature Request2951NoGM SystemMediumNewA. Kiefner/petition improvements28.06.20221 Task Description

1. Ability to teleport to the player from the petition window
2. Player side: /petition should open the petition window with a short introducing text (in another text window?) how to use the petitions (not to post wishlist items there, how to use (possible) categories..)
3. There should be a drop-down menu for selecting a category [Not Specified; Movement; Bugreport; Name; Event; Harassment; Quest; Miscellaneous] to classify the report. This could be used for statistical purposes post-process as well.
4. A button to mark the petition as URGENT which will add a parseable <star><star> URGENT<star><star> (<star> = *)to the header of the petition so our post-processing tools (aka gmbot) can forward/poke outside the game. (This is important!)
5. Before the petition is finished there should be a preview to check everything again, to make last changes.
6. As long as the petition is unassigned the button shows “claim”, once claimed the button shows “release” to unassign the petition again.

Request from  FS#3092 :

“In the GM petition window, there should be a button ‘Guidelines for petitioning’ and when you click it, it gives just that. Guidelines for petitioning.

I recently filed a petition and didn’t know what to include, what was superfluous, whether it was too long winded or not, etc.”

Request from  FS#3101 :

“We need enhanced petition system to allow adding several notes and note titles, as well as ability to review closed petitions.
The ability to add several notes to a petition would also help us handle an issue, then log off, but leave notes for other GM’s to review what we have done and pick up / complete.”

Feature Request3081NoGM SystemVery LowNewRizinTeleport Mod (Or Event)28.06.20221 Task Description

Possible addition of the ability to teleport all PC’s enrolled in an event at once to avoid accidentally grabbing a passer by with the area option.

Feature Request3511NoEngineMediumNewSeytraIdeas for inventory accessibility15.02.201011 Task Description

While sacks and other containers are good for bulk storage, they have the significant drawback of making the inventory harder to navigate, and sorting as well, especially since one can always only have exactly one container window open.

To fix this, one might consider the following ideas:

1) allow any number of container windows to be open, so one can simply put stuff from one container into another, instead of having to put it into the main inventory first.

2) instead, make the container window, once opened, refresh by what container you click on, instead of having to go the rightclick-select-open route

3) instead, make any containers append to the main inventory slot space, but replace the first slot with an image of the container, and clearly separate the appended areas from each other and from the main inventory space by a diferent frame style (could be different for each container type), or at least some additional space. Also, slot spaces that are not provided by a container should remain blank so that a container always starts at the first (second) slot of a fresh line.

When selecting a container, the appropriate window / slot area frame should flash or something so that one sees which container has which window.

4) Let container windows be resizable, and possibly more compact by default.


Having each mount have an own (player-accessible) inventory would allow:

1) armor / other enhancement slots for the mount
2) mules that actually are mules, not PCs
3) easier inventory handling

Maybe most of the extra inventory (handling like above) should not come from the mount itself, but from the saddle or whatever one uses on it. Without saddle, there would maybe only be two inventory slots or something.

Feature Request3649NoMovementMediumNewkjmDismounting places player directly under/inside mount16.12.200911 Task Description

After executing a dismount, I end up underneath (and partially inside of) the mount rather than beside it.

Feature Request3981NoInventory/ItemsLowNewElvors AmenorasDisallow adding to forge/furnace if impossible14.02.201011 Task Description

Dropping an item in the forge or furnace while hammering something results in a message similar to “You can’t train your skill while working”, with the item sitting in the container but never heating up.

Instead, the item should refuse to drop in the forge/furnace (similar to the situation when capacity, weight, or slots are exhausted).
Alternatively, the item could drop normally and start heating up.

I have two reasons for requesting this:

  1. It runs counter to immersion. Stuff sitting in a hot place heats up in real life, it should do so in Ylliakum as well.
  2. It is a griefing opportunity. Start hammering something, fill up the forge with stuff, and watch crafters despair. Since the stuff does not heat up, you can even continue crafting - you can take stuff from a slot normally and immediately replace it, the 300 ms lag will make sure that you can fill the slot before the other crafters even see that you freed the slot.

Feel free to change to Feature Request, I cannot know whether the current behaviour conforms to developer expectations or not.

Bug Report4236NoGuilds/GroupsMediumNewRlyDontKnowdr updates sent for group members without actors14.02.201411 Task Description

the server send DR updates to all group members even if the actor causing it is not in range and therefore the target client doesn’t have an actor associated with it.
this results in a “Stat request failed because CelClient not ready for EID:xxxxx” for each movement of the group member that is out of range.

Bug Report4505NoEngineMediumNewCXDamianbuddy command - toggle behavior12.06.20101 Task Description

friends list does not display all friends after using command line without add/remove(onoff), may remove other entries.

starting with no friends:

‘/buddy abcdef’ = ‘abcdef is already on your buddy list’ (refresh friends window, abcdef was added)

‘/buddy abcdefgh’ = ‘abcdefgh is not on your buddy list’ (refresh friends window, abcdef is no longer listed, abcdefgh is not listed)

‘/buddy abcdef add’ = sometimes added, sometimes not

Feature Request4513NoUser InterfaceMediumNewMario RohkrämerCombat ratings in /targetinfo should mention a defense ...07.06.20101 Task Description

It is only partially helpful to estimate if an opponent is more or less stronger than my own char, as long as I don't estimate its defensive qualities too. I would like to see a pair of chances to get hurt by it, and chances to be able to hurt it. Especially since some oppoments are so well armored that even "Extraordinary" quality crafted weapons won't do any damage as long as the character has only average weapon skills. And it is quite vital to estimate the chance of breaking the armor before starting a fight. Even if the opponent is "about as strong as" the character, it is not just risky but suicidal if the opponent is the only one which has any chance to hurt.

Feature Request4519NoUser InterfaceVery LowUnconfirmedKaerli StronwylleCannot have multiple windows of one type open at the sa...08.06.20101 Task Description

This is most limiting when trying to juggle multiple containers (such as the furnace and the stock casting) at once.

Feature Request4799NoInventory/ItemsMediumNewmike loevenadd storage access inside guild halls01.01.201311 Task Description

seeing that furnature is one of the heavest item types in the game, redecorating guild halls can become tedious and god forbid things get cluttered it is not possible to eaisly move them to storage. my request is that typing /storage will work inside a guild hall as if you were targeting a storage npc. just for convienance sake.

Bug Report4809NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedmike loevencannot defend yourself if another player engages the mo...01.01.20131 Task Description

i ran into a bug that nearly got me killed today. i was fighting gobbles and i ran low on health and had to run away. as i was running another player cast flame burst on the gobble chasing me.

the gobble chasing me did not stop chasing me but i was no longer able to attack it because it said i must be grouped with X mean while the gobble was still damaging me.

this can be fixed one of 2 ways. the targeted player always has kill rights on the monster or the monster changes it’s target when a new playr engages it.

but as it stands it is rather scary when your being attacked and cannot defend yourself due to a bug in the kill stealing prevention system.

Bug Report4854NoMap TexturesLowNewaurelyntSky texture not correctly mapped to skydomes18.12.20101 Task Description

The skybox texture doesn’t seem to be correctly scaled to the skyboxes. Its borders are cropped and this results in very sharp and somewhat odd skylines:


PS 0.5.5

Feature Request5168NoUser InterfaceLowNewMrokiiOption for different label-colour for buddies20.04.201111 Task Description

It would be useful if the Option-Window also had an option to change the label-colour for people on ones' buddylist. This would especially be useful when there are a lot of players around, but it would make it easier to spot buddies in general as well.

Bug Report5204NoBugtrackerMediumUnconfirmedShinobu MaeharaWhen receiving a bugtracker account, a non-existing ver...02.12.20211 Task Description

When I received the account confirmation message in my inbox, and then clicked on the link, it asked for a verification code.
But there was no textbox to enter the code, and it wasn’t in the message sent. Fortunately the login turned out to work just the same - all mention of verification codes should be scrapped.

Feature Request5259NoCraftingMediumUnconfirmednobody specialMake Crafting more like combat03.07.201111 Task Description

I would like it very much if crafting were to be redesigned more like combat. Instead of one action that takes many seconds to complete and generates only one practice or experience reward make it so that each hammer blow is considered and eligible for a reward. For example at level 10 it takes me about two minutes to turn 12 heated ore into 4 shield handles and I get one practice point and some experience at the end of that time. Under my proposed change it might take just as long but each hammer blow on the ingots would receive a success chance roll that would increment the percentage done. A series of low rolls would result in a failure, either junk metal or very low quality handles and a series of high rolls would result in faster time and/or higher quality handles. This would be analogous to hitting a mob until one of you is dead.

I believe this would be more fair in the long run and if it would seem to make great quality items too available the chance to succeed could be reduced.

Bug Report5271NoMovementMediumUnconfirmedVakachehkAmdeneir Tavern bed's Canopy too low to use09.07.20111 Task Description

The bed’s canopys in Amdeneir tavern are too low for anyone/race to use the beds.

dl.dropbox.comu25106032shot93.jpg Picture depicting Vakachehk being to tall to get under the bed canopy

You might be able to use them if we could some how have a lying down command and be able to scoot over. Or right click the bed and click ‘Use’ and our character’s automatically lay on the beds. However they’re unusable at the moment.

Feature Request5286NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedGregPile of quest items Of Unknown Importance23.06.20111 Task Description

Not sure if this was adressed but I have a pile of quest items, that after the whipe Of quests Im not sure what I need to keep for Quest trees, or what I can get rid of. Trying to clean out my inventory/Quest items.

I Haven’t really tried to find a spoiler site that lists quest items and what they are for, or even if one exists

Feature Request5300NoQuestsMediumUnconfirmedAndrew DraskoySuggestion for NPC default conversation when quests not...29.08.20111 Task Description

Currently when an NPC doesn't have a quest for player, they essentially ignore the player. This can be bad because:

1) Sometimes (e.g. the circle way quests) this comes across as a bug since the player has been directed to talk to the NPC by another.

2) It's not always (in fact generally not) a realistic behaviour from a charactization PoV.

3) The chain quests are now very long and not obvious, so players have no idea what to do next.

4) It may be something else besides more quests that is necessary. How are players to know?

I think this should be changed, and propose the following dynamic as a possibility:

A "sociability" metric would be calculated for each interaction between player and NPC based on:
factions, prerequisites required for quests, and a base number assigned to each NPC. This metric will indicate how well-disposed the NPC is towards giving quest info the player at this time. Depending on this metric (lets say a number from 0-5) the NPC could say something (or ignore the player if the number is 0). The higher the number, the more useful and specific is the response.

Some characters are grumpy by nature and will almost always ignore people or give gruff responses (like now). Many are just typical and will offer canned default responses, expect that for the higher metrics these will hint that they will have something for you later. Ideally the highest metric will look up who gives the pre-requisite quest and direct you there.

Each quest could specify overrides for any of the responses.

Bug Report5324NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedR.GuppyOutside guildhouse door icons missing27.07.20111 Task Description

Both guildhouses Call of Destiny and The Jumping Groffels, show no door icons from outside.

Bug Report5398NoCharactersLowNewMario RohkrämerKlyros model: Right hand looks strange15.04.20121 Task Description

The right hand of the Klyros looks like their claws poke through their fist.

Feature Request5433NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedMario RohkrämerNeed a filename prompt when saving a book17.11.201112 Task Description

A book is saved on the local disk with the custom title entered while writing its content. This is very inconvenient if the book has a quite verbose title, then the filename is just as verbose, and if you want to load this text into a copy of this book, you need to type exactly the same book title into the loading filename dialog. Or you need to know where books are located outside the game and rename the saved file there.

I'd like to be able to specify a brief filename to save a book to. The filename dialog may be pre-filled with the suggested filename based on the book title, but I'd like to change it before saving, if desired.

Bug Report5535NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedJeremy Listcannot unguard items in dropped containers05.02.20121 Task Description

to replicate: find a container object somewhere (such as one of the wooden crates near Harnquist’s). Put an item in the crate, and try to unguard it. There doesn’t seem to be any way of doing this, or of unguarding an item before placing it.

Feature Request5638NoCrashesHighNewMario RohkrämerOverhaul errorlog.txt usage, make it contain useful con...02.08.201415 Task Description

There are numerous (at least dozens) complaints in the forum that (especially under Windows) the errorlog.txt contains only uninteresting default errors which are not at all critical, but misses really useful and critical entries instead.

The whole “error console” concept is nonsense for Windows users. Windows builds don’t output anything useful in the console they are started from, and this would be the only console where output could be redirected to files.

If you call the client with the parameter “–console”, a new console is opened, but this one can’t be redirected with “>” or “2>”, you would have to mouse-select as much as you can keep in its history. Most PC users will not know enough about Windows to tweak this console window, maybe not even know how to select and copy from it. On Windows 7 it is even worse, when the client crashed, the new console is nearly disabled, so you almost cannot select and copy text from it after a crash.

Bug Report5659NoCrafting TransformationsMediumUnconfirmedMario RohkrämerRed Mangrove and Sinaflar: Grinding pulp to paste excee...30.05.20201 Task Description

Grinding Kingsfoil or Wyn Pulp to Paste works in a reasonable time.

But trying the same with Red Mangrove or Sinaflar takes much more time than my Mental Stamina (669) offers. The result is a "Pile of Dust". Did someone move a decimal position?

Feature Request5662NoQuests DynamicsLowUnconfirmedj oitQuest Items assigned to Quests06.05.20141 Task Description

Request for to list additional Items at the Quest Description.

I would like to have the Items aligned to the related Quests in the Descriptions to get a better Overview and some more Clues in Quests. The descriptions right now are a bit spare, my request is like this

Quest Description
XxxxX ask you for This (to go there).
(Where at some Quests the Place should obviously dont revealed.

But mainly:
Quest Items:
(needed: )

Feature Request5675NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedGornostaev AlexeyPop-up messages on other chars tells you smth18.06.20121 Task Description

It’s very easy to miss tells, greetings and etc. For example if I talk with NPC, NPC tab in chat selected. Other char comes and tries to start dialog with me. As I read what NPC says, I miss blinking in the Main tab, so I ignore that char. As for RP, it seems that I’m very impolite because ignoring other chars. Adding popup for messages addressed to me solve this problem and I can immediately(if I want) reply to char.

My suggestion(technical background):

  • on each command like <CMD> <TO_PERSON_NAME> generate event with message(tell, greet, etc.)
  • this message shows in the main view like other notifications
  • this popups can be toggled off in settings
Bug Report5684NoEngineMediumUnconfirmednobody specialProducts of enchantment should not be rated for rarity12.07.20121 Task Description

lesser piles of dust (seem to be from emeralds) get assigned a number that is negative. As these are not loot they should not be going through the function that assigns a value. Crafted weapons do not get a value.

Feature Request5698NoQuests DynamicsMediumUnconfirmedMario RohkrämerPet race selection for old characters redoing the quest...19.07.20121 Task Description

Several players of old characters who had a Groffel as pet before the quest wipe, and have to redo the pet quest, are unsatisfied that they don’t get a Groffel again, but a Yulbar instead. See: Status of Our Old Pets

May be that Yulbars didn’t exist at all when they got their pet.

May be that Yulbars are somehow preferred now, or there are just no complaints about Groffels so there is a bias about it.

Would it be possible (without extreme efforts) to ensure that redoing this quest creates the same pet race as before? Or would it be possible in cases of old characters redoing the quest after years that they are allowed to chose the race — for emotional reasons?

Feature Request5706NoMiscMediumUnconfirmedTobias HuysentruytIn game log viewers23.07.20121 Task Description

I was just wondering if an in game log viewer could be implemented. I don’t know how to minimize and I have to quit my game every single time I want to check my logs, also it’s useful. And makes so that new players don’t have to go around, wondering how the hell they can solve a quest, when they forgot some crucial information.

Bug Report5708NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedTrygve WastvedtQuests only appear after reopening the window24.07.20121 Task Description

If I get a new quest while the quest & event notebook window is open, the quest doesn’t appear in the list until I close and reopen the window. Can getting a new quest cause a refresh of the list of uncompleted quests?

Bug Report5719NoItems CharacteristicsMediumUnconfirmedMario RohkrämerWeapon Identification: Weapon History Scroll descr. is ...01.08.20121 Task Description

I would enjoy reading a bit of the Greataxe Nyshyn identified. But the scroll is empty.

Bug Report5816NoRendering IssuesMediumUnconfirmedRoman YagodinHydlaa lights become wrong after moving between locatio...11.08.201411 Task Description

This can be fixed with brightness increse / decrease, but still wierd.

Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 on AMD A10-4600M with latest Catalyst 12.8

Report data:

51.0737 2.32624 -133.063
0.416704 -0 0.909042
-0.184466 0.979195 0.084559
-0.890129 -0.202923 0.408035

Feature Request5881NoMiscLowUnconfirmedGongerReport command: add "reason"20.05.201311 Task Description

I had discussed this with Sarva who liked the idea and asked me to enter it into the Tracker.

Add a “reason” to the “report” command:
Usage: report [player name] [reason]

In case it takes a while to implement this, meanwhile at least add to the command description that the reporting player also files a petition because this makes it easier for the Game Masters to check what happened.

Thank you for listening (reading),


Feature Request5973NoCrafting TransformationsMediumUnconfirmedKaerli StronwylleSome form of support for 'in the field' crafting would ...16.04.201312 Task Description

Currently, all crafting requires a full setup of equipment (fixed-in-the-world crafting containers) for that craft. This makes sense for some crafting skills such as blacksmithing and to an extent alchemy; however, basic cooking and herbalism (and other crafts TBD) should be possible with only portable crafting containers (such as a campfire and pan or a simple, portable mortar and pestle). This would also require new crafting books: “Campfire Recipes” anyone?

Bug Report5991NoItems CharacteristicsMediumUnconfirmedDan Johnsonguard command bug18.05.20131 Task Description

Over numerous days my character has left items on the Gug altar. After un-guarding them with /guard they are checked and seen not to be guarded by the character anymore. Upon return on a subsequent login they are found to be guarded by the character again. The same items have been un-guarded several times with the same result.

Feature Request6010NoPetsMediumUnconfirmedThomas Tautenhahnloot option for /pet command27.05.201313 Task Description

It would be cool to have a new option for the /pet command to loot selected targets

i.e.: /pet Bob, loot

Could be very useful for an archer. Just like a dog for real hunters.

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