
Task TypeIDPrivateCategorySeverityStatusOpened byAssigned To  ascSummaryLast Edited[[changedby]]
Feature Request2951NoGM SystemMediumNewA. Kiefner/petition improvements28.06.20221 Task Description

1. Ability to teleport to the player from the petition window
2. Player side: /petition should open the petition window with a short introducing text (in another text window?) how to use the petitions (not to post wishlist items there, how to use (possible) categories..)
3. There should be a drop-down menu for selecting a category [Not Specified; Movement; Bugreport; Name; Event; Harassment; Quest; Miscellaneous] to classify the report. This could be used for statistical purposes post-process as well.
4. A button to mark the petition as URGENT which will add a parseable <star><star> URGENT<star><star> (<star> = *)to the header of the petition so our post-processing tools (aka gmbot) can forward/poke outside the game. (This is important!)
5. Before the petition is finished there should be a preview to check everything again, to make last changes.
6. As long as the petition is unassigned the button shows “claim”, once claimed the button shows “release” to unassign the petition again.

Request from  FS#3092 :

“In the GM petition window, there should be a button ‘Guidelines for petitioning’ and when you click it, it gives just that. Guidelines for petitioning.

I recently filed a petition and didn’t know what to include, what was superfluous, whether it was too long winded or not, etc.”

Request from  FS#3101 :

“We need enhanced petition system to allow adding several notes and note titles, as well as ability to review closed petitions.
The ability to add several notes to a petition would also help us handle an issue, then log off, but leave notes for other GM’s to review what we have done and pick up / complete.”

Feature Request3081NoGM SystemVery LowNewRizinTeleport Mod (Or Event)28.06.20221 Task Description

Possible addition of the ability to teleport all PC’s enrolled in an event at once to avoid accidentally grabbing a passer by with the area option.

Feature Request7748NoGM SystemLowUnconfirmedDamolaTe11.02.20231 Task Description

On getting teleported while sprinting almost fell off a steep abyss. Could have brought my char into death realm.

Might be a good idea to have a teleport freeze the char for a second or two so as I player have a good chance to react to the location change.

Bug Report7691NoGraphical GlitchLowNewKiFunStuSlighting issue in character selection14.02.20231 Task Description

the light source for the character lighting area is going in and out of focus

Bug Report7709NoGraphical GlitchMediumUnconfirmedferretdelver has some very strange lighting01.02.20231 Task Description

no task description

Bug Report7745NoGraphical GlitchVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelLeaves on tree not affected by water filter11.02.2023 Task Description

When swimming underwater and looking through the water to things above water, everything has a water blur effect except for the leaves on the tree located here: ojaroad1 322214.06 -357065.16 15257.09

Bug Report7760NoGraphical GlitchLowUnconfirmedVolkiCharacter turns blue in a dark alley in Hydlaa13.02.2023 Task Description

Position: hydlaa_plaza 192446.88 -324823.94 11634.67

You turn blue.

Could be coming from blue sewer lights?

Bug Report7762NoGraphical GlitchLowUnconfirmedEonFloating Map Parts: DIRGHIR SIGNPOST13.02.2023 Task Description

The Dirghir signpost, hpmhutt (floating plate) X 3, Lintel (floating stone staircase) are all out of place on the map. They are all floating in the sky.

Current position: ojaroad1 340671.34 - 335667.88 8981.53, instance:0

Bug Report8011NoGraphical GlitchVery LowReady to testTrippedOnReality/EnarelAmdeneir gaps in map04.05.20245 Task Description

There are gaps along the road or at the base of buildings at these locations in Amdeneir:

Amdeneir -348976 -595451 18804

Amdeneir -347532 -596049 18814

Amdeneir -346446 -593819 18821

Amdeneir -346293 -592665 18807

Bug Report8023NoGraphical GlitchLowUnconfirmedJokoKlyros male back transparent when riding11.05.2024 Task Description

When riding on a Rivnak the left back of male Klyros model becomes transparent.

Feature Request3835NoGUIMediumNewbonifarzValue of goods in trade window03.10.20226 Task Description

I would like to suggest an additional widget in the trade window that gives the total (NPC-trade) value of the goods offered, similar to the one for total tria offered. With the quality based pricing system, this could help to lower confusion and make trade and economy flourish. The obvious but neglectable downside is that players could abuse this to identify an enchanted items value without finding an NPC merchant. A solution to that problem could be found when thinking about a feature to identify such items (based on intelligence, dweomer detection, factions with merchants or whatever).

Feature Request4237NoGUIMediumNewSeytraAbility to add custom tabs to chat window23.03.2010141 Task Description

In order for the custom channels to be useful, they need a convenient interface. The need for typing /x before stuff isn’t terribly annoying, but also not terribly convenient. However, the biggest issue is that with multiple such channels, all talk gets mangled into one. The designation for the originating channel doesn’t help much in that case.

Therefore it would be nice to be able to create and assign custom tabs to channels, which would then function just like any of the built-in tabs. It would be even nicer if that arrangement could be stored, which would go very well with the auto-joining of custom channels proposed elsewhere.

Feature Request5303NoGUIMediumUnconfirmedSlissAbility to add additional info to buddy list02.04.201331 Task Description

I would like to be able to maintain my buddy list a bit better by adding extra info.

I use the list as many to also locate enemies. But the list gets longer and longer so I would like to add additional info to it. Like the guild when met etc.

Feature Request5477NoGUIMediumUnconfirmedchrisGui improvements/inconsistencies20.12.20115 Task Description

Currently the GUI is one major flaw of Planeshift in my opinion, it makes it look worse than it deserves. A few examples:

  • Just try to play the tutorial on a 15 inch laptop (1366×768). As soon as you need to open up the inventory most of the screen is covered, you can’t even close the window because the top right cross is out of screen. I needed multiple tries to find a spot on that window to be able to drag it down and close it finaly.
  • We now have channels. But the new basic chat gui hides it by default. New Players with a new installed client don’t see it. A lost chance to show them there are people online actually.
  • The possibility to reduce the amount of tabs in the chat window is great but is also a pain in the a.. if every new guildmember needs to be guided through the processs of enabling the guildchat, even a restart is needed. Why not make this tab pop up if someone is in a guild…if the guild joins an alliance make this tab pop up. If not these two are hidden by default?
  • Playing this game now for around 5 years I think and at least I have the impression we get with every single release new commands to be used in shortcuts. Thats great, for advanced players…for new ones it is confusing. IMHO its time to take a breath and review them, sort them in order of importance and decide which should be used in the gui and how. Can’t remember how often I heard the question: “How do you mine ores”. A ‘logical’ way could be that you rightclick your character and get it as option (well now there is “introduce yourself”, does it do something?) when the rockpick is equipped, is the fishing rod equipped you fish as option. Also summoning your pet and mount is only possible via commands. The described way could make these also more accessible. (There are also illogical flaws, if mounted you can unmount after rightclick, but you don’t get the mount option when righclick on your mount)
  • Think about if some can be combined into one command. We ‘use’ the riveter, anvil etc. Why do we /dig or /fish and not /use the rockpick or fishing rod. I can only think thats a leftover from when we had to /dig iron etc explicit.

Enough for now, hope you guys have enough time to think about it.

Feature Request5906NoGUIMediumUnconfirmedRoman YagodinDisable display quantity for a slots with only one item25.02.20131 Task Description

I think, slots in all windows should not have quantity labels displayed then there is only one item.
It concerns inventory window (including equipment slots), a hotbar, container, exchange (could be), etc.

Feature Request5936NoGUIMediumUnconfirmedRoman YagodinBook titles for crafting techniques are missing06.05.201461 Task Description

So the subject: book titles for crafting techniques are missing in using “elves” skin (and other skins too):


But writable and setting books are ok:


Feature Request6506NoGUIMediumUnconfirmedxolacopying books09.08.20144 Task Description

when i edit book and load it from file i would like see list of files i can load,
in additonal user books not stack that make it hard to carry for sale :( so another proposition if i put empty book into writted one it stack and and i have 2 identical -easy way to copy books

btw book name is not changed when i load it from file and i have to edit it every time

Bug Report6640NoGUIMediumUnconfirmedNeeno Peleroincorrect sRGB profile31.12.20141 Task Description

There are three files (jade_theme.png, splash.png, yesno.png) in, which contain an incorrect iCCP.
When using a newer version of libpng you get the following warning: “iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile”.
So just delete the color profile in the next art update, please.

Bug Report7089NoGUILowUnconfirmedMauiSkill window - scrollbar not always visible22.11.20223 Task Description

at the job bar tab is no scrollbar available,for some its there only if they max out the size of the window

Feature Request7118NoGUILowUnconfirmedYorlakActive effects icons for potions show as diamond crysta...22.11.20222 Task Description

all potions I tested results in a diamond crystal icon in the active effects bar.

Bug Report7215NoGUIVery LowUnconfirmedStalfosFailed equips from containers, make items invisible16.05.2021 Task Description

If you try to equip an item from a container into an invalid slot, the item becomes invisible till you reopen the container.

Bug Report7333NoGUIMediumUnconfirmedEdichoTraining UI needs to be more intuitive (and work)02.12.20231 Task Description

The old application clearly stated which skills can be trained by simply showing you them listed in the dialog.

Now you’re getting list of all skills and let’s take Percival Hawthorne for example:

What we see is:
- list of all skills
- some progress bar right under the skill
- some progress bar in the right part of the box
- if you try to hover on this, we can see it marked “tbd” which doesn’t make it any less defective.

What we should see:
- list of skills the NPC can actually train you (the current list needs to be filtered)
- the cost of the training both in tria and PP (the progress bar on the right should be simply replaced with a button

Bug Report7416NoGUILowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelCreative Books - Text misaligned09.08.2022 Task Description

On some player created books, the text is misaligned, particularly on higher page counts. Sometimes the text overlaps the page number at the bottom, and if “-” is use as a divider, it runs off the page to the right rather than wrapping like the rest of the text.

Feature Request7418NoGUIVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelMore Categories/Filter/Search for Shortcut Icons09.08.2022 Task Description

Add a better way to search for icons. clicking through each individual icon in a long list is fairly annoying for some of the larger categories, and there are several icons that are blank so it’s not always clear there are more icons after that. Being able to see more than one icon at a time/being able to filter by name or type (ways for magic, weapon types for weapons, tools, music, decorations etc.) or having more categories with shorter lists would also be helpful.

Bug Report7483NoGUILowCould not VerifyKiFunStuSSkills appearing incorrectly25.09.20221 Task Description

Goto NPC , Pay for Drawing Lessons.

Skills Tab under Jobs shows previous Drawing +green temporary level.

when quitting game and reloading, it shows correct normal value of total drawing level.

Bug Report7551NoGUILowAssignedTrippedOnReality/EnarelMail GUI01.04.20232 Task Description

The mail window at the pterosaur fast travel npcs has item slots that extend outside the minimum extent of the mail window.

Feature Request7556NoGUILowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSCan we right click items in our storage to get thier in...26.11.202232 Task Description

Use case, to check the Quality of an item before retrieving it from storage, similar to Legacy

Bug Report7558NoGUILowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSInformation hover displays off screen23.11.2022 Task Description

If you have your inventory window on the right and hover over an item, the information display scrolls off the visible screen.

can you please change it so it aligns to the edge of the visible screen.

in other words, make it so the information shown while hovering over an item is always showing on the visible screen only

Bug Report7560NoGUILowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSWeapon attack fail while holding a torch gives a confus...23.11.2022 Task Description

When attempting to attack with the hand a torch is equipped in.
the error message is “You have no weapons equipped!”

A more accurate Error message could be

You cannot attack with this item


You should not attack with this delicate item

— side note, nice to see meele working while holding a torch now.

Feature Request7567NoGUILowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSRecreate Tab autocomplete for player names23.11.2022 Task Description

In legacy you could start typing a persons name in and press TAB to auto complete the name.

Currently in the Unreal chat box, pressing tab removes focus from the chat window.

Bug Report7572NoGUILowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelMouse pointer overlaps hover tooltip when in windowed m...25.11.20222 Task Description

When playing in windowed mode, if you shrink the game window, everything scales smaller except the mouse pointer. This causes the tooltip to be hidden behind the mouse pointer if you shrink the window smaller making it unreadable. I’m not sure if it’s possible to either have the mouse pointer scale with everything else, if the tooltip can be further offset, or if the tooltip can be on top of the pointer.

This is the biggest problem on the toolbar with options, skills, character etc, spells/active magic toolbar, and on the shortcut toolbar. The inventory tooltips seem ~okay. They do overlap slightly, but the overlap is in a place without text.

Feature Request7631NoGUILowUnconfirmedKiFunStuSBag Lockers30.12.20222 Task Description

Having a limited number of storage locations for sacks would be a really nice feature.

It would make it much easier for people to sort out their equipment without having to carry it everywhere.

Bug Report7644NoGUILowNewKiFunStuSpets Window13.01.20231 Task Description

window resizing has no effect on the displayed information.

or that is as indented, and there should be no resize for it.

Bug Report7705NoGUIVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelScroll Bar in Skills Window Doesn't Work on All Tabs29.01.2023 Task Description

In the skills window, the scroll bar doesn’t works with scroll button on mouse in all tabs. Works as expected in the Stats and Combat tabs. Does not work in the Magic, Jobs, Various, or Factions tab. The scroll bar needs to be manually grabbed and dragged to see the rest of the window.

The scroll bar also doesn’t scroll down far enough in the factions tab and in order to see the very bottom of the tab; the window has to be resized to see the bottom.

Feature Request7719NoGUILowNewKiFunStuSSet Default Collection Bag03.02.2023 Task Description

It would be nice to bea able to make a bag in your inventory the default collection bag.

I think sorting things after that should be manual thou.

Bug Report7723NoGUIVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelFont size for NPC Text can't be changed05.02.2023 Task Description

Font size in settings for “Speak with NPC Text” or “NPC Response Text” cannot be changed.

Feature Request7744NoGUIVery LowUnconfirmedStalfosNo time shown on the stats bar11.02.2023 Task Description

Can’t tell what time it is in Yliakum

Bug Report7757NoGUILowUnconfirmedVolkiSome GUI labels are named inconsistently13.02.2023 Task Description

Throughout the GUI, some options are referred to by multiple or misleading names, which can be confusing and make communicating about them difficult.

On the toolbar → ‘Others’ the shortcut bar is labeled “shortcuts”, but editing the shortcuts shows a widget labeled “Macro Editor”. To reach the shortcuts in Settings menu → Controls, you must scroll down to a section labeled “quickbar”. There are a list of 10 shortcuts below, but “quickbar” is not used as a label anywhere else in the game. It would not be evident to a new player that these are related.

Toolbar → ‘Others’ → ‘options’ opens Settings menu. This is less confusing but may confuse some players when trying to navigate GUI. (My suggestion would be to change “Settings” label to “Options” as we also say “settings” to refer to lore, quests, NPCs, etc.)

Toolbar → ‘Character’ → ‘character’ opens the inventory window.

Bug Report7873NoGUILowUnconfirmedDamolazooming in on character does not center on character27.10.2023 Task Description

Zooming in on the character does not center on character.

Instead is zooms to a point right of the character so the character is zoomed out of view to the left hand side.

I think that has to do that the character, in this case a female Nolthrir, is not centered in view. From the left border of the PSUnreal window, maximized to Full HD resolution in windowed mode, it is about 855 pixel to Damola’s right hand when she looks into the camera. From the right hand border to the left hand, again with Damola looking into the camera, it is about 990 pixel, according to a screen ruler program.

What I think is happening here is that PSUnreal actually zooms in on the center of the view, but Damola is not there, but somewhat to the left from the center.

I also tried it in windowed mode with a resolution of just 1280×800 pixels. Still the same, Damola is not in the center. Same goes with full screen on Full HD resolution. Or windows mode with 1600×900 pixels. It does not seem to depend on the resolution.

Bug Report7874NoGUILowUnconfirmedDamolaDoes not scroll to the end of a multi line message07.01.202411 Task Description

In addition to bug FS#7859 there is another scrolling bug.

PSUnreal scrolls down during chat, but on multi line messages it does seem to forget about the last line of the message. It scrolls down towards the second last line of the message.

Bug Report7889NoGUILowCould not VerifyStalfosItems sometimes dropped instead of moved into container07.01.202471 Task Description

When moving items into bags or around within a container it can instead be dropped onto the floor or wall where the mouse cursor landed.

Bug Report7890NoGUILowUnconfirmedStalfosShortcuts only remember 5 commands09.03.20243 Task Description

Any other commands are deleted

Bug Report7923NoGUILowReady to testDaevaornWar pick lacking icon09.03.20245 Task Description

There is no 2d art / icon to represent a “War Pick” in game.
Inventory cells containing one are not discernable from empty slots.

Bug Report7925NoGUILowReady to testRykiaTwo Crystal Way Spells now have the same shortcut icon13.03.20241 Task Description

The following Crystal Way spells have the same shortcut icon.
Blessed Litany

Bug Report4236NoGuilds/GroupsMediumNewRlyDontKnowdr updates sent for group members without actors14.02.201411 Task Description

the server send DR updates to all group members even if the actor causing it is not in range and therefore the target client doesn’t have an actor associated with it.
this results in a “Stat request failed because CelClient not ready for EID:xxxxx” for each movement of the group member that is out of range.

Feature Request6183NoGuilds/GroupsMediumUnconfirmedAdamGuild House (Replace Key System With Keypad Code System...14.10.201351 Task Description

GET RID OF KEYS and replace it with a keypad code when door is clicked.

Player who has been given keypad privileges after being accepted to guild now can simply CLICK DOOR and enter a password.

IF password is correct, THEN the player magically gets teleported inside.

IF Guild Leader feels any guild member is exploiting their access powers and making a mess inside (like stealing), THEN access is revoked in the GUILD MEMBER screen by right clicking player name and option called REVOKE KEYPAD USE. Only Guild Leader and PERMISSIONS for specific Member Levels can change this back and forth.


Bug Report6193NoGuilds/GroupsMediumUnconfirmedRasaratCommands>Guild commands>/setmemberpermissions16.10.2013 Task Description

My understanding is that /setmemberpermissions [member-name] should allow a user with editing permissions to set/change individual guild member permissions, but the command seems to be broken. A bug or intentional?

Bug Report6367NoGuilds/GroupsMediumNewVenalanGuild creation bug.20.03.20141 Task Description

I created a guild with 1 member and it did not disband after 5 minutes as it should have as it had less than the minimum number of required members.

Feature Request7810NoGuilds/GroupsLowNewHaviland TenouriTarget user from group list11.03.20231 Task Description

It would be nice if I could target a player with clicking his name in the group list

Bug Report7917NoGuilds/GroupsVery LowUnconfirmedStalfosGuild members show offline when in /who31.10.2023 Task Description

Also says in Main chat “Guild Member just joined Planeshift” yet has a No under Online.

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