
Task TypeIDPrivateCategorySeverityStatus  descOpened byAssigned ToSummaryLast Edited[[changedby]]
Feature Request7706NoMiscVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelSystem messages for looting money incorrect01.02.20231 Task Description

When looting a monster, there is a system message in main chat saying “<mob> has no money to be looted” when you click “loot all” even if the monster does have money to be looted instead of the correct system message which should tell you how much money you looted (the amount of money looted could also be added to the loot window as a quality of life improvement).

If the monster doesn’t have any money, then there are two system messages in main chat saying “<mob> has no money to be looted”. One appears when you open the loot window, and once when you click “loot all”.

Bug Report7867NoCombatLowUnconfirmedMewshadSword skill is leveled by 1 practice point at every str...18.11.202311 Task Description

On my character Mewshad: 90 AGI, 75 CHA, 154 END, 55 INT, 100 STR, 90 WIL at 13 lvl in Sword. At every attack, I gain 1 point of practice on the training dummy. This means I need to click 200 times to get to the next level. I also tried to do the “special attack” but same there. I think Endurance and Strength is the reason since before I increased these attribute, sword leveling was faster.

Feature Request5300NoQuestsMediumUnconfirmedAndrew DraskoySuggestion for NPC default conversation when quests not...29.08.20111 Task Description

Currently when an NPC doesn't have a quest for player, they essentially ignore the player. This can be bad because:

1) Sometimes (e.g. the circle way quests) this comes across as a bug since the player has been directed to talk to the NPC by another.

2) It's not always (in fact generally not) a realistic behaviour from a charactization PoV.

3) The chain quests are now very long and not obvious, so players have no idea what to do next.

4) It may be something else besides more quests that is necessary. How are players to know?

I think this should be changed, and propose the following dynamic as a possibility:

A "sociability" metric would be calculated for each interaction between player and NPC based on:
factions, prerequisites required for quests, and a base number assigned to each NPC. This metric will indicate how well-disposed the NPC is towards giving quest info the player at this time. Depending on this metric (lets say a number from 0-5) the NPC could say something (or ignore the player if the number is 0). The higher the number, the more useful and specific is the response.

Some characters are grumpy by nature and will almost always ignore people or give gruff responses (like now). Many are just typical and will offer canned default responses, expect that for the higher metrics these will hint that they will have something for you later. Ideally the highest metric will look up who gives the pre-requisite quest and direct you there.

Each quest could specify overrides for any of the responses.

Feature Request6631NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedVenalanJoe LyonStudy window filter bug04.06.2020 Task Description

I would be nice to have the option to set the filter string to “item names” or “processes”. Such that you could search for an item “battle axe” and only see the steps under the heading “battle axe*” or search processes for things like “apple” and see every step that uses an apple.

Bug Report7843NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedGongerStore screen: Purified feature not showing for glyphs14.05.2023 Task Description

In the Glyphs tab of the Store screen of Legacy, glyphs were shown as purified or not. This is not the case in PSU.

Feature Request6573NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedmike loevenStore Quest Notes in the Books Database06.09.201421 Task Description

I would like to request that saved quest notes be moved from client side into the book database. currently the quest notes are saved locally and are very vulnerable frequently getting deleted during client repair or re installs. additionally for players who have more than one computer these notes do not properly persist between clients.

considering that players are already allowed to write books and that text data takes up very little space there is really no reason NOT to move this feature server side.

another major issue with the current implementation is that the quest’s description is missing a lot of key information provided by the npc conversation such as names and locations.

a perfect example is the quest Masked Mistress where the description tells you the summary however does not include her brothers name which is given in the npc dialogue.

the lost of quest notes can easily render a quest impossible to complete without asking a person for spoilers or searching through game logs for the missing conversation.

Feature Request5902NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedSlissstore a (named)sack with items in storage17.10.201335 Task Description

Sometimes I whish to have the ability to store my alchemy sack, or my crafting sack in storage with its content. So I can easily gab it when I want to work on it so naming the sacks (PS#457) would be ideal.

Feature Request6182NoTraining & SkillsMediumUnconfirmedAdamStats And Skills Menu (Skills Not Yet Implemented Color...11.10.20132 Task Description

Many Skills are NOT yet implemented, which is perfectly understandable.

Please kindly HIGHLIGHT with another color (representing NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) which skills have NOT been worked on yet.

This will greatly help ALL players know which ones are full completed and which ones are not, especially NEW PLAYERS who won't waste time trying to figure out what has not been worked on yet.

Recommended Color: Bright Purple (easy to see and readable)

Bug Report5760NoBuild IssuesMediumUnconfirmedJohn Smithstatic src analysis of planeshift15.09.2012 Task Description

I have been playing around with the llvm/clang static source code analyzer ( for a while, and thought it might be fun to run it on the planeshift source code (svn r8433). Even though especially the c++ analyzer is still viewed as beta quality at this time, the results are interesting and can be found here :

Bug Report7807NoQuestsCriticalUnconfirmedJokoStarting Menitas Puzzle Quest crashes the server19.11.202311 Task Description

Talking to Menita and confirming the quest with “I will try” crashes the server.

Feature Request6611NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedLisaStarting and stopping musical instruments in a group/ba...25.09.201411 Task Description

musicians trying to sync up to play as a band/group is difficult.
to fix this i suggest commands /groupplay and /groupstop be made
the musicians would form a group and each one would put the song they are to play in their left hand (that way one person can play a flute piece and another plays a lira piece, another drums, etc)
the group leader would issue the commands for starting and stopping
the system would broadcast the command to each client to start playing (like the way group chat is sent to the members of the group).
the piece would play at the default speed for the music score
if the group is disbanded while playing everyone would have to automatically stop playing
if a player leaves the group they would have to automatically stop playing too.

only difficulty I would see is if one of the players is unable to play the selected piece at the default speed, the system would either have to have that person not play with an error of not talented enough or play at the fastest they can play (which would sound bad but be realistic)

Feature Request6788NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedGongerJoe LyonSplit up System tab information18.03.201511 Task Description

System tab: Could the information there be split up further, like for the logs, into something like combat, crafting, soul commands (emotes and interaction commands like /greet), so you can have more control what is shown in Main tab?

This was briefly discussed in the Dev meeting (22/02/2015), and should be assigned to Eredin.

Thank you.

Bug Report6462NoEngineMediumUnconfirmednobody specialSpell research doesn't interrupt crafting19.05.20141 Task Description

while hammering a heated alpha ps sba blade I was able to start spell research without int erupting the hammering.

Bug Report6261NoSoundMediumUnconfirmedJonSound effects based on camera position, not player25.11.2013 Task Description

I've noticed that the sound effects for things like fountains and fires seem to be based on where the camera is located, not where the player is.

To demonstrate, go to 3rd person follow mode and move the camera well back from the character. Position the character near a sound generating item (fireplace in front of temple works). You won't hear it. Move away from the object so that the camera is next to it and you will hear it.

Feature Request5957NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedLusserallSome Shortcut/Options window features LShift/RShift++03.04.20131 Task Description

Not all shortcuts from shortcuts window are in "Options→Controls→Shortcuts"
If you set/change a key in shortcuts window the key does not get set/changed in options window until you relog.

The following is not really a bug but more feature request
If you set a key you can set
LShift - RShift
LCtrl - RCtrl
LAlt - RAlt

But if you make key combos it will just turn to

Would it be possible to set

That will open up allot more possible key combinations.

Bug Report7756NoUser InterfaceMediumUnconfirmedVolkiSome settings not saved after closing game23.12.202342 Task Description

Some options in settings are not being saved after closing the game. They revert to default or adopt other settings.

- Interface → Visible shortcut rows

- Controls → quickbar → shortcuts (Conflicts with “Others” menu → “shortcuts” bar?)

- Chat logs directory → time stamps (May not be functional?)

Issues with shortcuts / quickbar / “shortcut bar” / “macro editor” are the most noticeable and make assigning shortcuts a time-consuming task that requires restarting the game multiple times over.

Bug Report7985NoBugtrackerMediumUnconfirmedTutharelSome people are reporting that, after a server crash, t...01.01.202411 Task Description

After a server crash, if you don’t restart your game, your log will no longer be updated with what happens in game. This has been noticed by Gonger, Migg, and a few others.

Feature Request5956NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedLusserallSome new commands /put [amount] item - /loot [item or a...20.11.201342 Task Description

/put [amount] item
Into a opened container even when non selected for like sacks that are in your inventory.

/take [amount|all] [stack] [item]
Out of a opened container even when non selected for like sacks that are in your inventory.

/loot [group] [item|all|trias]
Loot a specific item or all items without opening the loot window.

Bug Report7757NoGUILowUnconfirmedVolkiSome GUI labels are named inconsistently13.02.2023 Task Description

Throughout the GUI, some options are referred to by multiple or misleading names, which can be confusing and make communicating about them difficult.

On the toolbar → ‘Others’ the shortcut bar is labeled “shortcuts”, but editing the shortcuts shows a widget labeled “Macro Editor”. To reach the shortcuts in Settings menu → Controls, you must scroll down to a section labeled “quickbar”. There are a list of 10 shortcuts below, but “quickbar” is not used as a label anywhere else in the game. It would not be evident to a new player that these are related.

Toolbar → ‘Others’ → ‘options’ opens Settings menu. This is less confusing but may confuse some players when trying to navigate GUI. (My suggestion would be to change “Settings” label to “Options” as we also say “settings” to refer to lore, quests, NPCs, etc.)

Toolbar → ‘Character’ → ‘character’ opens the inventory window.

Feature Request5973NoCrafting TransformationsMediumUnconfirmedKaerli StronwylleSome form of support for 'in the field' crafting would ...16.04.201312 Task Description

Currently, all crafting requires a full setup of equipment (fixed-in-the-world crafting containers) for that craft. This makes sense for some crafting skills such as blacksmithing and to an extent alchemy; however, basic cooking and herbalism (and other crafts TBD) should be possible with only portable crafting containers (such as a campfire and pan or a simple, portable mortar and pestle). This would also require new crafting books: “Campfire Recipes” anyone?

Bug Report6509NoEngineMediumUnconfirmednobody specialsoftware sound does nothing18.06.2014 Task Description

On install, the launcher defaults to a software sound source which seems to do nothing. I get no sound from it in either windows or linux. Perhaps it should default to openal if that is the only sound system that actually works. Possibly the software selector in pslaunch should be removed or renamed “no sound”

Feature Request7778NoBugtrackerVery LowUnconfirmedMewshadSmall inventory07.03.20231 Task Description

In the old version, there was a small inventory without the character part. It could be useful for trading etc.

Bug Report7089NoGUILowUnconfirmedMauiSkill window - scrollbar not always visible22.11.20223 Task Description

at the job bar tab is no scrollbar available,for some its there only if they max out the size of the window

Feature Request5914NoQuestsMediumUnconfirmedErodare LenizusSkill Requirements and Time Locks28.02.20131 Task Description

Most quests start with an intro and a confirmation for the player to accept the quest. For those that have skill requirements and/or time locks, instead of hiding the quest completely, perhaps it would be better to expose such quests when the character is otherwise qualified (e.g completed other quests in the chain) and do the skill / time check in the intro steps and have the NPC inform the character that they need to practice more before they can continue, or say something along the lines of "too busy right now, come back tomorrow". This way the player will know the quest is there, and get a hint of what they need to do. Going around and touching all the NPC's and finding nothing just feels like a bug when one knows there should be quests out there someplace.

Feature Request7102NoMiscLowUnconfirmedMauiSigns24.11.20224 Task Description

Names of signs appear at the bottom.

Feature Request5845NoInventory/ItemsMediumUnconfirmedPeter van LooShow weapon requirements20.12.201225 Task Description

It happened to me twice already that I bought a good weapon for tens of thousands of tria, to then find out I need a lot of stats to equip it. And not only can’t I equip it, I don’t know whether it’s worth training for it either because nothing tells me how many more levels I need.

The game shows the effects (damage, speed) and the stats increases/decreases can be looked up in a book in the museum by analyzing the name. Could a way be implemented to know what stats and skills you need to use an item before buying it too? Either as part of identification, as a new separate identification spell for requirements or through some book?

Without that I’m very reluctant to buy anything at all as I spent too much money already on things that are useless to me.

Bug Report7890NoGUILowUnconfirmedStalfosShortcuts only remember 5 commands09.03.20243 Task Description

Any other commands are deleted

Bug Report7758NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedferretshortcuts not working at all 13.02.20231 Task Description

i have tried to set up shortcuts for a number of things, one issue was that an attempt to initiate nightvision was causing an attempt to fish instead. i moved the icons about but same issues occured. not i have cleared shortcuts and i have nothing working at all. all i get on attempts to set shrotcuts is a message saying ‘the key is already assigned’

tried refreshing game and still the same.

Bug Report6783NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedIridiaJoe LyonShortcutname removed on button move when an icon is use...05.03.201532 Task Description

When a shortcut that uses an icon is moved the name of the shortcut disappears and is replaced with the shortcut number.

Bug Report7970NoTraining & SkillsMediumUnconfirmedStalfosShield Handling untrainable08.12.2023 Task Description

Since you can now only wield Shields left-handed due to what I mentioned in bug 7867, only the right hand trains one handed weapons, and two handed weapons give half the training in either hand.

Feature Request5868NoRendering IssuesMediumUnconfirmedMartinsetting for spell effects quality06.01.2013 Task Description

Hi! As reported in "bug" (bug #5867) spell effects performance is pretty slow on Intel Sandybridge HD 3000 graphics. I understand that this may well be a driver / hardware limitation. Due to the extreme slowness its not easy to roleplay on events when other players cast effects, cause then basically I can not do anything anymore. Except for that the performance is quite nice for onboard gfx, enough for me at least, even at 1680x1050.

Cause of this I would like a way to reduce the quality of *just* the spell effects a bit. I found that I can disable them alltogether by setting shaders to "lowest". But any other settings for shaders doesn´t have any visible effect on performance. Also shaders to "lowest" worsens the other gfx as well.

I also learned I can disable spell effects altogether, by removing the *.eff files from effects directory.

What I would like now is a way to configure spell effects to reduced quality and (hopefully) improved performance. This may also be good for other users of old hardware.


Bug Report7969NoCrashesMediumUnconfirmedStalfosServer Crash possible after training stat07.12.2023 Task Description

If you take a rare looted item out of a bag, try to equip it, but can’t because of Stat requirements, then train a stat, drop the bag and pick it up again, the item disappears.

Then if you try to store it there are 2 copies, and the server crashes if you store them. Item lost after restart.

Crash and item loss can be avoided if you relog before storing.

Bug Report7737NoNPC Paths/movementLowUnconfirmedferretserpent gobbles not moving11.02.2023 Task Description

serpent gobbles are supposed to patrole the river irfon on both banks with a sleeping area and fishing area close to /pos 400650.50 -327828.62 7508.37. at present they simply stay in one place unless you attack them. they then move and attack back. in legacy, they would attack regardless of your strength against them.

Feature Request6205NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedSarah McCraySeriously? Why no maps?01.11.20134 Task Description

every other game I’ve played helped its players out with a world map and mini map. in some of them, some areas in those games might not have allowed maps. but they all had maps. why doesn’t PlaneShift have a map system to help us navigate? or at the very least give us a compass!

Bug Report7245NoInventory/ItemsLowUnconfirmedYorlakSelecting 1 item from a stack from container on ground ...19.09.20211 Task Description

to recreate;
1. place container on ground (sack, crate…)
2. right-click container → Look
3. Place stacked items in container (tested with daggers, arrows, potions, rings)
4. From container, Select (1) item from stack, place on ground
Entire stack is removed from container (same effect for all items tested)
This does not happen when container is in inventory

Bug Report7258NoBugtrackerLowUnconfirmedHaviland Tenourisegmentation fault in hydlaa VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST24.11.20223 Task Description

Not sure what causes the client to crash. But it seems reproducible when I turn around.

System is Linux 5.8.0-59
Ubuntu bullseye
mesa 20.2.6-0
NVidia GeForce GTX 970
Driver Version: 460.91.03
CUDA Version: 11.2

[2021.07.31-21.33.40:344][840]LogRHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up on occlusion results. (0.5 s)
[2021.07.31-21.33.40:420][840]LogVulkanRHI: Error: Result failed, VkResult=-4
at /home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742
Fatal error: [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanUtil.cpp] [Line: 803]
Result failed, VkResult=-4
at /home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742
Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11

Critical error:

Unhandled Exception: SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to write memory at address 0×0000000000000003

[2021.07.31-21.33.40:480][840]LogCore: Fatal error: [File:/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanUtil.cpp] [Line: 803]
Result failed, VkResult=-4
at /home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742
0x0000000004445d9b PSUnrealClient!VulkanRHI::VerifyVulkanResult(VkResult, char const*, char const*, unsigned int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanUtil.cpp:802]
0×0000000004422322 PSUnrealClient!VulkanRHI::FFenceManager::WaitForFence(VulkanRHI::FFence*, unsigned long long) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742]
0x00000000043fe84d PSUnrealClient!FVulkanCommandBufferManager::WaitForCmdBuffer(FVulkanCmdBuffer*, float) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanCommandBuffer.cpp:457]
0x000000000446288e PSUnrealClient!FVulkanViewport::WaitForFrameEventCompletion() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanViewport.cpp:296]
0x000000000444795c PSUnrealClient!FVulkanViewport::Present(FVulkanCommandListContext*, FVulkanCmdBuffer*, FVulkanQueue*, FVulkanQueue*, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanViewport.cpp:939]
0×0000000004447098 PSUnrealClient!FVulkanCommandListContext::RHIEndDrawingViewport(FRHIViewport*, bool, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanRHI.cpp:889]
0x000000000450fcd0 PSUnrealClient!FRHICommandListExecutor::ExecuteInner_DoExecute(FRHICommandListBase&) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/RHICommandList.cpp:373]
0x0000000004526d97 PSUnrealClient!FExecuteRHIThreadTask::DoTask(ENamedThreads::Type, TRefCountPtr<FGraphEvent> const&) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/RHICommandList.cpp:428]
0x0000000004526bb5 PSUnrealClient!TGraphTask<FExecuteRHIThreadTask>::ExecuteTask(TArray<FBaseGraphTask*, TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >&, ENamedThreads::Type) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Async/TaskGraphInterfaces.h:886]
0x0000000002e8b1f6 PSUnrealClient!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread(int, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Async/TaskGraph.cpp:709]
0x0000000002e8ad9e PSUnrealClient!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Async/TaskGraph.cpp:600]
0x0000000004552ab6 PSUnrealClient!FRHIThread::Run() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/RenderingThread.cpp:319]
0x0000000002ee0017 PSUnrealClient!FRunnableThreadPThread::Run() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/HAL/PThreadRunnableThread.cpp:25]
0x0000000002ec01fc PSUnrealClient!FRunnableThreadPThread::_ThreadProc(void*) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/HAL/PThreadRunnableThread.h:185]

0x0000000002ea96ee PSUnrealClient!FGenericPlatformMisc::RaiseException(unsigned int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/GenericPlatform/GenericPlatformMisc.cpp:472]
0x0000000002fccd9b PSUnrealClient!FOutputDevice::LogfImpl(char16_t const*, …) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Misc/OutputDevice.cpp:61]
0x0000000004445d9b PSUnrealClient!VulkanRHI::VerifyVulkanResult(VkResult, char const*, char const*, unsigned int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanUtil.cpp:802]
0×0000000004422322 PSUnrealClient!VulkanRHI::FFenceManager::WaitForFence(VulkanRHI::FFence*, unsigned long long) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:4742]
0x00000000043fe84d PSUnrealClient!FVulkanCommandBufferManager::WaitForCmdBuffer(FVulkanCmdBuffer*, float) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanCommandBuffer.cpp:457]
0x000000000446288e PSUnrealClient!FVulkanViewport::WaitForFrameEventCompletion() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanViewport.cpp:296]
0x000000000444795c PSUnrealClient!FVulkanViewport::Present(FVulkanCommandListContext*, FVulkanCmdBuffer*, FVulkanQueue*, FVulkanQueue*, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanViewport.cpp:939]
0×0000000004447098 PSUnrealClient!FVulkanCommandListContext::RHIEndDrawingViewport(FRHIViewport*, bool, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanRHI.cpp:889]
0x000000000450fcd0 PSUnrealClient!FRHICommandListExecutor::ExecuteInner_DoExecute(FRHICommandListBase&) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/RHICommandList.cpp:373]
0x0000000004526d97 PSUnrealClient!FExecuteRHIThreadTask::DoTask(ENamedThreads::Type, TRefCountPtr<FGraphEvent> const&) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/RHICommandList.cpp:428]
0x0000000004526bb5 PSUnrealClient!TGraphTask<FExecuteRHIThreadTask>::ExecuteTask(TArray<FBaseGraphTask*, TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >&, ENamedThreads::Type) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Async/TaskGraphInterfaces.h:886]
0x0000000002e8b1f6 PSUnrealClient!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread(int, bool) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Async/TaskGraph.cpp:709]
0x0000000002e8ad9e PSUnrealClient!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Async/TaskGraph.cpp:600]
0x0000000004552ab6 PSUnrealClient!FRHIThread::Run() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/RenderingThread.cpp:319]
0x0000000002ee0017 PSUnrealClient!FRunnableThreadPThread::Run() [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/HAL/PThreadRunnableThread.cpp:25]
0x0000000002ec01fc PSUnrealClient!FRunnableThreadPThread::_ThreadProc(void*) [/home/planeshift/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/HAL/PThreadRunnableThread.h:185]

[2021.07.31-21.33.40:490][840]LogAudioMixer: Display: Audio Buffer Underrun (starvation) detected.
[2021.07.31-21.33.40:490][840]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196744
Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=327928
Malloc Size=259466 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=587418
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Bug Report7705NoGUIVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelScroll Bar in Skills Window Doesn't Work on All Tabs29.01.2023 Task Description

In the skills window, the scroll bar doesn’t works with scroll button on mouse in all tabs. Works as expected in the Stats and Combat tabs. Does not work in the Magic, Jobs, Various, or Factions tab. The scroll bar needs to be manually grabbed and dragged to see the rest of the window.

The scroll bar also doesn’t scroll down far enough in the factions tab and in order to see the very bottom of the tab; the window has to be resized to see the bottom.

Feature Request6780NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedJoe LyonJoe LyonScriptable Ojects31.01.2015 Task Description

Courtesy of Rigwyn, on forum wishlist

  The player would define a starting state, a series of "qualifiers" controlling a custom menu of "actions" that may be taken on the object.
  Qualifiers could check attributes, skills, possession of an item, or internal counters.
  Each action could execute one or more commands, for example /shout, /say, or /tell to the person who acted on it, or update its description or internal counters.
  All descriptions and internal counters would be shared to all clients within range as well as persist.
Feature Request6803NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedKaerli StronwylleTuathanachRound out weapon types using existing models19.04.2015 Task Description

Weapon types that I’d find useful in RP and could be more-or-less stood in for with existing art, but aren’t statted/craftable:

  • Rapiers/some sort of thin thrusting sword – this could use a longsword model for now until we get a proper rapier model in (I might make a low-fi rapier model if I get motivated enough to dust off Blender, even…)
  • Spears (and perhaps other polearm forms) – these can use the quarterstaff model until a proper model is implemented for them
Bug Report7750NoCharacters AnimationMediumUnconfirmedCarbo BoekRivnak stutters11.02.2023 Task Description

When you ride around on a rivnak, you get these weird stutters. They’re not frame stutters, but the character skips forward. This was tested in Amdenier on roofs and the road.

Bug Report7742NoModels and MapsVery LowUnconfirmedTrippedOnReality/EnarelRiver on Cup of Laanx map has collision enabled11.02.2023 Task Description

you can walk on water at this river: cup_of_laanx 717636.88 -659357.94 10930.61

Bug Report7948NoModels and MapsMediumUnconfirmedStalfosRitual of Remembrance does not allow House of Power acc...28.11.2023 Task Description

You are supposed to be able to go see Niala, but the door does not work if you haven’t already got house of power access.

Feature Request4882NoPetsLowUnconfirmedFiribanride other people's mounts08.11.20223 Task Description

it would be nice if you could lend/rent your mount to other people. This could be made with a dialog box that appears when someone wants to /mount the pet (”Foo wants do ride your pet NameofThePet, allow?”), similar to challenges/trades. If this is implemented there should of cause be auto-accept/deny.

Feature Request7814NoUser InterfaceLowUnconfirmedRykiaRequesting where we type in the chat window scales with...07.05.202321 Task Description

Requesting where we type in the chat window scales with the rest of the window.

We can select a larger font, but where we type in the chat window does not change, only the rest of the chat window.

Note: There is a huge difference between font size 4 and 5. Suggest to have something in between if at all possible.

Feature Request7325NoCharacter CreationMediumUnconfirmedRegina MusialRequest for Back-Button and Speaker-Update28.10.20211 Task Description

Hello, Dev-Team,

here are two requests for the character creation in psu:

1. The speaker speaks too quietly! I know its you, Talad, but the background music overwhelms your voice!

2. I miss a “Back”-Button because if i go into the chara creation but dont want to create a new character and want to go back to my character which already are there!

Feature Request5881NoMiscLowUnconfirmedGongerReport command: add "reason"20.05.201311 Task Description

I had discussed this with Sarva who liked the idea and asked me to enter it into the Tracker.

Add a “reason” to the “report” command:
Usage: report [player name] [reason]

In case it takes a while to implement this, meanwhile at least add to the command description that the reporting player also files a petition because this makes it easier for the Game Masters to check what happened.

Thank you for listening (reading),


Bug Report7974NoQuestsMediumUnconfirmedDaevaornRepeatable quest awarding faction points for the wrong ...16.12.20231 Task Description

Sat 02-Dec-2023

(17:38:51) [chat] Daevaorn: Here is the armour that you asked for. Plate mail pants and chain mail pants.
(17:38:51) [chat] >You gained 13600 experience points and 68 progression points!
(17:38:51) [chat] >You received 51 circle, 4 octa, 0 hexa and 8 tria.
(17:38:51) [chat] >Your Armor Making skill has increased by 1 point!
(17:38:51) [chat] >Your faction with Weavers Tree has worsened. (17:38:51) [chat] >You unlocked a new achievement: Achieve Velvet Glove in Weavers Tree
(17:38:51) [chat] >Quest Completed!
(17:38:51) [chat] >You have completed the A Measure of Protection quest!
(17:38:51) [chat] Kethzun Guthazik: You’re done already?
(17:38:51) [chat] >Trade complete

At first I was wondering about points being deducted until I got the information that this is regular procedure when hitting the cap value.

However I was surprised to see that
- a smith awards faction points for the Weavers’ Tree
- there are faction points awarded at all for one of the skill quests that can be done (at least theoretically) up to

Bug Report6190NoEngineMediumUnconfirmedRezso GajdoczyRemoving guilds from alliances (/guildremove)14.10.2013 Task Description

messages.cpp misses another operand?

if(command == “/newguild” || command == “/endguild” || command == “/guildname” || command == “/guildpoints” || command == “/allianceleader”)

     guildname = words.GetTail(1);
Feature Request6795NoCrafting TransformationsMediumUnconfirmedNoronelTuathanachRemove confusing Broadsword crafting steps22.06.20151 Task Description

I noted that previous bug report 4573, similar in nature, has been closed. I reached out to GMs and it was confirmed that once a broadsword has been furrowed into a blade then the only option is to then make it into a kit. The flow as of 04/04/2015 looks like stock>alpha>beta>delta>brittle>dull>rough>blade (gap) heated>super>red>stock.

If the expected results of working broadswords is to have them be a one time blade, then these extra steps (heated>super>red>stock) are confusing. If the expected results is that the broadsword should be able to be worked from stocks to blade to stocks then currently the step to make the (final) blade into a heated blade is missing.

Bug Report7081NoGame BalanceMediumUnconfirmedMichael LoevenRelax spellcasting restrictionsfor sitting / overencumb...27.12.2020 Task Description

Due to the number of enemies with de buffs to strength the problem arises when one of these de buffs occurs in combat and causes a player to become over encumbered. this will almost always result in a 100% chance of death due to the speed at which combat occurs and there being no mechanisms to quickly drop inventory in an emergency situation. The primary counter to this would be spells that either clear the de buff or counter it such as strength. Currently you cannot cast spells while over encumbered and I consider this a unfair and illegitimate restriction that actively prevents players from using the abilities required to counter the de buff and unfairly rendering them unable to defend themselves when this occurs during combat. I would argue the you cant cast spells while sitting and while over encumbered shroud be relaxed or removed because they only serve to ensure a players death due to a combat de buff and serve no reasonable or legitimate game play purpose

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