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Single Author Stories / Tale of the Guard
« on: February 28, 2016, 07:55:53 am »
Foreword - There are those who are not known but to a few, that give their lives to those who's name's they will never know. In dedication to those. ~ Feas Fleetrock

Tale of the Guard

I was startled awake by a loud noise but soon realized it was but the dream again. Is it still just a dream when you wake oh so often, heart racing and a cold sweat running down your skin night after night smells still fresh in your mind? Dream seems so distant a word for something that knows you better then anyone else, knows what gives you hope, knows what you love, knows how to destroy it all as you helplessly struggle not only when your able to sleep but its what keeps you awake to stay its return that will come nonetheless. Dream... no there must be another word for this.

It was time for me to get ready for my shift. Every since the last invasion the guard has been put to double duty. You have to decide if you are going to sleep, eat or bathe as there is no time for it all. Those with families may have someone to help with day to day things such as laundry, cleaning and shopping that us single guards must do ourselves but we dont have to look at their faces in our 'dreams' as they are slaughtered by the invaders. It is enough to see nameless women and children but to know them, love them, watch them. None should have to bear that.

As we make way to our post we look to make sure that the fortifications are secure and holding. The weapon caches are intact and rations are rotated to ensure they don't spoil. We remind ourselves we are the lucky ones we are with the rest of us unlike those that are stuck further out in the listening post waiting for the invaders hearing all the strange noises and wondering if this is it or just the wind or an animal that has found a meal. Imagine having to deal with that alone for a week until your replacement comes and you come back home only to be overwhelmed by all the noise and movement till you wish you were out there again alone.

As I listen to the previous days guard report I begin to think, it has been sometime since the last slaughter, it must be getting close to time again. They are like an evil clock, they come and kill without reason and as if they have had their fill they are gone. There is hardly any evidence of their coming I have heard mention of others finding a weapon here or a skull left  never have I seen. Never have I know for one of them to have been killed, their skin is impregnable to our weapons, it seems while only the sergeant of our guard has any armor they are of no match for the invaders either.

What was that....!? There! You hear that? I whispered to the guard next to me. Then with a roar they are on top of us from nowhere and everywhere its too confusing! How? TO ARMS!! TO ARMS!! ALERT THE ARMORED RIVERLING!! THEY ARE.....

                        . . .

First Edition

A limited copy

Ā«Feas FleetrockĀ»

[Ā«Be on the lookout for more fine stories from players past and present in gameĀ»]

General Discussion / Re: Help us to update the PlaneShift Player Guide!
« on: February 27, 2016, 01:11:49 pm »
So ran across this today and tried the link to the pswiki to see if I could help update it and it was dead. Maybe the forums need to be wiped when so much of it is outdated and or no longer working. Say anything older than a year gets burned to a cd disk or where ever you archive this stuff to. This is a common problem with the main website also.  I am willing to help in these areas too since I completed the paperwork and sent in to help and have not been given anything when I have asked in the past.

Wish list / new channel
« on: February 27, 2016, 12:08:26 am »
for when those who are told to start a new channel to discuss non PS stuff like politics and religion do so as not to ruin the game for the rest

Wish list / Re: Resurrect the PVP Zones
« on: February 26, 2016, 04:49:21 am »
Send all unneeded loot to me i am a noob needing upgrades

Wish list / Re: Resurrect the PVP Zones
« on: February 25, 2016, 02:24:24 pm »
There are plenty of valleys in the different maps with nothing in them. I say pick one or 2 or 3 as needed or feeling greedy take what ya want. Don't see a need to put it someplace others would go to play the games quest or gather resources. Might even provide good views with folks lining the ridgelines.

The Hydlaa Plaza / first book memory
« on: February 23, 2016, 03:06:44 pm »
Today waiting for the dr i was looking thru the book library they have and found one of the first scibook i read or remember for that matter.  The death trilogy by harry harrison. Going to be a good day waiting  :D

Wish list / making scripts in shortcuts
« on: February 18, 2016, 12:16:12 am »
Would like the ability in shortcuts to have the ability to cast multiple spells with one shortcut i.e.:

/cast Rock Armor
/wait (time)
/cast Defensive Wind
/wait (time)
/cast Flame Spire

Then i cast all my defensive spells and or a set of spells on a group member with one shortcut.
Seem like the reason it exist in the first place with a multi-line capability.
If this exist please let me know cause everyone I ask doesn't know how.

Development Team Blog / Re: Putting gold man pop ups to use.
« on: February 15, 2016, 12:41:43 pm »
You don't need to compile or be able to compile the client from source to help development in rules, art, sound and settings. You only have to compile if you want to help engine.

For example all you need to help settings is a base knowledge of the game (as a player) and a simple text editor.

To start, you simply havo to come in IRC freenode channel #planeshift-prospects or send one of the developer a PM.

Thank you again I and some others were under the impression we needed to compile a test server to help. One my way over to IRC with gedit!

Wish list / Re: Encourage Groups in PS
« on: February 15, 2016, 12:37:55 pm »
Thank you sounds great!

Wish list / Re: Encourage Groups in PS
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:43:16 am »
Any progress with this or is it dead in the water (under consideration)?

It's one of the reasons I play MMO's. Join a group on a quest to save the village from a terrible beast, rescue a villager from the evil "insert baddie name".

One of the limitations in most is that everyone needs to be within a few levels of each other. Here we could have a higher player take the brunt of the enemies attack (could me a mage, paladin, thief, whatever) while the rest do dd, dots and heal as needed. There could be no limitations in who you play with, a high player would get appropriate xp while a lower player could as well and the loot is split by lottery or choosing to pass on it.

This would allow a maximum amount of characters (main and alt) to play together. Isn't this what these games are about really? Social interaction between players? While it is nice and not common to be able to play solo for the majority if not all of the games content why not having group play built in really confuses me.

Another benefit of group play is that several low new players could join and get loot from higher level mobs than could be done individually again bringing players together in a social situation.
It seems to me the base already exist. What would need to be added is a away to select a player thru the group window or hot key to heal said character or apply a buff which would be visible by the characters name to see when it drops.

I have no idea what is involved code wise so I don't mean to imply it is an easy thing to add but there has been so much made in this game I am positive it can be done. I also truly believe this added feature combined with what is available in the game now sets it apart from all the other MMORPG's out there.

Development Team Blog / Re: Putting gold man pop ups to use.
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:10:33 am »
As a new player don't. There are enough things in the game already to annoy us. Want something to do to help us? Fix the books! I have been trying to get the developer version installed to assist but no body seems to be able to help in that regard. The ones who take the time point to an extremely out dated and broken and or wrong link guide. I know I am not the only one with this issue that would like to help in other means than coding. If I need to make another partition on my hard drive to install mint or ubuntu to get this going with a guide that works that is fine. Kill the Little dude!

General Discussion / Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« on: February 12, 2016, 02:27:39 pm »
Eonwind, thank you.  that is exactly what i was wondering.  Where is the jail?  Can we go there to see if anyone is in jail at any time to leer at them?

General Discussion / Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« on: February 11, 2016, 08:51:30 pm »
so with that what happens when the would be robber is overpowered and captured and sentenced for atemped robbery, murder, .... Week, month ban from playing? part of playing and losing?

General Discussion / Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« on: February 11, 2016, 04:27:40 pm »
I was thinking one person ea side to be in on it (like know the route to be taken) the rest is all ad-lib. Its not my thing so whatever you think works.

General Discussion / Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:02:14 am »
Edited to prevent spoilers. Ball is in motion.

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