Author Topic: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]  (Read 1354 times)


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2016, 04:27:40 pm »
I was thinking one person ea side to be in on it (like know the route to be taken) the rest is all ad-lib. Its not my thing so whatever you think works.


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2016, 08:18:50 pm »
People are sensitive.

And even if people are sensitive they need to learn the distinction between IC and OOC, or even better between the character and the player.

Sensitive people rule communities.

Sensitive people ruin communities.

Being sensitive is used as a defense for trampling on other people's creativity.

I think that if your character is going to try to rob another character, then just do it. It's not inconsiderate. You're playing a character. They're playing a character. In a game. By refusing to interact with your character who is trying to rob theirs, they are doing the absolute worst thing a roleplayer can do. It's even worse than godmoding because they are pretending that your character doesn't exist.

Why would you play this game if you don't want to interact with other players? It's an online game! Why would you play this game if you don't expect bad things to spontaneously happen to your character? It's a roleplaying game!

If you don't like it, then

Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2016, 08:51:30 pm »
so with that what happens when the would be robber is overpowered and captured and sentenced for atemped robbery, murder, .... Week, month ban from playing? part of playing and losing?

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2016, 09:30:04 pm »
I have to agree with Aniroho on this one. People have trouble separating IC and OOC, sometimes to the point of absurdity. I've been reemed out OOCly many a time sheerly because my character took a stance that opposed another character's. People are not constantly going to be polite in reality, and forcing characters to be so invents an environment of sterility that causes a boring sort of stagmenting. We need more villains, but more than that, we need more character types. Rude. Cowardly. Annoying. Silly. Weird. I'd like to see some folks have ideological arguments, or get into a fistfight in the bar because of some disagreement or other.

I wouldn't say people should just leave the game. Since the non RP server and RP server's merging there are bound to be some people who simply aren't on PS to role play. Just put a disclaimer in the description or something.

Oftentimes I've found the more complex characters, the "broody" or seemingly troubled characters, have a more meaty story to dig into. I want to see that return.

You have every right to request a person be respectful of you OOCly. That is a given. There is no right to demand a character be so ICly. If your character chooses to ignore such an individual, that would make sense. But too often "good guys" take to gossip and refer to any person who tries to stir up just a smattering of IC antagonism as a "troll." They demean the person's worth as a role player repeatedly and then wonder why, suddenly, there are no antagonists left to stand against. If you want to demean, live it through your character. Saying the individual player is just like their character is like saying an actor must be a douche because he played as one once. (Of note: a player who's acting out a character who is abrasive should be prepared to have some characters ICly walk away from or avoid them. So long as this is IC, there's nothing wrong with that; it's more a natural progression.) To clarify this isn't the same as outright ignoring someone attacking you. Flee, fight or call for help, but don't pretend they aren't there.

Ultimately, folks just need to learn to compromise. As someone who's played as good and bad and everything in between, this has always been the best way. Talk it out if something gets tangled or something is seriously disturbing you, but otherwise, just go with the flow. You'll be surprised to find that most of the folks playing as villains are entirely reasonable, and I've had incredibly few over five years who have refused to hear me out.

Feas: in that event the "villain" would have to deal with the consequences. It wouldn't be through banning; a ban implies the player has done something out of line with the rules, not the character, but in the past they have been imprisoned for some length of time.

Relevant: this text can be found in the game under the /show help tab, when clicking on ROLEPLAY:

I'll mirror what Jilerel said. If anyone has need of rogue-like characters for some event, give me a poke.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 10:40:24 pm by Mariana Xiechai »


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2016, 12:13:37 am »
so with that what happens when the would be robber is overpowered and captured and sentenced for atemped robbery, murder, .... Week, month ban from playing? part of playing and losing?

Excellent question.  I'll make this whole thing incredibly easy to understand.

When your read a book, the characters in the book are just characters. They are not real people. What happens if in a story, a bad guy stabs an innocent person to death? Do we arrest the author, break her hands and throw away her favorite pen?  No. That would make no sense because we would be punishing the author for something their character did. Said author would probably not care to write fiction under such circumstances.

This is where character/player separation comes into play. As players, we are WRITERS. We are writing a collaborative fictional story staring our characters. Our characters are not tokens that represent us (the writers), but rather they are actual characters like Neo from The Matrix or Homer from The Simpsons. In The Matrix, Neo is not a placeholder or token that represents the author, rather he's his own unique character.

Lastly, the story that our characters are participating in has nothing to do with our personal lives. It's completely unrelated. It's as if they are all in this fish bowl that's isolated from the real world. What happens in the fish bowl stays in the fish bowl. And what is outside of the fish bowl stays outside of the fish bowl.

When we write, we decide what we think our characters would do in various situations, what they would say, or how the things happening to them might change them. To do this, you need to define who and what your character is, what their personality is like, and so on. When you have this figured out to a fairly reasonable degree, it becomes a lot easier to know how your character would react to things.

If confused about player character separation, then pick up a fictional book and read it cover to cover with this new perspective in mind.


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2016, 07:38:43 am »
so with that what happens when the would be robber is overpowered and captured and sentenced for atemped robbery, murder, .... Week, month ban from playing? part of playing and losing?
If you're roleplaying a bad guy and you're caught in the act of braking the law by GMs Guard characters (GMs may sometimes play bad guy NPCs as well) you will pay ICly for breaking the law. This mean your character maybe put into jail for sometime or asked to pay a fine. Please note these are all IC actions, it's not an OOC punishment, in fact your character (even if enforced in prison for sometime) may still roleplay with someone coming to pay a visit, etc. In extreme cases where the crime is extremely serious the character will have to sustain an in game IC trial (like it has happened during the KNM roleplay).
You will not be banned from the game for roleplaying a bad guy unless you break the game policies.
Happy bad-guy roleplay :)


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2016, 08:19:34 am »
Eonwind I have a question related with the imprisonment, your statement is true even if the RPing happens out of the cities without guards around?
Aniroho Aimirrel (Researcher in Knowledge Seekers)
Terelen Honoro (Captain of the Iron Claw)


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2016, 08:24:03 am »
Sirial, it is quite possible that you  might attack a guard that is looking for you or that the guards set a trap for you if you like to  rob your victims in the same area. Gonger and the Bounty Hunters are ones to consider, also.


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2016, 08:27:31 am »
Oh thank you!

My question was just to be sure about it.
Aniroho Aimirrel (Researcher in Knowledge Seekers)
Terelen Honoro (Captain of the Iron Claw)


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2016, 02:27:39 pm »
Eonwind, thank you.  that is exactly what i was wondering.  Where is the jail?  Can we go there to see if anyone is in jail at any time to leer at them?


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2016, 02:42:02 pm »
Eonwind, thank you.  that is exactly what i was wondering.  Where is the jail?  Can we go there to see if anyone is in jail at any time to leer at them?
The jail is in the courthouse complex, up the ramp and turn left.There are others, also, but have not known them to be used, like the one in the arena.


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2016, 03:02:03 pm »
The jail is in the courthouse complex, up the ramp and turn left.There are others, also, but have not known them to be used, like the one in the arena.

The jail near the Courthouse has been used for RP purposes, for example the questioning of one of the members of Kor Neka Mansa. It was great fun, and an appropriate setting.


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2016, 05:42:17 pm »
Stop already to want evil RPs and charismatic antagonists. Currently, evil RP can only be played in small private groups.

I propose some solutions, do whatever you want with these. I precise, to not offend anyone, that I don't have the prentention to say that my solutions are the best and should be applied.

First : Strict RP rules. No more people whining "omg that's not in the rules, so we can't do that", no more "omg you're godmodding", and a clear separation between IC and OOC. And enforcement of RP by sanctions.
I don't want to have to say [Hey, I'm a rogue, and I'm going to steal some of your valuables. Don't worry, it will have the consequences you want to have, and no definitives ones, except if you want it. It will also don't take much of your time, I guarantee it. Thanks !] every time I want to rob someone.

What rules ? Well, not refusing a RP scene. If you avoid it OOCly, you get sanctionned. Some exceptions such as PG18 scenes, and true death scenes, of course.
Also, whining OOCly. If it stayed IC, and in the rules, you don't have to complain OOC.
If you're interested in some strict RP rules, I could write some more that could fix a lot of problems with the current RP I guess.

Second : Separate RPers and Non-RPers. I'm getting tired of saying "Hello" and the man just runs away after having talked to the NPC in front of me.

Third : Being able to hide its name. When you speak your name is translated to a "code", this code can be used by GMs to know your nickname, but only them can know it.
It would help keeping anonymacy and help against OOC ranting in scene.

Volki said it.

Sensitive people rule communities.

Sensitive people ruin communities.

Being sensitive is used as a defense for trampling on other people's creativity.

I think that if your character is going to try to rob another character, then just do it. It's not inconsiderate. You're playing a character. They're playing a character. In a game. By refusing to interact with your character who is trying to rob theirs, they are doing the absolute worst thing a roleplayer can do. It's even worse than godmoding because they are pretending that your character doesn't exist.

Why would you play this game if you don't want to interact with other players? It's an online game! Why would you play this game if you don't expect bad things to spontaneously happen to your character? It's a roleplaying game!

If you don't like it, then



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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2016, 06:58:35 pm »
"Second : Separate RPers and Non-RPers. I'm getting tired of saying "Hello" and the man just runs away after having talked to the NPC in front of me."

One should understand that a new player may not even know that you said anything to them as the dialogue from the NPC may have moved it out of the chat window.


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Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2016, 07:27:31 pm »
By separating, I should have had written. Imagine a little checkbox "RPer". When you check it, your nickname is in another color. When you uncheck it, another.
And bang, new way to see who to ignore or not in RP scene.