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Messages - Wormtail_

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Wish list /
« on: January 02, 2005, 04:42:59 pm »
Meh, been going a bit inactive as of late. Anyway, added all four links. Thanks!

As for the races, I think I may as well throw in some such threads into the Compilation. If I can find any that I am satisisfied with. Thanks!

... I hope the Compilation is useful to people...

Wish list /
« on: October 03, 2004, 08:43:28 pm »
Time to bump this topic back to the top.

Anyway, I think that the allergies should be chosen at character creation, so as to avoid complaints from people who don\'t want to have allergies in-game. Perhaps the amount of points you invest on the allergy disadvantage (or rather how much you gain from them) could decide what you were allergic to and how severe the reacion is. For example, if you only get a small amount of points, the allergic reaction would be there, but not that troubling. And maybe you won\'t be allergic to something that is common.

Allergic reactions could be the ones that I have in my main topic, and/or similar to the ones that Zeraph described.

I severely doubt that people are going to have their characters act as if they have allergies on their own initiative if it\'s unnecessary - it\'s just too much of a hassle.

Comments? Corrections? Clarification?

Wish list / Allergies
« on: September 26, 2004, 05:48:24 pm »
Would it not be interesting for characters to have allergic reactions to things in-game, such as, say, stings of certain insects or certain kinds of food? This could be chosen to be either completely random or a specific allergy could be chosen at character creation. Of course, it might have interesting consequences if one were to be allergic to Enrikudai...

Possible symptoms of an allergic reaction could include the usual we find over there in RL. Or simply loss of control over your character, as it tries to escape, fighting ability severely dimminished (not to mention crafting, magic, etc.). Perhaps even death could be a consequence.

If allergies were to be implemented, they would of course be an extreme annoyance. However, it would cause players to have to make more careful, and sometimes unique, decisions for their characters.

Certain races could be allergic to different things than other races. Whether members of one race could be allergic to members of another entire race is another matter. Personally, I think it would be an excessively irritating burden. If a bit amusing.

Treating allergies would perhaps be to take some sort of special medicine to enable them to either survive contact with the item that induces an allergic reaction or simply go through an area that is full of that particular item. Other treatments could be used as well, although I personally am too lazy to think of any more.


Powerful characters with allergies have great weakness - diminsihing their power
Requires more deliberate decision-making skills
(Insert new pro here)


Annoying hinderance
Really annoying hinderance
(Insert new con here)


Wish list /
« on: August 11, 2004, 04:31:01 pm »
Goggles could also be implemented for activities like swimming.

Glasses could, perhaps, be combined with helmets so that the helmet has a rectangular lens for the special advantages for eyesight. Something simiilar would also work. Regular glasses could be used for those that could not afford the more expensive helmets or are not willing to carry such a large burden on their heads.

Wish list /
« on: August 11, 2004, 04:08:38 pm »
Done. Could new posters please include a short summary unless the title is self-explanatory and needs no clarification on the idea?

Wish list /
« on: August 04, 2004, 11:32:13 am »
Species wars

\"Look before you leap, or else you may jump into a pit full of sharp, pointy objects.\"

Wish list /
« on: July 14, 2004, 07:51:44 pm »
Ah, which point are we to be discussing, again? In my humble opinion, it may have been a little more effective to post multiple threads on these different topics. There would be more... in-depth... discussion on each of the points. More focused discussion as well. Just my disconcerted and possibly deranged view. Things would be more organized with multiple threads, as you could actually reply to a point and hold a detailed discussion on the single point that was brought up

Now for my thoughts. I was merely criticizing the format, not the ideas themselves, even if I have the feeling they\'ve been brought up before. Right now, I\'m too lazy to go searching for a thread on pets, which I just know is floating around somewhere.

1(On Pets). I assume pets must be fed a certain amount of time after you log in, not literally each day. And would pets have negative /positive interactions with other pets of different species? As for including animals like horses and dogs, I agree under the condition that they are werird and unique PS equivilants to the horse/dog. Perhaps one that will fit the underground enviroment of the Stone Labryniths, or the city-liike atmosphere of underground cities.

You cannot hassle me for going off-topic, because I am technically on-topic. It is just that I can find absolutely nothing to say  to the post above this one.

Wish list /
« on: July 14, 2004, 03:29:33 pm »

Oh, and would future posters mind putting a space between the URL brackets to disable it from linking thread viewers to the thread? If you see what I mean, of course. Something like this:

[ URL=]Example[/URL ]

Where there is a space between the bracket and the URL sign. It would be much easier for me to copy new threads into the Compilation key concept being future threads.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 13, 2004, 08:42:12 pm »
Peter Pettigrew, Your ideal job is an Emperor of all the world.

A radical change from my first try...

An example of the impossible being predicted.

 Though there are already two others who are (ideally)emperor of the world...

Voldemort, Your ideal job is a Street Sweeper.

Ronald McDonald, Your ideal job is a As the Local always in the pub whenever you walk in.

Too true.

Wish list /
« on: July 10, 2004, 05:43:21 pm »
Let\'s see, poison gases could be used as a deadly weapon. Or simply as a non-lethal gas that forces the victim to flee, choking, coughing, or otherwise disabled. One could use the power of wind to push the poison gas back, or direct it.

As for beneficial effects, the only thing that comes into my mind is that it could be used as fuel for vehicles in general. I envision, with my nearsighted eyes and mentally deranged mind, floating siege engines that travel much more quickly than with regular animals pulling them. And I assume that the gases don\'t necessarily have to be existant on Earth that we are aware of. Yet.

Wish list /
« on: June 16, 2004, 10:42:17 pm »
The more original, the better.

Name: Plahr

Description: A dark-furred, boar-like mammal that dwells mainly in the Stone Labryniths. A single horn is above the tip of the snout and can be used as a deadly weapon, and is the Plahr\'s main source of magic, but the Plahr is actually quite docile once captured and tamed. In the wild, it tends to be quite cautious and avoids contact with others. Plahrs are hunted for their fur, meat, and horns, but are difficult to kill or even track.

Normal Attack: The single horn is used in charging at others.

Magical Attack: The Plahr uses its horn to fire an electric charge to stun opponents. Due to that magical property, Plahr horns may be highly valued as ingredients or materials in making... stuff.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 13, 2004, 06:10:08 pm »
Robert Jordan stated explicitly in an interview that Moridin did NOT murder Asmodean. He takes his characters far too seriously to use a silly pun like that (quoted from the interview to the extent of my memory).

Oh, and Robert Jordan is a pseudonym (found in another interview at ). And the author of the WoT was a nuclear engineer before he wrote the books, just to throw that out at you...

RJ plans to end the series at around 12 books (not including prequels and including exisiting books). This number does not take into account the splitting of the existing books into smaller chunks. Again, info from the interview(s)...

Wish list /
« on: May 13, 2004, 06:03:59 pm »
Should it be possible to combine orbs, or should orbs remain independent on not be fused together?

And of course, I assume that orbs will be created, and not just exist in random areas.

This reminds me of the angreal of the WoT series. Each channeler, when drawing through one of these, can hold more of the Power (similar to mana, but not quite). Orbs apparently just enhance combat casting, but should they also enhance spells casted for \'civil affairs?\'

Wish list /
« on: May 13, 2004, 05:53:49 pm »
I meant that I am not clear on what the use of familiars should be. Should they be limited to combat/animal training, or could they have extra abilities? Do they have their own personalities, or are they merely an empty shell that is an extension of the character? Personally, I believe that familiars should have their own intelligence, and have extra abilities so that all players have to make the decision as to whether to have a familiar or not.

As for your second paragraph, it would be interesting to see used. Ransoming could be done... For example, take a guild war. Two Guild 1 members seperate and steal a Guild 2 member\'s familiar. Then, Guild 2 member suffers - how, I am not sure. Guild 1 offers to return the familiar for a price. Guild 2 has a choice of either paying or rescuing the familiar. Comments?

As for your first paragraph... That takes away the responsiblity of protecting the familiar from most non-magical creatures. If you want something, you need to pay the price. The price doesn\'t necessarily have to be the familiar taking damage to HP, but perhaps \"unique damage\" to mana, armor, weaponry, etc... That would not make too much sense, or would it?


The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 12, 2004, 06:11:41 pm »
Crossroads of Twilight\'s main fault was that it spent too little time on Rand. I myself enjoyed the story, as it caught up with what the other main characters did so that readers wouldn\'t be confused. The fact that I was anticipating the fact that Rand wouldn\'t be mentioned that often (by checking reviews) allowed me to not be upset with Rand\'s relatively low profile.

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