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Messages - Xillix Queen of Fools

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 118
Yes fortunately the system was set up to be expandable infinitely. Not just anyone has the wherewithal to do all that data though.

General Discussion / Re: Questions Concerning Dates
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:36:14 am »
Look it up and quote it if you want utm.

General Discussion / Re: The NPC Re-factor and You
« on: March 02, 2010, 05:13:12 pm »
you aren't looking hard enough ryg :)

General Discussion / Re: The NPC Re-factor and You
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:15:15 am »
Looks like there were some changes to npcs.

Tell us how you feel about them.

If you are actually interested, simply apply to the rules team. We'll evaluate your skills and if you're good enough we'll train you to do what's needed.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: PvP and RP
« on: March 01, 2010, 02:30:09 pm »
A) You are arguing for something in game, in an effort to broaden it.

B) Nearly no one makes any use of those areas in game.

C) You are bringing rational debate to a situation in which the irrational will dominate. Open PVP areas, unfortunately, seem to attract griefers more than anyone with legitimate role-play reasons for being evil.

D) The Platinum mine area is pvp, the rogue camp is pvp, and there is a pvp arena in the Arena of Hydlaa. When these locations are made use of and seen to be attractive to the players, we will consider the possibility of broadening the pvp areas.

I apologize if I seem to be repeating myself and saying things I've said elsewhere, but I have no way of knowing what others have read.

General Discussion / Re: Creative RP and Settings
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:39:31 am »
As for the rest of the questions posed in this thread, what spells you can make up etc...

Think of it like a "Reality by Consensus" if other characters accept and or are willing to play along with your made up RP spells etc, then it's fine to do them, just realize that settings WILL NOT CONSIDER FANON WHEN CARRYING FORTH ITS PLANS, and realize that all players will be expected adjust their skills and stories to the official story-line and mechanics when those are ready.

Meaning the spells we eventually write will be the sum of what's known and possible. Kingdoms of air will have to evaporate.

I've had some great rps based on skills or spells that were unimplemented at the time (and remain so) wherein everyone playing along had agreed to the limitations/powers of every other participant. This can work and I think regularly does looking in the "rp-storytelling" section of this forum.

The point should be to have fun which does not impede the fun others can have.

General Discussion / Re: Questions Concerning Dates
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:27:22 am »
Players who gain certain factions under the new faction system will have access to greater details about history than the common citizen, until then, consider that much of the history has been suppressed by the Octarchy for reasons that are as yet unclear.

Each character will have been educated by the Octarchy on a range of common skills (language, mathematics, combat) however there are and will be secrets that various factions will have access to. Uncovering what exactly is the truth should, in time, be a part of the "game."

This will take a long time to write, so you'll have to be patient.

Codifying this as a system within PS is unlikely to occur.

If however, you enjoy using this to help you describe yourself to others, that's fine.

Wish list / Re: Lawless areas (i.e. for trading routes)
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:12:45 am »
My impression would be that the shortest route between two trade locations is most likely to be patrolled and therefore less dangerous.

Perhaps one day we can provide some sort of award for playing with auto accept on for fighting to encourage its use. I do like the realism of everyone being vulnerable to attacks, but I fear the maturity level of players, coupled with the anonymity of the internet makes this impossible to do without a lot of coding to counteract the basic tendency to exploit mechanics and grief other players for the sake of it.

I've seen what "pvp-rp" servers play like, and it is NOT rp at all. Rp only happens within "safe-zones" in this type of set up, and that is with vastly superior AI than what ps will be able to muster any time soon. Go to the Age of Conan forums and see how this plays out for hundreds of pages.

Wish list / Re: Consumed in the darkness
« on: February 27, 2010, 12:22:54 pm »
Much of what you seek is in game or planned.

General Discussion / Re: Jousting Tournament
« on: February 23, 2010, 12:36:09 pm »
Please edit your previous message instead of double or triple posting masient!

Development Team Blog / Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« on: February 23, 2010, 10:12:40 am »
Some people have responded to this via PM, I suggest now that anyone with ideas just publish them here for others to see and comment on!

File a bug report and list exactly the situation.

If you are stuck ask a game master to restore you via irc #planeshift-gmtalk

General Discussion / Re: Release 0.5.2
« on: February 21, 2010, 07:17:58 pm »
known and fixed falcon coming in the update

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