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Topics - Abemore

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The Hydlaa Plaza / GuildWars - World Preview Event!
« on: October 16, 2004, 01:29:57 am »

The GuildWars WPE is nearly upon us!

Don\'t know what I\'m talking about?
Get informed at

Download the Client  (a mere 62 KB zipped)

Do you need a reason to play GuildWars?
Here are some:
- it\'s a free 3 day preview. you have nothing to lose.
- there will never be a monthly fee for this game
- there are no servers or \"shards\" to separate you from your friends.  This way you will truly know that you are the best in the world.
- streaming technology allows the client to be small and updates & patches to be fast.  This means they can change the game world in an instant... as you might see during this preview event on Halloween ;)
- load up the client right now and see how amazing the in-game graphics are on the login screen!  Yes, that really is the in-game graphic engine!

Anyway, as you might be able to tell, I\'m pretty excited about the whole thing.  GW has fixed every problem that I\'ve ever had with MMO\'s, and I\'ve had quite a bit (just check my This is Why EQ Sucks  thread). :)

Hope to see you all there October 29th-31st! :))

Thinking of pre-ordering the game (as I already have)?  You can get one of five in-game bonus items  depending on where you pre-order.  The pre-order also reserves you a spot in their beta weekend events.

The Hydlaa Plaza / A 2nd good looking Crystal Space game?
« on: June 18, 2004, 03:58:25 am »
The legends are true!


This is the only other game using the Crystal Space engine that doesn\'t look like crap.  I checked them all.

Fan Art / Abemore's Art
« on: June 15, 2004, 06:48:14 pm »
Got a new thread title so as not to unnecessarily offend (or adulate) anyone against their will. ;)

This is drawing number 3.
I think he looks like Guile from Street Fighter II... or Duke Nukem.

I drew this with the help of the tutorials found here.
I think this is probably my best work.

Is anyone else noticing something Freudian about my work?  Particularly the male characters I\'ve drawn? If you don\'t know what I\'m talking about then nevermind, but if you see it too, then let me just say: I swear I\'m not doing it intentionally.

Let me also post the other crap that I did:

[drawing #1]

and [drawing #2]

Fan Art / Kintall-inspired artwork by Abemore
« on: June 01, 2004, 02:56:07 pm »
I am not an artist. I\'ve never drawn anything, but after Kintall\'s amazing art thread I found myself wishing I was.  So, I did a search on drawing tutorials, invested many many hours, and now for the first time ever, here is my art...

...many many hours later, I was finally able to color this scetch...

...and now, my next task (of many many hours) is to shade and highlight.  I\'ll post again when it\'s done. ;)
I\'m actually very proud of myself at this point.

Feedback from the community, especially Kintall, would be great ;)


The Hydlaa Plaza / New crop circles are coming...
« on: May 03, 2004, 05:29:01 am »
I\'m expecting to see some new crop circles this month as they generally begin to appear in either April or May of each year.  Here are the crop circles from last year.

The following excerpt tells of an April crop circle, but no pictures of it have been published, and the original website no longer hosts the story, nor does google have it cached.  Still, we should see more crop circles appearing very shortly...

Originally from but since removed

LARGE crop circles with unbroken stems have mysteriously appeared in the Sunshine Coast hinterland.

Residents of the small town of Conondale, west of Maleny, say they are baffled by the large areas of flattened grass.

Crop circle enthusiast Chris White gave the complex designs an eight out of 10.

General Discussion / Check out the landscape...
« on: January 14, 2004, 06:36:04 am »
Check out the landscape possible with the new CrystalSpace landscape engine that works with the new rendering engine.  I wonder if this will be in CB.

General Discussion / Question on the new Skeleton System.
« on: January 13, 2004, 05:04:31 am »
Will this new modeling system allow \"rag doll\" physics?  That is, would it be possible to drag an unconscience companion out of harms way, and have their body behave as if it were a rag doll, gently flopping along as you pulled?

I only ask because rag doll physics is very important to me. ;)

PvP,PK and Thieving / "Finish Him!!!"
« on: January 13, 2004, 12:24:27 am »
Why, oh why, is PvP combat so often and easily fought to the death?  

Getting a little inspiration from the arcade classic Mortal Kombat, we can see that fighters do not die so easily.  Only when one fighter deals the finishing blow is the other fighter killed (otherwise, he/she just falls down in exhaustion).  

I propose something similar for Planeshift.  Because killing is illegal, or frowned upon in PS, many may not want to engage in the act (due to the negative side effects, perhaps?).  Instead they can enjoy fighting to a non-permanent, non-lethal end.  

However, just like Mortal Kombat, a fighter in PS can elect to implement a finishing blow (if he/she is bent on killing the other).  Many statistics can be factored into the equation that governs the success of the killing strike (such as stealth, whether a player is conscience, etc.).  A killing strike can be attempted at any time, but there is a high chance of failing and being killed yourself.  A failed lethal strike leaves a player open to be killed for free in self defense.

Any potential reward gained from the PK is balanced by the high risk of losing your own life.

The Hydlaa Plaza / A little something for Mogura
« on: August 22, 2003, 02:24:30 am »
moogle\'s, right?  you like moogle\'s.

(good thing I post this in the off topic forum) :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / This is why EQ sucks.
« on: July 28, 2003, 12:41:10 am »
In this thread, please post any reason you have for why Everquest is a crappy game.

If you have something good to say about Everquest, save it for another thread.  This thread is only for showing why it sucks.

I\'ll go first :)

one time i was playing crappy everquest and i was inside a house in a field browsing through some merchants goods. Well, I happened to glance down at the chat window to find that I was being killed by some kind of a griffin. When I finally tried to escape it was too late.

How did this happen? Well, apparently the griffin was flying past the house and, using its x-ray vision, saw me through the wall of the house. This, of course, angered the creature to the point that it abandoned the laws of physics and passed through the wall in order to secretly silently kill me. All the while, I was painstakingly searching through the merchants goods totaly unaware that my body was being torn to pieces. Some indication other than a line of text would have been nice.
although, i guess only music was working (no sound effects) on my computer, this doesn\'t change the fact that EQ sucks for allowing a griffin to fly through the wall of a house and kill me without so much as peep out of the merchant... the bastard.

Everyone join in.  If you have a reason, post it.

General Discussion / Dungeon Instances
« on: July 27, 2003, 05:05:49 pm »
Is the PS team considering Instanced Dungeons?
This is when a player or a party enters a dungeon that becomes an instance (or a copy) that they will have all to themselves.  The next party that enters the same dungeon will create a new instance, thus the dungeon will always be \"ready\" for adventurers, the 2 parties will never meet, and there will be no need for monster spawning.

This idea is being used by World of Warcraft which is beginning to looking like a pretty amazing game.

It would be so interesting to study the interaction and behaviors of people in an environment where:

  • Permanent Death is the only kind of death
  • and people are given a murderous reputation for killing someone, thus they would be hunted down and killed themselves.
even if you were killed by mobs, you\'d be dead forever, and would have to be reincarnated (start over).
Also, PvP attacks would be nonlethal by default, so you can kick the crap out of each other (silence the foul mouths) without worrying about killing... but the truly disturbed can always opt for a lethal attack if they so choose.  They can then take all the belongings of the person they killed.

It\'s an insanely risky system, and I doubt I\'ll ever see it, but I do think it would be interesting to see how it would turn out.  
Does anyone agree?

NOTE: I am not proposing this for Planeshift.  This is just a general discussion.

This is an idea that should allow players all the joy\'s of PK\'ing with none of the grief cause by actual PK\'ing.  

Let me start by saying, the main characters in a movie or book or any story never die.  They can be badly beaten, but because they are the main characters, they cannot be killed.  In a MMORPG every player is a main character.  So every player must survive till the end of the story.

That being said, I propose that no player character be killed ever.  Wait, it\'s not as crazy as it sounds.  It can work.  Here\'s how...

  • In place of death would be being beaten to a bloody pulp.  There would be no loss of items, or instant respawn.  You would just lay on the ground bleeding.  
  • At this point you are as good as dead.  Herbs and potions will do you no good as they can only heal minor wounds.
  • If you have mage friends, a powerful circle magic spell can be used to \"revive\" you.  If not, you must crawl or be carried by a friend back to a town where you can be healed.
  • In this state, you must speak slowly and cannot shout.  You are nearly dead, so you must act like it.  This can serve as a fitting punishment for verbally abusive players.
  • Your body cannot be looted because you are still alive and can still grab the arm of a thief.
  • This would leave zero incentive for random PK\'ing.
Possible Modifications
Maybe players can run out of blood after a certain amount of lying on the ground bleeding.  This would allow the death quest I seem to remember reading about.

(Semi-)Final Thoughts
It is still inconvenient to be beaten to a bloody pulp.  
Grief still exists when more powerful players lay the unprovoked smackdown on less powerful players.  
Hmm... so... it is the randomness of the attack that is the problem.... yet there is no way to determine whether an attack is random or provoked...
.........................eurika!  I\'ve got it! Playground rules!


NOTE: Playground Rules are flawed like every other system.  Please disregard.
Playground Rules
The same rules used on the playground of your grade school.

  • We start with no open/random attacking.  You must first establish yourself as the aggressor before you can attack another player.
  • You do this by \"pushing\" them :)
  • After you push them, you become the aggressor and can be attacked by anyone for a short time.  
  • You must also wait a short time before you can follow up that push with an actual attack.
  • The one you pushed must then choose to stay and fight or run.
  • Anytime you push or attack someone you become an aggressor for a short time.
  • Aggressors can be attacked by anyone.  (That means things can get messy real fast in a gang scenario.)
Whew... let me know if anyone sees problems with any of this.  It so far looks pretty solid to me.

PvP,PK and Thieving / The Logoff issue.
« on: July 19, 2003, 02:23:33 pm »
very much related to PvP, PK, and thieving as well as general gaming.  A player could potentially logoff of the game when things get rough.  And then you have players appearing and disappearing all the time.

This must be dealt with, or a thief may loot and logoff.  The disappearing thief... how impossible to catch.

In everquest they solved this by requiring you to camp before you logoff.  As I detest nearly everything about everquest, I pray we do not mimic this.

Although, preventing logoff at certain times seems important.  Such as when the arm of a thief is being held by its \'mark\'.

Also, just for the purpose of appearance, it would be nice to see a player logoff by walking through a portal he created... instead of simply vanishing.

The Hydlaa Plaza / A gift to the PS Community...
« on: July 04, 2003, 02:08:41 am »
It\'s me!  ...just kidding :P

I really do have a gift
...although its kind of unrelated...
but hey, this is the off-topic forum, heh

so, anyway....  ............umm......... ........ right, the gift.
the gift is something I made specifically for you that I hope you like.  And I know the kind of things that you like.  You and me, PS community, we go way back; we have history.  I remember that time when we were holding hands walking along the beach and you hinted that you liked rocks as big as diamonds... well, I know I shouldn\'t have PS community, but I wanted to, and you know you\'re worth it...

I got you a Pizza Value Calculator !!!

why are you angry, PS community?  I did this for us... okay, mostly for me, but I put your name on it... oh... oh yeah... i guess that is my name.  What can I say, I like pizza, and I don\'t need to waste all my money buying expensive Round Table pizza that you wont even eat!


I\'m sorry PS community, I don\'t want to fight... m... maybe we should just be friends.  
This relationship is getting kinda weird anyway.

So check out the Pizza Value Calculator I made for you.  It\'ll save you MONEY. =)

Pizza Value Calculator and slightly crazy story provided free of charge by:
- A b e /\\/\\ o r e

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