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Topics - Donari Tyndale

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General Discussion / PlaneShift & public relations - an analysis
« on: April 12, 2015, 07:13:16 am »
So I played around with google trends a bit. Here's what it has in store for PS. Feel free to discuss and enhance my analysis.

The overall interest in PS looks like this

Easy enough, PS was at its peak back in '07, however, it has largely fallen into oblivion with now interest less than 1% than what it was at the peak. Now, let's break this down a bit.

Here's what the geographical interest distribution looks like:

Interestingly, this suggests that interest in PS is somewhat localized, probably due to local communities (like the German community).

Another factor we can look at is statistics for individual countries.

Here's what the UK/Germany/France's statistics look like (I took Germany's par example, but the others are the same)

Of interest here is the essential drop to zero at the end of '09.

The next pattern includes Canada/Brazil/Italy/Spain

A series of peaks, nothing else.

And lastly, we got the US

Note the sharp drop to zero at the end of last year.

So what does this all mean? Well, for me, it indicates PlaneShift gets around by word of mouth and local communities as the geographical distribution is highly localized (twice as many people talking searching for it in Montreal than in LA). Note the trend for mainland Europe. Clearly, PS had an active interest (=community) in Germany, France and the UK until the end of 2009 (when the server was offline), which killed the interest in the local community.
In countries such as Brazil/Italy and Spain, PS never even gained a big foothold and raises an eyebrow or two a few times, but was quickly forgotten.
And in the US, PS is now as unpopular as ever before.

I wonder, does PS do any active PR? Clearly, we need to raise interest in PS, as this isn't just due to people not liking the game, but rather people not googling the game. We need to make the world aware of this game once more.

So the guys and I decided it was time to get some proper music into PS because Grindulf can't do it all by himself.

I wrote this little converter tool that allows you to load a musicXML (a format for music sheets commonly used) into an XML that PS can read (just google musicXML ;D).

If you want to edit scores or work with midi files, I suggest using musescore.


So here's how you do it.

1. Obtain a musicXML of the song you want to upload (For example from

2. Open the xml with a text editor. It will look like this:

3. Remove those first two lines if it looks like above. If it starts with <score...>, you're fine.

4. Now open the converter (Windows only at this point, if one of you guys wants to compile for another OS, I'm happy to share the source code):

5. Click "Load sacrifice" and select your xml. There will be several parts (most likely, different instrument tracks), but PS can only handle one of them. Select the one you want in the first drop down menu.

6. The cut measure option allows you to cut measures if the file is too long for PS to handle, ignore it if you're unsure what to do (afaik the limit is 65kb).

7. Click "Hail the Empire" and find the "_out.xml" in the same directory as the source file. Put the out file into your PlaneShift/musicsheets folder and upload into PS. Example:

8. A few things:
  • If the tune is off, try increasing divisions.
  • Regardless what PlaneShift shows, try playing the file. Sometimes, it loads properly but the display in PS is off.
  • There have been reports of this not working with GreatShift
  • You can also adjust the BPM ingame
  • The "Find the traitor" option puts out a larger, but indented xml file for easier reading.
  • We've tested many scores, most of them seem to work. Due to the way different voices are processed, the result may appear a bit scrambled. Generally, the simpler the score, the more likely you'll get a proper result in PS
  • If you have troubles getting a score to work, let me know. It helps with debugging

9. Thanks Mariana for the awesome logo!

PlaneShift Mods / Teleport & more PS client
« on: April 01, 2015, 05:53:41 am »
So I have played around with the PS source code for a while and compiled a new client (Windows only, though) with the following features:
  • Freeze your health & mana bars in order to prevent damage.
  • Instantly teleport to any map/instance (works great for touring guild houses).
  • Circumvent the work timer, instantly repair, cast or mine as fast as you can click that button.
  • You can now trade negative amounts of trias, those are deducted from the person you're trading to and credited to your own inventory.
For those interested, here's the link to the compiled client:.

Needless to say, don't log on to the main server with this ;D

Complaint Department / PlaneShift, public relations and LGBT issues
« on: March 25, 2015, 09:03:49 am »
Let's start with a picture.

Right now, the average amount of players online is actually the lowest since switching to teamix. Clearly, PS is in need of good public relations.

Now, there is a shitstorm just waiting to happen with the whole PS marriage thing. With the current IT/internet community rather set on promoting these issues, it's just a matter of time before the shitstorm ignites, in my opinion. No organization these days can afford to even be superficially accused of an anti-lgbt stance. Now, while I get Talad's argument in the current debate, the question isn't whether this is perfectly permissible as a setting for PS (which it is), but rather the outwards view it portrays. If anyone here followed the recent Gamergate debate, I'm pretty sure that once lgbt-activists hear what's going on, they won't exactly take the same stance as Talad. And then at latest, PS is headed for a PR black hole.

On the other hand, if PS adopted an actively pro LGBT stance, perhaps this would generate positive PR and improve the game's standing? Also, perhaps we should discuss dropping the "There was no homosexual marriage in the mediaval times" argument as "There was no magic, no Klyros, no Kran, no Laanx, no Yliakum etc. in the middle ages" either.


The Hydlaa Plaza / Warning about oxygen
« on: January 11, 2015, 08:27:55 pm »
Disclaimer: Don't freak out over this topic. Don't make a ruckus over it. This is not yet common knowledge. I have been instructed not to share this information because people's livelihoods and businesses are at stake. However, I'm not going to let anyone potentially harm themselves out of ignorance.

I just wanted to make people aware that the gas oxygen, which is used for breathing, is in its normal state highly toxic. The gas is not meant to be left in the body. If it does not pass through, you are in danger of experiencing extreme pain, muscle fatigue, joint stiffness, and a slew of other symptoms which are probably individual. In most cases it passes through without issue, and it was originally thought that only people with renal problems would not pass it, but this is turning out not to be true. People who have breathed have the risk of experiencing these symptoms. I have breathed far more than a person should have, and I've paid the price.

Don't risk life-threatening health issues by refusing to breathe, but don't let yourself be needlessly poisoned.

supr srs donari out!

In-Game Roleplay Events / First Yliakum Economic Council
« on: July 09, 2014, 08:21:35 am »
Open invitation
To the first Yliakum Economic Council

Long enough have we hard working people endured an ever fluctuating value of the tria. It is time that we put an end to unjust market fluctuations and introduce a sound and stable currency, one approved and controlled by the people, not one set by an evening's game of dice in the Octarchs' dining rooms.

Under chairmanship of her Highness Lady Donari Tyndale, Empress Regnant of the Dark Empire, we cordially invite you to participate in the first Yliakum Economic Council to discuss and evaluate the possibilities and problems faced by a public currency.

The current proposal shall be as such:
  • A central currency authority shall be established to control and issue a currency.
  • The central authority shall be supervised by a council of both guilds and individuals.
  • The currency shall have variable exchange rates, set by the central authority, versus various goods and tria in order to assure market flexibility.
  • The fundamental value of the currency shall be a certain period of work done by an unskilled labourer, such as originally sought for the tria.
  • The central authority shall collect and retain, in exchange for currency, a necessary amount of valuables in order to back the value of the currency from members of the council.

The Yliakum Economic Council shall first gather after this week's market at [17:00 UTC, Saturday 11.7] in the Hydlaa plaza.

PlaneShift Mods / BMP to XML (Aka importing drawings into PS)
« on: March 26, 2014, 08:18:43 am »
So I was playing around a little and made a tool that takes my .bmp picture and converts it into a map that is useable by Planeshift. Here's some examples:

You can download the file here. It looks like this:

First, load a .bmp image. "Canvas Boundary" gives the image a frame, "Scale" scales your image and "Brush Tip" determines which character is used to draw your image. The first image was done using "." with scale 2, the second "*" with scale 3. You'll need to experiment around.

Oh, and the colour white is set to transparent, meaning whatever portion of your image is blank white will be ignored by the converter. Keep in mind that there is a character limit of ~200 painted pixels per map, set by the game (Talad should totally increase that so we can import better drawings).

If you want to do a black and white painting, you're in luck, because that is easier: The best size is around 200x200 pixels, paint whatever you want in black, leave the rest white. Load the image, simply check the box "Charcoal" and hit convert. Scale has no effect in this setting.

For those who feel like complaining that this doesn't work on their operating system/whatever, here's the source code. I have no idea of coding and whatever you might need to get this working on your machine.

Code: [Select]

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1
    Dim img As Bitmap

    Function I2H(int As Integer) As String
        Dim str As String
        str = Hex(int)
        If Len(str) = 1 Then
            str = "0" + str
        End If
        Return str
    End Function

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Me.Text = "BMP to XML by Donari"
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
            img = Image.FromFile(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
            PictureBox1.Image = img

        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        Dim x As Integer
        Dim y As Integer
        Dim cx As Integer
        Dim cy As Integer
        Dim out As String
        Dim pt As String
        Dim col As Color
        Dim white As Integer
        Dim scale As Integer
        scale = CInt(TextBox1.Text)
        white = Color.White.ToArgb()
        y = img.Height
        x = img.Width
        cx = CInt(TextBox3.Text)
        cy = CInt(TextBox2.Text)
        If SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
            out = SaveFileDialog1.FileName
        End If
        Dim fs As FileStream = File.Create(out)
        Dim info As Byte()

        If Not CheckBox1.Checked Then
            info = New UTF8Encoding(True).GetBytes("<pages><page l=""236"" t=""161"" w=""" + CStr(x * scale + 2 * cx) + """ h=""" + CStr(scale * y + 2 * cy) + """>")
            fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length)
            For i = 1 To x - 1
                For j = 1 To y - 1
                    col = img.GetPixel(i, j)
                    If col.ToArgb() <> white Then
                        pt = "<tx x=""" + CStr(i * scale + cx) + """ y=""" + CStr(j * scale + cy) + """t=""" + TextBox4.Text + """ col=""" + I2H(col.R) + I2H(col.G) + I2H(col.B) + """/>"
                        info = New UTF8Encoding(True).GetBytes(pt)
                        fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length)
                    End If
            info = New UTF8Encoding(True).GetBytes("<pages><page l=""236"" t=""161"" w=""" + CStr(x * 4 + 2 * cx) + """ h=""" + CStr(3 * y + 2 * cy) + """>")
            fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length)
            For j = 1 To y - 1
                pt = "<tx x=""" + CStr(1 + cx) + """ y=""" + CStr(j * 3 + cy) + """t="""
                For i = 1 To x - 1
                    col = img.GetPixel(i, j)
                    If col.ToArgb() <> white Then
                        pt = pt + "''"
                        pt = pt + " "
                    End If
                pt = pt + """ col=""0""/>"
                info = New UTF8Encoding(True).GetBytes(pt)
                fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length)
        End If
        info = New UTF8Encoding(True).GetBytes("</page></pages>")
        fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length)
    End Sub

End Class

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Legacy
« on: March 19, 2014, 10:08:30 am »
Donari awoke. She lay in a luxurious bed in a richly decorated room, its walls covered by carved wooden panels. She knew this place. But she did not know how she got here.

Confused, she lifted herself out of the bed and took the windowed door to the balcony. She leaned on the iron ballustrade as she gazed around, in the distance she saw the two majestic waterfalls descending from the upper levels into the Lakeshore. Land's End. Home.

The balcony she stood on was part of a larger, still unfinished, structure built adjacent to Yliakum's wall. Below and around her, quite many workers stood on scaffolds, busy expanding the building. Her hands tightly grasped the railing, she felt a surge of pleasure as she recalled giving the order of construction. Money. Trade. Power. Her legacy.

She went inside, searching the closets for something that was more pleasing to her eye than her nightgown. Once she was dressed, she walked through the second door of the room and down a spiral staircase. She entered a room surrounded by enourmous bookshelves that brimmed over with books and scrolls. Order. Always keep a receipt, she reminded herself. This room was the heart of her trading empire, containing all transactions, requests and deliveries. In the middle of the room was a large, long table. On one end sat a young lemur, still in his teens, busily studying a pile of documents and taking notes. Donari approached him, offering the lemur a smile. "Good day to you, Tolian." she said.

"Mylady" the young lemur said with surprise in his voice. "Aunt" Tolian continued. "You are awake"

Donari took a seat on a chair next to Tolian. She took a quick glance at the documents in front of Tolian, then breathed deeply and looked to him. "What happened? How did I get here? The last I remember was Hydlaa." She was a little confused, the lack of memories shook her usually calm attitude.

"We have heard reports that you had gone..." Tolian could not help himself but grin at Donari. "..showed unusual behaviour." he corrected himself, recalling who he was addressing. "I had sent for someone to investigate, but they were not able to find you. Not on the Dome, anyway. We found your trail again in Nalvys when you exited the Winch a few weeks later." He twisted his hair with his fingers as he felt uncomfortable to go into further detail. "We tried to reason with you, but you were... unresponsive. I immediately asked for you to be... escorted... here". He looked into Donari's eyes, smiling apologetically. "Our mages found poison in your system, a psychological one. After we administered an antidote, you fell into a deep sleep. I am glad you recovered."

Donari rested her head on her arms. She felt tired and exhausted. Poison. That thought rested heavily on her mind. "Then it is better I stay away from my enemies for the moment. It is capital to find out who did this. And why. And make them pay dearly." She smiled a little as thoughts of revenge ran through her head.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP/Event] An explosion in the Iron Temple.
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:57:33 pm »
[First of all, kudos to Hemmel for this interesting roleplay! I am looking forward to see it continuing!  \\o//]

Donari and Jekkar were verily praying in the Laanx Temple as an explosion shook the floor above them. Gazing into each other's eyes, they sensed something was amiss. Locking hands, they quickly paced up the stairs and rushed towards the Book of Names, where they heard the noise originate.

Inside, they found a dreadful sight. The smell of burnt blood was in the air. In a corner lay an unconscious Ynwnn, Hemmel, as the two star-crossed lovers were soon to find out. Donari gave Jekkar a meaningful look as she gestured at the Ynwnn. Together, they approached him and while Donari knelt in order to examine the immobilized Ynwnn more closely, Jekkar put the foot of his third leg on Hemmel's sole visible hand. Donari wondered as to where the second hand might be, but she was more concerned with the health of the poor creature in front of her.

Giving him a gentle slap with her hand, Hemmel quickly recovered his consciousness. Donari asked in a gentle voice,"What did you do here?"

"Get off my hand", Hemmel growled, unwilling to respond. "Those who are informed. Let me up or I will place you on the wrong side of Octarchal law." He paused a moment before going on. "Fear not, you having nothing to be afraid of." he continued, directing his angst at Jekkar.

The latter however was unfathomed by the empty threat and kept his position, unwilling to move an inch and allow the villain to free his hand, aware of the multitude of possibilities of evil the hand could do to him and his love eternal, Donari.

Hemmel, now quite agitated, acted without moving an eyebrow. He sprang a hidden mechanism that launched a blade towards Jekkar's leg, neatly severing the just recently attached superfluous lower extremity, sending it on an airborne journey through the vastness of the holy room.

Jekkar, being quite fond of his recently attached superfluous leg went chasing after it, unwilling to give up that pinnacle of dark magic.

With a slight grin on her face, Donari turned to Hemmel and asked him in a stern voice, "Now sir, why are you chopping off Lord Jekkar's leg while we have nothing to fear from you?"  Her index finger waggled demonstratively at the young Ynwnn.

Free of the leg's hold on his arm, Hemmel rose. "My business is my own. I have harmed no soul or body but my own. If you have something to accuse me of, accuse me."

Donari smiled at him. It was one of her warm, gentle smiles. "You know, people might think you a loner if you go in temples and burn blood and explode things. And you don't want people to think you are a loner, do you?" she said to Hemmel. Her eyes looked up and down, now getting a full view of his outfit. "Especially with that dark clothing. I can recommend you a better tailor, if you want."

Defiantly, Hemmel replied. "I am in fact, accustomed to relying on myself."

Nodding in a manner that would signal nothing but understanding, Donari offered the Ynwnn a comforting smile. "Ok. So I guess you should clean up here. And put the fire back on" she told him, now a little less stern.

Hemmel walked forward, towards the centre of the room.

With a curious gaze, Donari eyed him. "So. You are surely dying to tell us what masterpiece you did here?" She spoke as Jekkar moved to block the Ynwnn's path towards the exit, now having safely tucked his superfluous leg away.

Irritated that someone would pay attention to him, Hemmel turned to Donari. "What reason would I have for revealing my secrets to you?"

"You have no one else to tell because people think you are a loner? I mean. You go inside here. You do some obviously dark ritual. And then you cry about how you are all alone", Donari replied. She shrugged shortly. "That doesn't seem healthy behaviour to me."

Jekkar looked at Donari with grave concern.He solemnly added, "Mistress Donari...The darkness in frightens me..."

Breathing deeply, Donari looked from Jekkar to Hemmel, then made a decision. She stepped closer and gave Hemmel a brief hug, her face offering nothing but comfort and understanding.

Hemmel however, irritated by the sudden attention to his self, conjured a short blast of crystal way magic, seeking to push Donari and Jekkar away from the little soft spot that had just warmed up in his heart. Unaware of the dreadful consequences, the magic engulfed Jekkar's superfluous extra leg, setting it aflame. It was held together by nothing but magic. The flames quickly engulfed Jekkar's well kempt and dirty fur, sending him to the ground in agonizing pain. As his screams pierced the silence of the temple below, Hemmel quickly took matters into his own hands, attempting to extinguish the flames with his cloak.

As the flames faded, Jekkar rose again, his inner strength overcome the pain inflicted on him by the fire, the wounds closing by his own magic.

Donari waggled her finger at Hemmel. "See? Don't play with magic. Lord Jekkar might catch fire. So. What is your name, sir? Dark Evil? The Great Destroyer? Shadow Death?"

"I am Hemmel. I am called The Scribe. You have allowed me to continue my your own way...", Hemmel replied -seemingly less angsty than before.

Gaining confidence with their newly found friend, Donari inquired. "Hey Hemmel. Would you like me and Jekkar to be your family?"

"Family? I trust my enemies more", the Ynwnn answered her, distrustful once more. Donari sighed. "Now. You see. These strange answers make you even more look like a loner. You'll never find a girlfriend that way.

"Be careful Mistress! The Darkness! I see it in him!" Jekkar shouted, having gazed upon the true nature of the person in front of him and his true love.

"You have a surprisingly good eye, old Enki. Leave me be, and I will leave this place as it was", Hemmel acknowledged. He held up his hand, summoning a bright globe of fire that rushed forward to engulf the dark brazier on the wall.

Donari gave Hemmel a scolding look. "What did I say about using magic", she said to him as she made a gesture in the air, summoning a beautiful flower which she promptly stuck in Hemmel's hair with a smile.

Guilds Forum / [GUILD] The True Faces of Talad
« on: August 08, 2009, 12:14:07 pm »
I. The truth

A long time ago, when there was no Yliakum, two gods, Talad and his beautiful slave Laanx, sought power and decided to create a race of obedient servants to worship them till the end of time. Eventually, they found a quiet and innocent place, waiting to do their bidding. Laanx, eager and full of ambition, would not wait for her true master, Talad, to guide her and create the world according to his will, and sought the power of the crystal to create her own beings, the foul and rotten Lemurs. Talad, realising the disobedience of Laanx, was furious. Envious of her creation and deprived of his right to be the first, he decided to punish her. Striking her with the very power she used to create, he disfigured her for all eternity so all creations may look at her as the disfigured godess.

After being thus punished, the ungrateful and foul Laanx decided to hide from the wrath of Talad and sought revenge. Realising he was not powerful enough to beat his master, he spread rumours of Talad's benevolence and goodwill to his Lemurs, thus they all may worship the wrong nature of Talad and supposedly depriving him of his power. Even Talad's creation, the Kran, were convinced of his benevolence quickly due to the limited nature of their brain.

Only few, faithful and true, lived on to tell the true tale of Talad to their children. Deep down below Yliakum, an outcast Talad, deprived of his place as the violent and powerful god, sought to corrupt the remaining of Laanx' followers, and lied to them about his true nature, masking as Laanx himself. Since they were created by a weak god, the weak Lemurs quickly believed Talad and decided to follow him, for one day Laanx' own creation would turn against their creator and help Talad back to glory.

II. The True  Faces of Talad

The True Faces of Talad are the true worshippers of Talad, since only they know his true nature and seek to shape Yliakum according to his will. Each member is an incarnation of Talad, through those his will shall be done. Every being seeking to follow the true path of power is allowed novicehood among the True Faces of Talad, providing they find the path of shadow through veil of light. Open your eyes and abandon the lies, for the only redemption lies in power.

III. The sacred words

Greed and envy lead to power, for only if we hate we shall thrive in darkness. Blood of the unbelievers is honey in our throats, for their remains shall spread his truth. Death is a sin, destruction is a blessing, for the forsaken realm belongs to him.

[OOC information]
Wohoo, an evil Talad guild! Everyone is welcome to join, but you can not join the usual way. Of course you can notify me OOCly, however, the IC way of joining involves solving a riddle. I hope you'll enjoy it.

General Discussion / Weekly roleplay lessons
« on: May 03, 2009, 05:55:38 pm »
Recently, I've noticed that many people seem to be unaware what roleplay actually means. They might know the definition of OOC or IC, but quite often they don't know what they are doing wrong when praising their "300q weapons" in auction tab. Someone (Aka Vonor) suggested me trying to give roleplay lessons instead of trying to change the people by criticism. And thus here I am.

First of all, I am looking for volunteers who would be willing to help out on the teacher side of the lesson so this idea can eventually reach all timezones. Next, concerning the place. It'd be best if we'd do some theory, either in game or on IRC. IRC has the advantage of being far better for communication purposes, whereas in game reaches everyone. What do you guys think? Secondly, I think the theory should be followed by some practice, for example a tiny roleplay event which allows those that just heard a lot of theory to practice their roleplay skills without fearing to be criticised for lack of english etc.

I'm awaiting feedback and volunteers!

Guilds Forum / [Organisation] The Tyndale Foundation of Arts
« on: February 17, 2009, 09:38:59 am »
The Tyndale Foundation of Arts

Citizens of Hydlaa! I, Sir Tolian Tyndale, hereby announce the creation of the Tyndale Foundation of Arts, a beneficial organisation set to promoting arts and education throughout Yliakum and make them available for free to everyone.

The Tyndale Foundation of Arts is entirely beneficial, and any money in it's possession will be used for the arts and education purposes only.
If you intend to do anything that promotes the arts, such as exhibitions, painting, crafting or creativity contests and more, contact any representative of the Tyndale Foundation of Arts in order to be considered a candidate for funding. Your application is then discussed in the board of directors and you may be asked to present your idea on your own. The same applies to any ideas that support education. Do not hesitate to apply, for you may finally get the long sought after aid in creating and promoting your idea!

The current president of the Tyndale Foundation of Arts is Sir Cilay Mecur, Keeper of the Hammer. Other board members are Sir Tolian Tyndale and more, which have yet to be determined. If you wish to be a member of the board of directors, do not hesitate to apply.

All expenditures must be reviewed and approved by the president and the board of directors in order to prevent a misuse of donations.

Current projects:
The Tyndale Foundation of Arts is currently financing the construction a theatre outside the city gates of Hydlaa and the hosting of public events in it.

Current funds:
714k tria.

In-Game Roleplay Events / The Tyndale Festival of Arts
« on: February 04, 2009, 04:33:42 pm »
The Tyndale Fesitval of Arts

Citizens of Hydlaa! I, Sir Tolian Tyndale, executive director of the Tyndale Trading Company, hereby announce the first Tyndale Festival of Arts, to be held in three weeks and three days. [Sunday, 8.2.2009 at 19.00 GMT] As some of you may have heard, the Tyndale Trading Company seeks to construct a theatre, a place for the arts and all those that seek to express themselves on a higher level! The Tyndale Festival of Arts will take place directly in front of the gate leading to Ojaveda, on the future site of the theatre, just a few metres away from the city wall of Hydlaa.

The Tyndale Festival of Arts will feature several exhibitions of art by different artists, musicians and crafters. A jury will decide on the finest piece of art or exhibition, the winner will receive a permanent sponsorship by the Tyndale Trading Company! Additionaly, a theatre play will be performed for the guests on the site of the future stage of the theatre!

The Tyndale Trading Company is still looking for participants, such as

  • Musicians
  • Actors to act in the play
  • Crafters
  • Painters
  • Acrobats
  • Dancers

The Tyndale Trading Company will supply all guests with small snacks and drinks for free, however, a small donation is asked of every person visiting the Tyndale Festival of Arts.

Last but not least, a grand auction is held at the site of the festival, behold for some of the rarest and most exquisite goods found in all of Yliakum! The auction will be a held in such a way that all bids are made on goods which identity is vaguely specified. Once all goods are auctioned, they are handed to the highest bidder.

All donations and income, minus the financial efforts done on the company's side, are going into the construction of a new theatre for the populace of Hydlaa and it's maintenance.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] The Tyndale Blademasters Championship
« on: January 14, 2009, 06:42:58 pm »
The Tyndale Blademasters Championship

Citizens of Hydlaa! I, Sir Tolian Tyndale, hereby announce the first Tyndale Blademasters Championship to be held in the arena of Hydlaa in fourteen weeks and four days time [January 31st.]! Register for one of the thrilling tournaments and be awarded an honourary title!

  • Arcane Domination:
    A contest of Yliakum's strongest mages, prepare for a battle of minds and creativity! The winner will be awarded the honourary title "Arcane Dominator".
  • Destruction's Call:
    A battle open for everyone! A group of brave warriors engages in open combat against each other, the last one still able to fight will be awarded the honourary title "Destruction's Hand".
  • Artistic Blade:
    A fight where those that have mastered the art of combat can prove their skill and talent, the winner will be decided on by a jury. All kind of weapons are admitted into this contest. [Hint for people who like to roleplay fights, join this :P] The one with the most talent and skill shall further carry the honourary title "Artistic Blade".
  • Fate's Survivor:
    A classic duelling tournament where fighters test their skills against each other in melee combat. The winner will receive the title of "Fate's Survivor".
  • Courage's Chosen:
    Everyone who may not yet be ready to mess with the skilled fighters is allowed to join this tournament and test their skills in a classic elimination contest. The winner will receive the honourary title of "Courage's Chosen" for his bravery.

Every person seeking to register for any tournament should contact any member of the Tyndale Trading Company to receive a registration sheet. The registration fee is a mere 500 tria and further to the title the winner of each tournament will receive 70% of all registration fees of his tournament as price money.

The Tyndale Trading Company offers an exclusive seven course gourmet dinner at the upper tribune for only thousand tria per person, registration or invitation required. Do not miss this opportunity to gaze upon the tournament from the best position of view available and get an exclusive dinner served by master chef Ravoll Loiseau himself!

Additionally, the representatives of the Tyndale Trading Company will offer several gambling opportunities as entertainment for our viewers along with the opportunity to place bets on the outcome of the tournaments.
Food and drinks will be sold by the company.

Guilds Forum / [Organisation] The Tyndale Trading Company
« on: January 10, 2009, 06:27:24 pm »
The Tyndale Trading Company

What is the Tyndale Trading Company?

The Tyndale Trading Company is an investment and merchandise business. Everyone can invest his money into the business, for which he will receive interest. The current interest rate is two percent every half Yliakum year [RL month]. The interest rate will rise once the business is going, but it is kept low for the beginning so obligations do not bancrupt the business.
The Tyndale Trading Company is run by the board of shareholders, entities (guilds, individuals or else) that own shares of the company. Shares can be freely sold or given away, as long as the board of shareholders is informed about the transaction. Every action and investment done in the name of the Tyndale Trading Company has to be approved of by the board of shareholders. Simple majority wins.

How is the Tyndale Trading Company structured?

The Tyndale Trading Company is run by the executive director, whose actions are supervised by the board of shareholders. The company will further found various child companies and own the majority of shares to those child companies. The child companies specialise in various areas of business and are supervsed by the executive director.
Every office of the company in each region of Yliakum has a director that oversees the local business. The local directors are directly subordinate to the executive director. The executive director is required to present the board of shareholders an annual report on the profits of the company. The executive director is named by the board of shareholders and may be taken off duty again by the latter. All employees of the company are chosen by the executive director but can be taken off duty by the board of shareholders.

What business does the Tyndale Trading Company conduct and how can I profit?

The Tyndale Trading Company will primarily engage in three big branches of business. First of all, merchandising. The Tyndale Trading Company will open several resource exchanges in every city or township where everyone can sell their goods for a fair price. The goods are then catalogued and sold to people elsewhere. Merchants interested in conducting business can rent offices at every resource exchange and receive the best possible supply of cheap quality wares. Furthermore, there will be regular auctions conducted at the resource exchanges. Next, the Tyndale Trading Company will found several child companies, such as taverns, fighting pits, research facilities or large blacksmithing compounds, even private mining ventures. Besides this, the company will open a bank where people may safely store their goods for a small fee or invest their money for a steady interest rate. The bank will give out loans for a small interest rate. Last but not least, the Tyndale Trading Company will engage in property business and sell and rent houses to entities that may not be able to afford a house on their own or provide the child companies with property where to conduct business.

Every entity is able to invest money into the business and thus receive the benefits mentioned below. Any investor of the company has to sign an additional clause in his investing contract where he agrees to keep any contract made with another investor of the company. The parties can request to view the height of each other's investment, so the parties have securities when signing contracts. Furthermore, if one party breaks a contract, the investment is liable for possible damages. If damages are to be paid and to what amount is decided on by the board of shareholders. The invested money will generate interest.

Every entity is allowed to purchase shares of the company from any shareholder, providing they can afford the price asked for a share. Each shareholder is an owner of the company and has the same benefits and obligations as an investor. Furthermore, they are entitled to a share of the profit of the company in height of the percentage of total shares in their possession. A shareholder may receive free housing, offices and food at any office of the company. Shareholders have not only benefits, but also obligations. A shareholder must take part in the meetings or have a representative with full authority in his name present. The shareholders, if publicly known, are required to honour the laws of Yliakum and represent the company adequately at all times.

In order to ensure the validity of contracts between investors, they are asked to have them written down by the official notary of the Tyndale Trading Company to prevent fraud.

Job positions

The Tyndale Trading Company is currently looking for a skilled lawyer, several accounters and a librarian. If you are skilled in none of this areas, the company is still in need of your services. Every employee receives free food, housing, a fixed annual salary and a share of the total profit for outstanding efforts.

Current information on the Tyndale Trading Company

89% of all shares are currently owned by Tolian Tyndale. 1% by Vannaka Touchstone, 2% by Bilbous, 1% by Rhok Gehrig, 5% by Lokter Tarvitz, 1% by the Azure Circus, 1 % by Lanuhir Manugho, 1% by Yukioshonora Syndi.
The Tyndale Trading Company is looking for all kind of  investors or entities willing to enter a contractual obligation with the Tyndale Trading Company, delivery contracts for example.
The average value of a percent of the total shares is currently at 69310 tria.

Rank names

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