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Messages - Koios

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Grizzlyus, the crazy Diaboli
« on: June 20, 2013, 09:09:14 pm »
It is truly sad that the world has lost Dave and The Warriors have lost Grizzlyus.
The first time I met Grizz (and Sanxx) was 5 years ago, on my first day in PlaneShift. That was also the day he took me under his wing and I became a Warrior. He was always very helpful, generous and would make the guild chat more lively.

What I remember most about that first meeting, however, was that during the conversation Calak ran into Grizz and \die. As a rookie player I was amazed at the power Grizz had obtained in order to be able to deck dwarves just by looking at them. To me that is still one of the funniest moments in my life of PlaneShift.

I was also fortunate enough to meet Grizz and Sanxx in person one time in London a few years back. He was the same great person outside of the game as he was in it and we really had a great day I will cherish forever.

My thoughts and condolences are with him and his family, as well as a final salute from one of his many thankful recruits.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« on: May 08, 2012, 12:02:19 pm »

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« on: May 07, 2012, 09:51:20 pm »
That IS bro rule #124
But then again, #22 states:
Quote from: Barney Stinson
Article 22:
There is no law that prohibits a woman from being a Bro.
Women make excellent Bros. Why? Because they can translate and navigate the confusing and contradictory whims that comprise the Chick Code.
Are we certain she doesn't have Brodentials? (Yes, I just made up my own word for Bro credentials. Long distance forum five!)

General Discussion / Re: New creatures
« on: May 04, 2012, 08:46:12 pm »
Gawert, really? My first assessment was a dis-proportionate Barn Bouncetail  :P

General Discussion / Re: Non-English Speakers Wanted
« on: December 16, 2011, 08:00:43 am »
Please consider at least giving it to someone to proof read. We've all had enough fun with translation programs to know why.  :beta:

General Discussion / Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« on: September 25, 2011, 09:24:53 am »
I've been waiting for this! In 2008, Khywe from KJ, Tomislav and myself made the band Klyros Ulber Farm and there have been some performances here and there.
Sadly, it's difficult now to bring the original band together, but as the lead singer I still tend to sing from time to time  ;)
We made songs edited for PS from RL songs like American Pie, Beds are Burning etc.

Remember that Player Y could cast attack spells in turns 5,6,7,8 which could cancel out the healing spells

I took that into account, but my point is still valid given that you have sufficient lvls of CW and AW.
One other thing to have in mind for the actual duel is avoiding confusion if the spell fails. You need to have both a very clear ruling that it counts, as well as the caster should inform of the failed cast.

But then there's still the problem of Relaxing Sleep. It's not as big of a problem as the main healing spells, but it is an absolute cruitial spell if mana potions aren't allowed.

E.g. let's say that X and Y were to duel.
X has saved his AW and CW spells and we are now at turn 5, X is also quite low on health
X casts Relaxing Sleep for turn 5
X casts Healing Flash for turn 6
At turn 7, all spells are useable again
X casts Healing Flash for turn 7 if needed
X casts Relaxing Sleep for turn 8 if needed
X now has full health and mana, as was the case at turn 1

With a fear of making it too complicated, how about making an own rule for the heal/regen spells?

A yes from me too, but with a little stresser.
In The Warriors we tried something similar as a in-Guild contest of sorts and we quickly found out that one spell per turn would make the rounds be ever-lasting due to various healing spells. Even when we limited the casting of such spells, the duels would simply be a stalemate until one or both contenders got bored and yielded.

* I think (?) that your point about the dice roll was for per round and I think it should be just 1 dice roll per round. With too much to keep track of one can easily forget other cruital rules.
* I think wearable items - weapons as well - could be allowed, as long as the combined buff of them all doesn't take the contender up to a new Realm. E.g. Laanx's Mind weapons could put the contender in a higher tournament division.
* No potions or food for healing, as I said earlier on the magic duels can be a real drag already.
* I don't see why anyone would want to sit on their familiar during the tournament, so disallowing them is very much reasonable.
* I also agree with Boni here about making buffer spells useable somehow, but I can see many cons to that as well. Maybe for an updated version of the tournament one day :)

Looking forward to attend your tournament, should you decide to host one in the future  :sorcerer:

General Discussion / Re: General thoughts on a small play-test of 5.7
« on: August 10, 2011, 06:38:49 pm »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since you've come back some times, your character isn't new still.
If I'm not mistaken, new characters still get those pop-up notices (the little yellow guy with the big !) on their screen telling them what has happened. This happens both first time dying and coming back up cursed. I can't recall the wording of these, but I would think they talked of both the aforementioned "vending machine" in DR you can sell stuff to and what the curse is all about.

And, come to think of it, for new players there is the 15 hour free pass so they won't get the curse when dying, just hear about it.
New players now skip the Death realm, and the death penalty, for their first 15 hours in game. Before we had NPC storage and most players had to carry everything they own the curse often meant sitting for 1/2 hour. Now with NPC storage most players travel light and aren't forced to sit still for a 1/2 hour due to the curse.

One can of course argue that the curse limits the new players way more than the experienced ones. And I agree, to some the curse now is just a setback to the stats they had before the raise of max levels.

I agree on the looting of most of the Sewer critters. The fenki you're talking of should at least loot a Claymore once in a while.
There were some good AI behavior (and still is at a certain Trepor lair), but it needed rebuilding when there were added plenty more mobs. Not sure where the Dev team stand on that task as of now.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Dropping in once again
« on: August 10, 2011, 06:01:10 pm »
Had the same problem as Aramara here. "Solved" it by switching from Mac mouse to regular computer mouse.

Complaint Department / Re: The Extinction of a Race
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:37:24 pm »
Not a single person here has supported your decision except for those wishing to be the devil's advocates in posting "reasons how it could have happened" rather than "this change is a smart thing to do and should have no reason to be argued against"

As I said twice in the post, I don't want it to happen and I agreed with Sen in his post about this matter and I do with others that have followed as well. No exception. The RP suggestions was my own response to an asked question. Again, as I said, if it has to be done (which is out of our hands, really), do it in a way the characters lost deserve. 

Complaint Department / Re: The Extinction of a Race
« on: August 01, 2011, 06:31:58 pm »
1. Plague/disease - Half-breeds in nature might be more susceptible to disease or have other congenital traits that makes them less likely to survive in the long run.

Ynnwn are the half-breeds between Diaboli and one of the elven races (Dermorian or Nolthrir).

You are of course totally right. Fixed and sorry for the mix-up. But that must leave the Ynnwn to be changed to a nonhybrid? Or are we going by the assumption that they were more fitted for life in Yliakum and in such a way made the Diabolis extinct a long time ago?

Complaint Department / Re: The Extinction of a Race
« on: August 01, 2011, 04:51:19 pm »
I completely agree with Sen here and voted No to the deletion. The wording of Talad does suggest that they would still have Diaboli around, just not playable. So only NPCs?

Mask asks how that could be done. I'm not with Settings or anything, but I do have a few scenarios for the change.

1. Plague/disease - Some races in nature might be more susceptible to disease or have other congenital traits that makes them less likely to survive in the long run.
- A plague affecting the possible weaker immune system of the Diaboli, leaving just a few lucky survivors from true death (NPCs), isn't entirely unlikely.
- A genetic disease of the Diaboli is sparked by some event. Without a cure the race will suffer a slow and painful true death. The best minds of all the Realm come together and after much struggle finds a cure. A potion is made, but as a side-effect (or because it is the cure itself) they have to change races. A few (NPCs) decide to withstand their horrible faith in wait of a better option or because they would rather die painfully than live as another race.

2. Genocide - As the race description on the PS mainpage tells us, the Diaboli race are happy, bustling, malicious, quite unreliable and have no humility. In addition to a great understanding of the elemental spells, they also familiarize themselves with some of the creatures of the Stone Labyrinths, which sparks suspicion.
Here I see 2 not totally unlikely events:
 - One of the gods reveal him-/herself. While the other races either bow down or run and hide, the Diaboli won't do either and enrages the god with their ways. Some (NPCs) decides that in order to keep the race from extinction they either succombe or hide until the god has gone back to wherever.

- The Octarchy rules that the connection with the creatures of the Stone Labyrinth is too dangerous/treacherous or the mages have become too powerful with their knowledge (or both). As a reaction, they are banished to the Labyrinth and the known traitors face true death. Many Diabolis are enraged, a race war begins and they are fought down. The very few left (NPCs) are the ones that bought their protection and had high enough connections.

3. Migration - I can think of 2 scenarios for such a great migration:
 - The Diaboli mages, with their great knowlegde of elemental magic, gains resources to open a portal to their home universe. Even though they see Yliakum as a paradise, most of the Diaboli chooses to go back to rebuild their home. Some (NPCs) stay behind to ensure that the portal can be summoned/maintained if some want to cross in the future either way.

- In a Plane wide celebration of the god(s), the priests bless the cities and the feast. Given such acts of devotion the god(s) bless the entire Plane, giving it a holy status. The Diaboli, diligently avoiding holy places and objects, are forced to move to a lower Plane. The few left (NPCs), withstand the daily struggle because of their new-found faith, or other pressing conditions.

As I said in the beginning, these are just examples I thought of while I was writing this. But I hope it can perhaps aid to a way of doing this (if it has to be done) that will be ICly and make it a bit better for the community.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: First Post
« on: July 26, 2011, 09:28:23 am »
I like the feedback idea, though not sure either how to incorporate it smoothly into the quest system as it is.

What you could do, seeing as this goes a bit beyond what could be called newbie help, is make a new thread in the Wish List and perhaps as a feature request in the BugTracker if/once a general working idea is made :)

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