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Topics - Bill

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General Discussion / *sigh* So another month for the demo then?
« on: March 30, 2002, 09:06:33 pm »
Today (during the writting of this post) is the 30\'th of March. The very last day of March. Now I KNOW that games, especially one with on-and-off developers like this, shouldn\'t be pushed to release, blah blah etc. etc.

But, we were told that at the end of March we would get the demo. If there is any explanation for why this has happened, besides the fact that yall are on-and-off devs, please tell me. Such as a minor technical problem. Or that it will be released, just give it one more week.

All I need is a new release date, because I am getting annoyed of messed up release dates sorta.

General Discussion / Son of a *bleeeeeeeeeeeeeep*!
« on: February 19, 2002, 05:27:07 pm »
Well why did you hafta do that! Push the demo back even more!  ;(

I would say more but I know that this is so unofficial (as in not a major company or group, just independant dudes and dudets) that times cannot be exact.

But why an entire month?  :(

Oh well, can you give us another in-game pic to hold us until then?  ;)

Well I can already see Whitti coming...uh ohh he is loading his bow....ah *bleep*! Son of a *bleep*ing *bleep*!..... sorry and good-bye! *bleep!

I have no idea why I wrote that.....

Well since these boards are starting to get boring after a few months (as in the old and new board), why don\'t we have a \"party\" or rather \"a bunch of computer dudes and dudets talking about a game that will not come out for at least 2 years yet acting like its only a day away.\"

In other words, lets all meet on IRC tomorrow (because by then maybe everyone has read this post if its not already deleted) and we can talk about PlaneShift and waste our entire day doing so!  :D

So how about on Monday, Feburary 17 2002, at approx. 6:00 P.M. (EST Time) we meet on IRC on channel #planeshift .

Just sign up to The List-O-People so we know who can be there.

The List-O-People


Single Author Stories / The Nine Seeing Stones of the Kanarbies
« on: January 20, 2002, 10:06:49 pm »
Long ago, there was only one circle, the Otarchs. They governed each level and kept peace in the land for an estimated 3,000 years. But the Otarchs were there from the beginning when Laanx and Talad were known to roam the lands. Laanx and Talad helped the Otarchs in eternal peace threwout the levels, but after Laanx and Talad said they must keep peace on their own, they knew this would not work.

So after some deliberation the Otarchs grouped nine scholars and warriors and dubbed them \"The Kanarbies\". The Kanarbies were scouts mainly and reported of evil happenings threw out the land. When brawls started they would bring the one of blame to the council of Otarchs where his or her fate would then be decided.

Over time the Kanarbies gained much fame. They were known very much threw out the levels of Yliakum and were sometimes called the peace keepers. But when comes fame, also comes hate. All the thieves and murderers hated them and pelted them with anything they could find when they got a chance. But of course they were then thrown in a prison, or sometimes killed.

Overtime crime grew like the flowers in spring. There was no stopping it all, but they could stop some. As the crime grew, so did its head quarters. Crime stretched as far as the eye could see and even farther.

So the Kanarbies went by each other\'s self and had to travel a long distance to report to their captain, Mister Edvicimo Cartona. So Cartona devised the plan of communication using seeing stones.

They were dark, black stones with a violet flame glittering in the center of the circular stone. One stone was given to each of the nine Kanarbies so they could speak to and see each other from quite a distance.

But once the information about the stones spread, many wondered what else they could see if emmense power was used on them. But also the criminals wanted just but one stone, because then they could track them down to their death.

So one day a group of five thieves devised a plan to murder the Kanarbies. They called themselves simply \"The Syndicate\" and their names were forgotten at their deaths.

One day one of the Kanarbies was going to a local grocery to buy an apple, when he saw a person being pulled into a back alley. He climbed onto his silver steed known to many as \"Adronicus\" and went to the alley. He jumped off his horse and unsheathed his blade. He walked quietly into the alley and saw a man, gripping a tangerine in his right hand, lying dead in a pool of blood. A sword was in his left hand but apparently the man had no time to act for he was dead.

He heard something break but before he had time to turn around, a blade was in mid-air aimed at his head. The blade swung to the right, then to the left and decapitated the Kanarbie.

The thieves had gotten a stone and their plan had commensed. They called to the others through the stone and said, \"If you ever want to see your stupid friend again, meet me at the Black Cove.\"

The Black Cove was a small cave, leading to an even smaller and narrow tunnel leading to the center of an in-active volcano known as \"Mount Caradine\".

The Kanarbies had no other choice but to go to the cove. They met a black bearded man, with a stub for an arm, and a blade in his hand. He smiled, his teeth yellow and rotten gleeming, as he pointed his sword at the decapitated head of Sir Draifus dangling from a rope tied to the ceiling.

Before the Kanarbies could unsheath their swords they were killed by arrows shot by the other thieves. The bodies were disposed of in a nearby river and was found by some pesant. The pesant mysteriously disappeared, and the bodies were gone. The Octarchs covered it up and said they no longer needed them and they had been replaced. This is when the Vigesimi came into the picture.

The thieves were later murdered one by one, by a single man. This man was demented and needed care, but no one knew about him. He loved riddles and decided to have a bit of fun.

He placed each seeing stone in front of an entrance leading to a chest holding a thousand riches.

He then got the ninth stone and placed it in a place known only by him. He gave a riddle, telling the ninth stone\'s location, to a man on the street he had never met.

The man never figured out the point of and the actual riddle itself.

He passed it on threw his family, and now it belongs to a drunken man sitting in the \"Gadiva Inn\" every night for 5 hours drinking heavily. If you meet him, and give him a drink, he might just give you the riddle showing the key to the one of the finest treasures in the history of Yliakum.

General Discussion / A few more questions
« on: January 18, 2002, 09:52:35 pm »
Please describe the level \"process\" and what they exactly are.

How will swimming work?

Are we going to be able to make official guilds, not just SAYING you own a guild?

If yes to the previous question, how will you be recognized of what guild/group you are in?

Will we get walking sticks/staffs?

Is the dwarf picture on the \"Pic\" page an almost final product picture, or a in development and very old not comparing to now picture?

Are the graphics in the upcoming demo going to be what they will be in the final demo or worse? (not  saying that the final product graphics are bad in the first place)

Thanks for your time and please remember I am simply asking questions, not forcing answers out of you like some slave or something.

Single Author Stories / The Spell Books of Bandria and Klal
« on: January 18, 2002, 02:24:59 am »
First off, the spellbooks.

A long time ago, in the world we know as PlaneShift, two of the greatest wizards lived. One was a Lemur named Bandria. She was as smart as they come and had read almost every book in the Jayose Library. Bandria was also a very powerful mage. So powerful that she sometimes surpassed the magic of today.

Then there was Klal, a lonely Xacha. He lived in the darkest, and deepest corners of the world. Whenever he walked in public he used robes to cover his identity. He only spoke to chant spells, and to talk to himself about new spells to make and formulas to make them.

One day Bandria, now 386 years old thanks to a life extender potion, realized she was getting old and her mind was getting ever more feeble. She could recite the spells as well as she could when she was 137, but the memory of her thousands of spells was wearing off. She decided she did not need all her spells and wrote a book of her 30 most precious spells and beloved potions. She constructed a large tablet that could only be opened by her and any of her descindents, and they must chant the correct password, in the correct language. The language of the Lemurs.

Klal was wondering by Bandria\'s house and noticed the tablet threw her window. He shifted his eyes left and right to see if anyone was nearby. He launched himself towards the wall and stood silent listening to even the shifting of some soil. He peered inside the window, and saw Bandria inside. She had sensed him and was now using her mind to exam him. Klal quickly figured out what she was doing and burst threw the window chanting a dwarven spell, turning Bandria to stone.

Klal moved swiftly around Bandria, inspecting every nook and cranny of her body. He lifted her up and lay her on her bed in the backroom. He went back into the living room and examined the tablet. He ran his long fingers over it, closing his eyes and concentrating to find some secret opening. He could not find anything. He went quickly back to Bandria and put his hand on her forhead. He focused into her mind but saw that Bandria\'s mind was still active. She cast a spell on them and made her mind go into his body, and his into her body. Klal was now stone and Bandria was in Klal\'s body.

Bandria ran quickly to the tablet and recited the words. A small square formed and came out as if a drawer and she picked out the large velvet book inside. Suddenly a headache overcame her and Klal had suddenly switched them back. Klal ran from the house, gripping the book tightly, and Bandria quickly casted a spell on herself, breaking the stone and returning her to normal.

She sprinted from the house after Klal, but she was too late. Klal had escaped with some of the most powerful spells ever made.

Klal, meanwhile, was memorizing every inscription by heart and decided it was time for him to get rid of his robes and take over the land. He used the spells and made an army of fierce goblins and orcs and took over the land of PlaneShift. But, because of his foolishness and greed, he accidently cast a spell on himself, killing himself instantly. A boy picked up the book he dropped and hid it in his house until his death 80 years later.

Bandria, now 466 years old, finally located the book. She used magic to scan the finger prints from Klal and figured out it was him. She went and found an old shack on the edge of a small pond. In it spells, and potion ingriediants were written on paper and nailed to the walls. Paper was lying everywhere, they all had spells on them. She retrieved them all, and made them into a book.

She held the two books, until her death at the age of 534. At this age she gave the books to her most trusted and loyal friend, Magardy. Magardy later married and passed on the books threw the generations of her family for another 150 years. Today the books are still in her family but no one ever knew about them.

Quest idea: You go searching for the books, and go threw what at first seems like a simple quest. You find old family friends and get little information. At a local bar you meet Ron, a friend of Magardy\'s descendant. He asks where the descendant is and what his/her name is, but he will not tell you for their is much grief. The person was killed by an unknown attacker. It was suspected this person was stalking Finroy, the descendant, but no one knows why. You later find who the killer is an must follow him and steal the book, or go into a bloody fight with the most powerful wizard alive- Klal!  

Wish list / Clothes and Accessories
« on: January 16, 2002, 09:33:28 pm »
Now this might have been addressed earlier but I just want to have some things clear, and put out a few ideas, but more ideas than clear things.

Idea #1: When in character creation (this can be in the demos or in the real game...WHATEVER!) choosing the clothes of a person will not just change the color. You can have long sleeves, short sleeves, same with pants, and ripped knee holes, etc. etc. THEN you could simply choose the colors.

Idea#2: New clothes (which I think will already be in game...please clear this) will be by-able and you can by a dresser/armhoir to store your beginning (from char. creation) clothes in and some new clothes you bought. Also, if you have a staff or a sword perhaps, you can lean the sword against the wall. The lean command would be used officially as a way to \"store\" leanable items, not just as some lazy thing.

Idea #3: An idea for new clothes is a sort of monk\'s outfit. Long robes going to a little below the ankles, and a pull-over hood. If there could be any way to make this, please at least attempt it.

Idea #4: Gloves and gauntlets- should also be by-able. The gauntlets could have jewels incrested on them increasing prices, and possibly a \"magic touch\" added for the ability to carry heavy things.

Idea#5: One simple word: Ring. Thats right, ring, baby! The rings could be made of the different available metals and have (using expert tools, or already made) writing inside them as a gift, or as secret inscriptions to an ancient scroll that gives the greatest of the great power (like \"the one\" ring from Lord of the Rings).

Idea#6: Amulets and necklaces. We can have enchanted amulets (yes, yes its from\" the game that shall not be named\" but I thought it was not that bad of an idea) and simple necklaces.

Idea #7: Hair shaving. Have a close cut, or a small but burly beard, or a long wizard\'s beard (like Gandalf from L.O.T.R.).

Now I am aware that programming is extremely hard and takes countless hours to do, so please don\'t think of me as some brat with ideas that \"must be done\". They are just simply ideas.

General Discussion / Some Questions
« on: January 12, 2002, 11:38:38 pm »
1. Since this place is underground, does that mean it will be like a very large sewer type thing with curving ceilings?

2. Also, because its underground, will looking up just be like looking at a cieling-dark and just...there?

3. AGAIN, because its underground, why does the main picture of the place (on the second page of the intro) have a blue sky?

4. Will people be able to buy new clothes?

5. Will people be able to dye hair?

6. If yes to #5, than can Enkidukai dye themselves all strangely?

7. Can you shave all your hair off? If so, how? (no raisers)If so, can Enkidukai just be bald and look sorta human except for their faces?

8. Can you get tatoos?

9. IF yes to #8, can you be all wierd and get them covering your body?

10. Are any of the PS creators/Members/WTB Members gonna be dwarven?

Thanks for your time, and I know, if any of these questions are correct, that the answer will be seen in the final version mostly, not the demo.

General Discussion / Just to let all those PSers know...
« on: January 11, 2002, 09:43:13 pm »
I was just at the bottom of the page and saw a transcript for a little conversation with Talad (the main dude of PS-GO TALAD! :D ) and Kendaro and princessfun a.k.a. Kada-El.

I will not re-make the transcript but I will give some of those lazy people some info:

The release for the demo is TBA Feburary. In the game we can choose from 4 races (this was already known but I am recopying it anyway)- Enkidukai, Stone Breaker Dwarf), Ynnwn, and one that has yet to be announced.

No \"classes\" (I know no other word) will be in the game such as mining or martial arts. BUT there will be interactions with things in the game like bowls or something. Also you can (obvously) move around the world and see the place. In my opinion, even though technically this demo shows little info of the game, I CANNOT WAIT!

One more thing- If Talad or a WTB member reads this (who should then tell Talad about this post) PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE let pubs be in the demo and the ability to drink beer (and possibly get drunk....  ;) )! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU IF ITS THE ONLY THING YOU PUT IN PLEASE PUT A PUB! I MUST HAVE BEER! (because I am gonna be a dwarf, and they are strong drinkers and I will surely carry on the tradition!)

Wish list / Movements
« on: January 11, 2002, 12:13:02 am »
This was mentioned in the old boards, but just so everyone knows:

There should be movements such as sit down (only when next to a chair), sit down (on ground), wave over (as a signal),  yell (as a signal) and more...

Who agrees that things like that should be added? They could be put in using hotkeys.

Wish list / Blades and such.
« on: January 10, 2002, 10:46:03 pm »
Now this may not be set in mid-evil times but I am slamming down the door if this thing has uzis in it.

But yet another thing I think of is the Game-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named. There were different kinds of blades and such, which is fine by me (a little too many kinds though), but they were all bought at one store. The SWORD store. Now how redundent is that! Maybe not a lot, but its just ignorant.

Why not have special dwarven swords with dwarven writing on them speaking of the journeys this sword has gone threw. And another one, made by the elves, with a sheathe as beautiful as the stars, and the body of a dragon wrapping around the blade. Or perhaps an enchanted blade that glows purple when trolls are about.

We don\'t need sword SHOPS, maybe perhaps a little cart on the side of the rode selling swords that are not finely crafted, but still interesting.

There can be maces, double bladed axes, spears, bows or what have you. But we don\'t need a sword with +so and so stats because people would get rich and buy them. They need to be hidden in the dungeons of Gabria where you can strike your sword at the exact locationg to open the entrance or the guardian Mountain Troll will smash you to bits.

Please, I beg of you, don\'t let this be a stupid game with shops for exact things, make it exotic and wonderous!

Are they disabled? Because all it says in Avatars is \"no\". I click it to make it mean yes, but it goes back to \"no\".

Soooooooooooooooooo....what do I do?  ?(

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