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Topics - Nero da 2nd

Pages: [1]
Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / psclient won't open
« on: February 06, 2006, 12:31:49 am »
Psclient isn\'t opening, I open it, and then it just crashes. It was working, the moment before I went into pssetup (trying to relight maps), but then it just started crashing.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Barney vs. Tupac, who will win?
« on: February 05, 2006, 09:34:21 pm »
Whoever made this must\'ve been crazy...

The Hydlaa Plaza / With my_________
« on: January 31, 2006, 09:49:12 pm »
Here\'s the post where you try to type out your name WITHOUT using your hands or feet, (fingers and toes too, don\'t go lawyer on me.) And i\'m letting you do it on this post because i\'m such a nice guy 8)
 As I said, you CANNOT use your hands or feet (tounge you know what lands on your keyboard in the night (*cough me cough*) in typing your name. So here\'s an example on what to do (kinda)

 name:  mfvgfoki cdas 2nm de (nero da 2nd)
 with: my elbow

 NO PEN0RS ALLOWED!!!!!!!!! (or anything someone might consider innapropriate)

 Have fun! (haha no....) :D  

The Hydlaa Plaza / Weirdest pickup-lines
« on: January 23, 2006, 06:07:05 pm »
What is the weirdest pick-up line you\'ve heard at school? Here are the weirdest ones i\'ve heard...

 \"Hey baby, i\'m rich, I could f*ck you with a diamond studded condom!\"

 \"Hi, I like cereal, do you like cereal?\" (some chick used it on me...creeped me out)


Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Automatic running
« on: November 29, 2005, 08:01:46 pm »
Ok, sometimes while running with my Enki in Ojacrad, i start to keep running, and running, and running, until i run into something, but thats not all, i keep running and running into the wall, i won\'t stop. I can\'t click on anything,  nothing works. I can\'t type, click on folders, anything. None of my keyboard keys work, so I can\'t use apple+quit.

 ABSOLUTLEY nothing works while this bug is working.

 The only way out is to restart my computer.

Wish list / Lesser Consequences
« on: November 25, 2005, 08:00:21 pm »
Falling off of stairsteps is a bit overdramatic. If you were running down stairsteps suddenly you fell down and died. True, this does show the classic moral \"don\'t run down the stairs,\" but why not you just sprain your ankle or break your leg?

 This would be a good addition to the game because it add more to PvN, and show alot more realism and would show you reacting to nature more.

 Currently, if I fell off something approximently 5 feet high i\'d end up dead, but why not with a broken leg where ever you fell?

 When you break your leg or sprain something, you will start limping, this is where your will and endurance come in handy. Your stamina will drain very quickly, and as you walk your hp drains little by little, and you will have to sit down often. You have to get a tavern soon or drink a healing potion.

 If you make it to a tavern, you have to sit on a bench. Time will heal you. If you make a splint out of two pieces of wood and 3 coils of rope the healing process will be twice as fast and you can walk around normaly though with less stamina and agility.

 It would only take an ingame 3 hours to heal, 1 and a half with a splint.

 The same thing is with combat, if you were below 15 percent after a fight your character will hold his stomach because, come on man he almost died. A healing potion will heal you up, in the meantime, the same effect happens as in the leg thing. Bandages made out of ripped up clothing will help healing without a potion.

 Plus wounds would leave scars on your body to show you are a fighter aswell as an adventurer.

 A way to override these effects if you don\'t want to have to take care of yourself you can always do /die and you would go to the death realm normaly without anything broken our any wounds, clean as a slate.



General Discussion / Annoying realm
« on: November 25, 2005, 04:33:41 pm »
Wouldn\'t it be nice to log onto planeshift and say \"time to whoop some ass in the plaza today!\" Or say \"man i can\'t wait to get out here and duel some people!\"

 Well, you could, but what about the death realm? That annoying, underlighted, waste of time.

 I mean, i have better things to do then get glitched at the bottom of a hole!

 Mabye you wanna go out there and fight a monster, see if you can kill it for pride and honor and definantly, money, or your body parts strewn across the floor so help me!

 But then there\'s the death realm...

 True, it shows penalties of death when you go to the death realm, there\'s always a penalty, but seriously...some people can\'t find their way out!

 Don\'t get me wrong; I have made my way out a few times, and all the other hundred million times i\'ve tried...i died from falling off a curb.

 Now i bet you\'re thinking, \"well noobing accept the penalties!\" But this a very odd penalty if you ask me. I really think the death realm wasn\'t the brightest idea.

 But what if you like the death realm? The temple near the plaza, the big red one (sorry i don\'t know many  names of places yet) has a big old pit in it, this could be the \"portal\" into the death realm.

 But what would be the purpose hmm...

 Mabye new monsters and secret areas, weapons and tools could be found in the realm of the dead, i think the death realm has much more potential than a stupid maze where accounts are usualy ended.

 But then, no one would be afraid to die, and where would you appear when you died?

 First off, if you die, you\'d end up at the plaza.

 Second off, when you die you chose two items from your inventory to be left behind, you MUST choose in 5 minutets, or it will choose your two most valuable items and ditch it. (best i could think of)

 I really think that annoying realm isn\'t a good idea for a death penalty, plus some peoples 3d cards aren\'t so good (like me) and they can barely make the ramps out from the darkness below. And numerous times, people fall to the bottom and can\'t get their way out.

Wish list / Weapons, the rich mans prize
« on: November 25, 2005, 03:38:51 pm »
(post changed frequently)

Looked around all over the place but couldn\'t find a monster to kill?

 Not knowing a damn thing about Planeshift, but needing a weapon or armor?

 Well then, why don\'t we make makeshift weapons!

 I think makeshift weapons would be a great addition to Planeshift, newbs need weapons too! Sometimes people can\'t find monsters to kill for the jacked up Bear\'s Polished Dagger or find rats organs to sell to Harnquist, or, just want to use their weapon making skills.

Makeshift weapons would need little skill, so it might be the only weapons you could make in the begginging.

 Makeshift weapons, in my mind, would be a crude weapon put together by yourself from trees, bricks, old metal, and other various objects.

 All you have to do? Get some rope, tree branches for a handle or battle staff, and mess around with things! Mabye make a hammer from a broken wheel spoke and a stone block, make a spear from a tree branch and a rusty piece of metal, and a piece of armor, from tree bark and bits of metal! Use your imagination! Come on, they didn\'t JUST use sword in medivel times! Mabye whoop-ass clubs and spikes on the end of your boots! Brass knuckles! Mabye even a bow!

 Objects can be obtained from even the wagons in ojacrad, or the pathway made of ivory, and the plaza walkway, just do /find and your character will select any weapon suitable for making a weapon.

 Would be a great addition for those who want to just explore and worry little about if they run into a monster scenario and what if i need a weapon?For a price however. Makeshift weapons wouldn\'t be as powerful as finely made sword, and wouldn\'t be able to do much damage. Remember, you probaly just made it out of a treebranch. Also, your makeshift weapons may break and you will have to find a new piece to fix up the break (i.e. rope coming off, brick breaking, handle breaking)

 It\'s roleplaying place? Mabye a few quests where you need to fight your way out of a building which didn\'t allow weapons and using weapons you salvage around the house.
 (Sorry if you can already to something similar to this, I just started playing Planeshift 3 days ago)

General Discussion / Mabye I like my name?
« on: November 24, 2005, 09:57:00 pm »
It has come to my attention that GMs keep changing any name that wasn\'t set by random!

 This is getting annoying, mabye I want my name to be pshycopath? Or anitchrist? Or attack hamster? Please, tell your GMs to refrain from changing everybodys name every time its \"unsuitible\" for a name or \"not a good name at all\"

 I didn\'t ask for you opinion if it was suitible, mabye i\'m out there with that name for a joke, please stop changing our names!

 And to all those people who think you have to go off making an account, the GMs change right then and there to one of those weird random names.

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