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Messages - Jjairr

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Hellooo. So I had this same issue, a GM moved me out of the Arena the first time so that was fine. I figured I'd try the fix and it hasn't worked - I feel like maybe I edited the file wrong? Or something. I mean I just copied and pasted the code that Tuux provided but the tabs weren't lined up the same, and knowing my luck incorrect alignment is exactly enough to throw it off... Since code is all way over my head, would it be possible for me to just get a copy of someone else's correctly edited file?

Oh look, I logged in again to see if I would keep crashing and it turns out I died. Bright side: At least I'm not stuck like last time? >.>

General Discussion / Re: You Might Be An Oldbie If...
« on: May 07, 2012, 10:46:34 am »
I maintain that someone should put up AB and let us play around, just for a bit. I would love to experience the part of PlaneShift I never got to see.

General Discussion / Re: New creatures
« on: May 02, 2012, 02:42:20 pm »
* Jjairr wants a kormi.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Masquerade Ball Guestbook
« on: December 30, 2011, 09:41:49 pm »
Jjairr Wolfhound

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Remember when?
« on: October 20, 2011, 11:05:01 am »
Well, starting here and going forwards you can see all of the updates they've made to the game throughout the years. It would be easy to compile a list of big changes, but you would definitely need an oldbie to report on the in-game effect that each change had. A *really* oldbie.

Edit: Oh, and I remember the majority of the things mentioned :) There are a few I'm not sure about. And a few that happened and were rectified while I was gone - like the /introduce thing.

Here's one: Remember when Groffels were just released and Talad (or someone, but if I remember right its name was "Talad's Groffel") was walking it around Hydlaa and a HUGE crowd was following it and asking it questions that it answered in its crazy little vague Groffel gibberish and everyone was trying to translate it?

General Discussion / Religion in PlaneShift
« on: October 14, 2011, 02:28:22 pm »
So in my English class we just finished reading The Iliad, and during the course of the book I started thinking about religion and gods in Yliakum and how people's faith would affect their everyday lives. I mean, it's been established that the gods are very real and occasionally stop in to say hello, so it seems to me like Yliakum's inhabitants would make a point of trying to please the gods through their actions - like in The Iliad when they feast and pour libations and say little prayers and whatnot. I also thought that maybe coming up with an accepted set of religious mannerisms for each specific religion would add depth to the world.

I know people already have weddings in Xiosia's garden and the Laanx temple and such, but I'm talking more general practices here, like what a typical worship service would be like, or maybe even a funeral service (if they ever have those). Like in our world - maybe followers of Dakkru fast one day of the month. Or maybe Talad's followers meditate a lot. Or even belief-wise. Maybe in the Laanx religion you aren't allowed to get a divorce, whereas Xiosia supports polygamy. It's things like that that I want to develop and clarify.

Am I making sense?

Basically I just think we should band together and (if these sorts of things haven't already been established by some dev or other and are just being kept secret right now) establish accepted practices, mannerisms and beliefs for the various religions to add to the RP in PS.

Anyway, in preparation for this I did some research in the East Hydlaa Library, the Death Realm library, and the PS wiki to gather what information I could about religious ideas that are already canon. I would also like the Brotherhood of Talad and the Daughters of Xiosia, along with any other religious guilds, to share with us any established ceremonies that they've already come up with. What happens at a Xiosian wedding or a Talad worship service? Clue us in!

Here's what I have so far:


Laanx is easily the most developed religion in PS. A book in Jayose's library talks about the Five Branches of Laanx and specifies each branch's duties.

- Pryam translates the Book of Names and manages the religion's finances.
- Noctar is in charge of education and runs all Laanx-affiliated colleges and schools, the teachers of which are priests.
- Vestru regulates marriage and children, manages orphanages, and specifies "proper behavior" for parents and children.
- Ogan is in charge of the arts and celebrations (excluding weddings).
- Sempetor comprises the guards and enforcers. They cannot act on their own.

The book talks about the leadership of the religion, which I don't think is relevant at this point. (Just remember - 40 Diats, eight for each level and one for each branch)

Subsequent books begin to actually specify lifestyle choices. For example, priests do not marry, and each Laanx follower is expected to have a private shrine in his or her home where worship is done. These shrines also include a fancy urn, donated by the church, where donations are made - a priest collects these donations once a month. Also, followers must attend a monthly worship service at their nearest temple.

Laanx attracts Red and Azure Way mages, inventors and scientists, politicians, lawmakers, writers, city dwellers, warriors, and the wealthy and educated.

All of that ^ is what we're given. So, what else can we come up with?

The branches provide a lot of ideas. Personally, I find the branch dedicated to regulating marriage intriguing. IS the Laanx religion a supporter of same-sex marriage? Do they allow divorce? Or are both of those not considered "proper behavior" for parents? What about interracial marriages? Are children raised strictly, with rules and limitations, or allowed to explore the boundaries of right and wrong? Does Laanx support "the death penalty" (flying murderers into the crystal)?

And that's just beliefs. When we start talking about what goes into various ceremonies, things get even stickier.

How often do followers of Laanx pray and attend service? What sort of things happen during a particular service? Is it long? Are there animal sacrifices? Communion? Libations? Singing? Dancing? Confession? Long, quiet periods of introspection?

When you read the history of Laanx/Talad/Yliakum/the Lemurs it says that they often sang during what I suppose could be called a "service," and that when the Ogan branch organizes celebrations they are "wild and chaotic". Things to consider! It also says in one book that an ancient law (now defunct) that is sometimes still practiced by very traditional Xacha and Lemurs states that followers must be married by 17 and bearing children by 20. If a spouse could not be found, the church would choose one; similarly, if kids weren't appearing, the church would "intervene." If that doesn't make for an interesting RP for somebody at some point, I don't know what will.

The branches encourage RP in other ways. Why not open a Hydlaa Vestru orphanage? Or an Ogan performing arts center?

The possibilities are endless.


Talad is less defined than Laanx. From what I gather, the main idea behind Talad's religion is that followers of Talad love donating their money and skills to the less fortunate and practice patience. Maybe Gugrontid or Ojaveda needs a Talad homeless shelter?

I'm waiting on input from the Brotherhood of Talad here. I don't know how much you guys have already come up with. I tried to make it to a worship service you put on once, but had to log before it could really start, so please share your ideas :)


Same with Xiosia. I'm very interested in what DoX has come up with. Xiosia is, of course, a big fan of peace and nature and harmony and not-killing-things. They're very open-minded and I believe I read into meditation. However, one discrepancy I may have found - I believe it said that warriors are attracted to the Xiosian faith, which is weird considering that whole peace thing. So maybe Xiosian warriors only kill out of necessity and pray a lot before/during/after the act?


Of course I could find the least amount of information on Dakkru. She's the goddess of death and all that, and her followers attempt to combat the Black Flame and fight duels to the death in her honor, but what else? Do they take a cavalier attitude towards death because of their affiliation with her? Do HER worship services include animal sacrifices? OR! Maybe even HUMANPERSON sacrifices, if death ISN'T a big deal? Maybe it's like an honor. "Whoops, it's Tuesday, my turn to get sacrificed to the Almighty Dakkru!"

See how much fun this is!

I really can't wait to hear everyone else's ideas on this. Ready... COLLABORATE.

Sorry this is so long.

P.S. One last thing I don't understand. Being an oldbie, of course I'm aware of a time that Dakkru and Xiosia didn't exist. But is the rest of the world? Is part of the story (as I understand it) that they just sort of popped into existence and revealed themselves to Yliakum? Or is this one of those "Nod and smile, they've always been there." kind of things?

General Discussion / Re: The Great Screenshot Collection
« on: October 11, 2011, 02:15:42 am »
Bored at 2 a.m. on a Monday night. Stuck on my old home computer. Solution? Go through old files.

I've always wanted to post these but never got around to it. Get vintage!
^ That was BEFORE rivnaks. I have no idea how I managed it.

And just to prove that the FL hasn't always been a ghost guild...

I miss them.

We wish to stand as a unpopular force ICly to many but wish to maintain/gain an image as a group that provides quality in game role-play

This is literally what I've been wondering for the duration of this whole affair. The fact that you guys are TRYING to be jerks clears things up a lot. Thank you for someone finally putting that out there.

Tessra - I'm curious as to where you read this guild history. After Jjairr had a run-in with Kisoji and some other Stillwater minions on the Plaza, I tried to find out a bit more about the group to answer the "Are they being rude on purpose?" question and was unable to locate anything on the forums. I would like to know more about this group that actually aims to be disliked.

All that being said, I don't find a problem with the mine takeover for all of the reasons stated. If it encourages good RP, full speed ahead. As Sarva said, GMs won't get in the way of evil RP just because it's evil :) We need some proper villains in this game. If people have a problem with it, their characters should get together and do what they can to solve the problem by whatever means deemed appropriate, instead of the players getting upset OOC. After all, what should I care if Jjairr can't mine platinum? She's the one who's being inconvenienced, not me.

(Not that Jjairr can mine platinum. Just saying.)

General Discussion / Re: first release
« on: October 05, 2011, 03:25:43 pm »
I've always wanted to play old versions of PS! Just to see what it was like, and maybe appreciate how far it's come a little more.

Playing PS 2D would be epic.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have a classy night in
« on: September 27, 2011, 03:46:14 pm »
Oh my God, I think I love you.

P.S. Do you remember doing the Rivnak quest with me? Seriously, we did the whole thing at the same time and didn't say two words to each other. I still felt a bond of kinship with you though.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Mary Sue Litmus Test
« on: September 06, 2011, 10:29:13 am »
Well that's funny. I posted this link too - a year and a half before Illysia xD Jjairr got a 39 when I took it that time, but somehow it dropped down to a -1. I guess Jjairr has become significantly less interesting over time. Of course that was five years ago. Maybe I've just become a better roleplayer.

I think a PS-specific Mary Sue test would be amazing.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Hydlaa's Museum
« on: August 24, 2011, 08:29:45 pm »
The only things I have that might even be remotely rare are silver falchions and plain mugs that are equipable items, but not drinkable (like beer mugs, etc). I don't know if you're interested in either, but I'd be happy to donate them.

Single Author Stories / Re: Get over it - An unexpected visit
« on: August 21, 2011, 07:04:17 pm »
Very nice :) I like the tone of this story. Kerrz's fatherly advice was just precious. I saw a few spelling errors but I wasn't looking too hard for them.

I'm glad Mishka's getting her life together. Hopefully everything will turn out well.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: I want to be a noob again :(
« on: May 30, 2011, 11:21:48 am »
My favorite part of this entire thing was, "It doesn't look like a rat, rats aren't that tall."

Agreed with LigH, thanks for the smile. Makes me long for the good old days.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / A Shortcut to Mushrooms
« on: June 23, 2008, 11:08:55 pm »
[Hey, people who probably don't recognize me anymore. I'm still unable to play PlaneShift (anyone feel like donating a new graphics card?) but that can't stop me from writing about it :P I actually wrote this a couple months ago, and only just found it again. That's been happening a lot recently...

Anyway, considering that yesterday was the three-year-anniversary of my first time playing PlaneShift, I figured it would be fitting to post this. It's a story about Jjairr's first day in Hydlaa. I hope you all enjoy it.

Oh, and, to the two other characters mentioned in this story, I hope you're okay with my portrayal of you. I *may* have taken some creative liberties... But it's nothing bad :P.]

[NEW VERSION - Edited 8/13/09. The above is no longer true; I can play PS again :P]


A Shortcut To Mushrooms

by Jjairr Wolfhound

Candles and a smoldering fire proved the only sources of light in Kada-El’s Tavern. The great carved doors were closed, owing to the rain drenching the city outside. Murmuring voices could be heard in the corners of the tavern, making business propositions or discussing the prices of gold.

Upstairs on the second floor balcony, a single figure perched. She, unlike the better part of the Hydlaan population, didn't mind the rain. In fact, she loved it - the way it smelled, the way it felt, and especially the way everyone else seemed to complain about it. The figure was in fact Jjairr Wolfhound, a sixteen-year-old enkidukai that no one in Hydlaa had ever heard of and that no one seemed to notice.

An average-sized enkidukai, Jjairr had long ginger fur striped with black. She wore a pair of long, loose brown trousers held up with a scarred leather belt and a dusty red tunic that clashed horribly with her fur. A canvas haversack lied abandoned nearby, underneath an awning. A pair of golden falchions rested on top of the haversack, dangling from a second belt.

Twirling on her bare feet, Jjairr turned her face to the sky, laughing and blinking rain drops from her hazel eyes. She heard a creak and stopped, glancing around to see where it had come from. Finding nothing, she was about to continue her dance, when she heard a voice.

"Up here."

Jjairr glanced up and found herself gazing at the face of a rugged, blonde-haired Ylian balanced on the wooden beams spiderwebbing out from the tavern structure. His brown eyes were filled with laughter as he smiled at her. His rain-soaked white shirt and gray trousers dangled off his lanky frame.

"Hello," Jjairr said, flicking raindrops off her tail. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you."

The Ylian smiled again. "Not at all. It's good to see youth enjoying life so much."

He slid off the beam, landed on his feet beside Jjairr, and extended his hand. "Shalieso," he said.

"Jjairr Wolfhound,” Jjairr said, gripping the man’s hand with her own.  “Nice to meet you."

The rain began to lessen, causing them both to look at the sky and sigh. Jjairr lowered her gaze back to the Ylian and began to search for a topic of conversation. Her thoughts settled on the wooden beams, and she asked, "How did you get up there, anyway?"

"I jumped off the roof,” Shalieso said.  “It's simple - I'll show you sometime. You just have to watch where you step.”

 Shalieso laughed as Jjairr tried and failed to suppress a shiver. "Let's get inside and dry off," he suggested.

Jjairr agreed, scooping up her things and following her new friend inside. He led her down the stairs and into the main room of the tavern, taking a seat in front of the fire.

"Have you been in Hydlaa long?" Shalieso asked as Jjairr placed her things on the bench beside her.

Jjairr shook her head. "I only arrived yesterday," she said.

"Where are you from originally?" Shalieso asked, wringing a bit of water from his shirt to add to the puddle already accumulating by his feet.

"Russyrius,” Jjairr said. “It's a little town on the second level."

"Why did you leave?"

"I was sick of the small-town life," Jjairr said.

Shalieso nodded. The pair looked up as the tavern doors opened and a small group of Ynnwn wearing cloaks strode inside. From her limited view of the doors, Jjairr could see that the rain had stopped and the clouds had begun to disperse. She looked back down and found Shalieso watching her.

"How about you?" Jjairr inquired to break the silence. "Where are you from?"

"Here," Shalieso said. "I was born in Hydlaa."

"What's it like here?" Jjairr asked, watching the Ynnwn get drinks at the bar.

"Well, the people are weird as hell, but it's a good place to live," Shalieso said. "High crime and mortality rates, but strong economy and not a bad education system.

"Oh.” Jjairr blinked, Shalieso’s words having directed her attention back to him. “That’s… Good.”

There was another awkward pause as neither individual met the other's eyes. Then Shalieso asked, "Want to go mushroom hunting with me?"

Jjairr looked up, an incredulous smile playing on her lips. But Shalieso’s face displayed no jesting.

"Yeah, okay," she said, getting to her feet and buckling on her falchions. Shalieso stood also, making his way to the door, and Jjairr followed him, swinging her pack over her shoulder.

Shalieso said nothing as he led his companion to Hydlaa's main gate.  Respectful of Shalieso's silence, Jjairr remained quiet as they passed the Windowless Tower and headed into the forest.

Jjairr blinked at the sudden darkness. "I didn't realize these trees were so thick," she said, looking upward and seeing a roof of leaves and branches arching over the wide forest path.

Shalieso didn't respond. Jjairr looked around and spotted him kneeling at the base of a gnarled tree.

 "Look, Jjairr,” he said. “Here's what we're after." He straightened up and turned, a three-tiered purple mushroom clutched in his hand. He offered it to Jjairr with a smile.

"Cheers," Jjairr said with a grin, dropping the mushroom into her haversack.

The pair continued along the path, coming across a stray mushroom every now and then and adding it to their growing stock. After a few minutes, they emerged from the forest into a wide valley bordered with steep rock walls. They turned the corner, revealing a path in the form of a wide dirt track that wound its way off through the hills. Instead of following this path, however, Shalieso turned right, cresting a short hill. Jjairr hurried to catch up with him.

"Hey!" she called, as the Ylian disappeared over a second hill. "Where are we going? The path's that way!"

As she reached the top of the second hill, Jjairr's foot caught on an exposed rock, causing her to overbalance. She tipped forward, swearing as she tumbled down the slope. When she opened her eyes, she found that she had come to rest at Shalieso's feet. He was grinning at her.

"I have never heard those words used in that context before," he said, offering his hand.

Jjairr scowled at him as she took the proffered limb and pulled herself to her feet. "Yeah, well..."

"And," he interrupted, watching her brush grass off of her clothes, "we're taking a shortcut."

Jjairr stopped her primping and glanced at him, her head tilted. "A shortcut to mushrooms?"

"That's right," Shalieso said. "Now come on. They're just over this hill."

Still smarting, the enkidukai followed her companion up yet another hill. Upon hitting the summit, Shalieso spread his arms wide and announced, "Welcome to the mushroom fields."

Jjairr was conscious of her jaw hanging open and made a conscious effort to close it, her eyes wide. Laid out before her were hundreds upon hundreds of three-tiered, purple mushrooms. They coated the sides and floor of the wide valley - and the multiple mushroom-covered mounds dotted around the area convinced her that they grew on the rocks, as well.

"What in Talad's name makes them grow like this?" Jjairr asked, following Shalieso through the mushroom sea.

"Blood," Shalieso answered without hesitation.

"Blood?" Jjairr echoed, depositing a few fresh fungi into her bag. "What do you mean?"

"This is an ulbernaut graveyard,” Shalieso said. “They come here to die."

Jjairr wrinkled her nose. “Well, that explains the smell.” She looked at the mushroom-covered mounds with a new light in her eyes. “So those are…”

“Corpses,” Shalieso said with an affirming nod.

Jjairr nudged a huge, curving claw aside with her foot. “Don’t people buy ulbernaut claws?” she asked. “We could make a fortune.”

Shalieso stopped walking. "Jjairr..." he said in a strange tone.

“What?” Jjairr asked, kneeling next to the bone. “It’s not like they need them. And the way I view it, it’s better to take them now than kill them for them.”

"No - Jjairr!"

Jjairr turned around, and swore. A giant Consumer was headed straight for them, going as fast as his six legs could handle. From what Jjairr could tell, he looked angry - but as Consumers have very little facial expression, he could've been bored for all she knew.

"RUN!" she shouted, whipping around and tearing past her companion. He seemed to snap out of his temporary hypnosis as she passed, and joined her sprinting through the mushroom field. The fact that Jjairr was leading and had no idea where she was going didn't seem to occur to either of them, as they ran full-out down the valley.

They finally stopped, panting hard, next to the base of a humongous stalagmite. Leaning on each other for support, the two gazed around the landscape, trying to establish a heading.

"I think the road is that way," Jjairr said between breaths, pointing.

Shalieso didn't reply. His face had gone pale, and Jjairr could feel him shaking. She gave him a moment to recover on the pretext of checking the horizon for their pursuer.

"I agree," he said after several moments, still breathing hard.

"Shall we head that way then?" she asked. "We can walk," she added at the look on his face. He nodded, and they set off again.

Twenty minutes later found them still hopelessly lost.

"All right," Jjairr said as they stopped once more. "It's starting to get dark and I really don't want to have to deal with the wilderness at night. Any ideas?"

Shalieso glanced around, deep in thought. After a moment, he swore so badly that even Jjairr blushed.

"What's the matter?" she asked, turning to look at him.

His response was to point. The Consumer was less than 200 feet away, on the crest of a nearby hill. It paused, nose in the air, then abruptly turned and headed their way.

"Good gods, that thing doesn't give up!" Jjairr said, exasperated.

"Only one thing for it," Shalieso said.

Jjairr looked at him, expectant.

"Split up," he suggested.

"You're crazy," Jjairr said. She placed a paw on one of her falchions and made as though to draw it. “We’ll make a stand!”

"Don't argue,” Shalieso said. He grabbed her wrist to prevent her from drawing her weapon. “And don’t be stupid. Head towards that big stalagmite, and I'll draw it off."

"Draw it off?" Jjairr asked. "I can run faster than you, and you haven't got a weapon."

"Who says?" Shalieso asked with a grin, pulling a small glyph from his shirt pocket. "Now go!"

The Consumer made its way steadily up the hill. Jjairr took one look at it and made up her mind. She could hear Shalieso chanting in a foreign language as she sprinted toward the stalagmite - and hopefully, the road.


Sure enough, less than an hour later found Jjairr resting in Hydlaa plaza. She lounged down at the base of the statue, feet resting in the cool water. A mug of lemonade sat close at hand, next to a tray piled high with purple mushrooms bearing a sign that read, "Mushrooms - Two Tria Each".

Jjairr smiled, waving as a white fenki approached her.

"Hey Kiirani," she said by way of greeting.

"Hey," the fenki returned, seating herself next to Jjairr. "How was your second day in Hydlaa?"

Jjairr smiled ruefully, glancing at the mushrooms next to her. "Eventful," she said, taking a sip of lemonade.

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