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Topics - DaveG

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If something is crashing and you can't load up the game, here's the generic troubleshooting steps you should follow before posting:

1) Reboot
2) Check the stickies for known fixes  (like this one)
3) Reinstall the game

You'd be suprized at how many threads end in "I reinstalled and it's working fine now".  Installation is screwing lots of people up, so please read them a few times and follow them correctly.

Yes, weapon repairing is new and has some bugs.  Please search the forums and bugtracker for existing reports before posting.  It's being worked on, and you don't need to keep making new threads about it.  ;)

The current required client version is 0.4.000

It's also highly recommended that you install the new package clean (as in uninstalling the old version first, and not just installing the new over the old).

The updater is  working but You cannot update from version .3.020 to .4.000 using the updater included with your download.

Things you can keep from your older client:
  • quest notes/chat log files
  • shortcuts
  • other options saved in controls.xml
  • screenshots

*please note that the location to where these files are located on your hard drive have been changed in this new version, and also that the way they are saved have been over hauled. As such, it is recommended that you go with a clean install this time, and copying over these old files could cause adverse issues with the game and are to be used at your own risk.*

Just copy these out, uninstall, and install the new package.

When you installed PlaneShift, for example, it asked you where you wanted to put it on your hard drive.  The default location is "c:\program files\PlaneShift Steel Blue", and chances are that's where you put it.  The folder in your start menu contains links which link to the programs in their actual locations, inside that folder.  That's where the stuff is. 

To get to it, open Windows Explorer by right clicking on "My Computer" or similar and clicking "Explore".  Assuming PS is in its standard location, click through the tree on the left to "Local Disk (C:)", "Program Files", then "PlaneShift Steel Blue".  You'll see a bunch of files on the right side.  These are PS's game files.

User specific files such as logs and screen shots are now saved here:

Windows: In the user home directory, usually in "Document and Setting\Username\Application Data\PlaneShift
Linux: ~/.PlaneShift
Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/PlaneShift


For troubleshooting connection problems, check this flowchart.

General Discussion / Your Location and Awesome Vague Maps
« on: July 07, 2006, 11:16:12 pm »
Ok, I've had a few people say "blah near oja road is foo", however they're nowhere near oja road, and I don't even know what a blah is.  If you're going to report a problem related to your position, use the /pos command.  It gives you a set of coordinates and your current sector.  (the coord system is relative to the sector)  Please use this sector name to tell me where you are.  If you're talking about the really cool looking new Bronze Doors map, please stop saying you're near Oja Road, because you're as far away from it as possible.  :P

Also, I'll take this time to update my vague ascii map:

[Bronze Doors Region]
       [BD Road]
        [Forest]---[Magic Shop]
        [Hydlaa]---[East Hydlaa]---[Oja Road]---[Akkaio]
            / |
          /   |
[Arena]    |

(no scale or directionality; both roads are 2 maps long)

If you want some prettier stuff, try here.

There's all sorts of nifty stuff to find out there, but this is the best map you're going to get here.  Go explore...  ;)

Crash 00403467 happens when you enter a new area with pre-existing dead bodies.  Lovely, huh?  :P

It's already fixed in CVS and will be made available once the update servers are setup.  Until then, just give it a few trys and avoid high mortality rate areas like the arena.

Yes, it's not run anymore.  (by default)  I have Lshift set to run for the normal WADS scheme, and Rshift is set to the new mode "sneak".  It's a controled slow motion, with a nifty animation for the few races that have it.  If you don't like the button placement, fine, just go set it in the options.

General Discussion / pretty
« on: June 27, 2006, 12:52:50 pm »

Development Deliberation / So, you want your own server?
« on: June 27, 2006, 11:09:07 am »

Ok, long answer now:
Yes, people who build from source can set up their own PlaneShift server for testing.  It's a great idea, and really helpful.  However, that being said, it's a test server in the most litteral sense of the words.  The CVS database contains only test and demo game content and data.  The most advanced quests are Star Wars spoofs; NPCs have names like "Merchant" and "Male Enki"; there is only a very limited set of item types, and and even more limited set of scripts to run them.  What stuff is on there is usually just a mini version of what we use on the real server.

You will not be running a full-fledged PlaneShift server using this, for the following reasons:
1)  You cannot.  You simply lack the game data/content/rules to create a functioning server.  Sure, you could write your own to get it all working, but...
2)  You may not.  We run the only PlaneShift world.  We don't want to divide the community, and you're simply not allowed to use our art/maps/models/content/data/items/rules/scripts/NPCs/stories/etc. (aka, the game itself) for anything other than playing PlaneShift on our server(s) or testing.  (using our codebase/engine to create your own game is another matter)
3)  Why?  Unless you're going to have another hundred people or so connect to your server, what's the point?  Sure, you could technically set up a PS server to play on by yourself, but you need other people playing with you to make the game worth playing.

Yes, the PlaneShift engine is free and open-source.  You can take our code and make your own game with it.  We'll even help you if you ask, however you have to make your own game and not using parts of ours.  (all new art/maps/models/content/data/items/rules/scripts/NPCs/stories/etc; a completely new game using the PlaneShift game engine)  Yes, this is quite possible.  No, you and a couple friends are not realistically going to do this, and the PS codebase isn't really ready for generalized use yet unless you're really ready for some futzing.

There have been a couple people who thought you could just install this and then make your own game over the weekend.  I'm quite sorry to burst their bubbles, but unless you have a team of skilled artists and skilled programmers and are willing to dedicate years to this, it's not going to happen.  A better idea would be to apply to work on an existing project, like... um... us.  ;)

Development Deliberation / New Build Guide
« on: May 14, 2006, 11:53:52 pm »
I've created a new unified build guide, available on our CVS.  (using the new SF anon server)  It uses JavaScript and CSS to show system-specific information based on selection from a drop-down list.  This should make it much easier to use and maintain.  Link:

PlaneShift Compiling Guide

Please post any suggestions, comments, complaints, browser issues, etc. here.  It tested ok in FireFox, IE, Opera, and Konqueror.  IE incorrectly shows the multi-line boxes as full window width, because it's a piece of junk.  (works fine on the single line ones, though)  Mildly standard compliant browsers, however, should all show the shrink-to-fit style correctly.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / PS Tech Help Guide
« on: April 16, 2006, 05:41:13 pm »
We will be happy to help you with any technical issues, if you need it.  However, before posting please read the general rules and the standard troubleshooting techniques.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Crash on startup
« on: April 14, 2006, 08:42:48 pm »
This thread is a preemtive strike...  ;)

If you get a weird crash on load, and/or something vaguely resembling any part of this--

Unhandled exception at 0x00e47de0 in PlaneShift_Version_Apr 14 2006_Addr00E47DE0.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xffffffff

--that means you need to manually patch the updater to update from 0.3.013 to 0.3.014.  Read this thread and follow the instructions.

General Discussion / Version 0.3.014
« on: April 10, 2006, 02:04:37 pm »
Ok, here\'s a simplified changelog for this version.  Shorter list than last time, but bigger things.  ;)  (and, less time since last release)  As usual, you can get the full detail in the CVS history.  (just click the link in my sig)

**New Features:
*Support for mesh change on equip (think spiky armor)
*More GM system improvements (ex: GMs are now invisible by default)
*Weather system improvements (ex: can now fade in all spiffy-like)
*New tutorial system.  Will now give help the first time you do new things.
*New proximity-based NPC dialogue system.  NPCs can now be made to talk to you automatically.
*NPCs can now talk publicly, instead of only in /tells.
*Added \"/screenshot nogui\" feature to take clean shots, ignoring onscreen stuff.
*Glyphs now need to be repurified for new owners.
*Will now send notification on training from mining/crafting/etc.

*Fixes to the marriage system
*Fixed crash loading into a bad location
*Fixed an exploit where weakness could be used on someone to make them drop items
*Crafting system fixes; it should be ready soon
*Fixed bug where NPCs could spawn without full health
*Weather system fixes
*Fixed pet cloning bugs
*Fixes to name label alignments
*Updater self-updating is now back on
*Fixed a rare bug giving a 1 HP max
*Fixed tooltips not disappearing correctly
*Fixed an exploit in the pet name changing that could crash the server
*Turned spam-protection on for trade invites
*Fixed a bug cutting off long names in the buddy list

The big memory leaks are also fixed in the CS sound system, and things should be more stable now.

The package also contains a pile of new textures for armors.

This post is about the Windows version, only.
Also, if you downloaded the new package, it\'s obviously not for you.

The updater is having issues self-updating... again.  You\'ll need to manually install the new version.  Download this:

Mirrors you can use if the above link fails:

Move that to and extract that into your PlaneShift folder (usually \"c:\\program files\\PlaneShift Crystal Blue\\\") overwriting older versions.  Run the updater, and it should all work.  (The updater will say it\'s version if you did this all correctly.)  It seems the relit maps aren\'t up yet, so you will probably have to update again, later.  (big download)

(Note that since you\'re going to be changing files used by PS applications, you should have them closed when you do this.)

Please post any issues with this process here.

You only need to read down if you didn\'t understand this post.  For this problem, this is the solution.

General Discussion / 0.3.013 is here!
« on: February 24, 2006, 08:50:20 pm »
From main page:

Not one, but two good news! First fragnetics fixed the server with the faulty hardware. Second a new client release is available!

You can get 0.3.013 from our download section. Please DO NOT RUN updater for now because the mirrors still have 0.3.012 version up.

Here is a list of improvements/fixes compared to 0.3.012 version:

**New Features:
*New mental and physical stamina system
*Many improvements to the GM system
*Multi-part and multi-path quests
*Many quest system improvements
*Added money to mini inventory window. (trades, etc)
*Some improvements to the GUI; simplified info window
*Added the ability for NPCs to use more animations
*Added more sound effects for actions
*Client now supports visible clothing/armor changes
*Client now supports customizable hair styles
*Updated in-game help to list all commands
*Right-click (by default) can now be used in all containers/inventories to view the item or a container\'s contents.
*Added font scaling option (set via setup)
*NPC dialogue now uses Wordnet, which will allow for more realistic communication
*Added snow support. Added rain support to Mac client.
*Labels will only show when in range to identify an object. (also helps performance by not drawing for far off objects) Dead objects now have red.
*New ban system which should keep greifers from just creating new accounts
*New mesh generation system to allow for more foliage in maps, some test one added to hydlaa and ojaroad
*New updater system, which doesn\'t download the repository unless it needs to. This will help the bandwidth of our servers and those with slower connections.
*Client can now automaticaly notify players when new updates are available, at the character selection screen.
*Many fixes for the crafting system. We are close to have it working for real.

*Fixes for /dequip command in shortcuts
*Various crash fixes (too many to list)
*Many performance fixes.
*Fixed weather and fog glitches/crashes
*Fixed exploit where people could logout mid-battle
*Temporarly removed advisor points scoring system to stop competitions. Advisor points are now on account, not on char.
*Many fixes to the sound system. Sounds should be much better, and play when they\'re supposed to. Switched to new renderer, which is more stable.
*Issues with skill window tabs
*Issues with using weapons with stat/skill requirements
*Could \"complete\" an empty trade
*Fixes to entity labels. Added command \"/repaintlabels force\" as a tool to repaint more severe problems if they still happen.
*Fixed darkness bug
*New map lighting system in CS, which should clear up a few lighting issues. All maps relighted
*Fixed various bugs in NPCclient making NPCs act strangely
*Made pets unattackable
*Fixes for character creation system
*Fixed bugs with stamina not working at certain times
*Many fixes related to items, inventories, and containers. Items shouldn\'t dissapear anymore, and weights should be handled without errors.
*Better working configuration of keys and mouse buttons
*Fixed many, many, memory leaks in both PS and CS. The client should be able to run without having to be restarted very often and should be more efficient in using memory.
*Disabled invites while dueling, to prevent using them as a distraction to cheat
*Changing weapons mid battle will make you skip a turn, to prevent some exploits
*Fixed chat history to not loose current line by accident
*Fixed bug where sound effects would try to load when sound was off
*/who will only show up to 30 players based on the given filter, to fix issues with showing too many

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