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Topics - Earowo

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Complaint Department / Loading screens
« on: March 12, 2011, 08:43:30 pm »
So, my ati is fixed, and im ingame again, i updated my client fully, got in game, and realized...the loading screens are all screwwd up. anytime you go through any kind of door, or move to a different sector, or teleport, or even /unstick, a loading screen happens....i for one hate it, i do not know why the developers made it this way, nor do i think it matters, because in all honesty (and no offense) but its the most retarted change yet! i cannot walk 5 steps in the arena without a loading screen happening, and with my old computer, the loading screens are just a hassle and waste of times...i think it needs to be returned to the way it was.

The Hydlaa Plaza / I've realized.
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:49:50 am »
After talking to several people today, I've realized a few things.
I've been overly hateful, towards the few people, that have been...upsetting me..

A few people, have been, i guess the best word is trolling, me.
These people, being Vakachek, mishka, maisent, and sarras, in their own way, some more occasional then others.
Im simply here to say, None of them know, much of anything, about me, or any of my characters, yet they continually dis on me. sure we have our disagreements, especiialy me and vakachek, but what I understand is that we are various different people,a nd obviously not suited to be put alone in the same room.
What im realizing now though, is the way I have bee handeling thing, has been  a bit on the immature side, rather then trying to fight back, at every little thing they may go against me with. Im thinking I should start ignoring it.

I apologize if any of you found me rude at any point, and you will probably not have to deal with it at any other point.
We will always have our disagreements, since we will never be the same person.
I guess, what upsets me more or less, is that you judge, without getting to actually know me, Sure perhaps I've done the same, but I suppose thats what we have in common, we judge, from what we see others writing about in the forums, i think thats how trolls might actually be made, The fued between me and vaka, is simple becuase we disagree about almost everything, between me and sarras, I don't like how she treats some people IC and OOC,
I have my problems yes, Im overprotective about certain things, and i have some anger issues, but i dont normally let that get in my way..

Anyways, Im babbling.
Again, IM sorry if i was a jerk at any point, I'll be sure to...ignore any flames directed at me, as thats what is cuasing me to flame back..

Wish list / Deleting Posts On topics that Belong to you.
« on: December 22, 2010, 01:33:51 am »
As we ALL know, there are many many trolls on this forum, some that have been banned, and some that have not, so what I am requesting here, is that we, the people, May be able to delete posts that are not relavant to our topics, or we find rude/offensive. Of course, Posts made by Developers, Moderators, Ect would not be deletable, but your average forumer, would be deletable Only if you are the one that made the topic.
Allowing this, Would provide Cleaner, more friendly Forum Topics, as long as people keep up on Deleting these trolls' posts.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Has ____ ever played PS?
« on: December 10, 2010, 06:56:15 pm »
Simply Put, ask if sombody has played, and try to answer the previous question, if you cant at least say somthing smart.

Has AC/DC ever played PS, I have songs by them, that are live version, and the people in the crowd chant, Harnquist! Harnquist! Harnquist!

Sarras Failed.

Wish list / Unarmored Skill, and Mana pot upgrade.
« on: November 13, 2010, 04:04:08 pm »
So for starters, There should be a skill, to defends yourself, while unarmored, it would train the same as the other armors do. But the skill would be in use for, when a person wears Nothing, or they are wearing simple clothing. The skill makes sense in my mind, as a person would be 'most' able to doge, without any armor at all, and people can build up a resistance to pain. As i have noticed, IRL i seem to have a high pain tolerance when it comes to breaking my bones....But an example, would be, if you walk barefoot, over a gravely road, all the time, eventually the bottom of your feet harden, and its hurts almost not at all. Another example, is that a person hits you on the arm, over and over again, in the same spot everyday, eventually you dont feel it anymore, this is the kind of thing i mean by this, but feel free to add to the idea.
Also, since unarmored, and Melee would corrispond, just as daggers and LA sword MA and axe HA seem to do, I figure they would go to the same level as each other, but thats a thought.

My other wish, is about the mana potions, as i have noticed today, The regular mana potion, Heals around 25 mana, compared to the maximum, 222 mana, or more if you have buffs..Since the string of quests for the sleep glyph is broken, as far as i am aware, Its about time mana potions are tweaked a little bit, as the greater mana potions only heal around 50 mana. Compare the mana you get to the price it costs, and your are out 3k every 300 mana or so you use....

Instead of these set numbers for mana potions, mana potions should heal a % of your mana, Minor mana potions, around 20% Normal mana potions around 40% Greator mana potions, around 75% and then there should be a Masterade mana potion, or somthing of the such, implemented to heal 100%

Wish list / Arena Habitats.
« on: October 30, 2010, 10:02:13 pm »
After playing, for 'almost' 2 years, I've noticed, that of everything that has changed, the arena has not, sure, the monsters are a bit diffrent, but the arena is 'still' a bit overrun by tefusangs. But this isnt my point.

The monsters within the arena, IC'ly should'nt be able to thrive, let alone 'want' to thrive, in the blank, triangle they live in. Notice, when you are in the riverling pit, or the trepor pit, all you see is dirt. What 'I' Feel is IC, would be to have a habitat, so to speak, for each pit of monsters, as a colony of trepors wouldnt be able to survive in dirt, they would need various grasses, plants, water, the riverlings would want a small pond, the velnishis, might want some rocks, the dlayos might want a stadium, the tefusangs would want a field, the coamtis would want a bush, or a hole, the tlokes and arnagmas might want a tree,
An analogy is basically saying, you wouldnt get a hamster, and place it in a fish tank, with no fluff, fake house, tubes, and food/water, without those it would die, Its the same for the arena monsters, So i just hope this is considered.

Wish list / Fight for Freedom!!
« on: October 09, 2010, 08:15:27 pm »
After hearing a lot about jail and Guards. I've decided to make a wish of it, As citezens of Yliakum we have the right to fight back, against the Guards of Hydlaa. For Years, various criminals [who are a valued part of the community, and keep my guild in business.] have gotten frozen and then teleported to Jail. NO LONGER! should this be tolerated, I dont care how many gm's try to say it, but i think the freazing, and then teleportation is godmodding. And i believe The people should be able to fight for their freedom. with guards that have reasonable Skills, mabey 300 in stats, and at most, maxed skills [on player side, meaning 100 sword 150 axe ect] if they lose the fight, the the criminal can run free out of town.

Wish list / Mighty Genie grant my three Wishes
« on: October 01, 2010, 06:11:57 pm »
1.) I wish for a two bars in the character creation screen, one to stretch out the character's length, and one to decide the characters width [how fat he is]
2.) I wish that food could effect a person's weight over time, eat enough unhealthy food, with little exercise, get fat, eat unhealthy food WITH excersize, well stay the same depending on the excersize, eat healthy food, get skinny / muscular with excersize :D
 [I understand that ould be really hard to implement.]
3.) I wish to know when npc's are going to be added to the New'er Oja

Wish list / Server Fail-Safe
« on: August 30, 2010, 02:40:32 pm »
Well, my wish involves the annoying little message telling you how the server has failed.

Weather it being you lost connection or the server actually went down, you get a message telling you the server has failed, and you click ok and it closes your game.

When that happens, you miss what was in your chat tabs, say you had main open, you miss your tell, Guild, Allience, and channle chat.

Now not everyone has the game log their chat, for whatever reason, and not everyone can get to their logs, [becuase they dont know how] Since they are in a hidden folder [for windows XP not sure bout others]

My wish, is that when the server failed menu appears, that you can still click and open the other chat tabs, so that you dont miss what people have said to you. and so you can answer them, when you get back on.


Granted or negated Wishes / Music Options
« on: August 28, 2010, 05:16:13 pm »
I dont think this one would be really hard...

But what i think should be implemented, is options to the music, so what we have right now, is you open PSlaunch and you can either have sound on or off, what i mean, is when you have that menu open, instead of just being able to turn sound on or off, be able to turn diffrent things off, seperate sound effects, and music, so that you can turn off music but still have sound effects or vice versa.

Wish list / A solution we all want.
« on: August 14, 2010, 01:47:07 am »
we all know, that the monsters have gotten stronger, things like ulbers, trepors, gladiators, and the such, the things we USED to be able to enjoy killing, BUT, i just realized the solution to the problem.

Most high-ish skilled people in a combat, be it sword axe ect. CAN damage onyx daggers dlayos,, ulbers and whatnot, but end up getting kill in a hit or two.

This post is to encourage the devs to focus more on body development for player use., Obviously it WORKS, its just not trainable, monsters have body dev, and they have higher HP becuase of it. vvallace was even able to figure out 1 lv in body dev  gives 8 hp, thats his theory.

so why isnt it trainable to the public? i heard devs talking about spells realm 8 or so that can do 2000 damage, so we would need more health ANYWAY, now i dont know much about development, but i know since it works already, making it player trainable is the only thing left for it, so im just hoping it will get to work on soon, cus once thats implemented, people would stand more of a chance against the demonly ppowerful monsters and things.


General Discussion / Need a vacation :\
« on: April 21, 2010, 11:08:30 pm »
im giving up...
ever since 5.0 came out, things have been getting worse and worse, with every update somthing i dont even notice gets added, but lag gets worse, with every update crashing is getting increased, with every update i freaze more and more. im just done
becuase on top of all of this, the people who are SUPPOSED to fix things like this, have been making updates for diffrent art files..
seriously WTF
and even worse, from some event i dont really know what happened, i heard somthing happened between talad and xillix, some devs quit, which is not going to help the problems...
im taking a break from this game, i tried to put up with it getting worse and worse, hoping for the best, but nothing is happening, im taking a month off...
so long people, i'll see you whenever......
i'll check forum,, but you wont see me in-game anytime soon...

Wish list / My Idea of a monster
« on: April 11, 2010, 05:43:53 pm »
this is a picture i drew the other day, i thought it was kinda cool, so i wanted to ask if it could be a monster for the game, i figure youd accept anything that adds to the variety ^.^
I calls it a lakeskimmer, its feet let it skim across water :3

[Update 4/15/10]
The Laker Skimmer Has gills, for breathing underwater, and feet with pockets that fill with a gas, that the Skimmer can produce, to Skim across water.
The Lake skimmer can only be above water for about 30 minutes, give or take, it depends on the size and age of the Skimmer.
The Skimmers live in small packs, there will generally consist of 7 or 8 per pack in 1 skimmers lifetime. 1 Skimmer can live to be about 18 Years, they will be confertable and start mating when they reach the age of 8.
They will never leave the water, the way their feet have evolved over time, has left them unable to be mobile out of water.
The skimmer will eat fish, and various bugs that land in, and swim in the water.
The Tail keeps the skimmer balanced, since the skimmer willcrouch while waiting to attack.
The rounded spikes on his back are round looking from the side, but razor sharp from the tip going down, they prevent anything from getting on top of the skimmer.
The Lake skimmer will bash at enemies with its strong pointed snout, and will try to throw its-self at enemies, getting its back to slam into them, knowing that they will land in the water and can easily swim back up.
[More info to come]

The Hydlaa Plaza / A monsters Point of veiw
« on: April 06, 2010, 07:12:04 pm »
This gonna be another forum game, buts a bit diffrent then the you are a whatever
For this one, you play out as if you are doing somthing to a monster, but you have to do it from the monsters point of veiw :3
Me starts.

Tloke Warrior: Here comes that fuzzy thing again...
Tloke Warrior: Drones move out take him down!!
Tloke drones start biting at Earowo.
Earowo starts cuttin into shreds with his sabres while whistling a soft tune.
Tloke Queen: Warriors!! he is after my jewles again!! Stop him!!
Tloke warriors stab at Earowo with their stingers.
Earowo chops a few heads and kicks some of the warriors.
Tloke Queen: Damn the colonie is ruined....
Earowo kicks the Queen in the head as hard as he can knocking her unconcious and takes the tlokes queens gem, then he starts plucking wings from the dead bodies.
Earowo: Jirosh is going to be pretty happy to get his hands on this.
Earowo walks away, towards Ojaveda.

Fan Art / Earowo can draw to :D
« on: March 29, 2010, 09:44:21 pm »
meh first drawing of somthing PS
first one i've done for about a year now too
i think that armor makes me look fat XD

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