Author Topic: I've realized.  (Read 888 times)


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I've realized.
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:49:50 am »
After talking to several people today, I've realized a few things.
I've been overly hateful, towards the few people, that have been...upsetting me..

A few people, have been, i guess the best word is trolling, me.
These people, being Vakachek, mishka, maisent, and sarras, in their own way, some more occasional then others.
Im simply here to say, None of them know, much of anything, about me, or any of my characters, yet they continually dis on me. sure we have our disagreements, especiialy me and vakachek, but what I understand is that we are various different people,a nd obviously not suited to be put alone in the same room.
What im realizing now though, is the way I have bee handeling thing, has been  a bit on the immature side, rather then trying to fight back, at every little thing they may go against me with. Im thinking I should start ignoring it.

I apologize if any of you found me rude at any point, and you will probably not have to deal with it at any other point.
We will always have our disagreements, since we will never be the same person.
I guess, what upsets me more or less, is that you judge, without getting to actually know me, Sure perhaps I've done the same, but I suppose thats what we have in common, we judge, from what we see others writing about in the forums, i think thats how trolls might actually be made, The fued between me and vaka, is simple becuase we disagree about almost everything, between me and sarras, I don't like how she treats some people IC and OOC,
I have my problems yes, Im overprotective about certain things, and i have some anger issues, but i dont normally let that get in my way..

Anyways, Im babbling.
Again, IM sorry if i was a jerk at any point, I'll be sure to...ignore any flames directed at me, as thats what is cuasing me to flame back..
Dohmo: Please clean up your language immediately.
Me: as i just said, what i said, fits in the guidlines of rated PG, i was just explaining to the G guy
Dohmo: Sorry I tried to e nice
Dohmo: and i'm telling you to clean it up. last warning
Dohmo: now just do it
Dohmo: No more warnings



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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 08:19:16 pm »

You think I have been trolling you but I have not. I have occasionally said mean things to you because you have been mean to me (e.g: maisent won the tournament? No way! Perlan must've been tired and Luu must've been drunk. e.g: maisent is a crappy duelist <====those were both said on gossip while I was online). I am not mean to people unless they have been mean to me. You have started to dis me and tell me I suck at some things etc. etc. etc.I thought it was just you in a bad mood or something that day, so I waited a week even a month . But not change, so I decided i was going to stop being so nice and so that is why i made that joke about you in your game called 'Has _____ ever played Planeshift?'. I can still remember us being friends way back then, we used to hang out a lot with Vilgax. I don't know what happened but 1 day you just turned cold. Also I have heared from Vakachehk that you two were close friends aswell.... I wonder what happened there? Please don't act so innocent and get people to believe that you were the victim.

You can choose to ignore this post and be mature if you want.


« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 08:35:57 pm by Maisent »


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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2011, 08:35:36 pm »
I was also online at that time too, when you said that, and thought that was rather offensive thing to say right in Maisents face, considering you never even competed let alone I never saw you watching, give you no right to say that. I haven't been 'trolling' you, it seems that when ever I say something you always disagree, e.g with the who's nicer Lilu, Eso, OTR thread. It then turns into an argument/flame-war, also I got very offended with this thread when I was trying to apologise to everyone you had to start a conflict, and now I think nobody has taken me insincerely because I keep arguing with you.

We were once good friends, if you rememebr, I use to get help from you sometimes with training and stuff. Don't know what happened there either.

I agree with Maisent, it does seem that you always try to be the victim, I try to get along with everyone but sometimes (like with Sarras) I can't take the crap and I will retaliate.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 08:43:04 pm by Vakachehk »
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2011, 09:16:35 pm »
@ Maisent Me and vaka have never been close friends, im not sure where you got that from. IC'ly i've talked to him...once. Are fued is solely through the forum.

I figure you would know im a very sarcastic person when it comes to certain things, I tend to act towards you a little towards the same way I do towards vvallace, since i met you through him, as i remember, and to me and him we tell each other we suck all the time ;) This wasn't completely aimed towards you, as i think i have the 'least' problem with you.

I've just been thinking of a lot of the flaming between me and others as a chain reaction, depending on the person, it started with a comment by me or another, be it misttaken, disagreed, or however. I figure, if I just stop responding, to the flame in the chain, it will stop altogether, Im remembering the days in 4.03 where everybody, gets along with everybody, and I just want that back, which is why Im apologizing, and trying to end the chain. At least the chain with me involved.

@ Vaka: I reread from the topic you posted, And as I said, I tend to be sarcastic about certain things, the first quote and comment was simply sarcasm, it may have seemed snobby, im sorry, i didnt mean it that way, again, its just how im used to joking around with people, I'm pretty used to  chattin with vvallace, And I realize the way we joke with each is not neccisarrily the right way to joke with others. About people not changing, well I cant remember specifically how long ago I said that, but I did realize I was wrong, People as a whole Do not neccisarilly change, Its peoples opinions towards people, and actions that change, which change a person in a slight way, my opinions about certain things have changed, And i've also noticed, that i ahve been agreeing with some of your more recenter posts..
Im not trying to portray myself as a victom in this situation, which is why im apologizing so much, im trying to change the way thigns are, I would rather have things more like a mutual agreeement, then constent dissing, if it means work on anyones side of the fire. And like you said, when you hear crap about yourself, or a close friend, you retaliate, i know how that goes, thats what is cuasing this chain i mentioned, its back and forth retaliation, which is what im trying to stop.

I do know, that you would ask me certain advice about training info, but I never 'actually' knew you enough to call you a good friend...My opinion is it just doesnt work that way, perhaps if i had known you better.

I think the main reason between our fued, other then the chain that seems to continue on the forum, is the gossip channel, ho by god, people actually 'gossip' there, I think my opinion of you turned sour after hearing what other people said about you, and i realize that it was wrong of me to judge you for what other people said, its the damn invention of the rumour. Thats partly what turned me sour towards sarras as well, People are always talking about how she calls people sluts, randomly at that, and other things of the such, and i just plain dont like that about her..

I gues what Im saying is Id rather restart how this is working out betwwen us, then continue the chain of retaliation.

SO again, I apologize, for not realizing this sooner.
Dohmo: Please clean up your language immediately.
Me: as i just said, what i said, fits in the guidlines of rated PG, i was just explaining to the G guy
Dohmo: Sorry I tried to e nice
Dohmo: and i'm telling you to clean it up. last warning
Dohmo: now just do it
Dohmo: No more warnings



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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2011, 09:57:24 pm »
Sarras is banned atm, but i've never seen her be mean OOC before, worst i've seen is the out of control comments that everyone says in gossip when the GM's might not be around  ;), and once telling me to shut up. (if you havent yet, who are you so i can marry you) and Ic'ly that shouldn't matter, without mean characters, what's left? Good people?



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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2011, 10:09:00 pm »
Well there is a difference between a person who is IC'ly mean, and sombody who is mean simply for OOC reasons, I have never let my problems OOC affect anything IC.
Dohmo: Please clean up your language immediately.
Me: as i just said, what i said, fits in the guidlines of rated PG, i was just explaining to the G guy
Dohmo: Sorry I tried to e nice
Dohmo: and i'm telling you to clean it up. last warning
Dohmo: now just do it
Dohmo: No more warnings



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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2011, 11:33:14 pm »
I didn't read most of the posts above this but....

Vaka, sorry to say this but you are a bit of a tool. Maisent; you are an alright duelist when you aren't trying to pull some stupid trick. Ear, if someone on the internet is trolling's the internet so you best get used to it. Honestly the trolling in PS pretty innocent, it could be much worse. You all just need to stop being to easily offended.

PS. You all suck!

PPS. <3


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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2011, 11:54:01 pm »
Everyone in the PS community (except Sarras as me and her have been at each other since I first started) is classified as a friend as that's what a community really should be, you were a 'good' friend because I found you an asset to the community, and to my game play as I could get help from you and what not. That is what I found the meaning good friend is. A close friend however would be someone I love to be around when playing the game. And we have spoken many many times, not just once, IG  ;)

Well then we know my apology to the PlaneShift community is cleared, that is good! I agree that the fued only came on these forums, but I do remember you telling me you could whip Maisents ass in a duel (I'm pretty sure that was actually the sentence too) in gossip, and that was when you said Perlan and Luu must of been drunk and tired for Maisent to win. Which people should not say that to other people as that is a little over the top and shows you're jealousy, either as a leader (as Maisent was in KIC at the time and you might of been jealous that I had a member as good of a dueller than you have or what not) or just pure one person, I don't know, or that you are trying to make yourself sound better when you didn't even compete let alone watch (AFAIK).

Yes it has probably started somewhere and has turned into a chain, quite correct there! And I think it's a good idea to end it here. Also Phantomboy86, Earowo is quite right with that, being ICly bad is fine but OOCly bad is very different, and that is not what this conversation/thread/topic is about.

Well then I guess everything is said that I needed to say. We can leave this in the past. And I apologise for carrying on this chain and not stopping this sooner too.

You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2011, 12:04:00 am »
So I have one fued hopefully fixed, which I am glad to hear, [hope you are unbanned soon XD]

To clear things up about that specific thing said about maisent, As I said twice, im sarcastic about a lot of things, And at the time, no, I was not nor am i know jealous of maisent in any way, at the time, I had honestly not seen maisent ever beat me Vv or perlan in a duel, it was, more towards sarcastic surprise, not neccisarrilly meant to be taken offensively.
By now, im sure maisent is  a lot better at dueling then he used to be, and i might not have realized that at the time. thats just somthing everybody fluctuates at, depending on how often they do it.
Dohmo: Please clean up your language immediately.
Me: as i just said, what i said, fits in the guidlines of rated PG, i was just explaining to the G guy
Dohmo: Sorry I tried to e nice
Dohmo: and i'm telling you to clean it up. last warning
Dohmo: now just do it
Dohmo: No more warnings



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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2011, 02:30:47 am »
I usually wouldn't reply in a thread like this, but I do have to step in and say something.  The accusations leveled against Sarras just aren't true.  Sarras and I are in a guild together, and have been off and on for months [pretty much since she came back] and there are few people who chatter in gossip as much as we do. I see a LOT of what she says, and I haven't ever heard her randomly calling anyone a slut, or being rude to someone OOCly.  Sure, Sarras may joke around with some of the guild, Travosh, Esalir and myself... but we all tease each other, and it's never serious.  And the only person I've ever heard using the word slut in gossip has been talking about their own character, and it wasn't Sarras. 
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai


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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2011, 03:27:46 am »
I usually wouldn't reply in a thread like this, but I do have to step in and say something.  The accusations leveled against Sarras just aren't true.  Sarras and I are in a guild together, and have been off and on for months [pretty much since she came back] and there are few people who chatter in gossip as much as we do. I see a LOT of what she says, and I haven't ever heard her randomly calling anyone a slut, or being rude to someone OOCly.  Sure, Sarras may joke around with some of the guild, Travosh, Esalir and myself... but we all tease each other, and it's never serious.  And the only person I've ever heard using the word slut in gossip has been talking about their own character, and it wasn't Sarras. 

This was one of my first conversations on these forums, take a read.

After this conversation when my brother was on IRC using a different name she started ranting on about me, my brother addressed that I had a brain injury, and completely shamed her out to the point in her leaving. The conversation re-started when I was in the channel and so was my brother and Calak (an oldie who doesn't play anymore), something started about Sarras not having an occupation or something and she started trying to make people suck up to her because she's partially blind and she cant get to an occupation because it's too dangerous and we were all like "taking a bus is too dangerous for a partially blind person?", and now she keeps on going on about how she's blind... I just say "partially blind*".

^^ That is why a lot of people dislike Sarras. And there is many other conversation I guess.

Thanks Earowo, I hope to be unbanned soon as well!  :sorcerer:

Yeah it's probably best to keep the sarcasm down, most people can't tell sarcasm that well in text without the emotocons, which aren't implemented in PS.  ;)
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2011, 04:03:23 am »
In the thread you posted a link to, you're both kinda being equally snarky by the second page.  Neither one of you is being particularly rude or nice to the other, and she wasn't making an unprovoked attack on you.  She just disagreed with you, so did Kull. 

I have no idea about the IRC, since I wasn't there, but you bringing it up without proof of it isn't going to make anyone who has talked to her the last 6 months or so suddenly say "You know what... she isn't the person she seems like because someone said she said something mean one time a long time ago."

And I'm definitely not going to get into her disability, because thats her business to address if she sees fit, when she's not banned, but I will say, I've never once seen her use it to try and make anyone "suck up" to her. 

Vaka, you've been out of the game for a while.  Keep in mind, people change and grow up.  Maybe the person you knew her as before is nothing like the person she is now.  I can't say who she was before, but I can say who she is now, and you're not right about her.

And I will say too, a lot of people are rather callous and rude on this forum, while being perfectly nice in game, and some... are just rude everywhere.  But there's enough nice people to compensate for it, as far as I'm concerned personally.   
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai


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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2011, 05:36:08 am »
*Mishka wonders where and when did she troll Earowo.

I want quotes, with their dates and links to the posts  ;)

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."


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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2011, 06:13:26 am »
marking this thread as lol.
<Rux> i wish i could say that narrows it down, but the internet is one freaky place


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Re: I've realized.
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2011, 06:42:28 am »
In the thread you posted a link to, you're both kinda being equally snarky by the second page.  Neither one of you is being particularly rude or nice to the other, and she wasn't making an unprovoked attack on you.  She just disagreed with you, so did Kull. 

I have no idea about the IRC, since I wasn't there, but you bringing it up without proof of it isn't going to make anyone who has talked to her the last 6 months or so suddenly say "You know what... she isn't the person she seems like because someone said she said something mean one time a long time ago."

And I'm definitely not going to get into her disability, because thats her business to address if she sees fit, when she's not banned, but I will say, I've never once seen her use it to try and make anyone "suck up" to her. 

Vaka, you've been out of the game for a while.  Keep in mind, people change and grow up.  Maybe the person you knew her as before is nothing like the person she is now.  I can't say who she was before, but I can say who she is now, and you're not right about her.

And I will say too, a lot of people are rather callous and rude on this forum, while being perfectly nice in game, and some... are just rude everywhere.  But there's enough nice people to compensate for it, as far as I'm concerned personally.   

I don't really care if you like Sarras or think I am trying to change your opinions of her, the fact I am stating is that I find her very frustrating sometimes. I was new, I placed my first idea, I felt that that conversation has changed my opinions on PS A LOT! That exact conversation is why I am so stubborn to anything to do with PS, the reason why my opinions I never bother to construct well.

The thread was only the start of it, the fact that she went straight into IRC and started calling me stupid and dumb behind my back was a real offence, then starting to try suck up when she found out I had a head injury (at the time) that she was partially blind was really annoying.

Also you said she may have grown up? Well all the threads and posts have been deleted but recently (just before she got banned) she had another go at me, of course I will retaliate as that is who I am, I stick up for myself and that's just the way it is, but she did start it. Yes I feel bad saying all of this when she isn't able to have her say, but I am just trying to make sure you don't give her too much of your trust and good friendship. But let's just drop the conversation here, or after your reply.

@Mishka I really don't know, all I have seen that is offensive is when I said "Who's the most annoying Clamod" someone said "Mishka" and you said "What about Earowo?" but then he commented in that thread and the rules stated if you comment in this thread you are allowing people to say meanish things to you. So I really don't know, but you haven't been 'trolling' him, as trolling isn't quite the right word.

@drey You are marked as my 'lol shoe lover!'  :P
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.