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Messages - dragnoor

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Complaint Department / Re: Where are all the Roleplayers?
« on: July 20, 2008, 05:22:55 pm »
Sen : "Not being indifferent towards other people in an multiplayer game and showing some basic respect to another would be a first step."


And Im sorry about having weapons out in town. A note to all PL'ers. Sheath swords. I will show politeness. I didnt imply a takeover. But its the way of the world for things to change. I was a keen RP'er once too.


P.s  Avid Anti - flamer

Complaint Department / Re: Where are all the Roleplayers?
« on: July 20, 2008, 01:01:45 pm »
               My opinion..

To understand what motivates, "grinders, Power levellers," you have to look at the end product. Building a CHAR within PS is the same as
WoW or UO or any other Mmorpg. Levelling up etc, acquisition of wealth, is for the purpose of what? Well like irl we do the same things. For
the same reasons.
Talad says, "You cant take your chattels/wealth with you." (when you die.) Yet Ps kind as well as mankind blindly aquire wealth and position.
Its Human nature.
So the answer is that I and others like me level up & acquire wealth and glyphs and all sorts.. Because its natural to do so.

WoW the most successful game of all time, reflects this. Ultima Online gives you a glimpse into the future. The release of houses to players. Storage of Items and interior decoration.
Powerscrolls & Stats scrolls costing 10's of millions of trias to increase stats above ceiling by a small margin. Ulbernauts attacking hydlaa at random.
Grouped players hunting malbernauts or A Posse routing out a well known but disguised Thief.
                                                                                                                                                              Not GM but Player Guards within Hydlaa supporting
Percival in Policing the towns. All to come... All to add richness and diversity to the game. Someone here suggested Purist RP'ers should play MUD's / IRC etc.
I agree...
PS isnt the same as WoW or UO I know i've played both. I played UO for over 4 years. I watched it morph from purist RP to Noobishness & general disintergration
of RP. I was sad it went, I liked RP. But time waits for no man. Things change.
                                                                                                                                   XilliX,  My utmost respect for allowing us to play your creation. Yes exploits are found & abused.
Yes We are rude & offensive to one another within guildchat. Yes we do Shout & forget to use brackets. Yes the mine is overrun with us. But you should see the fun we have.
We duel because we get bored mining & pick a fight with someone equally likeminded. I've had too many ores on me & had to drop it on the floor & move/pickup/drop/move.
Hilarious !! When I come across players doing this it makes me laugh ! In fact most of the so called abuse is just horseplay. People having fun.
                                                                                                                                  Someone recently commented on how the stealth walk looked like he was constipated, And it does look
like that. And its funny & everyone at the mine was in stiches. This is real laughter not idiosyncratic IC banter.
After playing Ps for many months happily testing and bug reporting I hope no enforcement will be needed. I can tell you why as well. Because WE ARE IC all the time. Our characters
reflect our personalitys. Some are brash & rude, others more placating. Some are evil. Some think the sun shines out of their a**e. Most ask the daftest questions. Alot run around questing
or mining, Mobs bashing for pp's. But & this is key : They try to stay IC. By being THEMSELVES. Recently ive attended a number of Tourneys. Players duelling for prizemoney. Strict rules.
The crowd baying for blood. Husbands encouraging their wives to win. All of this is IC as far as im concerned.
Rp isnt dead. Its platform is. Rolling die n paper days are over. I know I go back that far. And now you dont like us Power players taking over your world. I pity you. I've moved on.
If you cant beat em join em I say. And when I did I soon realised what I had missed. Watching fellow guildsters develop & become specifically different from anyone else in the guild.
No two players are the same. We all have different ideas of what is right & wrong.
Ps wants the player to enjoy themselves. We do. With or without you Rp'ers. Why cant you do the same? Ignore us like somone suggested by placing on ignore list. Admittedly a long list.
Your in a minority. We who are intent on being stronger to fight & win tourneys or challenges are the vast majority. Its called progress. Its called RP.


P.s   Yes thats why we do it...To WIN !! Is that so bad ?

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