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Topics - Induane

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Linux Specific Issues / Newbie guide to installation on Ubuntu.
« on: March 05, 2008, 01:54:44 pm »
Ubuntu Installation Guide

* This is a simple guide for people running Ubuntu who want a quick nice way of getting this game running on your systems.

The first step is to open a terminal window. 

Applications ---> Accessories ---> Terminal

You should now have a terminal window open.

Lets start by downloading the installer. Copy and paste the following command into the terminal window. (right clicking in the terminal window will give you a menu with the option to paste. The normal Ctrl + V doesn't work. (Its Ctrl + Shift + V if you want to use the shortcut).

There are two binaries available for linux. One is for those who have a 32 bit processor or whom have a 64 bit processor but are only running a 32 bit distro.  The other is for people with 64 bit capable processors who are running  a 64 bit distro.  The difference is significant enough that if you download the wrong one then it won't work so be sure to grab the right installer!

You can check to see what your distro is by entering the following command into the terminal if you are unsure:
Code: [Select]
uname -a
If you are running a 32 bit distro the output will be something like:

Code: [Select]
brant@Ragnarok:~$ uname -a
Note the part I highlighted in red.  This is the important part of the line and indicates you are on a 32 bit distro. 

If you are running a 64 bit distro the output will be something like:

Code: [Select]
brant@Ragnarok:~$ uname -a
Again, note the portion in red.  This is an indication that you are running a 64 bit distro.

Download the proper 32 or 64 bit version from the ps website

Once it downloads, enter this next command.  It makes the installer executable:

For 32 bit (most users):
Code: [Select]
chmod a+x
For 64 bit:
Code: [Select]
chmod a+x
When you hit enter there will be no output.  If you type:

Code: [Select]
ls PlaneShift-*
Then it should show up in green text (this means its set to executable).

Now we want to launch the installer.  Most people want it to create menu icons so it must be run as root.

For 32 bit users:
Code: [Select]
sudo ./
For 64 bit users:
Code: [Select]
sudo ./
One you hit enter it should wait for a bit and then you will see the PlaneShift splash screen.  After a time you should get a dialog box like this:

As you can probably tell I speak English, so I just hit the OK button. 

This brings you to a nice new screen, the welcome screen:

I just hit Forward here.

Now we are greeted with a EULA.  Just make sure to select I accept:

And hit Forward.

Now we get to the installation directory section.  I prefer installing in /opt, which happens to be the default.

Since we don't need to change anything, I just hit Forward.

The next page is just a list of information about the release and some requirements.

Just hit Forward.

The screen we are now presented with asks about a system wide install.  This basically means that it puts some scripts in your path so that if you are at a command prompt anywhere you can just enter
Code: [Select]
planeshift and it will start.  I find this handy from time to time.  The initial screen looks like this:

Change the option from no to yes so that it looks like this:

And go ahead and hit the Forward button!

The next screen asks about your windowmanager.  If you are on Kubuntu then it is probably KDE, if you are on Ubuntu it is probably Gnome.  The initial screen looks like this:

If you are on KDE then leave this option as is.  If you are not then change to Gnome as in the following screen:

Now hit Forward to move to the next step of the installation.

Now we have the option of installing Menu Items.  I prefer this as it makes things a bit nicer.  The initial screen looks like this:

But change the option to yes so that it looks like the next screen here:

Then hit Forward.  The next screen asks whether you want desktop icons.

Change it to yes if you want it, however I already have menu icons so I don't need desktop icons so I just leave this screen set to "No".

The next screen asks about manually setting permissions on the installed files however I find that the default values are pretty sane and work just fine.

I just leave this option set to "No" and hit Forward.

The next screen informs us that we are ready to install!

Just hit forward and the copying of files will commence!

Look the files are copying!! Yay!!

When it finishes you should finally be greeted with this screen:

Thats a good sign :)  Just hit "Finish" to close the installer.  You should now be ready to launch PlaneShift.  It will be located in:

Applications -----> Games -----> PlaneShift Client

Also installed to the menus are:

PlaneShift Setup - Configure Options (including fullscreen)
PlaneShift Updater - Keep your version up to date
PlaneShift Uninstaller - Remove PlaneShift


If you run into an error when launching the client it could be due to permissions.  Some Ubuntu installs do not have a game group by default.  If you see an error like the following one you can fix it pretty easily:

The fix is simple.  Open a Terminal window again:

Applications ---> Accessories ---> Terminal

Now chown the directory:

* Note: be sure to change your_username_here to your own username, for instance mine says "brant:users" since my login name is brant.

Code: [Select]
sudo chown -R your_username_here:users /opt/PlaneShift/
This should eliminate the error.

There have been reports of the menu items not working correctly and not launching the applications correctly.  If you cannot launch via the menu then open a terminal as described above and enter one of the following commands depending on what you want to launch:

Code: [Select]
/opt/PlaneShift/psclient      Launches PlaneShift itself.

Code: [Select]
/opt/PlaneShift/pssetup      Launches PlaneShift's setup application.

Code: [Select]
/opt/PlaneShift/psupdater   Launches PlaneShift's updater.

Code: [Select]
/opt/PlaneShift/uninstall      Begins the uninstall process. May need to be run with sudo.

One possibility to fixing this issue instead of using the command line to launch the program is to change the permissions on the .desktop file itself.  The following command should do the trick on all 4 launchers at once.

Code: [Select]
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/share/applications/planeshift*.desktop

I hope this helps a few people out! Questions, comments, etc are welcome.

Forum and Website Discussions / Forum moderator race question.
« on: December 14, 2007, 04:48:32 pm »
I've a question to address, and I realize the subject is probably abit polarizing at first glance, I think it will be reconsiled as cut and dry.  Are there any race restrictions for becoming a forum moderator, and if so why or why not? Specifically I am wondering if there are any forum rules regarding making cats moderators of forums. 

Watashi wa neko desu.

The Hydlaa Plaza / City of Vaalnor
« on: October 21, 2007, 11:40:14 pm »
I was so happy with the latest work Jekkar and Yill and I did on the town that I had to throw a screenshot somewhere.  Since this thread had sort of become a progress thread for us in a way I went ahead and threw it here.  If its too much digging up of an old thread, feel free to move it mods. 

Thanks to Hooloovoo and Yill for contributing some new models, and thanks to Archon for some as well (his aren't shown in these shots but he made a market for us :) )

Update: Thanks for the relocate :)

Wish list / Change Window Title to "PlaneShift"
« on: October 16, 2007, 08:28:35 am »
One thing that I've always found odd and never quite understood was that when playing, the window title is always "Crystal Space Application", as you can see in the following screenshot I took a while back (just reusing my shot from the general discussion thread):

Would it be difficult to edit the window title so that as a window its distinguishable from "Walktest" which also gets the window title "Crystal Space Application" ?  Seems to me it would just be a one liner though I could be wrong.

General Discussion / A tale of two MMO's
« on: October 15, 2007, 06:24:03 pm »
Actually this isn't about anything I just thought the shot was fun, two free Mmo's both with open source engines at least, running on an open source OS :)

Update: Made my own thumbnail hyperlink due to imageshack's quirkiness. Strange though, the issue people mention doesn't occur on any of the computers on my work network either.  Is this something that a good firewall stops? Could it be geographic?  Sort of an odd deal, ahh well :D

Thanks for the info!

Fan Art / Induane's Models
« on: July 19, 2007, 06:00:16 pm »
Induane's Models

I am planning on using this thread as a central place for the models I occasionally throw together for PlaneShift.  Some will be incomplete without someone to finish them and since I lack time to fully finish some of these I'm hoping that someone will come along, download them, and perhaps eventually finish one to contribute to the game.  Developers or anyone looking to contribute might be able to utilize some of this.  I hate to waste polygons.

With that in mind, I guess I should start:

Dermorian House:

Download link:

Description:  This is a model of a Dermorian house I did about a year ago.  I made it initially to have a nice PlaneShift style model to put in my portfolio for my application.  I never got around to completely finishing it though, and its been rotting in a folder so I figure maybe someone can use it.


Complaint Department / We're all too defensive (me too).
« on: May 16, 2007, 09:33:32 pm »
I noticed today that Karyuu added to the Welcome to the Complaint Department thread.  This part I found particularly worthy:

Over the course of several threads now we have seen both players and developers become defensive to an unhealthy degree, as tensions mount.

She also noted that the direction of this section of the forums should move to constructive criticism, which seems logical enough. 

So my complaint is that people in general are far too defensive.  I notice that with myself as well, in fact, I tend to get defensive about not being too defensive in a weird way.  In one way or another I think all of us are guilty of this, being to worried about being right, too worried about getting our points across, and too defensive when our ideas our challenged.

I say lets all chill out and enjoy ourselves a bit more.  There are always things to complain about, and thats fine, but I think we should all make an effort to relax, look around objectively, and realize we're all different, but we're here together.  A group of individuals with different values can still speak with one voice when the issues are important enough, and I think most everyone here has the capacity to look at things a bit differently if they want to.

Peace, love, whatever... I probably sound like an old hippie.  Either way I don't think there is much harm in enjoying each others company a little bit more, and worrying about ourselves a little less.  We are all self indulgent to a degree, myself maybe even worse than most, but we have the ability to step out of that box, so lets do it.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Death
« on: May 10, 2007, 01:35:55 pm »
The other night I was skimming the news on all of my rss feeds, and of course, with a few exceptions (like the tech based feeds) there was the usual assortment of random useless death, pointless meaningless killings, and a few rants about intolerance of one religion by another - Christians calling atheists intolerant, atheists calling religions in general intolerant, Muslims split between calling for peace and an end to fanaticism, and calling for death to the heathens. I wondered, why I was lucky ; why is my life ok?  My kids are healthy, we don't want for food, we have no debilitating diseases and do not live in constant fear for our safety.  These other people are just as innocent, so it all must be arbitrary.  How can so many good people suffer so much while I sit around on my computer from the safety of my own home?

I'll be honest.  I've always fancied myself as somewhat religious, with deep spiritual beliefs, yet associating with no particular religion.  But as I read this I felt my faith shattered for some reason.  I'm not sure why it broke down when and the way it did, but it did just the same.  Generally I've not bothered to question the existence of God, and instead simply tried to learn, live, and explore the complexities and beauty of the world he laid out with my usual optimism.  I watch my kids grow with wonderment, I read of great discoveries, and generally plod along with my overall general sense of optimism. 

Last night was different.  I looked at all the death, the families displaced, the mothers crying over starved children who have died, families weeping for a fallen soldier in their families,  meaningless deaths in street violence around the world, suicide, and started to wonder where God was.  I'd always simply written off the lack of intervention by God as simple as we were given free will, and that God does not interfere with that.  I was comfortable with for a time but now it seems like a convenient answer, like so many do in religion.

All that brought me to death in my own right.  I lay awake all night trying to conceive death if there was no afterlife.  On one hand I've always felt that eternal existence would be boring eventually, but I found that lying there non existence was even more horrifying.  I couldn't even face it or accept it.  Are we just hard wired to have a healthy fear of death in the interests of self-preservation?  What was it?  Since then I've been so horribly troubled I cannot even begin to explain it.  I find myself constantly drifting off into daydreams - or day-nightmares where I try to picture how my final moments will be.  I think of what I will be thinking, how I will be rationalizing everything to myself, and I just cannot do it.  I know I'm fairly young, and death by old age is far away, yet for some reason it is clinging to me now, breathing down my neck, and won't leave me alone.

I cannot grasp it or comprehend it in any way. 

Am I the only one who ever feels like this? Is something wrong with me?

Linux Specific Issues / Alternate Installer
« on: February 22, 2007, 07:06:32 am »
I've had to troubleshoot the bitrock installer a few times in the build channel and for me the errors are always befuddling.  I know the installer works fine for most people but for those that just can't seem to get the installer to work I've built another graphical installer based on InstallJammer.  Don't know if its helpful, its just a repackage of Xordans binaries so it should be pretty universal.

If there are any problems with me offering this download let me know - I mean I know its technically illegal, but this is purely unofficial for a few people whom the current installer doesn't work for.  I kind of figure no one will care too much.

Fan Art / Community Modeling Project Final.
« on: December 03, 2006, 10:45:55 pm »

It has been quite a journey.  We set out to create a whole new area for PlaneShift.  I think we succeeded to the extent that it reached game quality, but unfortunately I couldn't convince everyone of this, so while its not going into PS, I'm going to provide it all here, boldly licensed now under Creative Commons.  Perhaps some more time put into it could have pulled it up by its bootstraps and  polished it enough that it could have made it in game, however I simply ran out of steam alone.  Many people helped a great deal with this, especially at first, but near the end it was me alone trudging along on and on and on. :D Not that that was bad - it was a great learning experience for me and I had an immense amount of fun along the way.  I know public posting and licensing will prevent it from being used in game but I had a good time making it so no love lost - at least not much! ;)

Update:  I touched up a few things and corrected a license violation. Fixed the waterfall and landscape export. Water is animated to rise and fall a little bit as well.  Also some modifications to the terrain LOD settings have been made for performance reasons. 

Lets have a quick list of those who contributed:

Initial Proposal:
 - JosePhoenix made the initial proposal and provided a hidden forum for us to do much of the planning work. KUDOS!

Technical Assistance:
 - Wired_Crawler didn't do any modeling or anything but helped me solve so many problems I couldn't even count it all.  His knowledge of PS and CS were invaluable.  I can safely say we would have failed without his council.

Concept Artists:
  • Jekkar
  • Minetus

Mesh Modeling:

  • Lordbug - A good portion of this is his meshing - most notably the cave itself.
  • Archon - some rocks and the first real cave entrance
  • Minetus - Cave entrance, and a few of the rocks.
  • Induane - Terrain, Fishing shack, lamp posts, lanterns, dock and tree's.
  • Gorzhuul  - Various Misc Meshes

Texture Work:

  • Jekkar - many things - notably the lanterns and lamp posts.
  • Minetus - Some grass and stone textures
  • Induane - Most everything else - but a lot of sending textures to Jekkar for final touches
  • [Nikodemusss - stalagtite texture

There is also a good deal of background story but I never managed to have time to get it all into readable form.  My sincere apologies. 

Lets get this party started shall we?  How about a few early screenshots so you can see how bad things started out!  I'll try to progress screenshots so people can see some neato things I hope.   Later on I'll provide a finished world file and all the source files and textures associated with the project, all in one handy zip file.  Be warned though - it will be one big file.  :D

Upon second inspection I don't have all the old shots I thought I did! OH NO!! Well... that just means a few older shots then a tour of the real thing. 

Here is an early shot of some experiments with some forests:

Some work on the trees:

More early landscaping and bad ground textures:

Did I mention bad ground textures?

More fun with attempting landscaping:

Our initial cave entrance by Archon:

Another shot of our old entrance:

But something just didn't quite fit and so Minetus came up with this concept work of a new cave entrance (yes there is a cave - we'll get to it!)

Which he later turned into this:

And finally another shot of some of our old terrain with a lake:

Newsflash! Found a shot of our old cave  stuff! - Bad isn't it? :D  Well, live and learn!

Now lets descend into the cave shall we? :D  Here is some of the tunnels leading to the main cavern:


Long ago when you entered the cave one of the things you saw was a waterfall.  The waterfall went through a lot of revisions, and then once I had it just right... the particle system I was using was brutally removed from CrystalSpace! Oh NO!! I cried and cried... metaphorically of course - I'm currently investigating new methods of putting the waterfall back in.  As of the time of this writing however I've been forced to remove it. :(

Still though here is the first iteration of it:

Looked great from a distance but up close was very very ugly.  Later versions looked more like this:

And here is a shot of us testing it ingame on a test server.  Notice the bad experiments I was doing with waterfall color.

One of my favorite parts of the cave is the bridge that lordbug modeled. You can see it in the previous shot, but this shot shows it a bit more clearly:

As you can see the lamp posts and ground textures needed work, and the flames looked awkward.  Obviously we needed to do more hard work!  The textures were later easily fixed.  The hard part came when I decided to do the fire so that it looked nice.  Not all the fire is perfect yet, but it all looks good enough I think.  While those render lets have a look at the shack and a few more interior cave shots.  I still love those luminescent fungi growing wild lighting the cave.

This shack shot is just how the shack looks in blender - I'll have a better render soon.

AND some more shots of the cave interior:


Whew! That was a long wait!  I'm exhausted from it!  Good thing you guys don't have to read this post in real time as I write it! :D  I don't like the new waterfall quite as much but its better than nothing.  Feel free to improve it if you know how.  Anyways this is the view when you first enter the cave itself:

And now a shot of the new lamp posts and their flames!!

And now a lantern!

Or perhaps some vids would help!  You need the theora codec to play them!

Or how about the landscape? How did that turn out?  Well, sounds like time to check it out!!

And now for some of the updated screenshots:

And now the grand finale!   Download this file:

And if you want just the world file to explore:

The souce files and a world file "" is included in the archive.  BIg project though - about 90 mb so be patient.

A big thanks to everyone who helped! If I left anyone out then let me know.

P.S. There are a few glitches left that I'm aware of in case anyone feels like having a go:

  • Tree bark texture loops badly
  • Campfire angles strangely
  • Some flames look weird
  • LOD on landscape needs tweaked.

And if you want to export the project for yourself, here are some tips:

  • After exporting, unzip
  • Then replace the landscape_basematerial.png with the one I provide in the download.
  • Open the materialmap in the gimp and apply the default noise ---> pick  filter 3 times to smooth transitions
  • When exporting play with various splat distances and see the results
  • Also consider lowering block resolution for better performance.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Jack-O-Lantern Contest
« on: November 01, 2006, 04:11:09 pm »
Everyone post pictures of your jack-o-lanterns here! :D I'll start of with mine:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Explaining the Unexplainable (A Strange Dream)
« on: October 19, 2006, 12:37:48 pm »
Dear Whomever,

This is not a letter to anyone in particular but rather a place I felt like placing some odd thoughts together partially because I have a strange confused feeling right now, and partially because I could see discussion being interesting (perhaps its only interesting to me only, as dreams often are).

Tuesday night, I fell asleep a bit earlier than normal, and strangely seemed to start to drift into a dream.  Unlike most dreams though this felt like I was drifting, totally conscious to another place.  At first I was vaguely concerned that I was somehow dead, but as events around me became more clear that worry vanished.  I was standing in a field with no grass, amongst a bunch of people who were warriors.  I was apparently the leader, which given my personality is an odd position to be in.  I felt concerned that the enemy ( who appeared somewhat how I perceive Aztech people ) was going to be able to finish their fortification, which was a very tiny rectangular pyramid.  We charged in a desperate attempt to push them back.  We reached the fortification and went inward.  There we found one person trying to escape through what appeared to be an escape tunnel that was flooded with a thick fluid.  A flat rock was descending on the entrance to the tunnel and the man was scrambling (I had a flash of a canoe for some reason at this point) to get inside before it closed.  In an attempt to stop him I found myself thrust downward by the closing of the entrance.  Here my perspective shifted to a cutaway style view where I watched myself in this tunnel which now looked more like a blood vessel.  The fluid was also going forward in a series of pulses much like a heartbeat I suppose. I was observed myself move through the tunnel for a brief while then found myself outdoors.  I was a totally different person.  I'm not sure how to explain it but I knew that I had not emerged as the same me that fell through the escape tunnel.  This terrified me and I ran around shouting to the various unknown people around me to help me find myself because I'd lost the me that I knew.  No one seemed to be able to help me though - nor did anyone even answer me at first.  It was then I realized that everyone around in this crowd of people that had appeared were manikins.   And they were now looking all in the same identical pose all staring up at me on this podium I had somehow found myself on.  One seemed to speak but never actually moved.  It said something to the effect of "you came to us like was foreseen, our command is yours - tell us how to live" - I stood there totally confused because I felt totally lucid yet disoriented - I would swear that I was conscious - I felt like I was in control of myself in this dream state.  Somehow though I had the feeling that it was totally real, and that I was long past any sort of bizarre life I had lived before.  The next thing I knew I was standing on the edge of a mirror like lake seeing my reflection but it wasn't me - I was staring at a dark light - imagine a sparkly bright white light being that is somehow black - yet still bright... I can't explain it... English doesn't seem to have the correct words.  Whatever I saw of myself it was utterly terrifying.  I sat up in bed, totally confused, then pretty much laid there the rest of the night. I could not get back to sleep.  I kept looking at the mirror on our wall afraid I'd see myself the way I did in the dream. 

Probably this story is a bit boring to many of you.  It does however feel good to get down in writing.  I've been a bit off for the last day or so.



General Discussion / Anyone with an Nvidia Geforce 6800 LE AGP?
« on: September 25, 2006, 12:54:33 pm »
I'm needing someone with an Nvidia GeforceFX 6800 LE  AGP type video card to help me.  I have a test I need run on that specific card.  If you have this card please PM me and I will PM you the details! :D Much Appriciated!

General Discussion / New Documentation: Need help!
« on: August 15, 2006, 05:55:39 pm »
Greetings all!   

Issue:  PlaneShift is a great open source project.  When a new developer, be it story writer, coder, 3d artist, 2d artist, or settings master, joins a project he/she must learn the ropes.  There is currently very little documentation on how to contribute to planeshift in the various ways in which it is possible.  I aim to change this.  And so I launch the PlaneShift unified documentation project.  The idea is to make it very much like a wiki, however I'm going to have a few admins approve entries.  Also this requires no wiki skills.  You can send us tutorials in, msoffice formats, or whatever - anything common, and we'll approve it and place it on the site.  I'm going to require that an admin test the documents submitted to ensure they are acurate and simple to follow. 

So I'm asking for people who have contributed before or simply know how to do something to help by writing it up and sending it to me at or in a pm here on the forums.   The site is currently located at

I've added some compiling guides as a start, and plan on adding some artists tutorials as well.  You can also post your howto's in this thread and I'll make an attempt to add them to the site.  If anyone has any questions, suggestions, etc, please let me know.  Hopefully we can make it easier for new developers to begin helping without having to have current devs spend their time helping new devs.

Linux Specific Issues / Cal3D Svn + CrystalSpace Compiling Solution
« on: July 20, 2006, 07:07:43 am »
Using svn for CAL3D and stable CrystalSpace doesn't work.  If you need to compile crystalspaces official planeshift revision you'll need to follow these directions, because cal3d's cvs was shut down recently.

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