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Messages - paxx

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Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: May 18, 2002, 05:55:17 am »
yes, you can sometimes see other characters but what you see is the same for everyone. mainly it is the engine that will run the game but overall it is a pretty major accomplishment, expect alpha (a playable game with very limited features and a ton of bugs) in three to four months, I may be wrong but that is what i suspect though they may phase into alpha and have some playability in a few weeks, but no story or real enviroment till bata testing and that will be 6+ months if we are lucky.

Sorry for the downer

(and please I am only speculating here not really in the know people are doing this in their free time give them some slack, but it will be fun see this game evolve from what it is today to what it is in a year I am sure)
:P :P :P :P

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: May 17, 2002, 05:14:36 pm »
this is not a game yet it is an engine of what will one day be a game.

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: May 17, 2002, 05:12:08 pm »
I?m all for that if it corresponds with the monsters in the game, but it is a fundamental part of the game.

Can a fighter type go out into combat without a healer type?

And if not then everyone will learn healing magic at least a few levels of it, will magic be that prevalent and should it be?

Also you must remember time is faster in most games, I think health should go from empty to full in 2 minutes max, for the average high level guy. How this is done I can care less, but if the game is a hard core Role playing game where cooperation is mandatory, and soloing is imposable then rest or spells is the only way, if this is a game focused on fun then if I am not doing anything then my health should go up as fast or faster then a mages magic bar/mana bar or whatever it will be called.

?Oh, I am a healer, and since I heal so fast I can take out monsters 5 times as strong as me??

think past the ?how things should be? and think on what effect they would have on a game. This isn?t a game where you will find an inn anywhere (at least I don?t think it is) in a group lets say magic and health didn?t go up unless you go to an inn, we fight two monsters and run to the inn then fight two more and run to the inn?come on that would be a pain.

In most games sitting represents resting, as such you gain health and mana. If you want a hard game then loot will be left by the waste side and banking won?t exist, food in a dungeon?.buahahahahaha, you would be able to eat your kills and fruit in the forests, come on these are moot issues in a mmorpg if you want realism then you have no magic and have to have bed rest for weeks after you get beaten nearly to death, I?d love it but most would not. As the game is currently in plans, it seems everyone will be able to choose their path and as such all will have access to healing magic. But shouldn?t a fighter be a more effective fighter then a fighter mage in most instances?

Just some thoughts, I just think your idea would turn off more people then it would turn on. In general people like having a sense of accomplishment and constant action, the more you make a game like real life the more it becomes a chore to play and not a joy to play for most.

Simple death and easy healing are key to ease of play and consistent action, I don?t have to wait 3 hours to fight again, I don?t have to wait 5 hours to get in a hunting party or group, I can fight on my own for that time?

I know many people don?t agree with me they think that it cheapens the game, well if the game is made for a minority then fine but if it is made for a wide audience then it needs to have mass appeal, I;m not saying getting to high end character should be easy, no just the opposite, but with each little fight and each quest completed your character should improve and even at the high end it should be easy to make micro improvements.

General Discussion /
« on: May 17, 2002, 01:53:59 pm »
The open node is likely the best rout, though some central control would be nice?if not I would be able to make a private node and make super characters for me and my friends and then load up to other nodes.

But if later there where an open library of maps and art and all the other fun stuff, as well as good tools, with some control for ?plane shift official portals? then it could be widely distributed and maintained, some servers could come on at non-business hours and deal with large quantities of bandwidth?this could work quite well.

It all comes down to what level of control is wanted. If it needs to be central one main server or 5 for that matter all supplied by on group then they would have to charge, if it is allowed to be decentralized then it would be easily maintained. But have loose standards and varying quality.    

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: May 16, 2002, 08:35:32 pm »
I offered my services a day ago, I have not been to my other comp with my e-mail yet though.

On the game play issues, and ease of play...this is a mmorpg, and a free one to boot. Most of my suggestions are geared so that the casual player can enjoy the game.

If this is not done, when it comes to production time players will have to play for hours and since the exp system will give exp throughout all that would be needed is 200 hours and a well designed macro a well populated newbie area and I will have a relatively powerful character. And since this is free I can have it on 10 machines. This would create some serious lag issues as hundreds of people do this as well.

If ease of play and exp brackets are made then and a well designed agro system is made, you can have time limits per account and still enjoy the game.

I recognize peoples wishes to have a realistic RPG. But to do that, a high end fighter type will be leveled by 10 very new archers, and no matter how good you are, you need a party to hunt down a troll.

A big dragon would take on hundreds at a time, reguardless of most anything except casters.

Casters would be useless early on but at the medium end they could take out hundreds at a time.

Players would start as warriors and later become wizards.

The question is what is the target of the game. If it is to be the best MMORPG then it will need bandwidth and such cannot be free.
If it is to be the best Role Playing Centric MMORPG then player generated quests must be created and involved.

If it is to be a free alternative, that is fun and plays well then it will have to attract the hack and slash non-pk audience.

And to be a true success it will have to go one of two ways, pay for play, or pay for server software and run your own easily customizable dungeons, with Planshift being the official and most well-maintained server.

That way If I want a PK server I have it. If I want a story driven game I have it, a level based game I have it....

Just some ideas but good thinking none the less I think.

My main fear is this game will be a victim of it\'s success no matter what good or bad, I can guarantee 5000+ players if it goes live, what then???        

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: May 16, 2002, 07:54:49 pm »
Creating a logic for calculating level of character Vs. level of another character is not to difficult. And there are multiple ways to do it.

You calculate total skill points and that is the level of  a character.

Separately you can split your total points spent list.

Categories would be something like
Combat: defensive and offensive with 1/2 the total of combat related knowledge /total points used.

Magic: defencive, offencive, and craft with 1/2 the total from magic related knowledge/ total points used.

Craft: craft creation, and 1/2 the total from craft related knowledge skills/ total points used.

This is a mock up but calculations along these lines can be used to compare characters.

Also this can compare characters Vs. monsters or mobs.

Since I don\'t know the rules of the system I can\'t really give a realistic equation.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Advancement?
« on: May 16, 2002, 07:48:50 am »
Ok, I?m a new and I downloaded the demo read the website and am reading a lot of the forum but I?m not there yet and I have a couple of questions.

From what I have read, this will be a skill based system (no Levels) or is this wishful thinking on my part?

Will characters have a free flowing path to choose from?

How is exp calculated? If I am mega powerful will I get exp for killing a weak monster?

If I am mega powerful in a group with newbie?s and I kill a moderate monster to me do the newbie?s get exp?    

Wish list /
« on: May 16, 2002, 07:18:32 am »
This is another great topic. I am beginning to love this forum just for the intellectual practice (how?s that for newbie suck up??)  

Anyway. PKing is great when the game is built for it, to date I have not seen a single really good implementation of it but the Race Wars servers in Everquest and Dark age of Camelot come real close.

To have a good PvP environment, there can be no loss to dieing except the hassle and faction must be enforced, if guilds are implemented in a PvP environment, you get a guild faction hit when you kill a member of guild X so after a while a certain guild wanting you dead. Also there must be a method available to all newbie and veterans to travel from city to city safely. And if you PK citizens of X city you become a target of the guards there when you try and come to the city.

Basically some penalty for killing random PCs must exist and the reward should be limited, when you kill a person less then half your level then you take a big faction hit with your city or many cities?

Another idea is that if the game is made so that the most powerful PC with the best equipment can be overpowered by 100 just entered characters or recently entered characters, then a posse can go out hunting for the PKer but for what is adds and what it takes away PKing isn?t worth it. But I love Race Wars, and I would love a Guild war server.

You have Guilds.
 Guilds have 4 standings with other guilds, allied, indifferent, allied with enemy, and enemy.

You can PK any enemy or enemy ally, you gain guild points for doing so, the guild uses guild points to pay for houses, and other expenses. You can not be an enemy of a guild in your base city, and if you are allied with a guild that is the enemy of a guild in your base city you can not fight them.

The only thing is that the thief and assassin types will show as neutral unless seen by a equal or higher level thief type and or they have killed a member of your guild in the last 5 minutes. I think some type of limit must be set on your ability to attack enemies of X levels or skill points lower then you, say one third. That way as a higher level guy I can?t attack you until you attack me but if you do I suffer no penalty for killing you.    

I think that would be fun, and if I wanted no part of PKing I don?t join a guild or I join a guild with no enemies and no allies and that is their shtick.

Just my thoughts

General Discussion /
« on: May 16, 2002, 06:41:17 am »
I know this is a bit screwed up, but what about bonus exp for paying customers??? Or get X exp for 10 dollars??

Some people would do it just look at e-bay.

Another possibility would be a one time charge, after 30 days of gaming, or be limited to 3 hours per day unless you paid the one time fee.

While it would be cool that is free the only other way would be to sell the server side software with customizable stuff and tools, as such anyone wanting to run their little RPG does it with this as a server, and you guys run this game as is for free, but you must support the people that buy the server software for their MUDs?it?s an idea at least, I would pay 20-60 bucks for a good easily customizable graphical mud. Never Winter Nights was being built on this premise, it is held up in legal issues. Of course you don?t have the name recognition but with some extra work you can make it so it works on a similar premise, even make it with a turn based option or something, have pleanty of GM options and such?you might want to look at the D20 license and see if you can use it, but I figure if done right you could raise a few hundred thousand dollars to keep it free, but an official organization would have to be formed and some support for users available.

Just an idea.  


I am new to this forum, so please excuse the fact that I may be repeating what others have already discussed, I have read a bit of the forum but not nearly one tenth.

I have played Role playing games for almost twenty years, computer role playing for almost 15, and online role playing for 5. I still prefer paper and pencil 90% of the time though?but that is a different matter.

The first graphical online role playing game I played was never winter nights on AOL, the first I got into was Ever Quest and currently I play Dark Age of Camelot. The best design so far is Dark Age until the higher levels. But it is far from perfect. But I am stealing the best from all my experience and adding a bit.

I will separate My wish list into things I think should be in the game and things I long for a game to have, but understand why it?s not in there and or why it hasn?t been done or won?t be done.

I am sorry it became much longer then I expected if you want my to split it up as different topics please say so and I will

What I think should be in the game:
Chat based:
1. A limited shout radius: I don?t want people broadcasting a conversation across the entire zone so that it is just SPAM across my text box.

2.    Chat channel: I can open a chat channel for me and others to converse in regardless of location on the server, like tell command but for multiple people.

3. Multiple speaking tabs: so I can be in group chat by default and use / commands to have other conversations.

4.  Clickable Friends list: I have a friends list, I open it and click on a friends name that is online and it automagically populates the name in my chat bar with the correct command as /tell. This would be helpful so that names like Sorryloserboyoftheforgottenwind don?t have to be typed each time I want to send them a tell, specially is they misspelled something.

5.   a reply hotkey such as r so that when I need to reply to somebody like Sorryloserboyoftheforgottenwind and I am in battle I don?t have to stop and type it.

6.   have the attack hotkey on the function key bar:  So while chatting I don?t attack a friendly NPC by accident.

Melee Based:  

1.   Have combo styles:  Combo styles or forms are basically setups and would function like so, I setup my skill 200 combo form to be 5 attacks and I sacrifice the first two attacks damage for a damage bonus on the last 3 attacks, the kicker is If I miss a single attack I only do base damage for the final 3, this would simulate me getting the opponent in position for some hard hits, another version could be a combo of 5 attacks with only the 5th doing damage, but it would do 15 times a base damage attack.

2. Have defensive and offensive stances: providing bonus to attack at a penalty to defense, or visa versa.

3.   have a /stick command equivalent: what /stick does is make you follow a mob (monster or such that you are attacking) and stay in attacking range to the best of your characters ability, so if the mob attacks the mage who is running in terror you can follow it as if you where a monster following a PC

4.   have a ?target same as? command: So that I can target the same creature as the puller in the party

5.    Have a guard command: if I place the mage as my guard target and he is in a close proximity to me I will act as a shield to him.

6. Have a protect command: similar to guard but the attacker attacking my protect target automatically becomes my attack target (I would probably have the same guard and protect target but I might have a mage as my guard target and the Cleric as the protect target, also the names are interchangeable)  

Magic Based:

Magic is a hard issue to tackle without knowing the rules of the game, but here are some basic things I would like.

1.   Multiple magic types: and I mean more of a difference healing, fire, water?I mean AOE attack spells, DOT attack spells?

2.  each magic type should have multiple subsections: and they should have subsections: So if I follow the ?Elemental line? I can be all round or I can focus on Earth, Wind, Fire, Water. Or two of those, further I could focus on Water Attack spells, further I could focus on Ice attack spells, further I could focus on Ice attack blast spells.

3.   Opposed to 2 or in conjunction with it: if I have multiple lines of spell knowledge I have access to odd spells, for example spells that do earth, wind and fire damage ?Searing Sand Blast?

4. Mind control spells that mess with the victims display: instead of fear making the victim run away it should appear to lower his health bar and have flashing lights as if  it where a more damaging spell, it should also lower his attack and defense abilities. (this would solve a couple of things mainly when fear is cast the player still controls the character, but he thinks he is more hurt then he is, and if he knows he is being affected by fear he will assume that he is still in good condition so he will continue fighting, so the lessening of the attack defense stats are so in reality there is good reason to not fight. Another example could be Heroes False Pride this spell will look and act as if it heals and improves the characters stats, it will also seem as if the character is doing more damage and taking less, in reality it will lower his stats and really lower his defensive stats, when the spell wears off or before the character may already be dead.

Game play issues:

1. Death: getting your body is a pain in the rear, I like the tomb stone concept better but taking it out all together is best, I think it would be better that in most cases you are knocked out, and someone can heal you back to the land of the living, or you regain consciousness, no EXP loss no body loss just a lot of time. If you don?t want to wait or the monster is eating you or you took massive damage, you can release to a bind point, you suffer no exp loss but a stat loss, to regain your lost stats you must pay coin, based on level or top combat skill level it costs more per stat point, this is so no abilities or spells are lost to death and you don?t feel as if the day has been a waste since you played 10 death free hours and then on your way to another city you died 10 times.

2. Resurrection: given my view on death this will become a teleport to me and big heal spell, my death idea is not implemented and or death carries an exp loss this is how resurrection should be dealt with, first rez should be gotten by most spell casters and all healing types early on, (freebie spell) all it does is put the receiver at 1 hp at the location of the rezzer and cost almost no mana or magic points, why, well people hate dieing but they hat getting back to where ever they are hunting more. Higher end rezzes come later to healer types and they bring them back with more exp loss, or more hit points, but can only be cast once every 20 seconds, and the rezzed guys attacks are weakened for a minute, this is so no one rezzes their group back in seconds so they can continue fighting the same monster.

3. money: should not weigh a thing. And automatically convert.

4.  Food and water: don?t need it but you could have positive things come from having it, and even better things from better food.

5.    Main back pack should have many slots, and small thing should stack, hell most things should.

6. Player made items: should be better then store bought, or the stuff off of most monsters. Quest items should be better and very rare drops should be better but only slightly epic and such are much better of course that is it.

7. Player crafts: I feel that all crafts should give a slight profit or be even from cost of parts to finished product, and as an added thing I think the primary craft should be able to be bought up, as in my guy is primarily a weapon smith, I want to raise his weapon smithing by 500 points, I have 1 billion in gold, well the computer calculated the cost of all the items needed from 500 weapons smithing to 1000 weapon smithing and figures it would cost at least 10000 gold pieces and then adds 10% to that, so I now can spend days online raising my main skill or spend 11000 gold pieces and get it to where I want it. I would vote for all craft skills to be this way but that would mess up the economy, the rich would get richer?with only one craft skill being raised this way many high level items would need multiple skills to create so those have to be raised the old fashion way.

8.  binding should be easy and accessible to everyone, though not equally, there should be bind points where any body can bind and some casters should be able to bind people to places.

Wishful thinking.

1.    thief types should have a ton of special abilities and should have a quest driven exp system so that they can quest the whole way if they want, different type of game, they should have a better sound awareness engine and be able to hide in shadows but not in light, some can get weird spells that phase them or make them run faster, the poisons should be deadly to most but over long periods of time, their thieving accomplishments should only be noted by other thieves, but every time they are caught they are marked for it?5 marks for stealing and so on, and everyone should see that.

2.    Bows and their like: they should be in the game, but they need to be done right, bows should be the equivalent of a single target spell but they do only piercing damage and possibly poison or fire damage over time. They should take time but less then most equally ranged and damage spells, archers should be melee types so they get cool armor but not heavy.

3. Variable spells: spells should have a degree of variability so a person specialized in that type of casting can customize it a bit, I need a fireball that does more damage but has less range, I need a healing spell that is quicker to cast but uses more mana, I need a shield spell that costs more mana but lasts twice as long, I need a call lightning spell that is resisted less but does less damage?

4.  Classless gaming: no classes you just put points where you want them.

5. semi realistic masses: I want it so the most powerfull experienced PC fighter can be overcome by 100 newbie fighters.      
This is longer then I had expected I\'ll end it here.



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