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Topics - Kwip

Pages: [1]
The Hydlaa Plaza / Folding@home
« on: March 25, 2005, 10:12:42 pm »
Folding@home is a project aimed at studying proteins in order to help cure protein related diseases.  It distributes data to different computers who compute it during excess time.  It is similiar to SETI@home.  The website is

If you deside to download the client to help the project you can also choose to join a team.  I am starting a PlaneShift team, so if anyone wants to join put 43512 in the team field, located in the config menu.

First time logging in and after the world loads the server goes link-dead.  When I log back in I have 2 \'ring of the past\' and double the tria I got when migrating.  I petitioned the bug but had to exit the game so I though I should post here also.

Though I would be happy to keep my new found tria and extra \'ring of the past\' I thought it would not be right not to report it.  Thanks :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Congrats Xordan!
« on: December 25, 2004, 03:41:57 pm »
Wow, just noticed that Xordan is moderator of three forum sections! :D

Congrats Xordan, thought you had earned it :)

Is it just me or did the site/download server just go down?

And right in the middle of my 10 hour download too ;)

[Edit] Now it says my connection to the site is refused [/Edit]

[2Edit] Back up, please delete this thread [/2Edit]

[3Edit] Down again at 22:52 GMT [/3Edit]

[4Edit] Obviously the server is just going down from the major load. Each time it goes down it is back up in short time.  There is no need to respond anymore and if a mod sees this if they would delete it or lock it. [/4Edit]

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / server shutdown by GM
« on: December 16, 2004, 01:22:03 pm »
Right after I connected to the server today people started quiting, then the server shutdown saying that it was shutdown by GM.  Afterwards when talking to a fellow PSer he said that the GM told everyone to quit to save their character.  Does this mean that my char is not saved, since the server shutdown while I was still on?

I know that everyone will have to create a new char for CB, but I was wondering if my char was not saved will I not be able to reserve the name if something is wrong with the account and not be able to create a new account in MB if the databases have my name on file.

I just wanted to know if I would have to rush and create a char with my name before someone else does when CB is out.

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