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Topics - SaintNuclear

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Yliakum Now - PlaneShift newspaper
« on: July 13, 2004, 06:47:41 pm »
There are many threads in the Wish List asking for a newspaper in many diffrent ways. Some want it in-game, some out of it. Some want it controlled by the devs, and some by the community.

But it doesn\'t look like anyone did much about it.

So I decided to make a newspaper for PS.
The newspaper will run as a site, and will cover ooc and ic activity in PS.
There may not be that many stories to cover right now, but one every few days is still good.

I\'ll be glad if a few people will join in to help me with it, PM me or something. (a designer for the site will be very welcomed, I\'m terrible at it)

Right now it\'s pretty much a sketch, but atleast I got a sketch-article too.
You can check the site Here.

Btw, the next version of the site will come Soon? ;)

Forum and Website Discussions / Bolding up the Newbie Forum
« on: May 06, 2004, 02:27:06 pm »
From some reason, it seems that newbies always miss the Newbie Forum and ask questions like \"how do I install after I ran the run_me_first.bat?\" \"how do I start PS after I double clicked psclient.exe?\" \"how do I connect after I clicked the big button that says Quit?\" in the General Forum.

I think that the Newbie Forum should be in the top of the list, bolded, with two huge flashing arrows pointing at it from each side.

Wish list / View inside houses
« on: April 28, 2004, 06:34:29 pm »
In most games I\'ve played, the view when you\'re inside a building is really annoying. This is true for MB too.

The camera is usually too \'zoomed in\', and shows a view that is too narrow. And it\'s absolutely impossible to use 3rd person \'above shoulders\' view, wich is actually comfortable while outside, wich means you have to switch views all the time.

The only solution I can find for this problem is a cut view (like in platform games). Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, I doubt it\'ll be implemented, but let\'s see your ideas.

There is another way, that keeps the 3d, and is more or less ok. The view will still be 1st person \\ above shoulders, but you won\'t be able to actually move the character.
Let\'s say there\'s a hall, with doors. You stand in one place, you can rotate the view to see all sides of the hall, but you can\'t move the char. To go through one of the doors you click it, and there\'s a sequence showing the char walking there and getting into the room.
This idea might be troublesome with more than one player in the same room, but it\'s probebly solveable.

These two ideas aren\'t that good, I know, so just post any better idea.
Maybe changing the cam specs could help, I\'m not sure.

PvP,PK and Thieving / RP PK solution
« on: April 26, 2004, 11:53:03 am »
While the current method of PvPing (the defender must agree to the challenge) got it\'s pros, it got this one major con:

Let\'s say your character, player Y, is a loansharker.
Player X is in need for some fast money. He knows that you can give him money, and that he\'ll have to return it (+10% interest or something).
You give him the money he wants, make sure he\'s well aware that he better return the money in less than a month or you\'ll send your thugs after him.

A month passes, and he still didn\'t came back. You send your thugs to find him.

Your thugs find him, and challenge him to a fight. He disagrees.
Now what? They can\'t really do anything. He chose to disagree the challenge, and it\'s his right to do it.

So disagreeing a challenge can harm many possibilities of RPing, not only loansharking, but countless of more.

So here\'s my solution:
Contract-type RPing (such as loansharking) will actually have a simple contract.

The contract will be made of IFs, WHENs, dropdown menus, and text boxes for integers.

Let\'s take the loansharking as an example again: ( ||\'s mark dropdown menus, []\'s mark integer boxes)
|Player Y| |gives| |money| [100] |hexas| to |Player X|. By |24|/|June|/|2004| |Player X| |gives| |Player Y| [110] |hexas|.
Incooporation will result by |death| and |money| [200] |hexas|.

It looks kinda messy, I know, but it\'d look much better as an actual menu in PS.
Each of the things in ||\'s can be replaced according to a dropdown menu. So you could switch between Player Y and Player X in the places where the player names are, you could switch between money and items (in case of choosing items you\'ll have a dropdown menu for type of item, and a dropdown menu for the particular item).

As you can see, if one of the sides don\'t do what he was supposed to, the other side is allowed to either kill him himself, or send mercenaries after him. Also, the incooporating side will have to pay a certain fee for breaking the contract (just like you can get sued IRL for breaking a contract).

Of course, both sides have to agree on that contract. Only in case one of them breaks it, he gets punished.
If he breaks the contract, he can expect mercenaries to knock on his door and kill him. He won\'t be given a choice whether to accept the challenge or not, because he already did it by signing the contract, and made a terrible mistake by breaking it.

It looks kinda crude now, because I haven\'t gave much of a thought to exactly how this contract will be built. But if it\'s built in that way of dropdown menus etc, the server will be able to monitor the contract and act accordingly.

Think of all the RP possibilities contracts can bring us. It can also be used for simple trading. I give you this, and you give me that.


This thing never happened to me, not even in the first time I loaded PS, wich makes it even more weird.
Everything worked just fine yesterday, then today I decided to try Aineko\'s mods.
When I tried logging into PS, it took an aweful lot of time in the Initializing World part, so I quit, ran the updater, and tried again. Still, it was stuck in that same place. I left it be, and after I checked back, PS was back in the main menu with the Connect window up, and there was a message that said that it timeouted.
I uninstalled, redownloaded, and reinstalled PS. Installed the mod again, and tried. Again, it\'s stuck in the Initializing World.
Removed the mod, checked. Stuck.

I was getting pissed off, it didn\'t make any sense, PS always worked for me fine (besides the occasional low FPS). I saw Talads thread, wich said that I should leave it like that for atleast two hours.
I reinstalled and ran the game at ~3am (gmt +3). At ~5am I checked the game again. Timed out.

This is really frustraiting... I\'m going to sleep soon, and haven\'t played PS even one bit today, and probebly won\'t tomorrow either (what a great way to spend this short vacation from work :( )

Time of test: 3am - 5am gmt +3
OS: Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.80GHz
RAM: 512MB
Video Card: GeForce 2
Video Card Memory: 64
PS Client Version: 0.2.010
OpenGL or Safe Mode: OpenGL (I tried Safe Mode a couple of times too, but I don\'t remmember exact time)

General Discussion / An NPC-less quest
« on: April 24, 2004, 07:15:00 pm »
Today a few guys and I were bored, and decided to start a short quest without NPCs. We planned stuff, but we were a small group and eventually it ended before it started because RL called some of us...

So putting the crude planning we tried to do aside, I think it could be great if people will post in this thread how they want the NPC-less quest to be, what role they want to take, etc.

What does this quest need so it\'ll work? (every thing will be explained below)

  • Players that are willing to play \'statics\'.
  • Players that want to be the \'adventurers\'.
  • A general theme.
  • The plot for the prologue.

\'Statics\' is a term I just thought about. Statics will be players that act kinda like NPCs, but are actually intelligent (well, I hope :P). Statics will give broad directions to the \'adventurers\' in the way to the goal.

The adventurers will be the players that will go between the statics, collect information, and try to reach the goal.

The theme
The theme is what the quest is all about.

The prologue
The prologue will give more or less a background for the quest. While the theme is just what the quest will be about, the prologue is already part of the game, as it\'s being acted. The prologue should have a general plot behind it that will be followed in the game.

Example: What we wanted to do in our improvised quest was this:
Theme - A brawl that almost ended in the death of the attacker. The city guards are sent to find the more-or-less victim and arrest him.
Prologue - A bit of cussing in the tavern between two, then one of them attacks, the other beats him nearly to death. The attacker runs to the temple screaming. There are witnesses in the tavern, the plaza, and the temple.
Statics - The witnesses and the severely beaten attacker.
Adventurers - The city guards.

This was what our quest was supposed to be like. I don\'t know if that\'s what should be used in the organized quest. Ideas are always welcome.

What can you do for the quest?
  • If you want to participate, awesome! Say what you want to be (adventurer \\ static), and please participate in what the theme will be about, and how the prologue will be.
  • If you don\'t want to participate but want to help, you can come up with ideas for the theme and prologue.

Please join, if it\'s gonna work out well, waiting for CB won\'t seem so long :))

Btw - I don\'t care if you think this isn\'t going to work, I don\'t care if you think it\'s stupid. If you don\'t want to participate in any way, press the Back button. No need to ruin it for anyone that wants to take part (mods, it would be nice if you\'ll back this up a bit).
Also, try to leave personal and non personal aggretions aside. This quest should be for the community as a whole, and not for idiotic arguments.

General Discussion / Can Krans bleed?
« on: April 21, 2004, 03:34:43 pm »
My char is a Kran, and I\'ll probebly stay that way after the CB purge too, but I just thought about something...

Can Krans bleed?
If a Kran gets hacked by an axe, will it just have a breaking mark like in stones, or will it actually have blood pouring out of it like living things?

Since Krans are made of silicon, and were created by magic and all, maybe they don\'t have blood?

But then how do we define \'blood\'? Is it the fluid that runs in humans and animals\' vains? If so, Krans probebly don\'t have blood. If it\'s something that passes nutrients and oxygen through the body, I guess they do have it.

If they have blood, how does it look? Is it sand that flows inside vain-like tunnels? What about the heart? Do they have a heart of stone? How does it pump the \'blood\' if it\'s made of stone?

This is actually interesting...

Wish list / Job Guilds
« on: April 16, 2004, 11:08:45 am »
Before you say it should be moved to the guilds forum, read.

I think there should be a guild for each type of a job in PS. These guilds should be diffrent than the regular guilds. First of all, a char is automatically in a Job Guild once he starts the game (according to the job chosen in the char creation). Also, a char will be able to be both in a Job Guild, and a regular guild, because everyone will be part of Job Guilds anyways.

These guilds will be like the real guilds that used to be in the medievel times, to arrange all the people of a certain proffesion to favor all of them.

The way I see it should be implemented in PS will be like this:

* The Job Guilds will be official, they\'ll be part of the game, and not owned by chars like regular guilds.

* The Job Guilds will have meetings, in wich they\'ll discuss things that have to do with the guild.

* In the meetings, they\'ll solve disputes, and decide things for the good of the whole.

* If a certain member of a Job Guild does something that harms the other people of the guild (e.g. very low prices, wich forces the others to drop prices or lose customers), it can be either solved in a meeting, or if he won\'t stop, the guild can hire a mercenary.

* The Job Guilds will discuss stuff among themselves (e.g. Chefs\' Guild asks the Merchants\' Guild to make a certain merchant stop asking for really high prices from the chefs).

As a part of a Job Guild, chars of that proffesion will have a say. And when a certain char of another Job Guild suddenly does something that harms that Job Guild, the harmed Job Guild can take actions. Boycotting, hiring a mercenary, etc.

An important part, though, is that these Job Guilds won\'t be like regular guilds. Less people will join Job Guilds because they\'ll prefer other guilds.
Also, if it\'s official, and not in the hands of chars, it can be implemented better in the game. Like that when a player chooses his char to be a smith, he\'ll automatically be in the Smiths\' Guild. It makes sense, isn\'t it?
And that\'s why I think that this thread should be in this forum and not in the Guilds Forum.

I think that the Job Guilds will make the game very interesting, and it won\'t just be a kill-many-monsters game like many other mmorpgs.
I don\'t think it can be fully implemented in CB, but as the game will develop, I think that Job Guilds will add a great pan to the game.

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