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Messages - katu

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General Discussion / Re: how to worship the black flame
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:43:05 am »
Any of your good friends or enemies can be a Black Flame follower, but you will never discover it.. and if you do both you and the Black Flame follower will surely die (true death). As Ebonwumon said: You do NOT talk about the Black Flame. The BF followers are not organised like other religions. They have no priests, regular meetings and gatherings. They infiltrate all parts of society to slowly corrupt it. For all we know even Sharven or the Octarch might be one of them..

So, how to worship the Black Flame? Do it in uttermost secrecy, not necessarily by praying or ceremonies, but in all your actions. By infiltrating other religions, political societies, merchants and mercenaries. Trick them into doing the biddings of the Black Flame, without them knowing that they do so. The Black Flames goal is total destruction of Yliakum, not by raising an army to do the work, but by pitting other armies against each other. Luring friends to become enemies, lovers to become haters and family members to betray each other.

Back in the days when I was a GM we killed off a character who was openly Black Flame. The player was asked to delete the character, as he was poisoned by other BF members.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Adding Crime into PS
« on: March 30, 2010, 08:42:33 am »
I would like to point out that all GM events have to be scripted and approved by a settings developer before it can be done. This is to ensure the consistency regarding to the overall settings and to prevent exploitation. Also it is the GM teams duty to ensure that moderation is taken care of even when events are held. Scripting and running events is a part of the job description for GMs.

General Discussion / Re: To the GM attention
« on: March 30, 2010, 08:23:37 am »

To apply for the GM team you can follow the instructions in this thread:

Linux Specific Issues / Re: GMA950 slow as hell?
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:59:54 pm »
I have the same Intel GMA 950 graphics card (running on a mac book, tiger), but I don't the same graphic problems. Though I have extremely low fps in Hydlaa and some trouble with doors (like Jayose and Laanx temple).
You can try out many different graphics settings, until you have something that works.

General Discussion / Re: Guildhouses as RP rewards.
« on: March 13, 2010, 05:07:10 am »
Yes, it is still happening and you can submit your application as a PM at any time to any GM.
Good Luck!

Wish list / Re: Inserting a picture into your description.
« on: March 03, 2010, 03:46:10 pm »
We would not only have to take copyrights and such in to consideration but also we would have to moderate and weed out all those inappropriate images that some people would upload. If ever implemented all images would probably have to be checked by a GM before published IG. Never the less, it is a good idea if we can find our ways around those problems.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Settings Trivia Game
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:26:46 am »
A: Indicating danger

Q: What is the fourth level called?

Wish list / Re: Player Created Lore
« on: March 01, 2010, 05:12:26 pm »
You can save a book and by loading the same text you can make a lot of copies. Please mark that each copy must have a unique name, like "My fancy book title (copy 1)". If you write good you might be able to sell them to other players.

Good luck!

All the doorways are black and my computer completely freezes if I get too close to them (10m distance). Have not checked if I crash in 0.5.2, but saw the black door of the temple and that was enough for me not to go any closer. Doors that crash me: Laanx temple, Jayose, DR exit. I don't get those hall of mirrors though, just a black hole and a serious crash.

Specs: MacBook, OS X 10.4 (tiger), 2gb ram, 2ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, Graphics: Intel GMA 950.

General Discussion / Re: Warning: Clean Your Guildhouse.
« on: February 04, 2010, 06:08:27 pm »
we should be able to have beds and a few cupboards and perhaps a few items to decorate walls ?
if not ?

It is perfectly acceptable to decorate your house with furniture and a few items. The main problem have been houses with hundreds of items. As long as you see a good RP reason for an item, keep it there. If it makes your house cosy, leave it there.

General Discussion / Re: Guildhouses as RP rewards.
« on: January 31, 2010, 06:32:05 pm »
@Mekora: You can submit your application at any time. Send it as a PM to any GM.

General Discussion / Re: Goodbye
« on: January 28, 2010, 06:52:33 am »
... Many people did it before you wiped them from ezpc again and they didn't registered again because they can't find the registration page (like me).
Click me! :) I agree, maybe the link should be placed somewhere more noticable.

You can find the link right next to the laanx register page link on our pages.. with a description of the two servers. Should be pretty easy to find now.

Event write-up
The second part of this long tale is done and dusted. First off the Game Masters would like to thank all the players participating in both the events for their contributions. We felt there was good role play and I think both GMs and players had a lot of fun.

Now over to some more serious matters (yes we do take things seriously)! In the first event we had only 10 players which, of course, opened up the whole event to far more role-play along the way and the whole event went smoothly.
The second event had more than twice as many players came to take part and (obviously) because of this the first part of it was a bit slower and there was less room for role play. The event was also disrupted by a server crash, big thanks goes to Weltall for fixing it. This was very unfortunate as it cut off the part that was hopefully for role-play at Broken Door tavern (what has been reported as having the best Dermorian longbeard in the whole of the dome, please send complaints if you don’t like the drinks directly to Brado). But there is little we can do when Laanx goes to sleep (vote with your feet and chose a different god). But apart from those problems I think you have got a fair chance to know the basics of the characters in this story and perhaps you have got your foot in the door for things in the future.

It is important for this story that you all try to go with the flow. Play your character fully and by that become a part of the story. Don't do what you think we expect you to do (or what you think will happen in the event), do what your character will do and you will be rewarded better in the long run.

In these larger events there is very little room for personal role play, the main chat is quickly filled up and it is hard to pay attention and answer everyone. You may all be interested to know that the next handful of events will all be on a much smaller scale, and much more player input orientated. This means that you have a chance to influence what happens and what time scale things happen in and what you get out of it.

GMs participating:
Sarva, Marathal, Rhumdor, Venalan and Katu.

Please write your comments in the event comment thread:

Here are a few tips for players regarding events:
Read them even if you have done so before, so that future events will be even better.

Groans come from the winch workers as another set of large shipments arrive from the lower levels, this time addressed to Mr. Hambaro..
...Meanwhile Fenwirdle and his assistant Diunti are sitting in the tavern enjoying Allelia’s hospitality and drinking hot wine and talking of their recent travels as a messenger gives them news of the delivery. "Finally, it is here! Miss Berinat it is now time for us to meet a good old friend of mine and he will be delighted when we deliver these goods." He sits back and smiles while taking a sip of his wine and continues "But we will need more than a whole caravan to transport everything. We will also have to recruit some guards and carriers to transport it all." Miss Berinat carefully scribbles in her notebook. "First things first, as soon as our wine is empty we go to the winch and check the goods. Then we go to the plaza and find us some help" Fenwirdle takes a bigger sip of his wine this time, eager to do business and meet his old friend.

OOC Information
Disclaimer: There will not be any goods sold or bought in this event. But there will be time for you to talk a bit of business with Mr. Hambaro, if any of the merchants amongst you wish it.

This event will be held Wednesday 13. January, at 03.00 GMT and continued Saturday 16. January, at 19.00 GMT.

See also:
The story of Fenwirdle Hambaro - Prologue

We will be happy for your comments:

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