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Topics - Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / An apology - and explanation
« on: July 08, 2008, 03:45:19 pm »

I should apologise for my rash reactions both on my Guild thread and the IRC.   My husband has, along with many fellow players in game, told me off for posting in my anger.  I could make all the excuses in the world, but to be honest - there is none - I should never have posted in anger, it is just wrong.


I will apologise to those who will have posts deleted from the Guild thread - as I am openly asking for it to be tidied - however - I ask that the Modorator 'Quote' them in this thread so that my folly is not just swept under a carpet.

I made an unhelpful afront on a GM event.  The way I went about it was no more than that of a child like tantrum that was very unprofessional of me, and is inexcuseable.  For this I can only apologise.   

GAME MASTERS have a hard job.  They take enough jibing off of people who are actually doing things wrong, and don't need someone like me throwing a teddy out the pram at them.

I will now explain coherently why -I- found the event to be lacking certain qualities and thus caused my stupid lapse of maturity.

  • I thought that Monsters would not run away from Town Guards yet attack a larger group of heavily armed towns folk... it is just not the behaviour of a wild animal.
  • The games mechanics did not quite cope with the event - as I found I could not attack back, yet  the monster could attack me?
  • I would have thought that wild animals would run from possible harm, unless they were 'protecting' young
  • There seemed to be an endless streem of creatures just appearing? and the lagg left me thinking it was a 'stop art' movement show...   the creatures leaping [without being seen inbetween] form place to place
  • There did not -seem- to be any consistancy to the 'movement' behaviours of the creatures... i.e. Tefsungs leaping over tables, running faster than they normally lumber along at, Rats suddenly being super strong? etc.

Well, there it is...   as you can see - my initial reaction was... rather childish, for which I am sorry.

Wish list / Levelling and Guildhouses
« on: May 24, 2008, 11:16:01 am »
Dear all,

I have an idea, well a couple to be truthful.   

  • 1.  That Guilds can have the opportunity to buy rooms for their guild houses for crafting, and then buy the equipment to craft.   This will give people extra incentives to join guilds.
  • 2.  That Player Character's can subsequently teach skills that they have learnt, for instance, if they are level thirty, they can teach that skill up to level 10 and so on, which will enable them to earn an income, or eneble them to give their guilds an edge with new members.
  • 3.  I also think that the Non Player Character areas or crafting teachers, should be able to say 'no' to teaching if you are of a different faction.  This will encourage Guilds to get teachers in guild... (not really sure about this idea yet).

Soon Taxes will encourage this to grow... and bakeries will prosper as health drops through not eating... and so an so forth.  I believe this is so anyway.

Well there you go....  a couple of very simple ideas.

I believe that certain activities already help you to progress in skills, such as carrying weight... constantly - helps you with your endurance.   correct me if I am wrong on that.

Dear all,

If you were wondering where the character Lolitra Purrty has been these last few days, she is currently in Hospital.  She will be there for some weeks while she undergoes a series of operations for health reasons.

I hope she will be back in fine fettle soon after she has had her treatment. 

I ask that all her in game 'subjects' who I know she respects highly, continue to play as if the 'queen Purrty' is in Printh dealing with matters of state.

Thank you for your time.


General Discussion / VERSION 0.3.020 - WHAT IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU?
« on: October 14, 2007, 10:03:35 am »
Dear all,

Firstly - love the lighting...

However, I have just loaded the new version, and have a number of issues with it -

Guild house = mine is missing?
Guild Doors = Keys don't work as they should, I can get into other's houses without key...
Winch = I can get in, but there is no way out...
Library area = Half the houses seem not to load properly
General Graphics = I get a lot of checker blocks now
Grass = seems to blocky, could be made to match the base ground colour more so they appear more natural.
SKINS = the button skin selector doesn't seem to work.. I am stuck with the woody effect.. I prefer the stone... and querky, why are the buttons back to front?

Single Author Stories / Life in Death
« on: October 13, 2007, 01:39:48 pm »
He was walking along the road to Oja, least he thought he was,it was more a stumble. He didn't care really. His head was causing the world to spin and a recent cut on his hand was just too much to bear, there was something in it still.. a shard.

The more he tried to remove it, the deeper it got. He swore.

His luck was down, not only had he spent the last of his tria on dwarvern ale, he'd been nearly caught stealing it in the first place. It was all because he'd cut the belt, not the moneybelt thong... mind you, the fact that the victims trousers fell about his feet was a bonus in the get away..

His head now thumped... It pounded as his blood battled the alcohol that jostled for slipstream to the brain.

The scrawny, emaciated figure of a Ynwan sat finally. The kind of sitting that only drunk people can; his bottom was flung at the ground and despite the ground being very large, and his backside small, he still missed.

He looked at the sky that had suddenly come into view.. it was strangely dark. The sort of darkness that an eclipse would give. Lighting a tinderbox against a lantern he'd acquired from outside Brintec's, He dug a dagger at his hand, squinting in both pain and to see what he was doing. He just had to get it out - it was agony. The dagger touched on the shard, and he was sick; his stomach had only bile to offer up, having previously emptied its liquid lunch of earlier.


As he dropped the dagger and clenched his eyes, a shadow grew, even out of the darkness... and gripped his hand in a blackness that swallowed the light from the latern.. the blood that was seeping out congealed suddenly and he passed out.

IT swam in his mind, for it could not find anthing to adhere to, thoughts washed with pain and drowned in spirit numbing liquors...

In his slumber, the Ynwan choked... death crept up and touched his miserable body, but lept back at what it found.



In-Game Roleplay Events / Royal Ball - Hydlaa Plaza.
« on: June 25, 2007, 12:55:36 am »
Lords, Ladies and Citizens of Hydlaa, Her Royal Highness of Printh is holding a Formal Dance and Buffet at the Pagoda in Hydlaa Plaza.  The Event requires formal dress, Ladies must be presented in Ball Gowns or similar, and Gents in formal officer's uniform, or smart suits.  It is asked that you leave your weapons in the care of the appointed Guard for the event [RP ONLY] of which Lord Quantus has been appointed.  There will be aband playing for the entertainment of the guests, and ladies will be expected to carry a Dance Card [RP Note - dance card is a sort of booking card for others to book a dance with the lady, normally ladies will have a partner or 'courtier' who attends the card to ensure that no unsavory chaps get to dance with her.]

[please make this a fun event, The band and food may have to be Role Played - unless someone is willing to help out with being the musicians?]

This event will take place in the Pinneth of the Crystal. [Saturday evening 7 July 07 GMT time]

Wish list / Arena Training [SUGGESTION]
« on: February 24, 2007, 06:43:32 am »
As a result of the rather sad post I gave it some thought and I like to be one of solutions rather than ranting about what is wrong... or right.


If in the arena area there were cages in each of the sections from which monsters would spawn... and at the doorway was a NPC which would have a 'key' to open the cages...  he could sell the training of the creatures to individuals or groups.  Once a player has paid for the creature he has 'ownership' of it and only he can attack it [unless he is grouped], until s/he dies... if s/he dies the ownership moves to the next in the group or, if there is none left alive - the NPC who will of course 'heal and replace in the cage' his creature.

[Edit]  one could buy several creatures... and opt to fight one at a time or several at a time - building up different skills? 

Also the NPC's could then have knowledge of what creatures are best to train with for what skill....  and they could have quests... like 'get eggs of Trepor in the wild' or 'young of an Ulber..' etc... which would then get players hunting in the wild too...  The NPC's could have a set stock and if that stock runs out, the quest is issued?

Also the NPC could give locations of good trainers as part of their dialog... to help the new players...

The NPC would also be a point of selling the eggs or young to.. [but the arena creatures would not 'drop' young or eggs.]

That mixed with RANDOM spawning of creatures in the wild would make for more real 'hunts' and less ooc crap of Kill stealing or what ever they winge about.

I think that this would make the Arena more IC with the setting as - one would have to pay to use its facilities...   also, it would force those without cash to go 'hunting' until they accumulate tria to use the more 'controlled environment' of the areana.  I also think that wild beasts should be more difficult to beat than the arena ones... unless you pay extra for the 'mature' range?

Your thoughts please?

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP - The Royal House of Purrty - UPDATES]
« on: September 23, 2006, 07:17:19 pm »
[This thread is for all the Role Play that the House of Purrty is generating for its members, friends and anyone who wants to join in.   Here will be IC information - OOC updates and information - Rumours and such like and discussions on how this RP is comming along.


The Curse of that has plagued the Royal House of Purrty has finally been destroyed.   But alas, Her Royal Highness Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty, suffered severe wounds from shards off of an exploding sword made of crystal.  Her seemingly lifeless body has been taken back to her home in Printh.  Countess Shauri Sut'lar, who was recently dubbed a Duchess, also sufferd the same fate, in the final battle with the curse known as Hagarath, and her body too has been transported to Printh.

Printh mourne their loss, but pray for a mirical of ressurection.

Lord Major Zinnius Zann also heroicly faught against the demon Hagarath, and was the last to be standing on the field of battle.  He arranged that Duvare [who had followed them to their place of war and suffered at the hands of Hagarath causing her to collapse in agony] be taken to the Temple in Hydlaa for recouperation, and then went too to Printh to mourne his wife's death, and the death of his Queen.

Lord Raouldir Paxar Chancellor and Regent, who is very old, has fallen ill as a result of this great tragidy, and looks as if he could die...  giving in to his old age.

ooc - we will be taking some time out of PS, My wife may wish to come back at some point in the next few days or so - but that would entail her being RP'ed as resurrected.

[we would both like to express are deepest thanks to all who have RP'd with us over the couple of years we have played within the confides of this game.  It has been fun - but I [husband] shall most likely not be returning.]

General Discussion / SO YOUR NOT GETTING YOUR WAY? get over it...
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:17:54 am »
Would you believe it if I said there are players out there that are very aggressive in their style of Role Play(RP).

When they are not having things go their way they use 'subtle' threats.

If one feels they are not getting their way in any given RP - saying that they have lots of friends who would act against those who that person feels are not RPing things the way they want..  - is really not nice! They are practically being a spoilt little bully, especially if part of what is essentially good RP where others are fully immersed and enjoying themselves.

Also - constant tells to others with unnecessary Out Of Character requests for ones RP to take precedence over others is rather rude and pushy...  please just enjoy the time in RP and let others enjoy theirs.   Bear it in mind that it may not only be one pressing for their time...  and so the multitude of tells becomes over bearing and thus ruins their enjoyment in the game.

Please - if you are one who has suffered this, don't stand for it...  tell them to stop!  and if you are the one who does it, even if it is unintentionally - stop it.

Please enjoy the game and interact with each other keeping in mind this is a game for fun...

General Discussion / Building a Guild or just belittling the World?
« on: July 02, 2006, 10:11:29 am »
Firstly - forgive us if this has already been discussed - couldn't find exactly what we were getting at it on search.

Just before this wonderful world of PlaneShift went offline for its updates, my wife and I thought long and hard as to how we were going to build our House of Purrty guild, and how to fit it into the world of PlaneShift.  Whilst we did this, and gaming continued, we were horrified at the growing numbers of blatant abuses of the naming policy in both characters and guilds.  We won't go down the road of pointing fingers as that is futile, as it will always happen - but those who do it, know who they are and shame on you for your lack of imagination.  Then there are the guilds who have no purpose in game, apart from gathering people who use Mac's or are of one particular language, or have interests similar that have no connection to the gaming within PlaneShift.

Onto the point of our post today -   

Now we know there will always be a desire to create groups for like minded people and that we don't have issue with, what we do have issue with is their contempt to the populous of PlaneShift, but naming themselves with totally inappropriate names that have naught to do with the setting of PlaneShift.  Also, their guild rules and objectives are lacking or nonexistent... (Just recently having been asked 'Join my guild, but to do so, you have to be high level...' followed by 'tell me your level or you can't join!'.  Not exactly what we would call RolePlay at it's best.  When asked what their purpose was it was something like 'I want to be the strongest guild') - hmmmmm?

There are many guilds already out there with more than excellent slants, fantastic RolePlay settings, and most wonderful rules and guides for their members...  why should we have to put up with the lazy group making people who just can't be bothered to put a little thought behind the guild for which they wish to create.

The buddy list is there for creating a list of friends who have similar interests, and groups are there to enable you to chat in such groups, why inflict the nonsensical laziness of one’s lack of imagination upon those who put a great deal of effort into making the users of this wonderful place called PlaneShift.  One should at least 'sugar coat' your group making with a decent name, and a game setting set of rules to help cover the fact that you are only a bunch of Windows Only users, or Mac Only users, or German speaking or French Speaking.. or... etc etc etc...

Also there are forums out in the Real World for the likes of that...

Because of our thoughts on this 'guild' issue and that we felt strongly enough to put it to the populous of PlaneShift to see if there are any Ideas out there as to how to prevent the world becoming a mass of guilds called things like:

Iwannabear or Macuserinc or WespeakaIT... (All nonexistent so as not to finger point)

and joining requirements like:

Mac user, Windows User, etc...

We personally think that Guilds should not be allowed to be 'created' if there is no attempt at giving it credence by having a decent name, and set of rules or ethics... and ultimately and in game Role Playing purpose... and once posted a permission given by the governing body of PlaneShift...  Where clear reasoning as to why it was allowed or why it was turned down is given.  ie - a set of criterion for the guild to meet to become viable.

(A good debate is not to name and shame but to propose ideas with sound reasoning.  Bad debate is to just name and shame... pointless really. If you think someone’s idea is silly, don't just say 'that stupid' as that is pointless, say why you think it is not a good idea, and propose your own with reasons why...)

Guilds Forum / [Guild] The Royal House of Purrty
« on: June 29, 2006, 01:54:32 pm »
The Royal House of Purrty
"Sophiae Penintae extra tui Clareant" - "Allow your inner wisdoms to shine outwardly clear"
Out of Character Comments on the House of Purrty

The House of Purrty is a new 'guild' - Not only in the sense that it yet to be created in game as a guild, but also as the term 'guild' is used very lightly; as matter of fact the House of Purrty is not actually a guild at all, but a Royal House to which people can join in their Role Play.  This House has been around for a year or more already (today's date being 29 June 2006).  This House is based on the role play of those who interact around Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty, who's background is that she is born a Princess in the Royal House of Purrty.

To become a 'member' of this Household one will have to Role Play your way in.  Yes - Role Play, no one will be admitted without first having met in game with the various characters already connected with the House, and after a time of Role Play, may be 'invited' to some sort of employ with or connection to the House.  At the point of starting an in depth Role Play with the characters one will be at some point be directed oocly towards a web site on which we post 'props' such as letters and mini-stories that aid in enhancing the in game experience of the Role Play we enjoy with gusto.  After a while, one may be 'officially' offered a post within the House, and if it is then accepted, that player will again be oocly directed to another site that is solely for members of the House, (this site is still in the process of being constructed) where one will be able to see more 'private' issues being 'acted out' in the wonderful world of PlaneShift.

To enable this to be a Royal House, the castle and lands to which the House of Purrty reigns is called Castle Purrty in Printh.  Printh is a land that is reachable via caverns but is not directly, in reality, part of the actual lands being created in PlaneShift, so that as the game grows and develops the land of Printh is consistant for the purposes of Role Play - This also means that it is not dependant of the Development of the place in which we play - the Mechanics of PlaneShift - which is ever growing.

The House has a Guild layout so it fits within the mechanics of the world of PlaneShift and the levels that reflect the possible stations within the House are as follows:

High Royal House of Purrty
Royal House of Purrty
Royal Court of Printh
Lower Royal Printhian
Honoured Printhian
Respected Printhian
Supplicant Printhian

Where the High Royal House of Purrty is for the King and Queen and Princes and Princesses. 

The Royal House of Purrty is for the following stations:
Grand Duke -- Grand Duchess
Duke -- Duchess
Marquise -- Marchioness
Earl/Count -- Countess
Viscount -- Viscountess
Baron -- Baroness

The Royal Court of Purrty is for the following stations:
Lord of Court -- Lady of Court

The Lower Royal Printhian is for the following stations:
Lord of Printh -- Lady of Printh

And the rest are as follows:
Honoured Printhian = Honoured in Printh
Respected Printhian = Respected in Printh
Printhian = Citizen to Printh
Supplicant Printhian = Known in Printh

Despite the above listed 'Stations' within the House of Purrty there are many roles that one can play, such as Knights, Royal and Ordinary Guards, Cooks, Maids, Rangers, Mages and so on and so forth (There are loads of things that you can find out about by Role Playing with our members) - all of which can move up the stations within the House.

(As of 29th June 06) The Current Members are:

Raouldir Paxar -- Lord Chancellor and current head of the House of Purrty
(To find out why he is - you will have to Role Play with a member)
Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty -- Princess and currently Duchess to the House of Purrty
Shauri Sut'lar -- Countess to the House of Purrty (yet to be inaugerated - a celebration soon to be Role Played)
Zinnius Zann -- Major and Gaurdor to the House of Purrty (The Gaurdor being the head tactician and governor of the guards and armys to the House of Purrty)
Cayla -- Phsyician and Lady of Printh
Bromwyth Galtox -- Prince of the House of Galtox and hopeful suiter to the hand of Lolitra Purrty.

Well now we, my wife and I hope that our 'guild' or rather 'House' is appealing to your desire to Role Play with us, irrestpective as to whether or not you wish to become part of the House of Purrty.

General Discussion / It saddens both my wife and I?K
« on: December 30, 2005, 05:49:51 am »
Why can?\'t some just play the game - rather than try and rule the game?
Why can?\'t some give constructive critique... rather than destructive smites?  

When role playing, if someone cannot articulate their actions or speech in character - we give them time; we call for a [pause] in the action. This is to allow them the space to participate to the fullest by explaining/clarifying what they mean?K rather than shun them as say \'that is just stupid\' or \'go away you are ruining our role-play\'.    Also if there is other Role Play going on, that leeks into our Role Play, we incorporate it, welcome it with open arms... rather than just ignore it or worse still, have a go at them for allegedly spamming their chat windows.   If they have a go at us for interfering with their Role Play?K we are compassionate, and explain that we do not mean to ruin it for them, and if possible, without ruining our \'in character\' actions try to move our action away from theirs.  If there are players who happen upon us or ask for help, we invite them to join in our role-play.  We even take the time to /tell them the setting before them to help them settle in, if they don\'t wish to join we try to /tell them pointers to answer their request for help.  We never tell another character how to react to what you try to do to them, we suggest what we are trying to do, and leave it up to them to either play along with it or react in character another way.  For example, rather than saying \'Lolitra restrains [name] and grapples him/her to the floor\' we would say \'Lolitra tries to restrain [name] by grappling him/her to the floor\' leaving it up to the player named to react as he sees fit within his character.  We also respect magic - but only if it is role-played well.  You can?\'t expect it to be taken seriously if you just say I cast this or that without thought of how long such a spell would take?K or what semantics would be needed, otherwise it just takes the magic out of magic.  If someone is abusive to obstructive towards our role-play, we use /tell to ask him or her to stop, and explain why we have asked.  Only if they persist do we call for the help of a GM, but even then... they are always welcome to join in, if they are willing to participate by at least trying to employ some simple etiquettes that we try to stick to, and desist in their inappropriate ways.

These etiquettes are:

We put all Out of Character chat in []
We never tell anyone how he or she should act.
We try to be descriptive of your actions to give others a chance to react well.
we try to NEVER be abusive Out of Character to another player, it is just unacceptable.
We give others a chance and don??t always press for your own way to work.
We try to be encouraging... even if our character(s) is/are evil, and give encouragement in [ooc] or /tells.
And if you don\'t like to role-play - why are you in PlaneShift anyway?

A good debate is:
This is my understanding of what is said [maybe quote] and put forward your understanding ?V do not assume you are speaking for others, because inevitably you aren\'t.
This is my slant/idea/beliefs on the topic and my reasoning behind it and facts are generally better here. [There should be no need to name names and saying you are stupid, or \"that is rubbish... \" is not constructive at all?K rather \"that idea is flawed because of this\"] other wise you points become lost in the clouds of derision, and others won?\'t see them for what you mean.

Yeah why can\'t they just play the game instead of giving \"rules\" for people to follow. lol.

hehehe...  just had to put the quote here as it was soo funny and very truthful... and have ammended the wording of this post as a result... but hey we are only human, contrary to popular belief....

And if you post on a threat you must expect to get a response, but you deserve to have it put to you civilly.

In PlaneShift, by this simple standard do we play, plot and scheme our undemanding way.

Why have we said this? What is our point?
Well answer this?K Why are people leaving claiming to be shunned for poor English? Why is it that there are people who will not join with others in role-play for no given reason?  Why in the forums do debates consistently fall to finger pointing and naming names?
But don??t try to explain to us your answers?K more so?K why not think,  have I ever done this by means foul, or just through a silly misunderstanding? and take the time to apologise.

We are sure that we are not as just and pure, as we would like to think and have most likely upset others in our time here. So now we take this opportunity to say sincerely that we never meant any ill to you whoever you are, and please, please do not hold a grudge, forgive our flaming ways, and together lets enjoy future gaming days.

Let us celebrate the New Year refreshed and together... not alone.  HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERY ONE!

General Discussion / WE? do we really creep you out?
« on: October 23, 2005, 04:22:28 am »
For those of you who are ?creeped out.??
Way off topic...

ok, I think you are starting to freak people with the whole \"we\" thing, just make two fricking accounts, one for each of \"you.\" It\'s really rather retarded to share an account, besides the fact that it\'s creepy...
aslo, you are one person using 2, not 2 people (I think) using one.
 ********, I got flamed for having two accounts...

aslo, you are one person using 2, not 2 people (I think) using one.
You weren\'t flamed on the forums :/ I only asked why you have two accounts. I believe I even attached a smiley :P Silly goose.

For those who really want to know about WE.

My husband and I share our PS Forum account to portray any of our thoughts and Ideas; this is only to save time.  We find it is sad that someone is creeped out by it, as they are the only one to say so...

In game we have our own accounts?

Our work commitments mean that we cannot always be online together so WE keep notes and sometimes play each other?s characters from time to time... to help keep our story flowing, WE try to ensure continuity with our ROLEPLAYING and have thus far only have had good feedback for the way we try to entertain and in doing so have a great time with this game.

We do use different characters to help with our story and try to entertain those who join in, and apologise if this is thought to be ?wrong or retarded??

However,  thus far those we have played with us and who have taken the time to ask about this using /tell we inform them of our joint use of the characters and ask if they mind ? we have not had any bad comments in game as yet?

However, as we know if one says it, many might think it? so here is your opportunity to tell us.   And depending on your feedback we may just drop out of the forum altogether to avoid ?creeping others out.?; and just play the game ? as that is what we really enjoy doing most?  and if you don?t like our Role Playing style? all we can say is ?sorry,? and let you get on with you own? please just don?t comment about it in public OOCly and spoil other?s enjoyment use the PM or /tell as appropriate.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / the Tail of the Twins
« on: October 20, 2005, 05:30:14 pm »
firstly we would like to thank you the PS family for such a great game, and for all the hours of fun we are having.

It is our intention to start to write about the trials  ;(  and tribulations  :D  of our adventures here in the planeshift world here... and will do soon so come and see.. we will work on it as best we can...

If we miss anyone who joined in when we write our tails... please let us know and we will try to incorporate it in..

Love to you all...:]

( Can\'t wait to read, you certainly have a way with words :) For future reference, however, may I suggest not making any posts until you really have the content to fill them up with? \"Placeholders\" generally aren\'t a good idea. )

oops sorry Kayruu

Here Goes.


The winds were howling like a pack of angry wolves, battering at every door and window, whining through every hole in the castle\'s defences; but that was not all, they rallied their ally in the rain that lashed out at all who stood on the battlements, causing their fur to matt and their step to fall heavy with their hearts.

\'YEARRRRGGGGG\' a scream echoed down the corridors that could be heard over the bellowing winds, the crashing shutters and the cussing of the guards.

Mrs Hollinthy Purrty was far into her labour and Mr Raouldar Purrty walked briskly along the shiny floor towards the bedchambers from whence the screaming emitted.

\'Hagarath, did I not tell you, \' he shouts over he shoulder as he strides with purpose, his masculine menki physique clad in dripping wet armour that seem to be confused as to whether to shine or cry off its host of rain droplets. He flings a soaked cloak on a large oak chair as he passes it and it accepts the leather with a damp slapping noise.

\'Aye you did - but it is no use... how can we defend against it when we cannot see further than our arms Sire, the weather \' a stout Menki wearing reinforced leather and a heavy raincoat, that clings to him as if in fear of being blown away by the wind that presses to pass him as he stands in the doorway. \'It is unearthly I cannot...\'

CRACK! Hagarath is silhouetted by a flash of light that is shortly followed by the sound of thunder like a thousand horses galloping on stone...

\'You will and you must... Riquir!\' Raouldar flings the door to his bedchamber open... \"WHAT THE...!\"

Raouldar slips his trusty bow from its holster and levels an arrow and draws it taught, his eyes wild with anger and yet with a hint of fear. Swoosh. The arrow spins as it takes flight and hurtles to its target... \'Away with thee foul stench of a beast...\'

The room was lit with the flash of lightening, the arrow passed through what stood at the foot of Raouldar\'s wifes bed and sunk into on of the posts on the grand four poster bed with a wood-splitting-thud.

\'NNNNGGGGGG!\' Hollinthy clamped her claws deep into the bedclothes as she gritted her teeth, her fur matted with sweat and the bed sheets stained with blood about her waist.

Raouldar stared in disbelief at the apparition that stood in his bedchamber, angered that it would dare intrude at such a sacred time. The two maids that were there to help his wife were sprawled on the floor, given the illusion of life only by the movement of magic chandelier that flickered... the Dark Spirit hovered underneath and seemed to suck up the light like a black hole. It looked about at Raouldar, its ghostlike robes that had no end, just faded off, swirling as it turned.

\'\'SSSSSSSS\" the sound was like someone dragging a heavy cauldron along a gravel floor... it was Hellacious.
It reached for Hillinthy passing its spindly fingers into her belly.

\'NOOOARRRRRRGGGGGGG!\' Hollinthy\'s blood curdling scream yanked Raouldar back into action, drawing on the magic of the Crystal, dropping his bow, his arms frantically forming, weaving, his words, well practiced, summoning and commanding the Ways together...

The Dark Spirit then shot towards Raouldar with a force of a hurricane, just as he uttered the last word in his spell. Raouldar was flung back out the room the Spirit upon him as the spell burst into action, letting out a blinding light and hissing noise as the water on Raouldar\'s armour fizzled away... the Spirit lost in the light.


Celorrim sat up with a start, sweat dripping from her brow...
\"Celors, are you ok?\" Lolitra stood up from her chair and moved over to the bed in which Celorrim lay picking up a wet cloth from a bowl on the table at which she was sat; sitting in the edge of the bed started to mop her sisters brow...

Celorrim despite being exhausted, looked frantically about.

\"Celloran is safe\" Lolitra pointed over at the base of the bed to a pure white kitten whose fur is ethereal in its pureness.. \"she is a sleep..\'\' The kitten was curled up on a cradle made of bed linen, and look at peace in her slumber.

Celorrim relaxed her self and looked up at her twin sister \'I started to have that dream again...\' and picked up Celloran and hugged her.  Celloran just continued to sleep only pausing to stretch and poke out her tongue.

Lolitra nods, trying to look as intelligent as her sister, but knowing deep down inside, she is far from it, the only thing she has the same as her sister is her looks - but somehow Lolitra is able to make herself look more pretty, maybe its her fascination with all things pretty.

Lolitra sat and combed her hair as her sister Celorrim suckled her daughter...

The room was silent, but for the noise that fought its way through the floorboards, coming out baffled and muted by the groaning of the oak.

Celorrim quietly placed Celloran into her makeshift cradle at the foot of the bed, looked at Lolitra, smiled a smile that only sister can share, then said soothingly \'You really need to get rid of that crystal sword... you don\'t know what you are playing with...\'

\'but its pretty\' Lolitra mumbled as she continued to brush her fur and main.

Celorrim was too tired to argue, and lay on the bed. Her eyes had been fighting the weight of sleep, pulling at her eyelids like some kind of odd torture that left them bloodshot... she gave into it and closed them, and drifted off into the world of dreams, nightmares and unknown...

Lolitra stood up, slipped her bag over her shoulder, put a letter she had been given by the court on the dresser and moved quietly out the door... \'Sweet dreams sis... love you...\' She pulled the heavy door closed and stood at the top of the stairs for a moment, as the sound drifted up from below. She could hear strange things, but her curiosity was itching her. What was in the letter... what could it be that Raouldir Moran would say to her sister, and not her... if only she knew how to read...


Darkness swirled about, fading into the crevasses of the corridor as Raouldar sat up... \'Riquir.. RIQUIR!\' His head pounded as he sat up, the Dark Spirit was nowhere to be seen. His armour hissed with the heat of his spell.

\'Lord... \' Riquir came crashing down the corridor accompanied by a cohort of other Menki who had heard the scream... they were all soaked and their hair hung on them like it was only the water holding their fur to them in matted feather like masses.

Raouldar struggled to his feet \'Holly..\' he spoke with concern... but urgency.

\'hmmmrrraa\' silent groan came from the bed chamber.

Raouldar staggered, punch drunk from the pummelling he\'d received from the strange being; he entered the bedchamber and steadied himself on the bedpost in which his arrow had embedded itself. His eyes drank in the devastation, the carnage of bodies that lay on the plush once cream, but now crimson carpet... and his stomach churned \'Oh by Talons No... \'

He sunk to his knees slowly and caressed the faces of his dear departed, loyal staff; tears bulged out of he eyes and he frowned in pain and anger. \'Raouldar..\' Hollinthy was weak and her call was barely audible as the thunder shook the very foundations of Raouldar\'s world.

Raouldar moved with sudden speed, clambering onto the bed, towards his wife Hollinthy slowing to a shaky stop... his paws trembling as he smoothed her brow lovingly, gently.

\'They?ve gone.... they\'ve gone\' Hollinthy\'s words were faint and full of tears that made her almost gurgle.

Raouldar slowly, as if being compelled, but not wishing to see, looked down to Hollinthy\'s belly. \'NOOOOOO\' the word came out like he had not breath and he collapsed onto his love distraught... Thunder grumbled its presence as the storm moved on and away, the patter of rain on the windows fell like tears streaming from the gods themselves.

General Discussion / PUZZLED.
« on: October 20, 2005, 10:36:17 am »
we are thinking that in a game so young... so yet to be developed... why worry about these things - as they will balance themselves... better to RP... and let the Dev\'s who already have said elsewhere that this is an issue they are going to look at as the game develops,  develop.

It is a game, and a great game at that... especially as it is free... we intend to RP and enjoy it..

Love to you all and have fun ROLE PLAYING,

just realised that this is posted on its own - it was supposed to be on the debate about sword costs and econimies...

laughs so so hard... oooooops

But hey the responses are great..

Sorry Kayruu...

We have to add that we agree with most of what is said below, and do believe in feedback... it was only the post we were reading at the time seemed to harp on about nothing the developers or players had not already addressed.. and it had fallen into a \'who can belittle who match..\' we can only apologise for not posting it correctly...

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