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Messages - Xandria

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Fan Art /
« on: August 31, 2004, 11:46:06 pm »

That last puzzle was okay, but I didn\'t like the fact that the only way I could solve it was to color it in when I was halfway done, and compare what I saw to your clue.  The rest I had to guess (correctly) and draw in myself, because I couldn\'t find any other way to solve the other half of the puzzle.

However, it kept me entertained for an hour or so, so thanks!!  :D

General Discussion /
« on: August 30, 2004, 12:43:56 pm »
Personally, I much prefer a magic system that is complicated like this.  I know a lot of previous RPG\'s took a lot of criticism about mages being overpowered, probably because it was true.  Spellcasters just needed to have tons of mana, and run around click-click-click-kill-pickuploot from a screen away without a care in the world.

I\'m sure this PS system will be fun to use once people get used to it.  And as it was mentioned before, it\'ll probably mean even fewer people will be \'pure\' spellcasters due to the fact that you cannot spam spells forever; you can only hold so many glyphs, and once they need to be recharged, you cannot continue to cast.  It seems that most early mage characters will probably have to learn some form of melee combat, or at least some martial skills aimed at evasion and esceape.

And I\'m really glad that there will (eventually) be a system to increase the power of spells.  I know in other games it\'s really frustrating to have only 100 spells to choose from, but only 5% do viable enough damage to use at later stages of your character.

Just proof that PS *will* be the best MMORPG to date :)

General Discussion /
« on: August 25, 2004, 07:07:14 pm »
Very Important

PlaneShift strives to be a true RPG, and you can\'t effectively roleplay if you have no background.  I imagine it would be similarly difficult if you were acting in a movie/play as one of the characters, but were only told what to say and you have no backstory.  How could you put any feeling into it?  Any emotion?

I remember from my human relations class in college, one of the first things we were taught was that \"we are a product of our experiences\" and that \"our experiences affect the way we view the world around us.\"  If you had no past, how would you know how to act, think, or say?

Now all I need to do is stop being a hypocrite and go write my backstory...

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: August 25, 2004, 06:49:57 pm »
I\'d have to agree that Mu was kind of fun for maybe like a week.  That\'s when you get to a point when it takes like 40 hours to gain a single level, and all the higher level gear is way too expensive.   Oh yeah, and the fact that there\'s nothing to do but kill stuff...

Heck, I still think Diablo 2 makes for a better game, but maybe I\'m just crazy :)

EDIT: Spelling :(

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: August 25, 2004, 06:44:16 pm »
Wow, the one time I actually look at the forums, and lynx is insulting me (again)...

Does he do this all the time when I\'m not here?  Does everyone do it?  I just don\'t get no respect... :(

General Discussion /
« on: May 28, 2004, 12:31:53 am »
Originally posted by Levski
Hydlaa Post - May 28, 2004

Hydlaa, Yliakum (Reuters) -- A tragic fire has destroyed the personal library of of one large blue Kran.

Both of his books have been lost.

The Kran is reportedly devastated - apparently, he had not finished colouring the second one.

ROFL!! This joke is teh winz!!! :D

And Kada, I almost posted a joke like the Kran + Bar one, but I couldn\'t make it sound funny enough... :P

General Discussion /
« on: May 27, 2004, 12:20:49 pm »
Okay, it\'s time to save this thread before things get really bad...

\"Why didn\'t the Kran cross the road?

He\'s still trying to figure the shortest way across!\"


Fan Art /
« on: May 27, 2004, 02:19:25 am »
Wow, that is really cool Golmir!! :)

Okay, here\'s something that I found out that seems to make it easier; give it a try if you\'re having a hard time seeing the image.

1) Get into a comfortable position where you\'re staring straight at the center of the image, about 24\"-36\" away
2) Take a pencil, butter knife, your index finger, etc. and hold it near the center of the image, close to the screen
3) Lock your eyes on the object; it should be far enough away to be easy to see.  Remember, don\'t start too close to the screen (unless you\'re using a 13\" monitor, then you might need to get kinda close ;) )
4) Slowly move the object toward your face, keeping your eyes focused on the object
5) While still focusing on the object, pay attention to the screen and notice the two pictures turn into four, and start moving closer together
6) When the two middle images overlap and form one image, stop moving the object, and make slight adjustments so that the middle image looks as lined up as possible
7) Shift your eyes to the image and try to lock onto it.  Keep the object there, because if you loose your focus you\'ll need to lock onto it again.  I\'ve found that quickly switching between the object and the image a few times seems to help, but that\'s just me ;)
8.) Once you\'ve got a hold of the image, move the object away and keep your eyes in position, and enjoy! :)

Golmir, would you mind sharing the technique you used to create these images?  Is there a trick to use to make sure you get the right shift between the images?

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 25, 2004, 10:59:38 am »

Next time PM/email me so I actually look at this thread, lol :D

Unfortunately, I am still in college, and I\'m a bit behind in my work (not to mention finals coming up soon).  I\'ll see what I can help out on in my free time but I won\'t be able to guaruntee much at the moment.  Only about 3 weeks left and after that I\'ll be so very, very free :)

But thank you for keeping us updated Auran, and thanks for staying devoted to the project even after I sorta...lost track :P  But nevermind that, I\'m back and I\'ll make sure that we can create something that everyone will want to play  8)

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 20, 2004, 02:44:40 am »
First of all, Guild Wars does look very cool, and free is definitely my kind of price :)  I also just read an article about STALKER; gosh those visuals are nice.

And second, how did you get into E3, Abemore?  Don\'t you have to be either a professional game developer or media person to get in?

General Discussion /
« on: May 16, 2004, 01:16:25 am »
Zeraph: If that kinda thing really floats your boat, see if you can pick up a copy of a (very old) game called \"SimIsle\" I believe it was.  You have your own tropical island paradise, and you got to create your own weird creatures from different body parts.

Actually, now that I think of it, there\'s actually a much, much newer game that does this: Impossible Creatues.  It\'s actually an RTS where you combine 2 or 3 parts of different creatures to make some new compound creatue with new abilities.  Although I tried the demo and it just got really awkard after awhile.  But if you\'re all into the weird-dna-creature-forming-thing you might like it ;)

General Discussion /
« on: May 15, 2004, 02:21:49 am »
It\'s certainly an interesting idea, but it\'s not going to appear ingame anytime remotely soon.  It would take time to create the new artwork for the half-breeds, figure out stats that would look right, *tweaking* the stats so they were fair, and all that kinda good stuff.  However, even if you did that, in the end you would have about 100 different races that would make people way more confused than they needed to be.

The only way I could see a system like this work (I\'m not even saying well, just work period) would be so extremely hard to write it would take too long to even bother with.  But basically, you would store character data much like it is in real life: genetically.  There would be no \"Ylian\" model or \"Krylos\" model, but instead you would have some base humanoid model and each \"race\" would have a set of definable transformations that would alter the base model into something specific.  So bascially, everyone\'s characters get displayed on the screen dynamically.  Then if you decided to have a half-breed, the game would compute half the transformations for one race, and half for another, and combine them to for the model for the new half-breed.  And you could have a character with a mix of 4 or 5 races as well...

Like I said, it\'s a far-off idea, and completely extreme, but it just goes to show that a system *could* possibly work like that (if you had a lot of people with nothing better to do :P).  However, while this is a somewhat realistic model of how genetics work in real life, this probably wouldn\'t suit Planeshift.  Take a look at the Ynnwn: they are a cross between a Diaboli and a Dermorian, yet a computer would probably come up with a more bland-looking mix than creating new art for it.  But whatever, I just thought this would be an interesting topic to bring up. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 11, 2004, 01:50:26 am »
This is probably going to be another case of Hollywood turning a great story into something that can make maximum profit in 1.5 hours.

If you really want to see this story in action, then go find a copy of \"Helen of Troy,\" a USA miniseries done about a year ago that was amazing.  I mean, of course the special effects and the acting wasn\'t like youd get out of a big picture, but that just means that they were able to do a better job of telling the story, which is what I believe they managed to do.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 06, 2004, 03:09:42 am »
Well Mogura, if what you\'re looking for is a program to share your entire screen, then what you want is a series of programs called \"VNC.\"  Basically, you run the server program on the computer you want to host the screen from, and the other computer runs a client that connects to the server via IP:port.  Once that link is established, it forwards the entire screen (with different levels of compression, size, etc. depending on the client settings) to the client every time a change is made.

This program is exteremely useful in server management, such as what we have at home.  Our home domain server/web server just sits in a closet with nothing but a power cable and network cord plugged into it, and whenever we need to modify it we just run the VNC client on someone\'s computer and connect to the server.  The Linux version of VNC server is even more fun, but that\'s a bit off topic :)

However, I can\'t say this will be exactly what you want, Moogie.  I have had a couple problems in the past getting the VNC connection to work across firewalls and routers.  But the thing I\'m more concerned about is that you say you want to use it to forward gaming screens.  VNC isn\'t meant for that type of graphic intensity (and no, I can\'t think of any program that is, because there isn\'t much practical use for it), and I have had issues with VNC not even working at all when you try to go into a full-screen game.

But if you still want to give it a try, their website is  If you have trouble or you just want more info on the subjuct, you\'re welcome to send me an IM/PM and I\'ll see what I can do :)

EDIT: spelling/grammar :(

EDIT2: Oh yeah, and netmeeting just sucks in general.  If you actually go through the manual you\'ll see that it\'s not really meant to work over the Internet.  So it\'s only useful if you want to video conference with someone in the same building as you, which is kind of pointless...

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 02, 2004, 01:20:16 am »
Oh my gosh Davis, I didn\'t know anyone else besides me actually listened to the StarCraft music :)

And yeah, Terran is the best, but Zerg and Protoss are also both very good to listen to.  If anyone really wants them and can\'t extract them easily, contact me on IRC and I\'ll upload them for ya :)

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