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Topics - Tontow

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General Discussion / Guild house 27?
« on: April 05, 2014, 04:29:48 am »
I have been gone for a few years, but way back when I had access to a guild house.

I have a key that says its for guild house 27.   It was in what I think is still called lower Hydlaa (not the main courtyard, but the area you have to load just past the leather workers).  I remember it was in that area, but I can't seem to find it.

Dose it still exist?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Crafting? Been going a long long time.
« on: April 04, 2014, 04:35:12 am »
I haven't played in a few years.  Is there any way to bulk craft now or is it still a click fest?

Please ID this crash ID

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Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Constant temp lockups
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:15:35 pm »
every now and then the client locks up for long amounts of time.  The rest of the time it runs smoothly.  I have back ground loading set to models and the loader cash turned on.

any ideas about settings?

crash ID: bp-8d15ce36-ffc8-4b8f-ab40-3586d2100207

game loads and then crashes


General Discussion / Completed Features VS Implamented
« on: November 20, 2008, 07:00:46 pm »
First off, no spoilers.  The knowledge of weather a feature is active on the PS server isn't considered a spoiler so long as who/what/where is not mentioned.

I know of the Dev log , but that isn't quite what I'm looking for.

What I would like is a list of implemented items (things that are active and can be used on the PS server). 

The working skills list comes close to what I would like; however, things like lock picking wouldn't make the list because, even though its working, you can't use it yet to pick any locks. 
And the skill list is lacking things like:

Revision 1.4640 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Fri Oct 5 09:14:24 2007 UTC (13 months, 1 week ago) by kennygraunke
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.4639: +4 -0 lines
Diff to previous 1.4639

- Added <activemagic> quest prerequisite op, so quests can be given only when
a particular spell category is active.
- Added "Flying a Kite" quest to MaleEnki to test the above. You should only
be able to get the quest after casting Defensive Wind on yourself.

Which wasn't active/implemented when last I checked.

I know the devs are busy little bee-slaves and I understand if such a list isn't possible because of time constraints.

Please make up your minds on how to spell it.

Also, there are several quests where you deal with that phrase.  It sould stand to reason that if your charater has done at least one of the quests, then he/she/kra should have the ability to skip a step or two because they know the meaning of the phrase.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Back story on the Hy Tavern haunting GM event?
« on: November 01, 2008, 10:44:33 am »
Was there ever a past fire at the Hy Tavern?
Who was Froder?  Who was reduced to dust?
How did the sword Rotiart fit in to it all?

[Also.  Nice job on the event.  Night one was very enjoyable.  Though, I wish I knew what the backstory was; The bartender comes up blank when asked 'about fire' or 'about ghost'.]

PlaneShift Mods / Tontow's MapMaker Tool 2.0
« on: October 28, 2008, 07:03:49 pm »
Vershion 2.0 is here!  
Changlog for 2.0:
-Flip buttons. - Can be used at any time.  Useing the Flip Vertically once is all you really need to do, but you may need to adjust all points after useing.  Works by: x = x - 100000 then  x= |x| then x = x - 100000 and the same for y
-Preview Window. (I got tired of going back and forth, so enjoy.  Dose not show exactly how maps will look like in game scail wise, but is close enough for me.) - Can be used any time, suggest useing very often.
-Scroll bar for bottom right textbox.

Adjusted size and position of textboxes and buttons.

Sorry, Windows only. – (Unless you run an OS that supports Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0)
If the program wont run, goggle the visual basic 6.0 runtime library from Microsoft and install.

If someone wants to make an honest effort to rewrite this in some form of C so that it is cross platform, then I will make the source code available.  Program is written in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (only programming language I know well enough so far to do this in).

To Install:  Unzip the tool program into the same folder as your logs.

1.   Start up the program
2.   Input the Full name of your charater’s SYSTEM log IE: tontow_system.txt
3.   For ease of use.  Make a /pos  shortcut.
4.   Hit your pos shortcut once.
5.   Alt tab to the MapMaker Tool and delete that that line in the bottom right textbox, because its garbage (Will fix soonℱ).
6.   Start walking around while hitting your pos shortcut.  The program will look in your system log for new lines that have the resulting /pos command data and phrase it accordingly.
7.   If your done walking around and hitting pos, then it is time to adjust your points. (If you haven’t guessed by now we are working with a 2d X,Y graph.)
8.   IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO MAKE A COPY OF THE TEXT IN THE LOWER RIGHT TEXTBOX AT THIS POINT IN TIME!!!!!  Makes it easier to come back and add more to your map or if some data is lost for some reason.
9.   Under the ‘ajust all points’ button (yes I know, spelling
.) you will see 2 text boxes; one labeled X and the other Y.  Fill these with positive numbers and then press the ‘ajust all points’ button.   Your objective in doing this is to get all positive numbers since when the game draws the map the point 0,0 is in the upper left and lines with negative points either run off the map or are deleted by the game >:|
10.   Scale is best used at this point and is used for resizing.  Values of 1 = 100%   2 = 200%   0.5 = 50% etc.
11.    Rotate is used to rotate your map (duh).  Can be used before or after step 9, but you may need to repeat step 9 after using rotate.
12.   Go buy a blank map.  (Time for the cream filling)
14.   Make your map as big as possible.
15.   Name your map.
16.   Save your map.
17.   Go to your “Application Data\PlaneShift\sketches” folder and Open your map .xml file with notepad.
18.   You should be looking at something like (with different numbers maby) <pages><page l="38" t="94" w="933" h="590"></page></pages>
19.   On the MapMaker Tool, copy (ctrl-c = copy or ctrl-x = cut) the text in the lower right textbox.  This is the line point data list the game uses to graph/draw the map lines.
20.   Between <pages><page l="38" t="94" w="933" h="590">  AND  </page></pages> past the text (ctrl-v = past) you just copied from the tool.  THERE SOULD BE NO SPACES BETWEEN THE >< AND NO RETURNS. It should all be on one line.
21.   Save the .xml map
22.   Load your map and enjoy!!!

If you just want to play with it, then copy and past the following into the lower right textbox and start playing.  (Unmodifyed points used to make the example map.)
<ln pts="8 -129 6.73 -127.98"/><ln pts="11 -125 7.83 -129.17"/><ln pts="10 -124 10.85 -125.4"/><ln pts="11 -120 9.53 -124.35"/><ln pts="12 -119 10.67 -119.6"/><ln pts="11 -115 12.11 -119.16"/><ln pts="10 -115 11.03 -114.82"/><ln pts="7 -111 9.58 -115.16"/><ln pts="7 -110 6.51 -111.43"/><ln pts="3 -108 7.15 -109.79"/><ln pts="2 -109 2.98 -108.02"/><ln pts="-3 -109 2.3 -109.36"/><ln pts="-3 -108 -2.51 -109.47"/><ln pts="-7 -110 -3.14 -108.01"/><ln pts="-7 -111 -7.36 -109.99"/><ln pts="-10 -115 -6.73 -111.29"/><ln pts="-11 -115 -9.74 -115.32"/><ln pts="-12 -119 -11.31 -114.96"/><ln pts="-11 -120 -12.38 -119.32"/><ln pts="-10 -125 -10.66 -119.74"/><ln pts="-11 -126 -9.56 -124.54"/><ln pts="-8 -129 -10.64 -125.69"/><ln pts="-7 -128 -8.23 -129.24"/><ln pts="-2 -130 -6.7 -128.19"/><ln pts="-2 -132 -2.34 -130.47"/><ln pts="2 -132 -2.35 -131.89"/><ln pts="2 -130 2.26 -131.57"/><ln pts="7 -128 2.41 -130.2"/><ln pts="-58 -146 -49.28 -156.8"/><ln pts="-62 -149 -58.1 -145.79"/><ln pts="-54 -160 -62.25 -149.44"/><ln pts="-58 -146 -53.97 -160.23"/><ln pts="4 -32 2.2 -31.7"/><ln pts="7 -30 4.29 -31.55"/><ln pts="25 -51 6.65 -29.67"/><ln pts="26 -50 24.65 -51.22"/><ln pts="8 -28 26.44 -49.62"/><ln pts="10 -27 7.81 -28.48"/><ln pts="13 -26 10.14 -26.51"/><ln pts="13 -24 12.76 -26.01"/><ln pts="17 -15 12.71 -23.9"/><ln pts="45 -15 17.12 -14.78"/><ln pts="44 -13 44.86 -15.07"/><ln pts="17 -13 44.24 -13.04"/><ln pts="17 14 17.19 -12.97"/><ln pts="46 14 17.22 14.38"/><ln pts="46 16 45.63 14.12"/><ln pts="16 19 45.63 16.03"/><ln pts="16 23 16.31 19.46"/><ln pts="12 30 15.62 22.52"/><ln pts="8 37 12.5 29.94"/><ln pts="35 46 8.44 36.78"/><ln pts="34 49 35.04 46.14"/><ln pts="8 38 34.11 48.64"/><ln pts="10 47 7.86 38.21"/><ln pts="10 42 9.97 47.2"/><ln pts="8 52 9.86 42.33"/><ln pts="4 56 8.24 51.52"/><ln pts="-3 56 4.34 55.54"/><ln pts="-8 52 -2.91 55.57"/><ln pts="-11 47 -7.72 52.26"/><ln pts="-8 38 -10.65 47.07"/><ln pts="-11 39 -7.71 38.42"/><ln pts="-33 48 -10.53 39.24"/><ln pts="-34 47 -33.33 47.81"/><ln pts="-8 37 -33.71 46.59"/><ln pts="-17 16 -8.49 36.74"/><ln pts="-46 16 -17.26 15.82"/><ln pts="-46 15 -46.04 16.03"/><ln pts="-17 14 -46.14 14.55"/><ln pts="-17 -13 -17.4 14.33"/><ln pts="-45 -13 -17.31 -12.78"/><ln pts="-45 -13 -45.2 -12.8"/><ln pts="-17 -15 -45.17 -13.44"/><ln pts="-9 -30 -17.4 -15.42"/><ln pts="-27 -50 -9.03 -29.5"/><ln pts="-25 -51 -26.73 -49.71"/><ln pts="-4 -32 -25.16 -51.01"/><ln pts="2 -32 -3.83 -31.65"/><ln pts="4 -32 2.27 -31.75"/>

--mod's note.  changed it to a quote instead of code since it broke the page formatting


Forum Mods:
I have been given a green light by the GM Team Leader Kerol to post this program ALONG with a sample map of the HY plaza to show what the program can do so far.
And please don't shove this in some unread corner of the forums.  I would have put this in PS Mods, but that is under artwork and I’m not sure it fits.

Sorry, Windows only. – (Unless you run an OS that supports Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0)
If the program wont run, goggle the visual basic 6.0 runtime library from Microsoft and install.

If someone wants to make an honest effort to rewrite this in some form of C so that it is cross platform, then I will make the source code available.  Program is written in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (only programming language I know well enough so far to do this in).

Edit: unzip the tool program into the same folder as your logs.

1.   Start up the program
2.   Input the name of your charater’s SYSTEM log
3.   For ease of use.  Make a /pos  shortcut.
4.   Hit your pos shortcut once.
5.   Alt tab to the MapMaker Tool and delete that that line in the bottom right textbox, because its garbage (Will fix soonℱ).
6.   Start walking around while hitting your pos shortcut.  The program will look in your system log for new lines that have the resulting /pos command data and phrase it accordingly.
7.   If your done walking around and hitting pos, then it is time to adjust your points. (If you haven’t guessed by now we are working with a 2d X,Y graph.)
8.   IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO MAKE A COPY OF THE TEXT IN THE LOWER RIGHT TEXTBOX AT THIS POINT IN TIME!!!!!  Makes it easier to come back and add more to your map or if some data is lost for some reason.
9.   Under the ‘ajust all points’ button (yes I know, spelling
.) you will see 2 text boxes; one labeled X and the other Y.  Fill these with positive numbers and then press the ‘ajust all points’ button.   Your objective in doing this is to get all positive numbers since when the game draws the map the point 0,0 is in the upper left and lines with negative points either run off the map or are deleted by the game >:|
10.   Scale is best used at this point and is used for resizing.  Values of 1 = 100%   2 = 200%   0.5 = 50% etc.
11.    Rotate is used to rotate your map (duh).  Can be used before or after step 9, but you may need to repeat step 9 after using rotate.
12.   Go buy a blank map.  (Time for the cream filling)
14.   Make your map as big as possible.
15.   Name your map.
16.   Save your map.
17.   Go to your “Application Data\PlaneShift\sketches” folder and Open your map .xml file with notepad.
18.   You should be looking at something like (with different numbers maby) <pages><page l="38" t="94" w="933" h="590"></page></pages>
19.   On the MapMaker Tool, copy (ctrl-c = copy or ctrl-x = cut) the text in the lower right textbox.  This is the line point data list the game uses to graph/draw the map lines.
20.   Between <pages><page l="38" t="94" w="933" h="590">  AND  </page></pages> past the text (ctrl-v = past) you just copied from the tool.  THERE SOULD BE NO SPACES BETWEEN THE >< AND NO RETURNS. It should all be on one line.
21.   Save the .xml map
22.   Load your map and enjoy!!!

And, Yes, I do need to add a flip function so that the maps come out correctly. – the example maps are currently mirror images of what the final product ‘should’ be.

I'm sitting here hammering my dull SS blade and I finish hammering and hit my /use shortcut to start again and I get:
>You are not sure what to do with this.
>You are not sure what to do with this.

Not a big bug because if I hit my shortcut again I can keep on hammering: however, I think I may have gotten other odd messages.

Is the server getting confused and sending me the wrong message?

And yes, I know  :beta:  :P .

Wish list / /report more than one charater?
« on: October 17, 2008, 12:41:01 am »
I had hoped that I would never have the need to ever use /report.  But tonight it seems I did and for more than one character........  :(

I often joke around with friends through private channels and we all know that we are just joking around, but never on public main chat. 
I do differentiate between friends just joking around and strangers coming up and being rude and offensive.

However when these two characters, that I have no clue who they are, ( and that will remain nameless to the public) approached me, I didn't find the proceedings very funny.
I attempted to do a /report for both characters after the incident, but the system only allowed me to report one. (Took me a min to look up the correct command since I had never used it and had, and still do, hoped that I wouldn’t ever have the need to use it.)

And so my wish is that users be able to /report more than one character at a time.

How exactly dose /report work?  Dose it log the last 50 lines of chat or the next 5 min of chat or both?

PlaneShift Mods / /show craft ?
« on: October 13, 2008, 08:42:51 pm »
Was messing with show the other day and I found the Craft note window that dosen't work.

anyway to make a mod to get it working?

to see it, /show craft   in the game.

PlaneShift Mods / Enlarged Buy/sell window?
« on: October 13, 2008, 05:39:03 pm »
The buy/sell window seems a bit small sometimes when I go to sell looted items.  And the names of some of the items are cut off.

Anyone have or make a mod of the buy/sell window?

Before I continue, here is some relevant information.

FS#726 - Redesign/Add to the Crafting GUI.

Rules of Conduct
-You may not create "bots" or automation programs with the purpose of profiteering or advancing unattended.

The answer to what probably is your first question is:
No, I have not made a bot and I do NOT intend to make a bot.  I have no intent on creating something that lets you advance unattended or make a large profit in a short amount of time.

I’m making this request because several others, including myself, would prefer not to wreck our wrists when training metallurgy.  Those of you that have trained metallurgy should know of the pain that I speak of.

I would like permission to create a macro to move X number of items from the inventory to a container with one key combination and then back with another key combination. 
Said macros would require the user to be present to keep an eye on his items in order to know when to remove them and keep them from turning to slag or dust. (Must stay attended to what is happening in the container. 
Activation of the macros will not be automatic what so ever.

I had talked to a GM earlier today on IRC and asked if I could make a macro that would items to and from the container to the inventory and he replied “no” and he also stated that something was ‘in the works to make training metallurgy less wrist intensive’.

“In the works” seems to be a bit far off and so I would like permission to create this.  (And maybe even make it an official macro?)

I will not create anything until I get proper permission. 
I have enjoyed PS on and off ever since just before OJ was added and will continue to do so.
I would also like to thank the PS team and ask that they keep up the good work.

Thank you for your time.

[edit: see post below for revision of macro]
(see post below)

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