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Topics - Kiva

Pages: [1] 2 3
The Hydlaa Plaza / 5 years and counting...
« on: November 29, 2005, 10:41:55 am »
Since last monday, it\'s been 5 years of me and PS, so hah, I\'m still the person who\'s seen the most here, and I\'m still the best! None of you will ever beat me! :)

Moogie\'s CB FAQ
Updated May 1st, 2005[/b]

Update - Kiva is now in charge of this FAQ as Moogie is busy with other things. My email is in the bottom of the post, so if you want something added, send it there or in a PM here, or if you\'re really desperate, send an email through the forum.

I\'m back again with another loooong FAQ for the new version of PlaneShift, Crystal Blue! This guide hopes to cover any question you may ask that is not already answered in the Player\'s Guide that ships with the game.

Now, before you read this, go to Start > Program files > Planeshift CB > Players Guide. That guide is thorough and indepth, and tells you absolutely everything you can do in CB. The questions I\'ve answered below are unique and pertaining to things not addressed by the player\'s guide, such as general tips and advice.

Gameplay Questions

1. Where have all the crystals gone?
There\'s no Crystals in CB! The new currency is Tria.

2. Where are the sewers?
Go left from the blacksmith and follow the city walls until you find a large hole in the ground.

3. How do I open doors?
You can\'t currently open any doors that aren\'t already open.

4. How can I make some money?
Tria is dropped by monsters in the Sewers, so go hunt there for a while. Money can also be gained from a few of the quests that are available.

5. Can I make XP other than fighting?
Currently, no. However, once more content and features have been created and added to CB, there will certainly be other ways to gain Progression Points for your skills.

6. How can I avoid fall damage?
As a young character, it is all too easy to die through fall damage. My advice is this: don\'t jump from objects, don\'t run down staircases, and take care when travelling across dangerous paths where it may be easy to slip.

Stop shouting at them! Using capslock all the time makes you sound loud and rude. It\'s also an eyesore- so please type normally.

8. Where is the new town (Ojaveda)?
Exit Hydlaa from the north gate, and go through the forest path. Take the left fork, and then follow the road across the Ojaroad Plains. It\'s a long walk, but eventually you will find a majestic tunnel with ivory walls. From here, carry on, and eventually you will find the dsar of Akkaio, one of many dsars that make up Ojaveda city.

9. How do I buy a house?
Not currently, no. This is quite a distant feature, so don\'t expect it soon.

10. How do I crouch?
No, you can\'t crouch just yet.

11. How can I sell items? I can\'t select them!
Click the merchant again after you are in the Sell menu.

12. There\'s too few monsters, other people always kill them too fast!
You\'ll have to be patient on this one. The developers will add more spawns soon, but for now, please try to not cause tension by stealing other people\'s kills if they got to it first.

13. How do I recognise a GM?
GMs have Darkgreen, Orange, Pink, and Red namelabels, depending on their level.

14. Can I be a GM?
GMs are picked by the developers for being useful Advisors. If you wish to help us, \"/Advisormode on\" and be a good samaritan. :)

15. How come I always die if I go into the well in the temple; there used to be a dungeon?
The dungeon still exists, however the fall from the temple well is almost always fatal. You can still enter the dungeon through the secret entrance, however. Snoop around in the area of the tall brown tower and you might find it. ;)

16. What happens when I die?
You are whisked away to the Death Realm, where you must escape it to return to Hydlaa. In future releases, it will be possible to sacrifice a magical item to The Death God in order to avoid going there. In Crystal Blue, the Death Realm is very small, but it will be expanded later.

17. Why will nobody tell me quest solutions?
The quests are far more rewarding to complete yourself, rather than have people telling you the answers. This applies even moreso during the early stages of CB, where there is little content to keep you occupied. The developers wish people to not post quest answers in the forums or on websites- telling friends or guildmembers, however, is generally ok.

18. How can I change my key configuration?
Use the Options menu ingame, and you can change the hotkeys for almost any action.

19. How do I create a macro?
Rightclick on one of the free slots in the macro list (which is found down the left side of your screen by default- it already has buttons like Attack, Sell, Tell, Say, etc) and click the button. You can then set the name for the macro, and then the chat command you wish it to type when the button is pressed.

20. Where can I mine?
Go out the north gate, follow the forest path and take a right at the fork, follow the path untill you reach a tower known as the magic shop. Go to one of the rock walls.

21. Where do i get an axe? Harnquist doesnt sell them!
Updated: Harnquist now sells a small one-handed axe.

22. Talking to NPCs is confusing. How do I get a quest?
There\'s several ways to ask NPCs for a quest. \"give me quest\" works when talking to Sharven, for instance. Play around with phrases using the word \"quest\" or \"work\" and eventually something will be accepted (that is, of course, unless the NPC you\'re talking to does not give a quest. ;))

23. I can\'t fit through doors!
22nd Feb: This bug has been fixed!

Technical Questions

1. How can I disable music/soundFX?
An option to disable music has now been added to the Options menu ingame. Thanks devs, and thank you Jaedru for alerting me to this. :)

2. How come the game crashes when I open a menu window?
Some people get this when they use Software Audio mode. Go into PSSetup and change it to something else, and see if that helps. If not, turn sound Off.

3. Where can I find the Linux client for CB? - Binary - Source

4. The server went linkdead, what should I do?
The developers are still fixing bugs so they may restart the server from time to time. It should be up within a few minutes after a restart. It is possible that your character may have not been saved before the reset. Therefore, it is suggested to logout in order to save your character after you have travelled to a certain place or gained experience.

5. Help! I can\'t type the @ for my username in the game!
For those using Azerty keyboards who are unable to type the @ character, try Alt + Ctrl + 2. If the key combination fails, go in the main planeshift directory and open planeshift.cfg. Edit the line that looks like \"Planeshift.Connection.User = m_y@email.blah\" to include your email address.

6. I need more character slots! I can\'t delete the one\'s I\'ve made!
Only an admin can delete a character for you. You should be careful when creating characters, and make sure you like what you\'ve picked before you click Upload. Once you\'ve used up your 4 character slots, you cannot create any more characters.

7. CB won\'t run because I need MSVCR70.dll! Where can I find it? (Download the file and put it in your Planeshift folder.)

8. I can\'t get past Character Creation! It says I have invalid choices, how do I fix this?
This is somewhat of a bug. Make sure you are not ending up with minus CP points at the end of creation. Also try not using quickpaths. If all else fails, restart your client and try again.

9. I can\'t give the item to the NPC! Nothing happens!
Updated: This bug has been fixed!

That\'s all for now. If you have anything you would like to add, please send a mail to moos1 @

These people contributed many questions to the FAQ. Thank you for the help, guys! :) (If I\'ve missed something here, just tell me ;))

Moogie (For making this FAQ in the first place.)
PK (eep, I accidentally erased this. sorry!)
Kixie (crystals, houses, fall damage)
Ravna (menu crashes, selling items, dungeon)
Gronomist (sewers directions)
Niavard (capslock, can I be GM, quest solutions)
Karakth (linux client, crouching)
Keldorn (recognising GMs, @ problem)
iceeey (linkdead, death)
Cad (disabling music, 4 chars max, start a quest)
Fireofsoul (mining location, buying an axe)
Seather (@ problem additional, MSVCR70.dll, character creation)
Jaedru (music fix)
GeorgeD (Kran and Ynnwn problem)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Happy Valentines Day
« on: February 14, 2005, 06:13:40 am »
As the topic says, happy Valentines Day. :)

Hope all of you guys and girls have someone to share the day with, and get some fun out of it.

General Discussion / l33tsp34k translation
« on: January 24, 2005, 11:31:57 am »
By special request of the Dev team, this thread is made.

The rules are simple; post any l33tsp34k words you know, and their respective translations and help the team make a l33tsp34k translator for PS. But please don\'t repeat stuff that\'s already been said. :)

Just to give an example:

d00d - annoying person
1337 - great
w00t - wonderful loot

And so on. :)

Currently, the list holds: (Yes, I\'m doing it the lazy way)


A- @, 4, /-\\
B- 8, b
C- [, c
D- |>, d
E- 3, e
F- f
G- 9, g
H- |-|, h
I- 1, I, |
J- J
K- |<
L- L, [
M- |\\/|, /\\/\\
N- |\\|, n
O- 0
P- p
Q- q , kw
R- r, |2
S- z, s, 5
T- t, 7
U- OO, |_|
V- \\/, v
W- \\/\\/, w
X- x, ><
Y- j, J, \'/
Z- z

Some Common Words (see there are lots of others already said these, but what the hell ) :

teh - the

l337 ( |337, l33t), elite

ph34r, fear

pr0n, pornography

sploitz, exploits

0wned ( pwn, pwn3d, pwnz0r3d or pwnx0r3d ), completely dominated.

r00t, administrator privileges

m4d sk1llz, talent of one sort or another

n00b, newbie

ghey (gh3y, g4y ), gay ... in games used to describe a negative result

w00t or the smiley \\o/, \"woohoo!\" usually used to describe a positive result

hax0r, \"hacker\", where the symbols are used to draw rough approximations to letters ha><0|2 (x=>< and |@ = r) etc. Haxor is sometimes found as \"Haxxor\", as symbols for \"x\" are often doubled.

h4x (haxs), hacks\"

rox0rs, rocks

sux0rz, sucks

suxxor, something or more often someone undesirable

ub3r, ?ber / super

b4k4, Japanese word \"baka\", meaning idiots or stupidity

omg Ohh my god

newb Newbie

1337 Elite

h4xx hacks/Hacker

pr0n Pornography

gh3y gay

teh The

thar There

eye I

sux0rz Sucks

roxzor Rocks

fux F*ck

ph34r fear

n0t not

ub3r really good

j00 You/Jew

pwn Owned

winnar Winner


These can just be automatically removed from the chat, or replaced with some kind of automatic graphical emotion of some kind.

btw= by the way
idk= I dont know
lmao= laughing my ass off
ttyl= talk to you later
uber= uhh... good?
rofl= rolling on the floor laughing

afaik=as far as i know
bbiaf=be back in a few
bbl=be back later

wtf : Expression of anger or confusion.
lol : Expression of happiness
u2 : you too
cya : Goodbye
ty : thank you
yw : you\'re welcome
dunno : I don\'t know
afk : I have to go for a while
btw : by the way

P|-|34r t3h R34p4er = Fear me
w00t = an expression of great happiness
Uber = German for super
h4x0r = great cheater, hacker
omgwtfbbq = Oh My god what the #@$% BBBQ
lol = laugh out loud
wtf = same as omgwtfbbq, just without bbq and omg
n00b = begginner
Buttsecks = Same as what it sounds
pr0n = same as popcorn
t3h g0d = a higher ranking n00b
n00blit = n00bs below the age of 15
l33t = THe highest ranking type of n00b
j00 = you
wh4ck0rs = wierd and pathetic
ex0t|c = exotic dancing men
h00ters! = a humper
!k|ll3r 345! = A a fanatic crazy about killing
g4y = same as it sounds
B4|) @$$ = tough

I guess that\'s it so far. I added a few changes. They\'re the ones with Italic.

General Discussion / The Day of Giving
« on: December 23, 2004, 11:26:36 am »
In celebration to the Day of Giving, the Church of Aliathi is opening up a donation fund, where all the money which is donated, will be given to those less fortunate who have not been blessed with an excessive amount of money by the gods. If you consider yourself a friendly and generous person, feel free to donate as much as you\'d like to our fund, and help us help others.

Once more specific details about the Day of Giving have been announced (ooc: as in when CB is going to be released), we will announce a place and time for people to come and give their donations, and after a period of time, people who are in need can then get help, in terms of diffrent kinds of starter items. Help spread the happy spirit, and share your wealth.

- Kiva Kilhai, High Priestest of the Followers of Aliathi.

Currently, the fund holds 25,681 trias. If all the donations show up on the day, that is. But let\'s hope so, otherwise there\'ll be a few disappointed faces out there. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Merry Christmas
« on: December 23, 2004, 11:13:03 am »
Well, tomorrow is the big day for some, and others have to wait for the day after tomorrow, but merry christmas to all of you anyway. :)

Wish list / "Customized" outfits
« on: December 13, 2004, 03:23:17 pm »
A thing we see in too many games is a merchant who mass-produces some armor/clothing that anyone can equip. However, not everyone is alike. Some are big, some are small, some have breasts and others don\'t. So, for the sake of individuality, have craftsmen take measurements of people, or at least have general sizes on clothing, so you can find a Kran armor, size 3, or a Ynnwn male\'s cloak, size 5. This means people can mass produce stuff, but still can\'t be sure that others can buy it, and it\'ll create a more varied market where someone might specialize in tailoring stuff for one race only, and some might take specific orders, and then start producing the stuff. And then you might find a \"Big people only\" kind of shop. We must take care of the big people. :)

Sure this thing is just an idea, and it needs some work, but I believe it wouldn\'t be impossible to do. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / 4th anniversary kind of thing... Yay
« on: November 25, 2004, 02:15:20 pm »
Anyway, I figured I\'m a litte late this year, but nonetheless, yay me for being around for 4 years and blah blah blah, see you again next year, if any of you survive that long. :)

General Discussion / More CB news!
« on: September 29, 2004, 02:54:38 pm »
More CB news:

We released the client to the closed alpha testers the last saturday and they immediately started to work on it to find out bugs and problems. The first day was quite hard, since we found 2 critical bugs in the server code that made impossible testing with more than 3-4 people on-line. The bugs were very hard to find and reproduce since were happening only when a number of players was connected and the server was crashing in very different ways each time. After about 12 hours of work, the engine team found out and solved the issues! Testing restarted more than happily and a lot of new minor bugs were found and fixed. We didn\'t add in NPCs yet to focus testing on char creation and on in-game gui. Today or tomorrow we will add monsters and NPCs to the test server.

Thanks to the testers for their patience in dealing with crashes and bugs: Axsyrus, Cad, Chris, Ciry, Gronomist, Hevrah, Kada, Keldorn, KL, Kwartz, Moogie, Nilaya, Orogor, Osy, Yangbin.

Stay tuned for more reports...

Screenshots are on the main page, but right now they don\'t seem to be working. They should be up soon, though.

Wish list / Naturally Gifted Characters
« on: July 31, 2004, 09:36:56 pm »
A thing I believe would be an excellent feature somewhere in the future would be that having natural gifts in smaller and bigger quantities. For example, at character creation, the server gives you 30 points of gifting that it randomly distributes into everything on your character. This could result in you being generally gifted in everything, or majorly gifted in say blacksmithing. There should be no possible way to tell what it is you\'re gifted at until you actually figure out what it is by trying diffrent things. If suddenly you realise you learn a skill twice as easy as other people, or you generally fight much better than others near your skill level, then you can easily figure what you\'re gifted at. You may not like it, but that\'s life. I never said anything about this being a fair thing.

You might be extremely gifted as a jeweller, but all you ever wanted to be is a baker. Great dilemma. Should you do what your heart wants, or what you do the best? :)

Pros / Cons

+ You can get a bonus at doing something.
+ Encourages people to try out diffrent professions before settling with something they believe to be \"teh l33t\".
- Might encourage people to continously re-create their characters to get a good bonus, thus increase server load.
* Some people will complain about it being \'unfair\' that he/she is better than they are, however... Think about it. Isn\'t it also unfair Ronaldo is good at soccer, and you are not? :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / 0010101011110010000010101001001011000010
« on: July 20, 2004, 05:54:37 pm »

Anyway, if anyone can read that, do what it says, and laugh at everyone who doesn\'t do it. :)

By the way, those of you who can actually read binary, you might notice that the whole thing is turned around. So every letter has to be done backwards, this is just to make it a bit more fun to figure out. It was all on purpose... Yep...

PvP,PK and Thieving / All out PvP
« on: July 04, 2004, 12:57:36 pm »
This is the first time I start a thread in this part of the forum, and it probably will be the only one I\'ll start for quite a while since this is ultimately one of the most extreme kinds of PvP you can encounter.

I\'m going to make this as simple as possible, while still explaining what it is all about, so most people understand what is I mean.

If there is something you don\'t understand, or don\'t like, feel free to ask about it or tell why you don\'t like it however if you reply with the statement \"this sux\", then you\'re an idiot and I\'ll be more than happy to tell you that. Try and keep flaming in the guild forum so Aendar can delete it for you.


The idea of it all is pretty simple actually. Live and let live, or kill and get killed. To be more specific. You can attack anyone, anywhere without any pre-programmed punishment what-so-ever. This does not mean, however, that someone will not come and kill you for killing him. That\'s his choice.

So, by this I mean to suggest open PvP\'ing anywhere. Yet, if a city should have rules about no fighting, there shouldn\'t be guards storming in as soon as you pull your sword. The only reason why guards should appear is a) they were nearby and saw the fight or b) someone shouted \"Guards!\" If none of the above happens, noone stops two or more people from killing eachother in the streets.

Now, this can all be abused by griefers and highlevels, and we need some security so the lower end of the players don\'t get mercilessly slaughtered for nothing at all. First of all, every PK and PK attempt a player has made is to be logged in a seperate file for each character, stating agressor and time as well as who dies. And by PK attempt, I mean every unprovoked offensive action against someone else. So if you attack someone, you are the agressor and you get logged for the attack. If you kill someone who started out with attacking you, you get logged for the kill however since he is the agressor, that can be used as a counter-argument if you should ever get charged for anything.

Another thing that is to be implemented is the Death Council and Permanent death request system. This quite simply means that if you kill someone who really deserves to die for good, you can submit a permanent death request on him accompanied with a reason of why he must die, and his character will be rendered useless until the Death Council (a group of volountary people - plot designers, devs, GMs, players with high knowledge of ingame issues) either approves or denies the request. Should this feature be abused in such a way as that you kill someone and makes his character useless simply for annoying the person, your character (which most likely is of equal strength or better) will recieve a 30+ day ban, or in worse cases an account ban.

The Death Council will also be those in control of which of the \"permanently\" dead characters can and will be revived. For instance if a good priest of the holy order of goodness is killed for a worthy cause, a group of priests might contact the DC and request him to be resurrected. Not because the person who owns the character wants to play him again, but because there is a story behind the resurrection. This is where the plot designer\'s oppinion really kicks in as he has to decide whether it is a good or a bad idea to let the person come back to life, and whether he can contribute to the plot of the game in some way or another. If this feature is abused heavily by annoying people who just want to play their dead characters, they will simply be ignored forever, and in worse cases they might recieve a ban in some way.

Another thing this system allows is a way to perform guild wars. For example, a guild settles on an area and puts up signs saying this area is restricted, and anyone who enters will be killed. If someone enters and dies, he has been warned. Now, a diffrent guild wants the area and they engage in an all-out guild war, then all PK logging between the two guilds is disabled, and the guild war starts as soon as one guild challenges the other, and lasts for at least 24 hours to prevent abusal. One guild must still withdraw from the war, however, and suffer the penalty, whatever this might be.

Pros about this system:

* Effective, and it allows everyone to kill eachother, it allows pickpocketing (pp\'ing is an aggressive PK act, by the way), it allows duels and it allows everything else in the PK system.
* It provides a good way of dealing with those who constantly abuse the fact that you can do anything - permanent death.
* If some person goes rampage in a newbie area, it will be easy to contact a GM or highlevel player who can get rid of the insane player, and submit a permanent death request. The system is not for abusal, it\'s to allow people to do anything.
* It lets players who have a great influence on the community (evil as well as good) be resurrected and possibly play as a part of the ingame plot, or just take part of a side quest in some way or another.
* It allows the players who have the power to set the rules. They are no longer hardcoded into the game.
* Whole areas or regions can be controlled by powerful players or guilds, where they set the rules. If someone kills them, they get to make the new rules.

Cons about this system:

* A player can ruin newbies\' playing experience, however he also faces the risk of losing his character for good. That is often enough to make people think twice before going on a killing streak.
* The permanent death request can be used to prevent some people from playing their characters while the request is pending. However this can result in a 30+ day ban if abused.

Additional features that go under the same thing as this:

* City tax / Protection money
If you don\'t pay, the guards wont help you if you get attacked. Tough luck.

If both people have paid, the guards kill the agressor (if the attacked person hasn\'t responded to the attacks).
If both are attacking eachother, they both get killed by the guards. Simple as that.

* Modified NPC behaviour (idea by Axsyrus) :)
If an NPC sees you kill someone, they might report it to the city guards, or let the word flow around in the city, meaning NPCs might be unfriendly or scared of you, maybe they wont sell you items or in worst cases they might expell you from the city.

* \"Who killed me?\"
If - when you get killed - you don\'t have your killer\'s name plastered all over the screen, you might not remember who the person is. This adds to the realism of an ingame murder. However, if you do remember who killed you, you have but another reason to kill him/her. :)

Now, if you feel like adding anything to the idea, please say so. Do not simply say it\'s a bad idea because you can\'t do this or you can\'t do this, or it\'s a bad idea because you can do this or that. Like I said in the beginning of the post, if you can\'t give a valid argument for your thoughts, I am rightfully entitled to call you an idiot. :)

Think about stuff before you post, and think about what you write. Re-read it yourself after you\'ve posted. It prevents others from misunderstanding and becoming angry at you.

General Discussion / Just another tuesday night... Bug warning!!!
« on: June 01, 2004, 07:12:20 pm »
If some of you people regularly check the server site you will notice a spooky change in the player section.

Look carefully at the characters created and -- Yes! Someone has actually managed to create a couple of characters that were not intended to be in MB. To be exact - 1x Female Lemur, 1x Female Klyros and 2x Female Diaboli (I could\'ve made more, but it got boring. The reason why I made 2x Diaboli\'s is because I forgot the name of the first one. Kinda silly...) Now, guess who did it. :)

That\'s right. As I was doing a bit of reading at around 1.30 AM, I stumbled over a bit of code that disabled/enabled the locked characters. Being as inept at that stuff as I am, of course I changed it to enabled, just to see what it would do and badabing badabop, I suddenly could create any character I wanted. Sure, they all just look like little dwarves, yet the statistics still show them as something completely diffrent. Eurika! :)

Anyway, as I scooted along, trying out diffrent of the characters, I noticed the lack of a diaboli skin. So I investigated it further, trying to understand why it showed no model in the create screen, and just as I was about to log in to the game it... Crashed. After a few attempts, I came to the conclusion that the diaboli model must be bugged, and yes, it was. However, with my wretched thinking, I figured that if I crash because of a bugged model, then shouldn\'t others crash as well? :rolleyes:

And guess what? I was right. Once I managed to find the bugged file and replaced it with a perfect made dwarf, I was able to log in and to my great amusal, people stopped moving all around me, their characters only remaining in the game for 20 seconds before the server kicked them due to a client crash. So I spent 15 minutes hunting down every living creature in PS, mercilessly killing their clients, just to test if it was really a bug, and yes. It was. :)

Now, the beautiful part is that if I hadn\'t reported it earlier today, it would have been in the CB release as well, and some wretched mind could\'ve seriously abused it to clear a whole area, and fight all alone, which would be terribly unfair for others, yes? But the bug has been forwarded, and should be fixed shortly. Yet, it is still in MB, and I\'ll give a 1-minute tutorial to prevent your client getting crashed, should anyone figure out how to abuse it. :)

Step 1: Open your Planeshift\\art\\ file.
Step 2: Find and extract the file femdiabolo.spr
Step 3: Rename it to femdiaboli.spr and add it to the zip again (got no clue how to do that on Linux so you\'re on your own) - Windows users can do this by simply dragging it back into the WinZIP window, and accept to ADD it.
Step 4: Enjoy. :)

So anyway, that\'s just another tuesday night, and may you all enjoy the time left of MB.

Btw, sorry Karyuu. I didn\'t mean to crash you THAT many times. :D

For those who will now go looking for this thing, I just say good luck. There are 515 files in the PlaneShift folder, many of them being zips containing 100\'s of more files, so really. Don\'t bother. All you get is that you add more numbers to the statistics, that\'s it. You only get a little fat dwarf to play with and not a klyros/lemur/whatever. :)

General Discussion / Interview with Luca - PlaneShift's top guy
« on: April 29, 2004, 07:44:08 am »
New news on the PS site (lazy people click here)

Short but very informative interview with Talad, including some great screenshots from the CB Arena. Great work. :)

Edit: Not -that- short though. It does hold some text. :)

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